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M Based Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset

TABLE OF FIGURE.......................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................6
1.1 FUNCTIONALITY...............................................................................................................7
1.2 PROBLEM CONTEXT.........................................................................................................8
1.3 CHALLENGES IN THE PROJECT......................................................................................8
1.3.1 New technology need to be learnt:..................................................................................9
1.4 TANGIBLE BENEFIT & INTANGIBLE BENEFITS..........................................................9
1.4.1 TANGIABLE BENEFIT.................................................................................................9
1.4.2 INTANGIBLE BENEFITS...........................................................................................10
1.5 Need of such system................................................................................................................10
1.6 TARGET USERS.................................................................................................................10
1.7 Report Layout..........................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 2: PROJECT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................12
2.1 TIME MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................12
2.2 PERT CHART......................................................................................................................16
2.3 TIMELINE...........................................................................................................................16
2.4 PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT ISSUE.........................................................................16
CHAPTER 3: TECHNICAL LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................18
3.1 PURPOSE OF LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................18
3.2 NEED OF LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................18
3.4 FAULT DETECTION TECHNIQUE..................................................................................22
3.4.1 Impedance-Based Methods...........................................................................................23

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3.4.2. Traveling Wave-Based Methods...................................................................................24

2.4.3 Detection and Location Using Magnetic Field Sensors................................................24
2.5 FAULT CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUE.........................................................................25
3.6 CONCLUSION OF LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................26
Chapter 4: fault in transmission line..............................................................................................28
4.1 INTRODUCTION TO 3-PHASE FAULT...........................................................................28
4.2 REPRESENTATION OF DIFFERENT TYPE OF FAULT.................................................29
SEQUENCE & ZERO SEQUENCE CURRENT......................................................................31
Chapter 5: mathematical modeling................................................................................................34
5.1 THE A OPERATOR.............................................................................................................34
5.2 THE J OPERATOR..............................................................................................................34
5.3 FAULT CALCULATION IN THREE PHASE SYSTEM...................................................34
5.3.1 Three- phase fault..........................................................................................................34
5.3.2 Single Phase to ground Fault.........................................................................................35
5.3.3 Line to Line fault.......................................................................................................35
5.3.4 Line- to-Line ground fault...........................................................................................35
5.4 THE PER UNIT SYSTEM..................................................................................................36
CHAPTER: 6 MATLAB Simulation & Block Explanation..........................................................38
6.1 KEY FEATURES OF MATLAB.........................................................................................38
6.2 THE ROLE OF SIMULATION IN DESIGN......................................................................38
6.3 MATLAB SIMULATION....................................................................................................39
6.4 DESCRIPTION OF BLOCK...............................................................................................39
6.5 MATLAB SIMULATION RESULT....................................................................................45
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6.5.1Three phase to ground fault............................................................................................45

6.5.2 Line Line ground fault...............................................................................................45
6.5.3 L-G Fault.......................................................................................................................46
6.6 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................46
Chapter 7: system design...............................................................................................................47
7.2 EXPLANATION..................................................................................................................47
7.3 LIST OF COMPONENT.....................................................................................................48
7.4 POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM DESIGN................................................................................54
7.4.1 Ideal Power supply system design.................................................................................55
7.4.2 Prototype Power supply system design.........................................................................56
7.5 FAULT DETECTION & CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM....................................................56
Chapter 8: System Implementation...............................................................................................59
8.1 SOFTWARE TO BE USED FOR SOFTWARE SIMULATION........................................59
8.2 PROTEUS SIMULATION..................................................................................................60
8.3 WAVEFORM OF LINEAR NON LINEAR LOAD & RELAY..........................................61
8.3.1Input Voltage of Linear & Non- Linear Load.................................................................61
8.3.2 Output voltage of Relay................................................................................................62
8.4 COMPONENT ASSEMBLY...............................................................................................63
Chapter 9: Hardware testing..........................................................................................................69
CHAPTER: 10 Calcuation.............................................................................................................71
CHAPTER: 11 REFLECTIVE SUMMARY & OVERVIEW.......................................................73
Chapter 12: conclusion..................................................................................................................75
CHAPTER 13: COST ESTIMATION...........................................................................................76
13.1 COST ESTIMATION FOR THE DEVLOPER.................................................................76
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13.2 Software required...................................................................................................................77

Appendix A....................................................................................................................................82
Appendix B....................................................................................................................................84
Appendix D....................................................................................................................................94
Appendix c: Heath Safety and Ethical Assessment.....................................................................104
Appendix D: User manual...........................................................................................................106
APPENDIX E : REVIEW & RESERCH PAPER.......................................................................108

Figure 1 : Developed hardware........................................................................................................6
Figure 2: Transmission line.............................................................................................................6
Figure 3: Project Management Flow chart....................................................................................14
Figure 4: Pert chart........................................................................................................................16
Figure 5: flow chart of fault detection method..............................................................................22
Figure 6: Various method for detecting fault.................................................................................22
Figure 7: fault detection using magnetic field sensor....................................................................25
Figure 8: fault classification algorithm..........................................................................................26
Figure 9: L-L Fault representation.................................................................................................29
Figure 10: Sequence network of line to line fault..........................................................................29
Figure 11: L-G fault representation...............................................................................................30
Figure 12: Sequence network of line to ground fault....................................................................30
Figure 13: L-L-G fault representation...........................................................................................30
Figure 14: Sequence Network of L-L-G fault...............................................................................31
Figure 15: unbalanced network.....................................................................................................32
Figure 16: Positive sequence representation..................................................................................32
Figure 17: Negative sequence representation................................................................................33
Figure 18: Zero sequence representation.......................................................................................33
Figure 19: Flow chart of fault analysis using Matlab....................................................................39
Figure 20: Matlab simulation of developed interface....................................................................39
Figure 21: Simplified Synchronous Machine................................................................................40
Figure 22: Three-Phase Series RLC Load.....................................................................................40
Figure 23: three phase transformer two winding...........................................................................41
Figure 24: Three phase breaker.....................................................................................................41
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Figure 25: Distributed parameter line............................................................................................42

