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Your Name: Mende Gleiss

Date: March 24th, 2016
Topic: Geometry

Total Lesson Duration: 50 minutes

Grade: First Grade

Mastery with Part Whole Relationships Within Composite Shapes:
Create composite shapes from two-dimensional shapes.
1.G.2 Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares,
trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or threedimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular
cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and
compose new shapes from the composite shape. (Students do not
need to learn formal names such as right rectangular prism.)

Materials & Resources Needed

Pattern blocks (set of 12 hexagons, 6 squares, 610 triangles, 2
4 trapezoids, 24 blue rhombuses)

Pattern blocks with magnets (set of 12 hexagons, 6 squares, 6

10 triangles, 24 trapezoids, 24 blue rhombuses)

Work sheet for documenting answers

Exit tickets
Two-dimensional shape flashcards (for reviewing different
shapes) p. 75-78
Artwork containing different 2D shapes.

Sequencing Group Work

Whole Group Small Group Whole Group Individual Work


My lesson will begin by setting behavior expectations and reviewing

what they already know about classifying shapes. This will help me to
monitor my students responses prior to the math task. This will allow
me to make changes based on my students understanding. During the
whole group discussion, I will introduce the ideas of 2-dimensional
shapes creating composite shapes. This will help me anticipate
different student responses during the math task. The small group
phase of my lesson is the exploratory time. Therefore, during this
phase it is important for me to anticipate students responses so I can
better respond to student as questions and misconceptions arise. It is
also helpful to anticipate student responses because they may think
about the high-level math task in a way different than I originally had.
Also, during this part of my lesson it is incredibly important for me to
monitor the students discussions. This will help me to sequence the
students learning because I may stop the class to correct major
misconnects if needed, or push and probe specific groups the think
deeper about a specific concept. Monitoring their responding will help
me to connect their understand to other students during our final
whole group discussion During the second whole group discussion I will
select particular students to share their answers so I can sequence the
discussion in a way that allows me to make connects between students
responses but also allows me to connect both the correct ideas and
misconceptions that students have. The individual work at the end will
be in the form of an exit ticket. This will help me to reflect on how well I
was able to incorporate the five practices of a class discussion.

Academic, Social and Linguistic Support

1) Linguistic resources: In Launch portion of my lesson I will be very
mindful of my students that have restricted vocabularies. One way I
will cope with this is to add specific words to my students Math Vocab
Toolbox so they can refer back to this if they get confused during the
Explore and Discuss phase of the lesson. I will also be very visual.
When I am talking about two shapes fitting in another I will visually
show this on the board. I will be visual when reviewing the different
shapes. Throughout the entire lesson (Launch, Explore, Discuss) I will
have to be extremely mindful of the language I use. I want it to
correlate with the vocabulary my teacher typically uses and I want to
make sure I use first grade friendly language.
2) Social resources: Recently, my students did a 100s day of school


survey. After reading through these I was able to recognize that many
of my students favorite subjects were math or art. I am going to pose
my math task during the Explore phase of my lesson in a way that
allows me students to think of themselves as both mathematicians and
artists. I will include artwork that involves 2- dimensional shapes. I
hope this enables several different entryways to my lesson. During the
Discuss phase of my lesson I will remind and visually post sentence
stems that the students can use when they agree or disagree with
their peers, this way they remember to do so in an appropriate way.
3) Academic Supports: Throughout my entire lesson (launch,
explore, discuss) I will be very mindful of my students that are below
grade level in reading. To cope with this I will read ALL questions out
loud to my students because I am not assessing their ability to read
the questions but rather their ability to think critically about the math
concept. I will also be mindful of how I separate the groups and
monitor the groups. I have a few students that need additional support
and I will make sure I place them in a location that is easy for me and
my mentor teacher to get to.

