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Common Core Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): ELA/Health Grade:5th

Teacher(s):Bekah Bryant School: __________________ Date:___________
1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:


Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

2. ELD and State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Visual and
Performing Arts):

Health Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.1N Describe internal and external influences that affect food choices and physical activity
Health Standard 1.9 Describe the benefits of eating a nutritionally balanced diet consistent with current research-based dietary guidelines.
ELD: Section 2; Part I; C Productive: 10 Writing: a.) Write longer and more detailed literary and informational texts (e.g., an explanation of how
camels survive without water for a long time) collaboratively (e.g., joint construction of texts with an adult or with peers) and independently by
using appropriate text organization and growing understanding of register.

3. Learning Objective: (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this

Students will select and research the dangers of a single contributing factor to obesity using print, web,
or community resources and then create a PSA to teach others about the importance of avoiding a habit
that contributes to obesity and suggest ways to create a healthier
lifestyle. (Blooms level: Creating-construct, design, & develop a written PSA to later create a video

I will learn about a specific danger of
obesity and create a PSA to teach those
around me how important it is to make
healthy choices.

4. Language Objective(s): (What is the type of language that EL's will need to learn and use in order to accomplish the
goals of the lesson? Ex) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Academic vocabulary, Language functions, Language
Learning Strategies)

Students will create their PSAs using academic vocabulary such as obesity, calories, BMI, disease, etc that pertain to their topic and use them to
persuade their audience to make healthier choices.

5. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real
world? Why are these outcomes essential for future learning?)

This lesson gives students the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers to create a project
that is influential, informative, and relevant. Students will be using specific vocabulary that relates to
their topic in order to persuade an audience of the dangers of obesity, which affects all aspects of life.

I will work with my friends to create a
project that convinces an audience to
make healthy choices in life.

6. Essential Questions:



7. Class Information:
a Total number (Fifth Grade, Santa Ana Unified)
b EL/Special Needs 8 students are classified as ELs. One student has an IEP for dysgraphia (he struggles with
writing coherently.) Another student needs to be tested and reviewed for an IEP; however, his mom is against this due
to her beliefs. He is far below grade level in every subject, has poor social skills, and has already been held back
c Academic background in content area d Linguistic Most students in this classroom speak at least some Spanish and English. Most students parents speak
Spanish in the home. No students struggle speaking or communicating socially, but struggle with academic
vocabulary. 80% of the class is below grade level in reading due to lack of vocabulary.
e Cultural/Health The majority of students in this class are from lower and middle class families. 90% of them are
not native English speakers and only speak Spanish in the home. Parents are not very involved in student education

and are not in the classroom often. Projects are difficult for students due to this factor.
Physical Students at this age are mostly active, but have minimal P.E. time. A few are in sports, but due to lack of
funding and parent involvement many only play at recess. These students are very high energy inside the classroom

and out. Most of the girls are taller than the boys, with a few exceptions.
g Social Students at this age are very social, with obvious cliques among them. They all interact with each each
other. There are four boys who cause trouble and talk frequently and must be separated during instruction. Girls are
very talkative with each other. Students at this stage are beginning to show interest in dating and there is more
evident interaction with the opposite sex.
h Emotional Most students are emotionally stable as they are usually always in good moods and encouraging each
other or laughing. Students show excitement in reading, although they are behind grade level. I have never observed

students fight or argue with each other, some student show frustration in math but are quick to ask for help.
Interests/Aspirations These students have high aspirations and goals. A few of them want to be professional
athletes, with soccer and basketball among the top sports of interest. The majority of boys in this class are very into

skating as well. Many of the students are into Justin Bieber.

8. Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think students may have with the

Many of the students are ELs. Students may have trouble incorporating the main vocabulary of this unit into their PSAs. One student has
dysgraphia, so writing down his assigned role/topic may propose a challenge for him.
I wi


9. Modifications/Accommodations (What specific modifications/accommodations are you going to make based on the
anticipated difficulties?)

