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PPE 310: Health Literacy in Schools

Choose My Plate
Emily Russell
Course #22400 Gilbert
March 20, 2016
Mary Dean


Proper nutrition is necessary for students in terms of their performance in the classroom.
While some students make the choice to bring lunch from home and eat breakfast prior to
arriving at school, many children utilize the service of breakfast and lunch provided by the
school. It is of the upmost importance that schools and teachers take the time to evaluate the
school breakfast and lunch options students are given and determine if what students are eating is
effective in providing them the proper nutrition to support their physical and cognitive
functioning. Through the analysis of the school breakfast and lunch provided at the school
(2016), Augusta Ranch Elementary School in the Gilbert Public School District, nutritional value
and regulation adherence will be determined.
Using a food tracker tool (2016) and the Gilbert Public Schools Elementary lunch menu
for the month of March (2016), the breakfast and lunch options provided for one day of the
month was analyzed. Results of the findings show that on one day of school, if a student eats
both breakfast and lunch at school, the total caloric intake is 731 calories. For one day, a student
of the elementary school age should not be consuming more than 2000 calories daily. Regarding
this statistic, the amount of calories consumed during only breakfast and lunch are appropriate.
While caloric intake of the schools lunch and breakfast options were appropriate, the amount of
sodium the student would consume on this day exceeds the total appropriate amount by 710mg.
Other dietary areas such as added sugars and saturated fats were only prevalent in small amounts
in the breakfast and lunch options and therefore did not exceed the suggested amount in one day.
Additionally, the breakfast and lunch options for this day did not include and fruits or dairy


products for a student to consume. This leaves little time in the day for the student to consume
these necessary aspects of nutrition. Conclusively, the lunch and breakfast options lacked a few
important areas of nutrition, but maintained appropriate caloric intake for the two meals. Further
analysis of school breakfast and lunch options will be completed to determine the adherence of
the options to the National Standards for School Meals and to the Dietary Guidelines for
National Standards for School Meals
The National Standards for School Meals provide appropriate portions for each of the
food groups that students should be consuming during their school day. Comparing these
standards to the school lunch and school breakfast that is given to students daily, the school in
question is not in complete adherence to the standards (2016). Being that the school menu does
not provide options of any fruits or dairy, and the amount of sodium in the food options for
breakfast and lunch exceed the amount suggested, adherence to the National Standards for
School Meals is not occurring (2016).
The school in question is on a free-reduced lunch policy. This policy mandates that
students from families whose income is at or below 130 percent of the poverty level will receive
free or reduced cost lunch based on their familys need (2012). Through this policy, schools are
to adhere to the National Standards for School Lunches for both breakfast and lunch to ensure
that students that are receiving free or reduced lunch are provided with proper nutrition when
consuming breakfast and lunch at school (2012).


Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, determined as of 2010, outline the proper
nutrition that is appropriate for Americans based on weight, age, and levels of physical activity
(2010). When comparing the school breakfast and lunch that was analyzed to these guidelines,
some areas met the guidelines while some did not. The caloric intake total for the breakfast and
lunch options provided for one day is deemed appropriate according to the Dietary Guidelines
for Americans (2010). Although the caloric intake is appropriate, the amount of sodium
consumed during the two meals analyzed, exceeds the amount suggested by 710mg. This means
that without consuming any sodium for the rest of the day, students will have still exceeded the
amount that follows the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2010). Lastly, it is suggested under
the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, that intake of fruits and vegetables be increased and the
consumption of fat-free or low-fat milk be increased as well. Based on the data collected,
according to the menu from Gilbert Public Schools (2016), both dairy and fruit are not included.
Without the addition of these two food groups, the school lunch and breakfast options are not
adhering to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Improving Nutritional Intake: Changes to the Menu
Based on the results and findings of the nutritional value of the school breakfast and
lunch options and these meals lack of adherence to the National Standards for School Lunch and
the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is suggested that changed be made to the breakfast and
lunch menu to improve their nutritional value and adherence to these standards and guidelines.
The first change that should be made is an addition of a fruit component to the menu at least one
of both of the meal times. Another change that should be made is another addition of dairy to the
menu. This dairy can come from either milk, cheese, or yogurt, but in order to increase students


