Poolcfg Command Reference

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Resource control for CPUs can be achieved in three ways,
Fixed CPUs per Zone
Varying CPUs per Zone
CPU Shares per Zone
Fixed CPUs
This involves pools and processor sets to set a fixed number of CPUs per zon
e. One zone may have 2 CPUs, one 4 CPUs, etc. We demo this below. This may be de
sirable for political reasons - a way departments could share the cost of a new
server, or licensing reasons - if a software vendor would only charge for the CP
U number in the zone. Another advantage may be better level 1 and level 2 cache
hit rates for each zone. A disadvantage would be that zones that were idle would
not share CPU resources with zones that had high demand.
Varying CPUs
This involves creating pools that have a min and max number of CPUs, like in
the example. The daemon poold can shuffle CPUs from one zone to another as dema
nd varies. This may be used for many of the same reasons as fixed CPUs, on a ser
ver with extra CPUs that can move about with the load.
CPU Shares
This makes use of the Fair Share Schedular (FSS), which allows us to allocat
e a share value to each zone. One zone may have 10 shares, another 20, etc. For
the zones that are busy, CPU allocation is based on the ratio of the zone's shar
es over the total shares of the busy zones. It's advantage is the best division
of CPU resources amongst the zones, where shares are the quantum not CPUs, and a
s such may be the only way to go if you have more zones than CPUs. It's great, a
nd makes a lot of sense.
pooladm -e
# enable pools
# print active config from memory, check pools are enabled
pooladm -x
# flush active config in memory
pooladm -s
# save active config from memory to /etc/pooladm.conf
pooladm -c
# activate config from /etc/pooladm.conf to memory
# print psets and their current CPUs
# immediately bind zones to pools
poolcfg -dc info
# print active config from memory
poolcfg -df scriptfile # read scriptfile config to memory
rcapadm -E
# enable the rcap daemon
# check rcapd is running, print stats
projadd -K 'rcap.max-rss=bytes' newproject
# add a project
newtask -p newproject command
# run command in project

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