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Part I:

Classroom Ambience:
In my ideal classroom setting, I would like the environment to be fairly relaxed. Music
would be played at my discretion during studio time while students work on their
artwork. Students may bring individual music players, but must turn them off during
instruction. Ideally most of the lighting would be natural light from windows, because this
creates a more uplifting atmosphere and helps students see their artwork clearly. A
moderate degree of conversation would be fine during studio time as long as it is not a
distraction to anyone. I would have posters of artwork on the walls to liven up the space,
but not so much that it would be visually overwhelming or overly distracting.
Physical Space:
The diagram below shows one of the many potentially great classroom structures for my
ideal art classroom. The student tables are oriented perpendicularly to the projector and
whiteboard at the front of the room so that students dont have to turn around every
time I address the class from the front. I would also have the normal art stools in the
room, as opposed to chairs, because stools allow for full mobility and easier access in
and out of the table space. Shelves and storage in many forms are highly necessary
because of the amount of space that artwork and art supplies take up. Having at least
one wall with plenty of windows to the outdoors is crucial because natural lighting is a
huge benefit to the atmosphere of the physical space as well as the ability to see artwork
in clear and accurate lighting.

Managing Resources:
I will have a specific location where students know to look for any specific supplies or
handouts that they will need that day. All of my supply cabinets and drawers will have
labels that clearly show what can be found there. Student work will be kept in their class
drying racks if it is wet, and dry works will be stored in their own individual or paired
drawers depending on availability. I will greet each student at the door at the beginning
of every class period to help establish relationships. When they come into the classroom,
a short outline of the plan for that day will be on the board at the front of the room. This
will also show them what supplies they need to get out other than anything that is on the
supply table. We will have 5-15 minutes for clean up at the end of each class period
depending on what media are being used. Students will be responsible for thoroughly
cleaning up all supplies used and returning them to where they belong, as well as
cleaning off their own table space.

Part II: Painting II Class Cover Sheet

Rules and Expectations:
Do anything that doesnt cause a problem for you or anyone else.
Treat the schools and other students property with respect.
Students who do not follow these expectations will be reminded up to twice. They will
then lose participation points for the day. Continued violation of expectations will result
in additional loss of points and a one-on-one discussion with the teacher outside of class
time to develop an individual plan for how expectations will be met in the future.

Technological Devices:
o Music will be played at my discretion during studio time. You may bring
individual music players, but must turn them off during instruction.
o Cell phones must be put away unless otherwise specified or in case of

Grading will fall into the three categories of Research and Development, Studio Points
(Participation), and Projects. Each will be worth one third of your final grade. Any late
projects or other assignments will be accepted at any point in the semester up until the
final due date for all artwork. Projects can also be improved upon and resubmitted for a
higher grade.
- Research and Development:
o You will be responsible for thorough research of other artists and
photographic resources, experimentation with varied media, and written
development of ideas at the outset of each project.
- Studio Points (Participation):
o You are given 10 points for each day. Points will be taken off for tardies,
absences, disruptive behavior and lack of participation. Just because you are

in the room doesnt mean you are participated stay engaged and be
o Final Projects will be completed inside and outside of class. They will be
graded one-on-one during class, according to a rubric I will give you at the
beginning of the project.

- All Research and Development work for each project will be completed outside of
class. This is an important part of being prepared for each class period.
- Sketchbook work completed outside of class and beyond normal assignment
requirements can be submitted for extra credit.
Show up to class:
Being in class every time is a sign of maturity and respect. It is also necessary to learn,
excel, and develop valuable life skills.
- Unexcused absences: Lose 10 studio points, can make up another time by
appointment after school or during an off hour
- Excused Absences: I will provide a day for you to make up what you missed. This
becomes homework if it is not completed by the time we start a new project or
Be on time:
Being on time to class is a sign of maturity and respect. It is also necessary to learn,
excel, and develop valuable life skills.
- If you are under 10 minutes late you could lose 5 points.
- If you are more than 10 minutes late you may lose 10 points and be counted
Thank you for being part of this class! I look forward to getting to know you better and
learning together.

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