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Supervision Manifesto
Alondra Olvera
Western Illinois University


I will engage the intelligence, imagination, and curiosity of my supervises, both direct
and indirect, to further the mission of whatever office and college I work at. I will strive to help
them reach their full potential while serving and furthering the needs of our students.
As a supervisor I will be open, transparent and as honest as I can be with my students,
supervisees and mentees. I will strive to keep the lines of relevant information and
communication open with my supervisees. I will not withhold any information that would make
my supervisees job impossible to do unless it is for them to learn and grow from it and even then
I would not make it impossible. That being said, I will make sure to let my supervisees know
that I wanted them to grow from the challenge, I would not just keep information for shits and
giggles. As a supervisor I will strive to give my supervisees the freedom and information to
make their own decisions regarding their job duties but will be there to help with decisions.
I will strive to create an environment where creativity and innovation are encouraged but
not mandated. I want the environment to be encouraging and open but I respect the necessity of
having clear cut rules, duties, and information. I believe that being supportive and understanding
of my supervisees needs will help me to be a better supervisor. I recognize that I will not have
all the answers at all times and I am not afraid to be wrong. I will own up to my mistakes and
not blame my supervisees for any of my shortcomings.
As a supervisor I will check in with my supervisees when needed and challenge them as
needed. I will delegate tasks that will help them further in their ability to work with our students
and office. I want to make sure that they are reaching their professional and personal growth
goals throughout their time working with me. I want to be able to help them find the intrinsic
motivation to keep moving forward in their work. I want to be a supervisor that will take into
consideration what my supervisees need, but also make sure to not loose myself in the process.

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