Figure 26: Three phase V-I measurement......................................................................................43
Figure 27: Three phase sequence analyzer...................................................................................43
Figure 28: scope.............................................................................................................................43
Figure 29: Three phase fault..........................................................................................................44
Figure 30: Three phase fault Matlab Waveform............................................................................45
Figure 31: Line Line ground fault Matlab Waveform from scope.............................................45
Figure 32: L-G fault Matlab Waveform.........................................................................................46
Figure 33: Block diagram of Circuit..............................................................................................47
Figure 34: Transformer connection to three phase source in star connection...............................49
Figure 35: Transformer connection to three phase source in wye connection..............................50
Figure 36: Op-Amp........................................................................................................................50
Figure 37: Switch...........................................................................................................................51
Figure 38: Resistor.........................................................................................................................51
Figure 39: Capacitor......................................................................................................................52
Figure 40: LED..............................................................................................................................52
Figure 41: Relay............................................................................................................................52
Figure 42: Diode............................................................................................................................53
Figure 43: Three Phase supply.......................................................................................................54
Figure 44: Working of GSM Modem.............................................................................................54
Figure 45: Ideal block diagram of power supply...........................................................................55
Figure 46: PROTOTYPE POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM DESIGN................................................56
Figure 47: Transmission line.........................................................................................................56
Figure 48: Step by step component used.......................................................................................57
Figure 49: Proteus Simulation.......................................................................................................60
Figure 50: Wave Form of Linear Load..........................................................................................61
Figure 51: Waveform of Non Linear Load....................................................................................61
Figure 52:5.Output voltage of the 12v dc supply..........................................................................62
Figure 53:6.Output voltage of the 12v dc......................................................................................62
Figure 54: Power supply from three phase source.........................................................................63
Figure 55: Input Supply.................................................................................................................63
Figure 56: Assembly for single phase............................................................................................64
Figure 57: Assembly for six transformer.......................................................................................65
Figure 58: Connection of 555 timer & Lm358..............................................................................66
Figure 59: Connection of Op-amp & transistor with 555 timer & relay.......................................67
Figure 60: Completed Assembled Circuit......................................................................................68
Figure 61: Final circuit..................................................................................................................68

G.S.M based three phase fault analysis with auto reset on transient fault or remain tripped
otherwise. Fault in power system is deviation of voltage or current from its nominal value and
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state which happens more often leading to the failure of many equipment or may even be life
threatening to the operating personal, so to overcome this engineers have developed a system to
analysis the fault in power system. The fault analysis of power system is required in order to
provide information to selection of safety gear.

Figure 1 : Developed hardware

Faults usually occur in a power system due to either insulation failure, flashover, physical
damage or human error. These faults, may either be three phase in nature involving all three
phases in a symmetrical manner, or may be asymmetrical where usually only one or two phases
may be involved.

Figure 2: Transmission line

Fault analysis usually carried out in per-unit quantities (similar to percentage quantities) as they
give solutions which are somewhat consistent over different voltage and power ratings, and

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operate on values of the order of unity. Relating to one single phase gives information related to
two or three phase as well so it is more obvious & sufficient to do calculation in one phase.
This project system will be designed to develop an automatic griping mechanism for three phase
supply system. The output will reset automatically when there is brief interruption (temporary
fault) or remain tripped otherwise in case of permeant fault.
To reach the aim following are the field required in which researcher is to work on:

Fault detection in three phase transmission line.

Fault classification in three phase transmission line.
Fault location in three phase transmission line.
Best fault calculation method to be implemented for calculation
Interfacing G.S.M technology with transmission line to alert the operating personal.

A transmission line is an important component of the electrical power system & its protection is
necessary for ensuring system stability.

Fault detection
Fault classification
Fault location
SOS message

Fault detection performs an important role in minimizing damaging equipment due to short
circuit & fast detection of fault in any line condenses to quick isolation of faulty line from
service and hence protecting it from harmful effect of the fault.
Fault classification determines the type of fault that may occur on transmission line & hence
knowledge of fault type essentially be required on fault location procedure.
Fault location- when fault occur in transmission line, finding the fault location id an essential
problem in order to make necessary repair & restore power as soon as locating fault,
information produced from classification section could be used for accurate fault location &
evaluate the necessary repairing procedure to be carried out. Usual method of fault location are

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The measurement of time between sending & receiving an electric pulse reflected from
fault location.
The measurement of fundamental periodic component of voltage & current in terminal of
the line.
SOS message- In case if the operating personal is not near the operating system when the fault
occurred the proposed system will send SOS message to the individual with the help of GSM
modem installed in the system ensuring that operating act as soon as possible.


Transmission line protection is an important issue in power system reason behind it is 85-87%
fault occur in transmission line.
Fault detection & classification is an important step to safeguard power system. an automated
analysis approach which can automatically characterized fault and subsequent relay operation is
required is fault detection play an important role in damaging equipment due to short circuit and
fast detection of fault In any line conduces to quick isolation of faulty line from service and
hence protecting it prom harmful effect of fault is required. So, the proposed system is required
to act fast to the fault condition.


Many challenges were to be faced to develop the proposed system G.S.M based three phase
fault analysis with auto reset on transient fault or remain tripped otherwise. Among the major
challenge in the proposed system was to choose the method for calculation of fault current or
which technique to use for fault classification & location. Weather to stick with the traditional
impendence based method or to choose the technology which was developed the recent past like
artificial neural network technology or synchronized sampling or fuzzy based.
Many challenges need to face for the development of this project by researcher as a student.
The major and the foremost challenge in building this system the conventional fault analysis tool
with the proposed system. A deep study of the technologies is required to overcome the
drawbacks of the existing system and prepare a system which will be better in every respect from

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the existing system. To fulfil this need, several technologies need to be learned to address the
fault prevention system.
Developer needs to learn new technology for development of project which includes various
fault analysis method proposed in recent time such as synchronized sampling or K-NN based
analysis. The researcher has to understand various interfacing concepts of components relay as it
play the most significant role. Interfacing requires proper understanding of architecture of
controller and components.
GSM technology has to be interfaced with the fault analysis tool giving the proposed system an
upper hand then all other system. So researcher has to go through the concept of how GSM
technology works and how it can be interfaced in the proposed system


Below mentioned are tangible and intangible benefit to support the rational:

Increasing the power system safety making it more efficient.

The proposed system will speed up the development and features related to three phase


fault analysis tool.

SOS message of the proposed system alarms the operating personal by delivering


message telling them to operate in the faulty area.

Proposed system is reliable and cost effective GSM based fault analysis tool.
Proposed system acts automatically in case of permanent fault the system will isolate the
faulty phase from rest of phase making sure no equipment gets damaged.



The proposed system will help to reduce the injury or death caused due to line to
ground fault in transmission line especially in short distance transmission line in urban


area making the system tripped.

The proposed system will automatically respond to transient fault making the power


system to run smoothly.

