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Name: Kristi Kay Grade Level: 3rd Grade Date: 4/4/16 Group Size: Center Activity

Subject/Lesson Topic: Multiplication War

TLW be able to know his/her multiplication facts up to 100.

3.OA.C7 Students can fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies
such as the relationship between multiplication and division properties of
operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one
digit numbers

Contextual Factors:
Public elementary school (pre-k through fifth grade)
18 students, 12 girls, 6 boys
The class contains ESL students and students who are reading below grade level.
Teacher Materials/Resources:
Index Cards
Student Materials/Resources:
Technology Integration:
Family/Community Connection or Extension:
I will send a letter home with each student explaining the game to his or her
family. In the letter I will also include how they can make the game or play it at
home with a regular deck of cards.
I will have the students take a timed math quiz. This will contain basic
multiplication facts that they will need to solve in a certain amount of time.
Based on the amount of correct answers in the duration of the time, I will be able
to decide which students should spend time at this multiplication center.
Lesson Procedure and Activities:

I will begin by having one student shuffle the index cards.

Once they are finished, the other student will deal the cards in half.
Then I will ask if the students have ever played the card game War at
Lastly I will discuss the game similarities and the rules of multiplication

At the same time, both students will flip over their top card to display the
The students will have to silently multiply the two numbers and when they
have the correct answer, they will say it aloud.
Whoever says the correct answer first picks up both cards and adds them
to the bottom of their stack of cards.
The game continues until one person has all of the cards. They are the
I will show the students how they can play the game at home with regular
cards or how they can make their own game of multiplication war.
Special needs: Children will be allowed to ask any questions that they may have
throughout the lesson. I will pause various times throughout the lesson to ask
questions, in order, to make sure that the students are grasping what is being
Behavior needs: I will compliment children who are on task in order to urge the
children who are off task to get on task. If they continue to have issues, I will
move them to the front of the class so there are fewer distractions for them.
Different ability levels: I will ask both lower and higher level questions so that
each child will feel apart of the lesson. Children who need more challenge will be
able to answer higher-level questions. Whereas, children that are on a low level
will be presented with lower level questions that they are able to answer with
Cultural differences: The lesson I used is anti-biased and it is something that is
relevant to each of the students lives. I used standards and activities that are
developmentally appropriate for all of the students.
Formative Assessment/Evaluation:
I will give the students the same math quiz that they had previously taken and see
if they can answer more problems correctly in the same duration of time.

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