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HLA - Lifelong Wellness Application/Reflection Paper

Name: Devin Schowe

Course: HLAC-1057-003

Date: April 2016

Write a paragraph (at least four sentences) on questions 1 3 (question 4 is

What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this course?

This term, I learned that, as I get older, its becoming more mandatory to keep up
with physical activity, because any lack of it catches up with the body more quickly
than it used to. The necessity of being active is greatly helped with the addition of
proper breathing and stretching that the practice of yoga provides. Through
personal experience of the yoga class, it has definitely helped my breathing pattern;
and by taking it at the beginning of the day, it has also assisted in providing me
more energy throughout the rest of the day for the rest of my classes.

How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted
your life (home, school, work, etc.)?

Through practicing the art of yoga, I have been able to center my sense of focus
more and increase my level of patience while minimizing my inner censor, inhibiting
myself less as the term has advanced.
Also, the food journal made me, like last term, more mindful of what I was eating on
a habitual basis. I noticed that I would purposefully improve as I was required to log
my entries.

Discuss specific lifelong wellness concepts learned in this course and how you
are going to implement them in your life?

Yoga (and specifically the professor, Paula-Nielson Williams) taught me about the 8
arms of yoga as practiced by Jainists and Hindus, andmore importantlythe 5
yamas: Peace, Truth, Non-Stealing, Non-Jealousy, and Patience/Loyalty, in essence.
These philosophies, as well as the partner-yoga style and using Bosu half-balls in
our practice, have helped me concentrate and focus on practicing a higher level of
perseverance during physical activity.

General ideas for improving this course?

I would definitely suggest trying out the partner method for multiple sessions and
expanding the practice, as there is probably much to be explored with that!!

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