The system trips or isolates the line permanently till the permanent fault is being

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The proposed system will provide more safety as it will avoid because of its auto
tripping mechanism.


83% of fault in power system is in transmission line caused by system problem (i.e. failure of
any electrical equipment or human error) or external hindrance such as lightning to overcome
such fault is not within our reach but the fault which occur in system due to system failure can be
controlled. Many type of to control such problem a proper automated device is required which
can sense the fault and perform the subsequent relay operation. Making such device can ensure
the reliability of power system


This system is designed to save life when there is fault in transmission line such as earth to
ground or double line to line fault. Since this fault are in high voltage transmission which is at
least 60 KM long short transmission line carrying heavy voltage can take life whosoever come in
contact(person, animal ,etc.) will be life threatening so it is necessary to isolate the phase for less
This system is specially designed for
Power sector
Power generation plant (power plant)
Transmission substation
Distribution substation


The report comprises of a survey on three phase fault analysis tool. A detailed discussion on the
application of fault detection system is included. Chapter 3 contains the detailed discussion &
literature review.
Chapter 4 includes introduction to various kind of fault in power system
Chapter 5. Contain mathematical modeling of power system to compute driftnet type of fault in
power system
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Chapter 6 includes Matlab simulation & result

After Chapter 6 further chapters 7, 8 and 9 includes System design, implementation, testing and
evaluation along with the output results are also included in the report.
The testing and evaluation results are discussed in the end and then final conclusion is reached.
References, and appendices are also attached at the end of the document.
This project is one year work and an estimation of approximately 274 days was decided to
complete it. Different time slots are allotted for different chapter of the report. Refer to pert chart
and Gantt chart given in appendix-E for the detailed time management plan of the project.


The main objective of this project is to build an intelligent device for power system transmission
line network which can classify detect and respond to the fault and respond accordingly
depending weather it is transient fault or permanent fault and even send SOS message to the
operating personal that some problem is there. Condition & time both actually demands this kind
of system because power demand is increasing in urban area so continues power flow is required
to meet the increasing demand and a condition of fault is not at all useful to that so the proposed
system dose a bit to meet the demand in transmission line fault detection in better way.
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A perfect fault analysis tool should be able to perform the following task
1. Fault detection in three phase transmission line.
2. Fault classification in three phase transmission line.
3. Fault location in three phase transmission line.
Interfacing two technology
4. Interfacing G.S.M technology with transmission line to alert the operating personal


To achieve project objective time management is to be taken care of seriously from the very
beginning. The first step is to project in serval part or task that has to be performed. This process
should be completed before the implementation of the project. For the proposed project, it is
necessary to create a time plan be setting the objective and then subdividing them into
manageable sequence with a deadline attach to it.
The first step for the researcher is to identify how to perform the specific schedule activity to be
performed & time period needed to complete those activity. The researcher must be aware of all
the task need to be carried out to achieve the objective. The amount of time each task will take to
complete should also be estimated clearly. The next step is to decide which work is most
important and set the priorities accordingly.
As management analysis is concern Gantt Chart & PERT chart are useful tool for any project.
The researcher is using two time management tool namely
A. Gantt chart
B. Pert chart
C. Timeline
Gantt chart is a very useful tool while the project is going on to check whether the project is
meting its time limit which are the area which is to focused more on in order to complete project
in allotted time and necessary steps to achieve that.
The overall project is broken down in serval part with possible duration for every task.
The breakdown list of the plan for the project is are as follows:
1. Project commencement
Task performed:

Idea generation for the approval to topic for the final year project.
Preparation of draft proposal form.
Submission of draft proposal form.
Investigation related to the project to make a healthy project proposal form.
Finalization of project proposal form.

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In the allotted period of time, the project idea was developed by the researcher after going
through various journal related to fault detection & classification which will provide the
pillar for the complication of the project. To make topic more justifiable various library
resource, book, E-book were used by the researcher.
2. Project planning
Task performed

Feasibility study
Planning of the research method to be adopted.

In this period of time, project planning was done by the researcher & the feasibility study
about the topic and the methodology to be used was performed. Planning for primary and
secondary research method which will be adopted was done in this period of time again
for this purpose various book, E-book, library resource was used by the researcher.
3. Requirement analysis & research
Task performed
Preparation of questionnaire
Question to be asked in interview.
Literature review.
4. Project management
Duration: 7 days
Task performed:
Cost estimation
Time estimation
Health & risk management.
This will take a week and the work done in this week are time estimation, cost estimation.

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Figure 3: Project Management Flow chart

5. Project methodology
Duration: 7 days
Task performed:
Overview of block diagram
Component analysis.
This week take a week to make block diagram and analysis component to be used in the project.
6. Analysis
Duration: 6 days
Task performed
Analysis of questionnaire conducted
iv. Analysis of interview conducted
This include analysis of primary research both interview and questionnaire
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7. Midpoint submission
Duration: 9 days
Task performed
More than a week was taken to complete mid-point submission
8. Implementation
Duration: 99 days
Task performed:
Software implementation
i. Code generation
ii. Simulation
Hardware implementation
i. Layout design
ii. Hardware integration
This section include hardware and software implementation.
9. Testing & evolution
Duration: 30 days
Task performed
Hardware testing
Performance validation.
This section should be performed as it is the final testing.
10. Project editing
Duration: 19days
Task performed
Submission of final year project
This stage include final documentation for the final year report.
Gantt chart is included in appendix.


For the proposed project researcher has used pert chart to deal with time management for the
ECT-The Earliest Completion Time (ECT) i.e. the minimum amount of time needed to complete
all the activities that precedes every event is mention in the upper part of the circle and the
Latest Completion Time (LCT) which is the latest time needed at which the event can occur
without delaying the overall project is mention in the

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The critical path is the path of the tasks which cannot be delayed and project will not move
forward without completing these tasks. In the pert chart drawn below, black lined tasks which
are from task 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. Task 8 is dependent upon task 9 and 3 and task 7 depends upon
6. It means 9 cannot be starting before task 8 is not completed.

Figure 4: Pert chart

For the proposed project researcher has used a timeline to evaluate time properly and distribute
the work load matrix. Time line has been included in the appendix section at the end.