LAUNCH (15 minutes)

First graders, Mrs. Wizner told me that you have been doing a
really good job working with shapes. I am excited to continue to
work on learning with shapes today. Please put thumbs up if you
are exited to explore shapes and combining shapes today.
Oh great, me too! Before we begin can anyone show me what it
looks like to be world famous students
o Thank you Sue, I love the way you are making eye contact
o Joe, you are doing an awesome job with inbounds bodies
and voices.
Friends, Today we are going to be both mathematicians, (that
means someone that works on math for their job) and artists as
we explore shapes and how 2-dimensional shapes can create
composite shapes. . BUT in order to do this we need to be very
respectful of our classmates, follow my directions and we need to
have in bounds bodies and voices.
Before we being I want to review the shapes that we have talked


about earlier in the week.

Get out Two-dimensional shape flashcards Hold up the cards one at a
For each shape ask the following questions and allow wait time. Ask
them to turn and talk to their partner about the answers but then
select a group to answer out loud using popsicle sticks.

What is the name of this shape?

How many sides does it have?
How many points?

Then, rotate the shape

Is this the same shape as above? 1s turn and tell your 2s
partner if you think it is. 2s tell your 1s if you agree and why.

I am so proud of how much you have learned from Mrs. Wizner

and Mrs. Baker.

Take out the magnet shapes and place them on the board.
In your brain, not out loud, can you think about what shapes we
might be able to use to make a rectangle.
o Turn to the person next to you and tell them what shapes
they could use to make a rectangle?
I am going to pick a Popsicle stick and I want you and your
partner to come up and make the shape.
o Great, Molly and Joe come on up and show us.
Everyone, please whisper what shapes did these two use to
make a larger rectangle?
o 2 squares I love that their shapes are not overlapped
and there are no gaps! Awesome work you two!
When we combine (using visual gesture for the word that my
mentor teacher uses) two or more shapes to form a bigger shape
we make a composite shape.
A what? (Hand gesture for whole class response)
o Class responds: Composite shape.
Sometimes this looks like a piece of art!
o Pull up art samples on the smart board.
o In this master piece I see several shapes (explicitly name
shapes in each one)
Now its your turn, I am going to place a rectangle on the board
and I want you to put your thumb up when you can tell me how
many squares you see.


o Repeat using different combinations (i.e 2x3, 3x2, 1x4)

Wow! Can anyone tell me if there is only one way for us to make
composite shapes?
o Students responds: there are many ways
Great, we have used so many different shapes to create a
composite and now its your turn. In a moment I am going to put
you in groups of three. I will give each group a number and a
baggie full of shapes. It is your turn to great artwork that are
mathematically masterpieces.
Eachgroupwillgetaset of 12 hexagons, 6 squares, 610 triangles,
24 trapezoids, 24 blue rhombuses.
o Restatedirections
o Modelhowtheywillfilloutthesheet.
o Doesanybodyhaveanyquestions?
o Callstudentsuptogetsuppliesandallowthemtodecidewheretheywill
o Settimer.


EXPLORE/ Discussion (35-40 minutes)

Name:MendeGleiss HighLevelTask:Creatingcompositeshapesfromtwo





















Give starfish rewards out often to students who are on task

and doing the right thing!! This will motivate the students and
keep them engaged.
For the purpose of this Lesson,
We will have the students work in groups of three so they can
discuss and bounce ideas off each other. All groups will have 5
minutes to explore what is the best way to create a composite
o While the students are working on this I will walk around
with a clipboard and monitor their discussions. I will either
probe or push them further if they need.
o During this time I will also make quick notes about who I
noticed doing what. This way I can ask these students to
share when we discuss as a whole.
o If some groups get done early I will ask them to look for
different composite shapes within the shape they made or



challenge them to find another way to create the

composite shape.
o While, walking around if I notice students dont seem
engaged I will ask them to get creative and become artists
as they engage in this task.
o If they cant get start I may explicitly get them started and
remind them of how we created composite shapes at the
board. Reminding them to take risks.
After 5 minutes (ish) I will call the students back to the carpet. I will ask
them to sit in a circle (as if we were doing our closing circle).
Once everyone is in the circle: (7-ish minutes)
I will remind my students how we act/ what we say when we agree or
Great point Jake, I didnt think of it that way but why did you
Oh, I agree with Maddie, I did ________.
What about ________..
I will ask the following questions and may select students in a
particular order based on what I observed when they were in small
If not, I am going to draw a Popsicle stick. If your name is
selected I want you to tell the group what you thought the BEST
way was to fill the triangle.
o Please raise your hand if your group selected the same
Can you share with the class why you thought this was the best
Did anyone else have a different way?
o Please raise your hand if your group selected the same
How did you decide on the shapes that you did? What questions
did you ask yourself?
Can you share with the class why you thought this was the best
way? (Make connection/ probe or push deeper/ correct
misconceptions) use the notes you took as you walked
around to guide this section.
Any other ways?
Send the groups off to complete the rest of the composite shapes for 9
ish minutes.
Bring the group back together, this time I want them to sit teacher



