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Optical Fiber Technology 17 (2011) 445451

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Optical Fiber Technology

Invited Papers

Coherent DWDM technology for high speed optical communications

Ross Saunders
Opnext Subsytems Inc., 151 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Available online 7 September 2011

a b s t r a c t
The introduction of coherent digital optical transmission enables a new generation of high speed optical
data transport and ber impairment mitigation. An initial implementation of 40 Gb/s coherent systems
using Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DP-QPSK) is already being installed in carrier
networks. New systems running at 100 Gb/s DP-QPSK data rate are in development and early technology
lab and eld trial phase. Signicant investment in the 100 Gb/s ecosystem (optical components, ASICs,
transponders and systems) bodes well for commercial application in 2012 and beyond. Following in
the footsteps of other telecommunications elds such as wireless and DSL, we can expect coherent optical
transmission to evolve from QPSK to higher order modulations schemes such as Mary PSK and/or QAM.
This will be an interesting area of research in coming years and poses signicant challenges in terms of
electro-optic, DSP, ADC/DAC design and ber nonlinearity mitigation to reach practical implementation
ready for real network deployments.
2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.

1. Introduction
To keep pace with the rapidly growing volumes of data network
trafc driven by the growth of the internet, service providers are always looking to increase the ber capacity and wavelength spectral
efciency in their networks [1]. Typical Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (DWDM) networks of today employ a 50 GHz channel
spacing, as per the international standard [2]. At 10 Gb/s data rate
spectral efciency was not a major concern and simple On Off
Keying (OOK) modulation format was adequate for operation on
the 50 GHz DWDM grid. At 40 Gb/s, the spectral width of the signal
is 4x larger for OOK, yielding a signal spectral width that iss too wide
to t through 50 GHz channel spacing optical lters without inducing excessive penalties. So at 40 Gb/s data rate system and transponder developers investigated alternate modulations schemes
to enable 40 Gb/s propagation over the same 50 GHz DWDM grid,
such as Phase Shaped Binary Transmission, PSBT [1], Differential
Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) [3] and DP-QPSK [4]. PSBT and DPSK
offered increased spectral efciency over OOK, whilst still coding
1 bit per symbol. DP-QPSK, on the other hand, codes 4 bits per symbol (in-phase and quadrature phase components of each polarization tributary). Coding more bits/symbol, enabled by the advent of
digital coherent transmission [5], reduces the spectral width of
the signal (to 1st order proportional to the baud rate). In fact,
DP-QPSK is so spectrally efcient that it can propagate a higher data
rate of 127 Gb/s through many cascaded 50 GHz optical lters, such
as Recongurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) [6].

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1068-5200/$ - see front matter 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.

This higher 127 Gb/s data rate not only allows payload transport
of 100GE trafc [7], but also OTU4 link management overhead [8]
and 20% overhead, Soft Decision Forward Error Correction
(SD-FEC) [911] for high performance applications. Therefore,
100 Gb/s transmission using DP-QPSK offers the promise of a good
modulation format t for DWDM networks operating on a 50 GHz
grid [12]. This was observed several years ago and was the reason
why this format was adopted by the Optical Internetworking Forum
(OIF) as a recommended modulation format for 100 Gb/s line
systems [13]. This industry forum has helped to focus investment
and multi-source agreements at the optical component and module
level to help foster an ecosystem that should accelerate network
adoption of 100G DP-QPSK transmission.
Looking to the future, as the internet growth continues with
expanding services such as High Denition (HD) video, mobile
broadband and telecommuting, the question is how will optical
transmission technology keep pace? Learning from other telecommunications elds such as wireless, satellite, radio and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) broadband access, we can say that all these
mediums utilize coherent transmission and all increase transmission rates and spectral efciency by coding more bits per symbol.
For optical ber technology development we should surely follow
the lead from these other telecommunications industries but we
have some fundamental and unique challenges that makes our life
difcult. Challenges such as: (i) operation at the bleeding edge highest electronics speed of >100 Gb/s for the key technologies such as
ADC/DAC/DSP/FEC/RF electronics/electro-optics; (ii) optical signalto-noise ratio (OSNR) requirements become tough as Shannons
Limit dictates that as we increase spectral efciency via higher-order modulation we need more OSNR and (iii) ber nonlinearity
poses a major obstacle as high density signal constellations such