No proper planning
Proper planning is one of the key aspect for any project to succeed, if it is not done so it
might lead to risk of not meeting the project deadline or if the cost estimation is not done
properly it might lead to out project. So proper planning is one of the aspect where
researcher should focus primarily.
Almost all type of component available on simulation software
It is not possible to test directly on hardware so researcher use a simulation tool to
achieve that without wasting money. But in many cases the component to be used in
circuit is not available in simulation software or simulation software provides many type
of component. So this can cause delay in project. If the researcher tries to design the
circuit directly in hardware there are certain chances that circuit might not work
lack of component in market
Sometime the component become unavailable in the as these component are used
frequently. This situation can be very risky resulting in delay of project falling to meet the
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deadline. It is very much obvious that hardware implementation take much time
(maximum) out of all the work distribution of the project.
Relay or not working
Relay is the mastermind of the project as it carries the most important role in the device
to detect and classify fault. So researcher must take a note on this. Taking this is mind
researcher should select the proper relay meeting system requirement and should be first
then applied in system.

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A good literature review will help you justify researchers research and develop your thesis
position. The literature review deals with critical analysis of any published piece of knowledge
through study of the literature and comparison of those prior research findings to draw a
conclusion which supports the proposed research project.
Literature review has to be the essential part of any project so same apply for the project titled
G.S.M based three phase fault analysis with auto reset on transient fault or remain tripped
otherwise as this review provides a complete overview of the technical perspective of project
that is to be developed. With increase number of research journals power system transmission
line fault it clearly shows the increase in interest related to this topic as fault is one major thing
which is to be dealt with.
The literature review also gives an outlook of the technology to be used for the implementation
of the project.


Literature review helps in understanding the problem faced by the researcher to understand
various problem related to topic Review helps the researcher to frame the problem related to
Some of the important purpose of literature review helped the researcher to get the final result
1. Literature review did provide a context for the research related to G.S.M based three

phase fault analysis with auto reset on transient fault or remain tripped otherwise
It helped establish a theoretical framework for related topic.
Helps to define key terms, definitions and terminology
Helps to justify the research topic.
Enable the researcher to learn from previous theory related to the topic.
Helps to develop much needed fault analysis system for the power system.


The proposed system is being developed to analysis various fault occurring in power system with
interfacing another technology GSM which will send the SOS message to operating personal. So
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the literature review of this project will clearly focus on various approach related to fault
problem and there limitation.
Some of them are mentioned below:

Various fault occurring in transmission line

Method used to detect fault
Method used to classify fault
Use of fault limiting device
Dose any running system has interfaced fault with GSM technology.


1. Transmission line fault detection & classification this paper presents a technique to detect
and classify shunt fault which will be achieved with the help of programming tool called
PSCADA the method through which this is achieved is by discreet wavelet transform.
(Manohar Singh 2011)
DWT wavelet transform is applied for decomposition of transient fault because of its
ability to extract signal from transient signal simultaneously both from time & frequency
domain. After extracting the useful features from measured signal a decision of fault or
no fault is carried out using SVM classifier. (B.K. Panigiri, 2011)
2. Analysis of the unbalanced fault in three phase transmission line using Flux coupling
type SFCL using symmetrical co-ordinate method in this paper researcher discusses the
sizes of fault currents limited by flux coupling type SFCL using the symmetrical
coordinate method in the case of unbalanced faults such as a single and double line-to
ground faults in the power system. An unbalanced current of three phase was indicated by
three balanced symmetrical components using the symmetrical coordinate method
comparing the component sizes.
Controls unbalanced fault by changing primary secondary coil turn, it can even reduce
the current value of symmetrical component. (Byung-Ik-jung, Hyo-Sang-choi, Doungchul chung 2012)
3. Transmission line fault analysis using synchronized sampling in this research paper the
author discusses an automated analysis approach which can automatically characterized
fault and subsequently relay operation is performed this is achieved by changing the

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instantaneous power on all three phase connected at two end of transmission line using
synchronized voltage & currnet sample. ( Mladen Kezunovic, 2014)
4. Fault analysis is transmission line using K-nearest neighbor algorithm in this paper
researcher discusses that that fault detection and classification is done in time domain
using K-nearest neighbor algorithm using PSCADA software this is achieved by for fault
detection a k-NN module is designed. Input to the k-NN module is fundamental
component of currents of three phases. Half cycle of post fault samples are given as input
to train the network. Output of the fault detection module is 0 for no fault and 1 for
fault.( Anamika Yadav, 2014)
5. Fault classification & location of power transmission line using artificial neural network
in this paper researcher discusses fault location strategy based on ANN and this method is
not dependent on fault inception angle and the process of ANN is achieved by
MATLAB/Neural network tool box. ( M. Tarafdar, K. Razi, 2007)
6. Improved fault location algorithm for multiple fault location in compressed transmission
line in this paper researcher proposes a method which is combined discrete WT & A-NN
based fault location algorithm in this method unlike other fault location scheme this
method does not require fault classification i.e. fault type and faulty phase information.
The main significant contribution is it not only pin point the location of shunt fault
occurring at single location but also find the location of multi-location and transforming
fault that to using single terminal data (Anamika Yadav, 2015)
7. Advance distance protection scheme for long transmission line in electrical power system
using multiple classifier ANFIS network in this paper researcher discusses the advance
application of artificial intelligence approach which is achieved through ANFIS classifier.
This ANFIS classifier has
8. Improved fault location algorithm for multi-location fault , transforming fault & shunt
fault in Thyristor controlled series capacitor compensated transmission line discusses
combining two method discreet WT & ANN fault method reduces the fault
classification( fault type & faulty phase(s) information for fault location estimation most
important significance is that it not only locate shunt fault but also find location of multilocation fault & transforming fault that too using single terminal data.



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9. Recent techniques used in transmission line protection: a review discusses The ANN,
fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, SVM and wavelet based techniques have been quite
successful but are not adequate for the present time varying network configurations,
power system operating conditions and events. Therefore, it seems that there is a
significant scope of research in AI techniques which can simplify the complex nonlinear
systems, realize the cost effective hardware with proper modification in the learning
methodology and preprocessing of input data and which are computationally much
simpler. Also development of reliable software and communication system will pave the
way (Singh,Tripathi,Vekataramana,2013)
10. A Combined Wavelet-ANN based fault classifier has been investigated for electrical
distribution systems discusses some fault condition wore taken to identify by this the
proposed approach. It is shown that the technique correctly recognizes and discriminates
the fault type and faulted phases with a high degree of accuracy. (0. Dag & Ucak, 2003)
11. Multiple failure analysis for complex electrical power system in this paper researcher
combines the two method to form a new algorithm they are
Virtual node method
The compensation method
And its benefits are when compared to traditional algorithm new algorithm has a
complete fault calculation system but has lower reliability than tradition method. The
proposed algorithm is to read the network model and fault condition after this is done
analyze the status quo of the fault to choose an appropriate algorithm once this is done
get the admittance matrix for n port three sequence impedance matrix with this done n
port matrix can be formed with the help of formula and later at later stage impedance
matrix for virtual note can be can be calculated. (Xiao hen Liu, 2012)
Below is the flow chart of the proposed method

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Figure 5: flow chart of fault detection method


Fault detection technique is one of the main objective of power system to run continuously.
Quick fault detection can help to protect equipment by allowing the disconnection of faulted
lines before any major damage is done. Accurate fault location can help utility personnel remove
persistent faults and locate areas where faults regularly occur. Various fault detection and
location schemes have been developed in the past, a variety of algorithms continue to be
developed to perform this task more accurately and more effectively.

