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Bia Saleem

Megan Malcom-Morgan
English 120
20 April 2016

Donald Trump: A Gateway to Disaster

The United States of America is a country known and respected worldwide not only
because it harbors a great amount of various sects of people, but it gives those people the
opportunity to succeed. The open door we appreciate as Americans comes in substantial measure
from the nation's capitalist system. This framework empowers anybody to begin with a little and
mold it into something useful through the span of a working lifetime. The greatest thing about
this country is that the opportunity to succeed is given to everyone despite their differences. Our
rights as Americans include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and it is a shame to see
when the people of such a great nation nominate people to be their president who want to destroy
those rights. Donald Trump is just one of those nominees who will convert America into a
country full of hate if elected. His ignorant and facist mindset will not be able to make America
great again, but can only lead to chaos and will crumble the nation that was once known to be
tolerant and home to the ones in need.
Born in Queens, New York on June 14, 1946, Donald John Trump is best known for
being a billionaire real estate mogul and his performance in the hit NBC reality tv show, The
Apprentice. At the age of 13 he was sent to The New York Military Academy hoping to control
the young Trumps crazy energy. In the academy he did great, was the star athlete and even
became the student leader. In his later years, he majored in economics and graduated from
Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. Like his father, Trump took

interest around the real estate business. Once he graduated from college, he was working in the
family business Elizabeth Trump & Son but when he had full control over the company, he
changed its name to The Trump Organization. It was after having control of the company that
he started to succeed and was able to make substantial amounts of profit by being involved in
large building projects in Manhattan. His biggest economic success was the Grand Hyatt hotel
that quickly became popular and was the reason he was known around for being the best but also
most controversial developer. Trumps first marriage was to Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr and
had three children with her. As time went on, he got divorced to her and married again to Maria
Maples. Then married for the third time to model Melania Knauss who is his current wife.
It was in 2000 when Trump first had the thought of running for president. But after the
lack of support in the California primacy from the Reform Party, Donald Trump withdrew his
candidacy. Nonetheless, this did not squash his political aspirations because after a good decade
and a half, he is back. On June 16, 2015, Trump made the announcement that he was going to
make America great again and that he was running for president for the Republic side of the
spectrum for the 2016 election from the Trump Towers in New York City.
The US presidential race is about to come to an end in just a few more months and has
attracted everyones attention mainly due to Donald Trump. At the beginning of the election,
Trump was seen to be a candidate that would not stand in the race for too long as his statements
were seen as a joke to many. As time progressed, surprisingly, Trump has become the Republican
frontrunner to possibly take over the white house. Does the increased amount of votes mean that
Trump will actually make a good president to this nation? The Republican candidate has been the
talk of the country for all the wrong reasons. His statements towards immigrants, women, and

minorities have been nothing but humiliating and provocative. A good president for the land of
the free and home of the brave would not have the mindset that Mr.Trump has.
Being in office, Donald Trump has made a great impact on the American population with
903 delegates making him #1 in the Republican presidential primaries. But being in office does
not equate to campaigning. Before recent affairs, Trump has never been an elected official. Not
only that, but he has never been elected office anywhere of any sort. Which means that he has
zero political experience. Although his unashamed self promotion and experience in business has
gotten him far in this race, it takes more than a stubborn and larger than life personality to run
this nation because Washington, D.C. is not the same thing as wall street. If he was to get elected,
Trump would have to deal with not only his Democratic counterparts in the House of
Representatives and senate but his campaign team. Which will be a tough one for him because he
has a problem with listening to others. Advising Trump would be close to impossible because he
is so used to calling the shots and doing whatever he pleases having run his own empire for
almost 40 years. On important issues such as the economy, domestic and foreign policy, and the
military, he would not be capable of sitting down with a group of advisors and listening to what
they have to say about such topics.
When criticized for not having an essential policy for his campaign by political pundits,
Trump then decided to release his first policy which consisted of having an enormous wall
placed along the Mexican border in order to keep out illegal immigrants. This policy is nothing
but impractical and just another one of his racist remarks. To make matters worse, he expects the
expensive proposal to be paid by the Mexican government themselves. Trumps idea that a wall
will be able to fix any of the real problems that this country has is obviously wrong. It is actually
an insult to many of the Mexican American residents of the US. His degrading policies and

comments are just spreading hate like a wildfire and will be the sole reason that this country is
divided instead of working as one if elected. His claim that You have people coming in, and Im
not just saying Mexicans, Im talking about people that are from all over that are killers and
rapists and theyre coming into this country is absolutely absurd and uncalled for. But when it
comes to important policy problems such as healthcare, Trump claims that he will come up with
a miracle, something terrific that will replace Obamacare. When asked to explain exactly what,
Trump replied with a very unclear response:Itll be great.
The reason that makes America so great is the progress that the country has made on
various topics such as same sex marriage, womens rights, lives of individuals with
disadvantages, and racial equality. Donald Trump wants to get rid of all the reasons that make
America what it is. The United States can be known as the melting pot world wide where
everyone has the opportunity to succeed no matter their racial background or the color of their
skin. In Trumps world, the only ones that will have that opportunity, or better said as; the only
ones that will be allowed to stay in this country and have the opportunity to succeed are white
individuals. Not only does Trump has problems with Mexicans, but he believes that muslims got
to go too, claiming that Islam hates us. He also believes that there should be a complete
shutdown of Muslims coming into this country. Sounds a lot like Nazim, a set of political values
mainly set forth by Adolf Hitler that consists of having all Jewish individuals abolished because
apparently they were a disadvantage for the German population and took up all their resources.
Back in history, the GOP first commenced as the womens party. This party championed
suffrage 40 years back before it even became law. The Republicans were the first to see the very
first woman elected to congress following with the first female supreme court justice and speaker
of a state house. But ever since the 1980s Democrats could over this honor. Republicans have

lost votes from women ever since then and continue to do so now that Trump is running. Donald
Trump has compared women to slobs and fat pigs. He does not respect a womans decision
of wanting to get an abortion and thinks that women who have made that decision should be
punished. Later though, he decided that the doctors who perform the act should be punished. His
actions such as releasing a 15-second video on Instagram dedicated to Democratic presidential
Hillary Clinton accused her of being soft on - of all things - womens rights and bashing
female reporters and handling them in disrespectful ways just shows how serious he is not about
womens right. Should someone who degrades our mothers, daughters, and sisters really have the
power to run this country?
Donald Trump is not the kind of president that we as Americans, as humans would want
to have as president. A president is a leader that works with the people of the nation and makes it
whole by practicing tolerance. Donald Trump is not one to do that when he is not capable of
listening to others and would rather do what he thinks is best. He will try to divide the nation by
singling out religions and races. This will only attract more hate towards this country and will
make it vulnerable, making an unsafe environment. If we believe America deserves better, we
should vote against Trump.

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