style (facing my chair)

I will start by sequencing the students work based on what I noticed. I
will say things like I noticed that group 1 filled the triangle like (show
how they did it) but groups 6 did it like this (show).
What did they do the same?
What did they do different?
Great job paying close attention, I agree I noticed make
connections and clarify misconceptions that have arose such as
overlapping shapes, going outside the lines or not rotating
I have another question for you, first graders! Why do you think
you used the shapes that you did? turn and talk
What would happen if we put a circle in?
Like we said earlier there are many different ways to create a
composite shape. This means there can be many different best
ways to fill a composite shape. I want to hear from you guys
what ways you thought were best. 1s please turn to your 2s
partners and tell them what was the best way to create a
composite shape. Listen carefully because I am going to class
sticks for the 2s partner to share what their partner said.
(Repeat for opposite partners)
Wow, there are so many creative ways to create composite
shapes. You all are great mathematicians, artists and detectives!
Before we move onto our daily five blocks I want you guys to
complete an exit ticket.
I need all eyes up here; our exit ticket has 2 questions on it. The
first one is asking us to trace our pattern blocks to create a
hexagon. The second one asks us to trace our shapes to make a
triangle. Remember first grader, be artist, get creative. If you
finish early please flip your exit ticket over and try to trace your
shapes to make different objects like a house, train, or sun!
Remember I want our voices at a level 0-1. This means we are
only talking if your hand is raised and you are asking me a
Supply helpers please come grab the exit tickets for you tables.
I am looking for a row that is sitting cross-legged with smiles on
their face and voice off.
o Call individual rows at a time
o Remind the students to be quiet
o Monitor students progress and assist when needed.
I have been walking around and your exit tickets look wonderful.
Thank you for working so hard. You guys have been great all
lesson and if you quietly turn your exit tickets into the turn in



bin and meet me at the carpet for reading (without voices) I will
add a letter to our world famous learners chart.

The dialog/ process is noted above, the logic is stated below.
Besides reminding my students how to agree/ disagree with their
peers, I do not think that the discussion needs to start in a particular
way. Rather, I want to use my notes to sequence the solution strategies
as I notice connections among my students. If my students use similar
shapes I will comment on this and ask why this might be. I may ask
why some groups had more shapes (based on number) and some had
less. If students used the same shapes but rotated them I will make
this connection. If not I will ask if they could have rotated the shapes. If
some students had gaps or over laps between their shapes I may ask
why they did this and use this as a time to stop misconceptions. I will
use their work to encourage the students to make connections and to
think about the task on a deeper level.
The discussion contribute to my understanding of my learning goal
because they will hear, debate and compare their understanding to
their peers. The conversation will allow the students to see several



different solutions, which should help them to understand many ways

they can go about solving the math task. This will help my students to
think critically in the future about how they create composite shapes.
After the discussion they will be able to apply what they have learned
throughout the discuss and explore phase of this lesson on the exit
ticket, eliciting their personal understanding.
Because my students are very young and do not often engage in a
discussion about their math opinions because of this, I will be very
evolved, often probing and asking questions to stimulate discussion.
My students will often be talking with partners prior to the whole group
because this is something they are familiar with. This allows me to
monitor several students understandings without out asking everyone
to answer out loud. I believe this will foster a deeper conversation with
more engaged students.
I will ensure that my students are paying attention by asking them to
engage with the person next to them. I will also be randomly drawing
popsicle sticks throughout the lesson where they will have to share
their partners answer. I will see if my students obtained a strong
understanding through their own individual exit tickets.

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