Figure 6: Various method for detecting fault

Most analysis methods depends on the values of either current or voltage phasor measured by
means of current or voltage transformers at substations or switching stations. To collect this
information, at least three transformers are typically required at each end of the sub transmission
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or transmission line. These transformers are expensive, especially when the system involves high
voltage lines. Some algorithms mainly fault impedance-based algorithms require both current
and voltage information.
Some fault detection technique:




Function requirement

One terminal

Impedance of transmission is used in this

1. Impedance method

Two terminal
2. Travelling wave

One terminal

One-terminal depends upon timing between

reflection of voltage/current

Two terminal
Two terminal depends upon time delay at the
end of transmission line
3. Magnetic field

In this two sensing coils at each end of the

transmission line. One detect the vertical
magnetic field intensity and the other detects
horizontal field intensity
Table 3.1: some fault detection technique


No table of figures entries found.Traditional impedance-based fault location methods use the
voltages and currents at one or both ends of a transmission line to determine where a fault has
occurred. The impedance of the transmission line per unit length is usually required in these
calculations. One of the major problems with basic one-terminal impedance-based fault location
methods those that only use measurements from one end of the transmission line is that the
fault impedance must be near-zero for the result to be accurate, since the fault impedance affects
the impedance seen at the end of the transmission line. This problem has been mitigated in
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several different ways. One of the best-known of these ways is the Takagi method. This changes
the calculation to include the difference between the current measured before the fault and the
current measured after the fault (which is the fault current). This eliminates the fault impedance
from the analysis, thus removing this significant source of error. However, the angle of the fault
current and the angle of the current during the fault at the relay terminals are assumed to be
equal; if this is not true, there may be errors in the fault location.
Two-terminal impedance-based fault location methods, or those that use measurements from
both ends of the transmission line, can also significantly improve the accuracy of the fault
location estimate. Two-terminal methods require communication between the locators at both
ends of the transmission line to transfer information about the currents, voltages, and source
impedances in order to perform the fault location.
Traveling wave-based fault location methods, like impedance-based methods, can be divided into
one-terminal and two-terminal methods. With traveling wave analysis, however, the entire
method of location rather than simply the equations change between the one- and two-terminal
methods. One-terminal methods rely on the timing between reflections of voltage or current at
impedance discontinuities in this case, the fault to find the distance between the sensor and
the fault while two-terminal methods work based on the time delay between arrivals of
information at the ends of the transmission line.
Due to the simple relationship between current and magnetic field intensity, it is understandable
that magnetic field sensors have previously been used in fault detection and location schemes.
These schemes often use magnetic field sensors in place of current transformers since magnetic
field sensors can be installed independently from a substation or switching station with a
minimum amount of additional equipment
One possible use of this relationship is simply replacing each current transformer with a Hall
Effect transducer. This transducer would typically need to be within the electrical arcing distance
of the conductors to produce enough voltage for analysis and would thus require insulation. To
remove this need for insulation, the transducer can be located between two tapered pieces of
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ferromagnetic material in order to concentrate the magnetic field into the transducer; as a result,
the transducer does not need to be located within the arcing distance of the conductors. The
measured magnetic field result can then be used similarly to a current measurement for fault
detection and location.

Figure 7: fault detection using magnetic field sensor


Fault classification plays an important role in any fault analysis tool. For a reliable protection of
transmission line fault classification has to be taken seriously. There are different issue of fault
classification. Fault type like line-to-ground or line to line fault is one aspect & other is fault
direction estimation. Importantly the classification of fault area in a series compensated line is
another challenging task. Different neural network, fuzzy based, synchronized sampling are
generally used to classify fault.
Fault occur in different places of transmission line. All data are collected from sending end of the

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Below shown figure is the simple flow chart use for classification technique of fault in
transmission line.

Figure 8: fault classification algorithm


As concluded from the above researches done by various researchers, fault detection & fault
classification is the need of the hour. The similar projects discussed in the review, one fulfils the
feature of fault detection and other project is meant for fault classification purpose. Thus the
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researcher concluded that automation power system is the need to of the hour by reviewing the
'fault cases round the world. The fault detection and classification both the factors seem to be
very important in power system. The research proves that 65% of fault in power system occur in
transmission line thus proving the researchers hypothesis true. So the researcher has decided to a
fault detection tool which can detect and classify fault with emphasis on cost efficiency and
affordability in the proposed project with some further enhancements if possible.

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83% fault in power system is in transmission line so in order to safeguard power system & make
it reliable it is essential to analysis the type of fault & resolve the problem quickly & continue the
power supply. To safeguard power system it is essential to have good knowledge of fault in
transmission line.


Transmission line Fault can be of two type
1. Shunt fault
2. Series fault
Shunt Fault are of 4 type namely

Line to Line Fault. (L-L)

Line to Ground (L-G)
Line to line to Ground (L-L-G)

Series or Open Conductor Fault are of two type namely


1 conductor open
2 conductor open

L-L, L-G,L-L-G are unsymmetrical type of fault & 3-Phase fault,1 Conductor open, 2 conductor
open are symmetrical type of fault
Symmetrical fault
In this type of fault all fault all three phase are simultaneously short circuited hence the network
remain balanced.
Unsymmetrical fault
The fault in power system which gives rise to unsymmetrical current (i.e. unequal fault current in
line with unequal phasor displacement) is known as Unsymmetrical fault.
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Line to line fault
In this type of fault two phases are short circuited
Boundary condition: Ifa =0

Figure 9: L-L Fault representation

The boundary condition are Ia0=0 , Ia1+Ia2=0 & Va1=Va2 indicates a sequence network where the
positive & negative sequence are in parallel & the zero sequence is open circuited as shown in
figure below

Figure 10: Sequence network of line to line fault

Line to Ground fault
In this type of fault 1 phase gets in contact with the ground so potential then becomes infinite
Boundary condition: Ifb=Ifc=0