R. Saunders / Optical Fiber Technology 17 (2011) 445451

decision decoding of the input. This is in contrast to all optical

transport systems today which use hard decision decoding. As the
digital coherent receiver already generates a quantized version of
the analog signal, this quantized signal can then be passed to a soft
decision FEC decoder. Fig. 3 shows the LDPC FEC coding gain as a
function of soft decision bit resolution and overhead rate for an idealized case with no implementation penalty. FEC design optimization is a tradeoff between decoder complexity/chip size vs
performance in selection of bit resolution and electro-optic bandwidth/ROADM tolerance vs performance in selection of the overhead rate.
Another important property of any metro, regional or long haul
technology is the capability to express through multiple cascaded
optical 50 GHz channel spacing ROADMs, without incurring a large
penalty. DP-QPSK offers excellent tolerance to narrowband optical
ltering due to the low baud rate, which reduces the spectral width
of the signal, and the adaptive equalizer in the Rx, which cleans-up
ltering distortion. Results comparing DP-QPSK with alternative
100G modulation formats are shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen,
DP-QPSK modulation format shows excellent tolerance to extremely narrowband optical ltering. Depending on the ROADM bandwidth and prole, 100G DP-QPSK is capable of expressing through
up to 10 cascaded ROADMs at 50 GHz channel spacing [6].
For 100G deployments to be cost-effective in Long Haul DWDM
networks, it is critical that the optical reach is sufciently large that
the requirement for OEO regenerators is limited, ideally non-existent. The optical reach is maximized using two critical technologies:
(i) coherent detection (buys 2.5 dBQ) and (ii) LDPC soft decision FEC
(buys up to 3 dBQ). Optical reach up to 2000 km with EDFA only,
5000 km with EDFA + Raman and 7000 km for submarine links is
possible using 100G DP-QPSK technology, with deployable margin.
The propagation performance depends on ber type and whether
in-line DCMs are deployed or not. Nonlinearity is mitigated by not
deploying in-line DCMs and performing all CD compensation within
the Opnext 100G module. Fig. 5 shows propagation results over different ber types, with and without in-line DCMs. Note that the
optimum ber type is SMF-28 ber without in-line dispersion
compensation. This is also the lowest cost ber plant for the carrier.

as M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation are very sensitive to

phase errors due to nonlinear phase noise and Cross Phase Modulation (XPM). Although these challenges appear daunting and formidable it would be unwise to bet against theses problems being
solved by human engineering ingenuity given time and money, as
history has proven. This will be an extremely fertile area of optical
communication research over the next decade and beyond.
2. 100 Gb/s DP-QPSK implementation
2.1. Technology
The basic functional block diagrams for an optical coherent
detection modulation scheme, with control of the amplitude of
both in-phase, I and quadrature phase, Q, components of the modulated signal is shown in Fig. 1. Note that although the data
throughput is 100 Gb/s, extra overhead bytes are required for
64B/66B Ethernet PCS encoding, OTU4 framing overhead, training
sequence and FEC, which in combination adds 28% to the line rate.
This modulation format codes 4 bits per symbol (for the
In-phase, I and Quadrature-phase, Q components of the each polarization multiplexed tributary), yielding a symbol rate of 32 Gbaud.
The transmit side consists of nested Mach Zehnder Modulators
(MZM) structures. The coherent receiver requires mixing the
received signal light with a tunable laser local oscillator. Polarization Beam Splitters (PBS) and optical phase hybrids are included in
the receive structure to provide polarization and phase diversity. A
key advantage is that the Carrier Phase Estimator (CPE), polarization and I&Q demultiplexing is all achieved in the electronic domain using very fast Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and
Digital Signal Processing (DSP). This alleviates the traditional problem with optical coherent technology in that a highly stable optical
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is not required in this design.
The critical enabling technology in this design is the digital coherent receiver, as shown in Fig. 2. The distorted signal coming from the
four balanced photodiodes is rst quantized using quad 6 bit ADCs.
The adaptive equalizer in the DSP then provides the equalization of
CD, PMD, ROADM ltering distortion and unwanted S21 transfer
function imperfections in the Tx/Rx electro-optic drive chains.
Another critical enabling technology is next-generation soft
decision FEC, enabling up to 3 dB higher coding gain than current
state-of-the-art FEC. A FEC algorithm called Low Density Parity
Check (LDPC) is used, with increased overhead [9] and uses soft

2.2. Photonic and electronic integration

A 100 Gb/s DP-QPSK offers the ultimate in optical performance
and meets all the key marketing requirements dictated by large

Tx Block Diagram











CW laser




Rx Block Diagram
90 hybrid





Fig. 1. A 128 Gb/s DP-QPSK Tx/Rx implementation.