appropriate dairy intake, it is suggested that this be added to the menu. Lastly, the amount of
sodium that is consumed by students in breakfast and lunch needs to decrease. This can be done
through substitution of ingredients, to ingredients with less sodium, and removal of foods that
contain excess amounts of sodium. Upon adherence to these changes, the school lunch and
breakfast options will provide proper nutrition to students and come closer to adhering to the
National Standards for School Lunch and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Upon reflection of the findings through the food tracker and the comparison of the results
to the National Standard for School Lunch and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is
evident that changes need to be made to ensure the health and proper nutrition of students and
schools. It is imperative that students that are eating breakfast and lunch at school and provided
with appropriate nutrition daily. This is especially important for those students that receive free
or reduced cost of breakfast and lunch at schools considering these students are likely relying on
the school for food each school day.
In response to the results and analysis of the findings through this process, teachers and
educators must become cognizant of what students are eating at school and advocates for change
if what students are consuming at school is deemed inappropriate by the National Standards for
School Lunch and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Additionally, teachers and educators
should be providing students with instruction that encourages and understanding of proper
nutrition, how to ensure that one is following the guidelines for proper nutrition, provide students
with a sense of motivation to strive for adherence to such guidelines.


Reflecting upon the nutritional intake of students when eating breakfast and lunch at
school is eye opening. It is the duty of school officials, teachers, educators, and administrators to
take action and ensure that all students be provided with foods that benefit them nutritionally and
that set them up for success both cognitively and physically. Proper nutrition is paramount to
physical and mental health. If an individual is tasked with educating students, then nutrition must
be at the forefront of that individuals mind.

Table 1:

Table 2:


Dietary Guidelines for Americans. (2010, December). Retrieved March 20, 2016, from
March 2016 Elementary Breakfast and Lunch Menu. (2016, February 28). Retrieved March 20,
2016, from
Elem Brkfst-Lunch Menu 2016.pdf
National School Lunch Program (NSLP). (2016, January 13). Retrieved March 20, 2016, from
Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. (2012,
January 26). Retrieved March 20, 2016, from


USDA Food Tracker. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2016, from

Points (5) Exemplary

Points (3) Proficient


Introduction was well organized and

created a plan for the paper

Introduction was somewhat organized and

created a plan for the paper


One breakfast and one lunch (or 2

restaurant options) were evaluated
Results reflect a hypothetical student
Screen shot was included

Only one breakfast or lunch (or 1

restaurant option) was evaluated
Results reflected a hypothetical student,
but not enough information was provided
Screen shot was included, but incomplete
Contained a somewhat detailed
application of National Standards for
School Meals
Contained somewhat detailed applications
of Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Contains somewhat detailed discussions
only 2 changes to improve nutrition
A summary of the current state of the
school in terms of nutrition was included
but did not align with paper
A summary of the proposed changes was
included but did not align with paper
A general reflection of how this data
impacts your students
Most grammar and correct punctuation is
used throughout the proposal
Most sentences are clear & developed
Paper was 1-3 pages with standard
margins, font, and size of text
APA style referencing mostly used
throughout the paper and on the reference
sheet with some errors
The file name somewhat contains the
This rubric was added but not at the end


Application of results
and proposed changes





Referencing Style


Contained a very detailed

application of National Standards for
School Meals
Contains very detailed applications
of Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Contains very detailed discussions
for 3 changes to improve nutrition
A summary of the current state of
the schools nutrition was included
Summary of changes were included
A detailed reflection regarding how
this teacher knowledge of students
impacts your students inside and
outside your classroom
Proper grammar and punctuation is
used throughout the proposal
All sentences are clear & developed
Paper was at least 3 pages with
standard margins, font, & text size
APA style referencing used
throughout paper and on the
reference sheet
The file document name contains
This rubric was attached

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