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Figure 11: L-G fault representation

Below figure shows sequenc netork which show that the three netwok must be connectd in series

Figure 12: Sequence network of line to ground fault

Line to line to ground
It is assumed that the fault has occurred at node k of the network. In this the phases b and c got
shorted through the impedance Zf to the ground.
Boundary condition: 3Ifa=Ifb+If

Figure 13: L-L-G fault representation

Under the fault condition Ia =Vb=Vc=0

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These condition are taken together& can correspond to all three sequence network connected in

Figure 14: Sequence Network of L-L-G fault

3-Phase fault

Figure 4: Phase fault representation


Power systems are always analyzed using per-phase representation because of its simplicity.
Balanced three-phase power systems are solved by changing all delta connections to equivalent
wye connections and solving one phase at a time. The remaining two phases differ from the first
by 120. To analyze an unbalanced system, the system is transformed into its symmetrical
components for per-phase analysis. Charles Legeyt Fortescue developed a theory which suggests
that an unbalanced system can be well defined using the symmetrical components. These three
symmetrical components are positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence. They are

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represented by +, -, and 0 or 1, 2, and 0 for positive, negative and zero sequence


Figure 15: unbalanced network

A system of three unbalanced phasors can be resolved in the following three symmetrical
1. Positive sequence component: (VA+,VB+,VC+)
Three phasors
Equal in magnitude
Displaced by 120o in phase
Having the same sequence as the original phasors (abc)

Figure 16: Positive sequence representation

2. Negative sequence component: (VA-,VB_,VC-)
Three phasors
Equal in magnitude
Displaced by 120o in phase
Having the opposite sequence as the original phasors (acb)

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component: (VA0,VB0,VC0)
same phase shift ( in phase)

3. Zero
Having the
Figure 17: Negative
sequence representation

Figure 18: Zero sequence representation


Faulted power systems do not have three phase symmetry, so it cannot be solved by per phase
analysis. To find fault currents and fault voltages, it is first transformed into their symmetrical
components. This can be done by replacing three phase fault current by the sum of a three phase
zero sequence source, a three phase positive sequence source and a three phase negative
sequence source. Each circuit is solved by per phase analysis called a sequence networks.


As the symmetrical component theory involves the concept of 120 displacement in the positive
sequence set & negative sequence set, therefore, it is desirable to involve some operator which
could cause 120 rotation. For the purpose, operator a (symbols h or are sometime used
instead of a) is used. It defines as under:
The operator a is one, which when multiplied to a vector rotates the vector through antilock
direction at 120.
Property of operator A


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a a2=j3


In polar form, j =190 . Multiplying by j has the effect of rotating a phasor 90 without
affecting the magnitude
Property Of operator J
1 = 0.1 + j 0.0
j =190
j2=1180 = -1


To calculate symmetrical & unsymmetrical fault firstly we need to calculate positive sequence
component. The fault current of sequence have been determined by using the reactance (Z1, Z2,
Z0) have been calculated. The current & voltage value of other phase could be calculated via
these component.
Ia1= zi
Where Ea & Zi are phase voltage & positive sequence reactance.
Ia1= Z 0+Z 1+Z 2
Ia0= Ia2= Ia1
Where Z0 & Z2 are zero & negative sequence reactance.

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Ia1= Z 1+ Z 2
Ia0= -Ia1
Where Z0 & Z2 are zero & negative sequence reactance.
Ia1= Z 1+ z 0 z 2
z 0+ z 2
Ia0= --


Z 0+Z 2


Z 0
Z 0+Z 2 Ia1

The current have been calculated using positive negative & zero component of phase a for each
fault using equation

V a0
I a0
Z0 0 0
( V a1 ) = Ea 0 Z 1 0 Z I a1
I a2
V a2

( )( )


Additionally, the symmetrical component of phase a has calculated by using

X1(T) =
(( X d} - {1} over {Xd} right ) e+ left ({1} over {X'd}
- {1} over {Xd} right ) e+ left ({1} over {X d ) )

Other phase voltage has been determined via the voltage of phase a. the positive sequence
reactance must be calculated using for time variation of signal

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Where Xd Xd, Xd direct axis sub transient, transient, & synchronous reactance Td, Td direct
axis fault sub transient & transient time constant. Ea, E: complex RMS value of phase a voltage
of synchronous machine terminal before fault occurrence.
Below table could be used for calculating & drawing the fault current & voltage. The signal
must be drawn by taking into account the real part of current equation. After finding the
symmetrical component of a phase current, the value of current & voltage can be calculated.

Table 2: Symmetrical component circuit constant & fault current



X0= L0
Where Ta is armature time constant
L(0)= initial inductance at t,0,Ra & R0 are armature resistance & zero phase sequence
resistance.L1(t), L2 & L0 are positive negative & zero phase sequence respectively .


In many engineering situations it is useful to scale, or normalize, dimensioned quantities. This is
commonly done in power system analysis. The standard method used is referred to as the perunit system. Historically, this was done to simplify numerical calculations that were made by
hand. Although this advantage is eliminated by the calculator, other advantages remain.

Device parameters tend to fall into a relatively narrow range, making erroneous values
Using this method all quantities are expressed as ratios of some base value or values.
The per-unit equivalent impedance of any transformer is the same when referred to either
the primary or the secondary side.
The per-unit impedance of a transformer in a three-phase system is the same regardless of
the type of winding connections (wye-delta, delta-wye, wye-wye, or delta-delta)

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The per-unit method is independent of voltage changes and phase shifts through
transformers where the base voltages in the winding are proportional to the number of
turns in the windings.
Manufactures usually specify the impedance of equipment in per-unit or percent on the
base of its nameplate rating of power (usually kVA) and voltage (V or kV)

The per-unit system is simply a scaling method. The basic per-unit scaling equation is
Per Unit =

Base value

The base value always has the same units as the actual value, forcing the per-unit value to be
dimensionless. The base value is always a real number, whereas the actual value may be
complex. The subscript pu will indicate a per-unit value. The subscript base will indicate a base
value, and no subscript will indicate an actual value such as Amperes, Ohms, or Volts. Per-unit
quantities are similar to percent quantities. The ratio in percent is 100 times the ratio in per-unit.
For example, a voltage of 70kV on a base of 100kV would be 70% of the base voltage. This is
equal to 100 times the per unit value of 0.7 derived above.