R. Saunders / Optical Fiber Technology 17 (2011) 445451


Error signal








Adaptive Equalizer
(n tap Digital FIR filter)

A>D converters

Fig. 2. Digital coherent receiver.





6 bits
4 bits
3 bits
2 bits
1 bit

Current gen EFEC






Min Q
w/ margin





SMF-28 (no DCM)
LEAF (with DCM)
SMF-28 (with DCM)


3 to 4dB gain



Q (dB)





FEC Overhead
Fig. 3. LDPC soft decision FEC performance.

FEC cliff





Launch Power (dBm)

Fig. 5. A 128 Gb/s DP-QPSK propagation over a 1520 km link.

photonics transmit side, a single optical assembly contains the

nested MZMs, PBS and splitters, as per OIF implementation
agreements [14]. On the photonics receive side, a single optical
assembly houses the PBS, phase hybrids, balanced photodetectors
and Trans-Impedance Ampliers (TIAs). This integration is shown
in Figs. 6a and b. This high level of integration greatly eases the
manufacturability of the module.
2.3. Dynamic optical networking

Fig. 4. A 128 Gb/s DP-QPSK optical ltering tolerance.

carriers. The challenge is that this is a much more complex modulation scheme than previous generations of optical transport
equipment. Both the electronic and photonic complexity has been
increased substantially. This creates a design challenge in terms of
cost, manufacturability, reliability and footprint. The industry
approach to tackling this signicant challenge has been to develop
components with a high level of electronic and photonic integration. On the electronic side, SiGe MUX and CMOS modem chips
with large gate count and integrated system functionality. On the

Looking to the future it can be envisaged that future optical networks will utilize some level of all-optical switching to facilitate
fast restoration and protection of optical circuits. One limitation
of early 40 Gb/s systems is that Chromatic Dispersion (CD) tuning
can take a relatively long time, on the order of seconds or even
minutes. This is true for both direct detection systems that typically use a thermally tuned optical tunable dispersion compensator
and for 1st generation coherent systems where the CD equalizer
hunts for the optimum CD value of the link.
By designing coherent transmission systems with in-built training sequences, it is possible for the CD equalizer to know virtually
instantaneously the optimum tap weight coefcients in the equalizer to compensate for an unknown link CD, without requiring this
hunting algorithm. This enables very fast (ms) timeframe CD
acquisition and equalization. The Jones matrix equalizer inside
the MODEM can also rapidly adapt to the optimum State of
Polarization (SOP) and DGD compensation of the link. This rapid


R. Saunders / Optical Fiber Technology 17 (2011) 445451

Drive = 2V
BW > R













90 deg








90 deg


Fig. 6. A 128 Gb/s DP-QPSK photonic and electronic integration. (a) Transmit. (b) Receive.

MODEM equalization of CD and PMD enables fast optical path restoration/protection, a key requirement for dynamic optical networking architectures of the future.
Another advantage of coherent transmission is that the MODEM
itself provides real-time link parameter performance monitoring.
This allows in-skin monitoring of CD, PMD, SOP and SNR for link
troubleshooting and link quality metrics (e.g. could be used for
pre-emptive switching criteria) without the use of intrusive external test equipment.
As next-generation DWDM line systems often advocate colorless, directionless ROADMs to allow versatile optical wavelength
routing, another advantage of coherent is that a colorless receiver
can be used, such as optical splitters. The correct DWDM wavelength is then selected by tuning the laser Local Oscillator (LO)
in the receive transponder. This eliminates the use of colored
DWDM demultiplexers (xed single wavelength per ber output)
and allows more exible dynamic optical networking

3. Mary QAM for Beyond 100Gb/s

3.1. Introduction
A high data rate can be achieved by coding multiple bits/symbol
and using coherent detection and Mary Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation (M-QAM) modulation format. Present day optical
transport speeds are limited by electronics speed, whereas this
technique allows data rates many multiples higher than the electronics speed. Although the use of QAM is well known in other
industries, such as satellite and wireless communications, it has
not been implemented to date for optical transmission.
A novel advantage of using M-QAM in DSP is that by enabling
programmable modulation (e.g. from QPSK to 256-QAM) the bit
rate transmitted can be traded for optical reach. This technique
will maximize the data rate for any given link length and distortion
properties of the channel. This capability is analogous to rate adaptive DSL modems that maximize the data rate over local copper

Tx Block Diagram
NRZ data

Baud rate, bn



CW laser


NRZ data

One polarization tributary shown for simplicity

Baud rate, bn

Rx Block Diagram
N.B. Needs Iin
diversity or
tracking for Iin
and LO mixing

90 hybrid
(phase diversity)


Fig. 7. M-QAM Tx/Rx implementation.

