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Veer Surendra Sai University Of Technology,

Certified that seminar work entitled Boost-Derived Hybrid
Converter With Simultaneous Dc And Ac Outputs is a
authentic work carried out in the first semester by SANJAYA
KUMAR PANDA in partial fulfilment for the award of Master of
Technology in Electrical Engineering from Veer Surendra Sai
University of Technology during the academic year 2015-2016
who carried out the seminar work under the guidance of

Prof (Dr.) P.K.MODI

Dept. of Electrical Engineering

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and admiration
Prof (Dr.) P.K.MODI for his
help and patience through this seminar. His excellent guidance
and support made my working and learning experience a very
special one. This seminar report would not have been completed
without his constant inspiration and encouragement.
An assembles of this nature could never have
been attempted without inspiration from the works
of others whose details are mentioned in
references section.

Sanjaya Kumar Panda

Regd. No.: 15040207
Electrical Engineering
VSSUT, Burla

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