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The name MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. MATLAB was written originally to provide
easy access to matrix software developed by the (Linear system package & Eigen system
package projects).
MATLAB is a high performance language for technical integrates computation,
visualization & programing environment where problem & solution are expressed in familiar
mathematical notation.

MATLAB has many advantage to conventional computer language

example (C, FORTRAN) for solving technical problem.


High level language for technical computing.

Development environment for managing code, files & data.
Interactive tools for iterative exploration, design & problem solving.
2D & 3D graphic function for visualization data.
Tools for building custom graphical & user interface.


Electrical power system are combination of electrical circuit & electromechanical device like
motor & generator. Engineers working in the discipline are constantly improving

Figure 19: Flow chart of fault analysis using Matlab

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Figure 20: Matlab simulation of developed interface


Simplified Synchronous Machine

Figure 21: Simplified Synchronous Machine

The Simplified Synchronous Machine block models both the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of a simple synchronous machine.

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The electrical system for each phase consists of a voltage source in series with an RL impedance,
which implements the internal impedance of the machine. The value of R can be zero but the
value of L must be positive.
Three-Phase Series RLC Load
Implementing a three-phase series RLC load with selectable connection.

Figure 22: Three-Phase Series RLC Load

The Three-Phase Series RLC Load block implements a three-phase balanced load as a series
combination of RLC elements. At the specified frequency, the load exhibits a constant
impedance. The active and reactive powers absorbed by the load are proportional to the square of
the applied voltage.
Three-Phase transformer (Two-Winding)
Implementing a Three-Phase transformer with configurable winding connection.

Figure 23: three phase transformer two winding

Three-Phase transformer (Two-Winding) block implements a three phase transformer using three
single phase transformer. We can simulate the saturable core or not simplify by setting the
appropriate check box in the parameter of the block.
Three Phase Breaker

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Implementing a three-phase circuit breaker opening at the current zero crossing.

Three-Phase Breaker block implements a three-phase circuit breaker where the opening and
closing times can be controlled either from an external Simulink signal (external control mode),
or from an internal control timer (internal control mode). The Three-Phase Breaker block uses
three Breaker blocks connected between the inputs and the outputs of the block

Figure 24: Three phase breaker

This block can be used in series with the three-phase element that one wants to switch. If the
Three-Phase Breaker block is set in external control mode, a control input appears in the block
icon. The control signal connected to this input must be either 0or 1, 0 to open the breakers, 1 to
close them. If the Three-Phase Breaker block is set in internal control mode, the switching times
are specified in the dialog box of the block. The three individual breakers are controlled with the
same signal.
Distributed Parameter Line
Implementing an N-phase distributed parameter transmission line model with lumped losses

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Figure 25: Distributed parameter line

The Distributed Parameter Line block implements an N-phase distributed parameter line model
with lumped losses. The model is based on the Bergeron's traveling wave method used by the
Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP). In this model, the loss less distributed LC line is
characterized by two values (for a single-phase line): the surge impedance
Zc= (L/C) and the phase velocity v= 1/ (LC)
. The model uses the fact that the quantity e+Zi (where e is line voltage and i is line current)
entering one end of the line must arrive unchanged at the other end after a transport delay of =
d/v, where dis the line length.
Three-Phase V-I Measurement
Measures three-phase currents and voltages in a circuit

Figure 26: Three phase V-I measurement

The Three-Phase V-I Measurement block is used to measure three-phase voltages and currents in
a circuit. When connected in series with three-phase elements, it returns the three phase-toPritesh Kumar


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ground or phase-to- Phase voltage & the three line current. The block can output the voltage &
current in per unit value or in volt & ampere.
Three-Phase sequence analyzer
Measures the positive negative & zero sequence component of the three phase signal

Figure 27: Three phase sequence analyzer

The three phase sequence analyzer Output the magnitude and phase of the positive (denoted by
index 1), negative (index 2) & zero (index zero) sequence component of a set of three balanced
or unbalanced signals. The signal can contain harmonics or not.
Displays signal generated during simulation

Figure 28: scope

The scope block displays its input with respect to simulation time. The scope block can have
multiple axes. All axes have one common time range with independent y axis. If the scope signal
is discreet the scope produces a stair- step-plot. The scope prove toolbar button which enables to
zoom on its display data display all the data input to the Scope, preserve axis settings from one
simulation to the next, limit data displayed, and save data to the workspace.
Three-Phase Fault
Implementing a programmable phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground fault breaker system

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Figure 29: Three phase fault

The Three-Phase Fault block implements a three-phase circuit breaker where the opening and
closing times can be controlled either from an external Simulink signal (external control mode),
or from an internal control timer (internal control mode). The Three-Phase Fault block uses three
Breaker blocks that can be individually switched on and off to program phase-to-phase faults,
phase-to-ground faults, or a combination of phase-to-phase and ground faults.


Following are the graph obtained from scope of different type of fault

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Figure 30: Three phase fault Matlab Waveform


Figure 31: Line Line ground fault Matlab Waveform from scope

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6.5.3 L-G FAULT

Figure 32: L-G fault Matlab Waveform

A MATLAB/GUI based education tool has been developed to calculate the short-circuit faults in
transmission systems by using symmetrical components method. This software provides a userfriendly interface to help the student to understand the symmetrical components and fault
calculations. After the entering of the system parameters, the student chooses one of the four
fault options. By choosing the fault type, all the calculations of fault currents and voltages have
been performed
After the MATLAB simulation for faults, it was observed that the voltage and current waveforms
were transient in nature in the initial period after the occurrence of faults. During the initial part
of short circuit, the short circuit current was limited by sub transient reactance of synchronous
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machine and impedance of transmission line between the machine and point of fault. After that,
it was limited by transient reactance of synchronous machine and impedance of line. Finally, the
short circuit current settled down to steady state short circuit value limited by synchronous
reactance of the machine and line impedance. The negative and zero sequence components were
present initially only and they disappeared after the circuit breaker cleared the fault

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Design phase starts from making a block diagram of the proposed fault analysis in three phase
transmission line with auto reset on transient fault or remain tripped otherwise. The circuitry
designing and the explanation of components to be used is done in the design phase of the









