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Co-Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction) PA3

Michael Morse


Common Core State Standards:

Strand 3: Concept 4: PO 1: e. Voting rights in the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-third, Twenty fourth, and Twentysixth Amendments; Native American citizenship and voting rights (Arizona, 1948); Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Strand 3: Concept 4: PO 3: Examine the basic political, social responsibilities of citizenship: a. connections
between self-interest, the common good, and the essential element of civic virtue (e.g., George Washingtons
Farewell Speech), volunteerism b. obligations of upholding the Constitution c. obeying the law, serving on juries,
paying taxes, voting, and military service d. analyzing public issues, policy making, and evaluating candidates.
Objective (Explicit):
Students will be able to explain the Voting Rights act of 1965, the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-third, Twenty
fourth, and Twenty-sixth Amendments.
Students will be able to explain the basic political, social responsibilities of citizenship: a. connections between selfinterest, the common good, and the essential element of civic virtue (e.g., George Washingtons Farewell Speech),
volunteerism b. obligations of upholding the Constitution c. obeying the law, serving on juries, paying taxes,
voting, and military service d. analyzing public issues, policy making, and evaluating candidates
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

5 Question quiz at the end of class

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

Students will be able to identify the reasons that potential voters do not vote in elections.
Students will be able to explain why voting is civic responsibility.

Key vocabulary: nonvoter, cannot voter, idiot

Materials: Power point, handout, quiz

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

Instructional Input

The teacher needs to have the power point presentation titled 6.4 open for this lesson. The teacher will inform students that it will be a cell phone day
and to put their phones on the back shelf. Once all phones are on the shelf the teacher will explain the agenda of the day on slide two. Following the
agenda slide the teacher will explain the objectives of the days lesson on slide three. The teacher will ask students to brainstorm for a moment with
the students next to them what they think an idiot is. After students have had a moment to come up with examples have students share their
examples with the class. Once students have given a few examples switch to the forth slide in the power point that discusses the term idiot in ancient
Greece. Explain what voting in ancient Greece was like and the definition of the word idiot in ancient Greece. Then explain to students which groups
couldnt vote in ancient Greece and call on a few students to provide examples of which groups couldnt vote in the US. Then switch to the next slide
and tell students when elections in the US are held. Before switching to the next slide ask students why voters might stay home during the next
election. Give time for students to offer some responses. If this question does not elicit satisfactory responses ask the students if there are any
reasons they wouldnt vote in an election or if they have any misgivings about voting. Switch to the next slide. (slide 6)
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
On the sixth slide the teacher will explain the difference between
Students will analyze the political cartoon on the last slide and respond
cannot voters (people who are forbidden by law to vote) and
to questions during the lecture.
nonvoters (people who could otherwise vote, but choose not to.
Then on the seventh slide the teacher will explain why each of the
reasons listed on the seventh slide keep people from voting. Then
on the eighth slide the teacher will tell students how big the
problem of people refusing to vote is. On the ninth slide the
teacher will briefly go over how voter behavior is studied and the
factors that influence voter behavior: perceptions, and
assumptions, sociological and psychological factors. (an
explanation of these can be found in the text book, chapter 6
section 4, if substitutes need a refresher) on the following two
slides the teacher will go into more depth explaining each of the
reasons listed on the slide. On the last slide the teacher will ask
students to analyze the political cartoon and answer the question,
what is the artist of this cartoon trying to say with the cartoon?
The teacher will give students a couple minutes to ponder this
question and then ask students for their opinions on this cartoon.
Once a few students have given their responses the teacher will
hand out the chapter 6 section 4 practice handout.
Co-Teaching Strategy
TC teaches, MT observes

Guided Practice

Differentiation Strategy
An early ballot will be brought in to show ELL students what a ballot is

Teacher Will:

Student Will:

Once the chapter 6 section 4 handout has been distributed the

teacher will instruct students to fill in the blanks in small groups of
the students sitting close to them. Students are to remain in their
seats however. Students should be told they will have 10 minutes
to fill out the worksheet before a quiz will be given at the end of
class. While students are filling out the practice sheet the teacher
will circulate through the room to answer questions.

Students will work in small groups of the students nearest them to fill out
the fill in the blank worksheet to practice the content.

Co-Teaching Strategy
TC teaches, MT observes

Independent Practice

Differentiation Strategy

Teacher Will:

Student Will:

After students have finished with their worksheets the teacher will
instruct students to put everything away except a writing utensil
and hand out the quiz and explain to students that they need to
wait until the teacher excuses them to collect their phones from
the shelf when they are finished and that they need to raise their
hands so the teacher can come around and collect their finished
quizzes. Once all of the quizzes have been collected the teacher
will excuse the students to collect their phones.

Students will complete and turn in a short quiz on the content of chapter
6 section 4.

Co-Teaching Strategy
TC teaches, MT observes

Differentiation Strategy

The teacher will ask students a few review questions about why nonvoters refuse to vote and why it is important for them to vote and whether they
would support an effort to give people a license to complain as a receipt for voting.

5 question quiz
1. What is the difference between a Cannot Voter and a Nonvoter?
2. Which of the following is not a reason people might refuse to vote?
a. Long lines
b. Party affiliation
c. Convinced it wont matter
d. Are wealthy
3. What is the single most important factor in predicting how a person will vote?
a. Education
b. Party affiliation
c. Geography
d. Family
4. Voter turnout is higher in presidential election years.

a. True
b. False
5. Women are more likely to vote democrat than men.
a. True
b. False

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