R. Saunders / Optical Fiber Technology 17 (2011) 445451

connections from local ofce to customer premise, using a training

sequence at installation. The increased data throughput without
any signicant increase in the number of active electro-optic components should yield a reduction in eld failure rate and improved
reliability vs todays optical transponder technology.
3.2. Mary QAM Implementation
The transmit/receive block diagrams are shown in Fig. 7. This
shows the basic functional block diagrams for an optical coherent
detection modulation scheme, with control of the amplitude of
both in-phase, I and quadrature phase, Q, components of the modulated signal. In this case, the nominal baud rate, bn, is constant,
but the baud rate could also be rate adaptive to offer more continuous rate adaption, rather than the discrete steps from moving
between M-QAM symbol spaces. Note that 2 polarizations can be
utilized (only 1 shown in Fig 7) to double the trafc carrying capacity, using a polarization beam combiner and separate quadrature
modulators for each orthogonal polarization state. The Rx consists
of a synchronous coherent detection scheme. The method shown in
Fig. 7 uses a free-running optical Local Oscillator (LO) and feed
forward carrier recovery, polarization demultiplexing, CD/PMD
compensation using analogue to digital conversion followed by
an adaptive digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) lter.
As an example, the baud rate could be set to 25Gbaud (the design could also support variable baud rate to maximize capacity for
a given optical channel lter) and both polarizations modulated. To


maximize reach, the transponder could be congured to transmit

DP-BPSK, as shown in Fig. 8. This would give the maximum OSNR
sensitivity and maximum launch power possible, therefore maximizing the distance that can be transmitted between signal 3R
regeneration points in the network. The capacity in this example
would be 50 Gb/s (1 bits/s/Hz). If the specic channel has excess
performance margin, the transponder could recongure to
PM-QPSK as shown in Fig 8(b). Note that in this case the OSNR sensitivity is the same (I and Q component noise is independent) but
that the launch power would be slightly lower than DP-PSK as it is
more sensitive to nonlinear phase noise (90 between symbol
states for QPSK, whereas 180 for PSK). This doubles the capacity
to 100 Gb/s. In a similar fashion, if the channel has still more margin (i.e. typically if it operates over a shorter reach) the transponder can re-congure as DP-8QAM (Fig. 8c), DP-16QAM (Fig. 8d),
DP-32QAM (Fig. 8e), DP-64QAM (Fig. 8f), DP-128QAM (Fig. 8g)
and DP-256QAM (Fig. 8h). As can be seen from the constellation
diagrams in Fig. 8, each time the M-QAM bits/symbol rate is incremented, the channel carrying capacity increases, at the expense of
an increase in the required OSNR. This is all done in DSP/software.
The OSNR increase is due to the reduction in the minimum Euclidean distance from symbol to symbol.
For denser M-QAM constellations, more SNR is required per
symbol for a given BER. This is shown in Fig. 9.
An analytic estimation of required OSNR sensitivity (assumes
ideal implementation) for different M-QAM bit rates in shown in
Fig. 10.

Fig. 8. Different M-ary QAM constellations, required DAC/ADC bit resolutions.


R. Saunders / Optical Fiber Technology 17 (2011) 445451

Fig. 9. M-QAM symbol error rate probability.

Fig. 10. M-QAM bit rate vs OSNR sensitivity tradeoff.

In addition to the challenging OSNR levels required for M-QAM

optical transmission, M-QAM is more sensitive to nonlinear phase
noise and distortion, so ber nonlinearity provides a major obstacle
to transmission distance. This is an active area for further study.
Reducing nonlinearity by using more distributed optical amplication, such as Raman amplication or more frequent Erbium Doped
Fiber Ampliers (EDFAs) will help to reduce peak power and hence
nonlinear distortion. The key optical component to help reduce the
nonlinearity is indeed the optical ber itself. New optical bers with
reduced attenuation, reduced nonlinear coefcient n2 and higher
effective core area would all help to reduce nonlinearity and enable
higher optical launch powers and hence increased reach. Such Super
Large Effective Area (SLA) bers already utilized in submarine network deployments are already a good step in the right direction

3.3. Advanced coding techniques

The two front battle between diminishing OSNR sensitivity and
increasing tolerance to nonlinear distortion for higher order modulation schemes has some other weapons at its disposal. Inevitably
these techniques come at the expense of increased implementation
complexity so they are bounded by what is practical to t into MODEM ASICs and thermal management limitations. CMOS migration to
lower geometries such as 28 nm will help open-up the possibilities
here, both in terms of transistor speed and gate count density.
Some potential areas of future study:
1. Soft Decision Forward Error Correction (SD-FEC). Need further
study here to improve net coding gain and reduce implementation penalty through more efcient algorithms, more decoder
iterations/bit resolution, code puncturing, etc.

