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Hello from Mrs.

My name is Labna Bayazeed and
this is my first year of teaching first
grade at Wichita Elementary
I am King Abdul-Aziz University
Alumni with Manga Cum Laude
where I graduated with a Law
In addition, I have a master in
Curriculum and Instruction from
Southwestern College

Office Hours: M W TH F from 8:15 8:30 or by appointment. Email:
Notes can be sent in with your child, or
in their Friday folder

They will need to work hard and do

their best. 1st grade is an important year to
students to build the foundation of an
excellent learners.

I am a mother of two daughters and

I look forward to working with you
to help your child succeed not only
this year, but for the rest of his/her


Biweekly newsletter will be provided to parents.

Topics covered in the class.
Resources used in class (new books, research papers, etc.)
Upcoming events (math competition, class achievements, etc.)

My goal for this years is to help your

child to be independent and responsible
learner, as well as, to show him or her how
to make responsible choices. To accomplish
this goal, there will be regular homework
and we will be making the most of our class
time. My expectations for the students this
year will be high.

Class Rules

Students show up after five minutes of starting the class is considered tardy.
Three tardy is counted as one absence.
Three unexcused absence is lowering students grade by one letter (i.e. from
A to A-)

What Will We Learn in Math

1. Students will be able to Count to 100 by 1s
Use short video about numbers and ask student to name the numbers
The student will be able to write each number
Students can skip counting

Assessment Strategies

2. Students will know Adding and subtracting small numbers

Student will learn the different between Adding and subtracting
Student will learn how use it in their daily lives
3. Students will understand the value of money
Students will learn the value of many
Students will learn the difference between financial categories
The student will be able to identify money from the smallest of the
4. Students will know the units for measurement, time, and weight
Students will learn the difference between the units for measurement
Students will learn how to use the units for measurement
The student will be able to identify the time
Student will know the division in time on watch
The student will be able to identify their weight
5. Students will know basic shapes
Students will learn the differences between shapes
Students will learn names, characteristics of shapes
Students will be able to draw each shape

Weekly Homework
Chapter exams
Final exam
In class discussion participation

We Must
1. We will respect Mrs. B and other adults.
2. We will respect our classmates.
3. We will respect our school.
4. I will respect myself.


Please let me and the school nurse know if

your child has any allergies, if he/she needs
any medications or need a special care.

Please give me phone numbers where I can

reach you.

There will be a weekly assignment that would based on the previous

week material and it is due on Monday.
Homework will be checked each class.
If you need help at home, ask someone to help you.
If you have a question you can ask me during the class or through
Any homework not completed by the due date will get a zero.

Grade Scale
Total Earned Points


100 x 92
92 < x 89
89 < x 86
86 < x 82
82 < x 79
79 < x 76
76 < x 72
72 < x 69
69 < x 66
66 < x 62
52 < x 59
59 < x 0

D -

The A range denotes excellent performance.

Grade Distribution

3 Tests









100 %

The B range denotes good performance.

The C range denotes satisfactory
The D range denotes unsatisfactory
F denotes failing performance.

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