For the student with dysgraphia, I will have him use a recorder to record his research and ideas on his individual topic. This way he is still able to
complete his role, but in a verbal way so that when they combine it as a whole they can write down his verbal sentences. As for vocabulary, before
doing this lesson, I would go through a powerpoint review of six major words I want them incorporating into their projects. As we begin on our
research, I would put a word bank on the board for them to refer to as they create their PSAs.


21st Century Skills Circle all that are applicable




Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson:
Through this group project, students will be working on communication as a group (how they are each contributing to
their project, and what ways they think will best convey their information), collaboration in putting the project together,
and creativity in how they present their PSA in a skit form.
Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson?
I will show students an actual pre-recorded video PSA of childhood obesity as a sample of what the end goal is.
I will also use a vocabulary review on a powerpoint before beginning this lesson, to explain my expectations of them in
including the focus words in their projects.


12. Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes?
What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lessons outcomes look
a. Formative:

Informal: Walking around the room, observing research notes and rough drafts of their PSA scripts. Asking questions such as, what is a
practical way you can eat healthy and how does this help with diabetes or BMI, etc.
b. Summative (if applicable):
Final drafts of their written PSA scripts. (DOK: Level four: Extended thinking-create & design)

c. (Attach rubric here, if applicable):


13.Instructional Method: Circle one Cooperative Learning

Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)

Video of PSA
Powerpoint of vocabulary words
Paper for students to write on
Chromebooks for research
Recorder for student with dysgraphia.

Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including questions that you
are planning to ask.):

1.)Open by telling students that we are going to create a script for a PSA. Ask students if anyone knows what
a PSA is. Explain: A PSA is a Public Service Announcement that warns the audience about the dangers of
something, in order to push them towards better decisions. Play PSA example video for students to watch.

2.) Assess prior knowledge and build background information through a whole-class discussion. Ask students what factors they
remember contributing to the obesity problem in our country. Have a student volunteer record ideas on the board.

3.) Review vocabulary from unit plan through powerpoint. These six will be focused on & students will be told to use at least
three in their PSAs: obesity, BMI, nutrition, diabetes, calories, hypertension. Powerpoint will be presented as a question: such
as what is the term for the condition of being overweight? Students will call out answer, then the next slide would show the
term: Obesity.


1.) I will explain to students that they will be working in groups of three and selecting one causing factor of childhood
obesity such as diet, lack of physical activity, environment, etc. They will be researching these specific topics and the
dangers of each, why it is important to avoid these habits that lead to obesity, and the steps one can take to make
healthier choices. (Positive interdependence)
2.)Make sure that each student in the group has a role: researching the dangers, the benefits of staying away
from these habits, and the steps they can take to make healthier choices. (Face-to-face interaction)
3.)Provide the groups with time to research their topics and create their presentations. Remind students that
their focus should be on educating their peers about the dangers of one unhealthy habit and suggesting
better alternatives.
4.)Have students take a designated time to discuss their findings. Explain that students who researched the
dangers will present to their group their findings first, then the benefits of staying away from these habits,
and the steps they can take to make healthier choices person will present. (Individual accountability)
5.)During this time, walk around and assess students rough drafts of scripts. Give them feedback on how to
improve their work as well as asking how they are planning to present their information. Students must
discuss their ideas with their group and myself of how they think this information will best be presented.
(interpersonal and small group skills)

1.)Students will be asked to present their final draft scripts to the class, if they would like to. During this
time, students will be asked to be respectful of one another, and provide helpful feedback at the end of

their readings. I will ask questions like, how do you think we could improve this script? Is there anything
missing? What did they do well?
2.)Students will then be asked to reflect as a group on their scripts after hearing a few examples from their
peers, and will be asked the same questions as well as how well did you work together as a group? What
could you improve on? ( Group processing)

1. What instructional strategies did you use to help students achieve the lesson objective?

2. Were the students successful at achieving the lesson objective?

a) If so, provide student evidence.

b) If not, why do you think they were not able to achieve the lesson objective? What are your next steps?

3. What would you change about the lesson and why?

Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review and reflect on student work related to this lesson.
Make copies of student work for levels of high, middle, and low, and write your comments on the copies.

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