R. Saunders / Optical Fiber Technology 17 (2011) 445451

2. Trellis/Block Coded Modulation (TCM/BCM). With coded modulation additional coded bits can be used to provide redundancy
rather than send extra symbols (e.g. mapping raw 16-QAM into
Trellis-coded 32-QAM, 1 extra bit coding redundancy). This
effectively expands the signal constellation and increases the
minimum Euclidean distance between adjacent symbols, relaxing the OSNR sensitivity requirements [16].
3. Optimized constellation geometry. Rectangular QAM constellations as shown in Fig. 8 are not the most efcient but are easier
to realize. A more optimized M-QAM constellation, such as circular, increases the minimum Euclidean distance and OSNR
sensitivity. In addition, nonlinear phase noise is intensity
dependent and should be considered in the constellation
design. This optimization of the M-QAM constellation will come
at the expense of added complexity, likely higher DAC resolution and RF drive chain linearity/S-parameter performance.
4. Optimized symbol mapping. The M-QAM symbol mapping should
be carefully designed and optimized holistically combined with
the SD-FEC and TCM/BCM code designs. Symbol mapping diversity minimizes bit errors and optimum combinations of M-QAM
symbol mapping with SD-FEC/TCM design should be sought.
5. Nonlinear compensation/mitigation. Coherent MODEMs can be
designed with some level of nonlinear compensation using
techniques such as digital backpropagation [17]. In addition
the carrier phase estimation lter shape and bandwidth prole
can be optimized to mitigate against effects such as XPM, possibly in a dynamic or programmable manner. These techniques
should allow increased optical launch power and hence higher
received OSNR but once again at the expense of increased electronic DSP complexity.
6. Use of multiple carrier Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM). It has been claimed that the use of OFDM can reduce
nonlinearity vs single carrier transmission, at least in certain
applications such as highly periodic dispersion managed systems [18]. This needs further study to weigh-up the pros and
cons. Whether single carrier or multiple carriers are used in
coherent systems, if spectral efciency is to increase then
higher-order modulation such as M-QAM is needed in either
4. Conclusions
The advent of coherent DWDM technology is enabling 100GE
optical transport over backbone optical networks with link engineering rules similar to 10 Gb/s OOK channels. This enables a
10 scaling of network/ber capacity and is possible without any
change in DWDM channel spacing or DWDM common equipment
design. The formation of a 100G DWDM ecosystem in the OIF in the
infancy of this technology has helped focus R&D capital investment
and should act as a catalyst driving early technology adoption by
system vendors and service providers. Standardization by the IEEE
on 100GE and ITU on OTU4 encapsulation has also been critical in
laying the foundation for this technology. Moreover, the collaboration between IEEE and ITU on 100GE encapsulation into OTU4
frame format and commonality in such things as the electrical
interface PMD has really helped to focus engineers and minimize
time wasted reinventing the wheel. The stage is now set for
service providers to start certication testing and initial eld applications of 100 Gb/s DWDM wavelengths. As always for new technology introduction there will be a period of frantic bug-xing,


ASIC re-spins and hardware design xes as system vendors and

service providers run thorough verication lab testing and robustness is built into 100G transponder designs. First ofce eld rollouts are expected in 2012 timeframe and as volume begins to ramp
optical vendors will already be working on cost-reduced, footprintreduced, performance enhanced next-gen 100G solutions to meet
the very high volumes expected in 2013/14 as volumes ramp [19].
Migrating to data rates beyond 100 Gb/s faces some real challenges in terms of OSNR sensitivity and nonlinearity. Perhaps we
will just utilize more wavelengths and bers without increasing
spectral efciency but that method will also run into scaling issues
as bers run-out and managing too many DWDM overbuilds becomes unwieldy for carriers. Coherent transmission certainly
opens-up the capability of moving to higher-order modulation formats and increased spectral efciency but to meet the optical reach
requirements we may need a fundamental improvement in optical
ber and/or optical amplication technology. This will be a fertile
area of optical research in coming years as engineers tackle how to
scale optical transport data-carrying capability whilst staying
within the fundamental constraints of Shannons Limit [20].
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