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Interview With Mid-level Student in AP Class

1. How does a teacher let you know that he or she thinks youre smart? Do teachers ever do
things to make you feel dumb?
Mrs. Gould is my only teacher that says like good job and stuff. My math teacher always
makes me feel like an idiot because when I raise my hand in class to hare, and Im wrong,
she just says no and moves on.
2. What can I do to help you if you are struggling with something? Do you feel valued in my
classroom? Why or why not?
If Im struggling just listen to what Im telling you is hard. I dont need a worksheet if Im
confused about a part of speech; I need you to just quickly explain it again. I feel valued in
your classroom because you have us share a lot and you get involved in discussions and like
what we are saying.
3. What kinds of things can teachers do to make you feel valued?
Again, just listen. A lot of us feel like our opinions dont really matter too much here.
4. Have you ever felt like you were learning something and it was important to YOU to learn
that, not just because you were supposed to? If so, what made that thing important?
When I was in history we did a unit on genocide and we studied multiple acts of genocide
over history. It really impacted me and I started to really want to learn more about it.
5. What makes you want to learn something?
If it is interesting to me, if it will help me, or if it sounds cool.
6. Was there ever a time in your life when you hated school? Why? Was there ever a time when
you loved school? Why?

I mostly hate school. Im only in AP because of my mom and dad. I love school when we get
to incorporate art or music into things. I hate school all the other times.
7. If a student disrespects a teacher, how should the teacher respond?
The teacher should tell them to stop, if they dont they should send them outside and then go talk
to them later once everyone has calmed down.

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