Figure 33: Block diagram of Circuit

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The project is designed to check fault that occur mainly in transmission line. A 3-phase supply
with frequency 50Hz is fed through voltage drop arrangement stabilized be Zener diode to a
logic circuit comprising NAND & OR gate to detect the proper sequence of RYB by series of
pulse fixed duration.
Suppose if the sequence is changed from YB to YRB the combination of NAND & or gate
creates an output with a missing pulse during the fixed time duration. This pulse is used in
triggering a monostable 555 timer. Thus, while the sequence is not there the triggering to the
timer is missed which is indicated by an LED driven from the output of the 555 timer. DC
requirement of the circuit is powered from a step down transformer along with a bridge rectifier
and filter capacitor.
The project uses 6numbers step-down transformers for handling the entire circuit under low
voltage conditions of 12v only to test the 3 phase fault analysis. The primaries of 3 transformers
are connected to a 3 phase supply in star configuration, while the secondary of the same is also
connected in star configuration. The other set of 3 transformers with its primary connected in star
to 3 phase have their secondarys connected in delta configuration.
The outputs of all the 6 transformers are rectified and filtered individually and are given to 6
relay coils. 6 push buttons, one each connected across the relay coil is meant to create a fault
condition either at star i.e. LL Fault or 3L Fault. The NC contacts of all the relays are made
parallel while all the common points are grounded. The parallel connected point of NC are given
to pin2 through a resistor R5 to a 555 timer i.e. wired in monostable mode. The output of the
same timer is connected to the reset pin 4 of another 555 timer wired in astable mode. LEDS are
connected at their output to indicate their status.
The output of the U3 555 timer from pin3 is given to an Op-amp LM358 through wire 11 and
d12 to the non-inverting input pin3, while the inverting input is kept at a fixed voltage by a
potential divider RV2. The voltage at pin2 coming from the potential divider is so held that it is
higher than the pin3 of the Op-amp used as a comparator so that pin1 develops zero logic that
fails to operate the relay through the driver transistor

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This relay Q1 is 3CO relay i.e. is meant for disconnecting the load to indicate fault conditions.


Following are the list of component used in making the fault detection device:


In simple line transformer can be defined as an apparatus for reducing or increasing the
voltage of an alternating current.
In the proposed system transformer is connected in two different type of connection with
three phase supply for obvious reason:
a) Three transformer connected in star connection- three transformer are
connected in star connection because fault may occur at any point to take care of
fault which may occur at any point over 120km three transformer are connected
in star connection.
Star connection is preferred in long transmission line network i.e. Over 120 KM.
because it is having a neutral point, during balanced condition there will be no
current flowing through the neutral line and hence there is no use of the neutral
terminal. But when there will be unbalanced current flowing in the three phase
circuit, neutral is having a vital role. It will take the unbalanced current through
to the ground and protect the transformer.

Figure 34: Transformer connection to three phase source in star connection

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b) Three transformer in delta connection: three transformer are connected in

delta connection because fault may occur at any point as mentioned above which
could be in region less than 60km to take care of that fault which may occur three
transformer are connected in delta connection.
Normally delta connection is preferred for short distance due to the problem of
unbalanced current in the circuit. The figure is shown below for delta connection.
In the load station, ground can be used as neutral path if required.

Figure 35: Transformer connection to three phase source in wye connection


use of Op-Amp is to perform the following task
Signal conditioning
Signal filtering
Perform mathematical operation (+, -, , dy/dx).
Op-Amp is fundamentally a voltage amplifying will do the same in the above
proposed circuit.

Figure 36: Op-Amp

Switches: Switches

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A set of switches will be used in the system to create the LL, LG and 3L fault in low voltage
side, for activating the tripping mechanism. Short duration fault returns the supply to the load
immediately called as temporary trip while long duration shall result in permanent trip

Figure 37: Switch

A switch is a component which controls the open-ness or closed-ness of an electric circuit.
They allow control over current flow in a circuit (without having to actually get in there and
manually cut or splice the wires). Switches are critical components in any circuit which
requires user interaction or control.

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical
resistance as a circuit element. Resistor will be used in proposed system so that it can
reduce current flow &, at the same time, act to lower voltage levels within circuits

Figure 38: Resistor



Capacitor is an electronic component that stores electric charge. The capacitor is made of 2
close conductors (usually plates) that are separated by a dielectric material. The plates
accumulate electric charge when connected to power source

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Figure 39: Capacitor


LED will be used to show the fault which will occur in system such as line to line fault or
line to ground fault, etc.
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an
electric current passes through it. An LED or IRED consists of two elements of processed
material called P-type semiconductors and N-type semiconductors. These two elements
are placed in direct contact, forming a region called the P-N junction.

Figure 40: LED


A relay is electrical switch whose use in the proposed system is to isolate the faulted
section instantaneously & should cover protected circuit & fault resistance with some
margin to take care of error in measurement.

Figure 41: Relay

Some type of fault & operation are mentioned below in the box.
S. No.

Type of fault
Phase to ground fault (earth fault)

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Operation of relay
Earth fault relay
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Phase to phase fault

Related phase overcurrent

Double phase to ground fault

Related phase overcurrent
& earth fault relay

Table 3: some fault operation


In the proposed system use of diode is allowing an electric current to pass in one direction
(called the diode's forward direction), while blocking current in the opposite direction (the
reverse direction) condition which will be used to block fault condition. It will help the fault
current to go get grounded preventing transformer from getting damaged.
A diode is a specialized electronic component with two electrodes called the anode and the
cathode. Most diodes are made with semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium, or

Figure 42: Diode


Three phase supply- Three-phase electric power is a common method of alternatingcurrent electric power generation, transmission, and distribution across worldwide so the
researcher has tried to propose system which work for three phase simple reason behind it
single phase cannot handle heavy load while three phase can.

Figure 43: Three Phase supply


G.S.M modem

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A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem which accepts a SIM card, and operates
over a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone. From the mobile
operator perspective, a GSM modem looks just like a mobile phone.
When a GSM modem is connected to a computer, this allows the computer to use the
GSM modem to communicate over the mobile network. While these GSM modems are
most frequently used to provide mobile internet connectivity, many of them can also be
used for sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages.

Figure 44: Working of GSM Modem


It is seen that the supply from the ac power socket cannot be supplied directly to the circuit as it
may damage the electronic components of the system which operated at very low voltage. So
there is a necessity to design a power system that can convert the ac supply coming from the
supply socket. For this purpose, there exists an ideal power supply design and following that
ideal power supply system, the prototype power supply system is used for this project that can
fulfill the power supply requirements of the system.
Ideally the power supply coming from the socket is firstly stepped down using step down
transformer. Then it is rectified as there is a need of ac to dc conversion as most of these
electronics devices operate at dc voltage. This is done by using rectifier circuit. After ac to dc
conversion there are some ripples remaining in the voltage signal so to suppress these ripples and
to obtain ripple free voltage, filters are used is used. As there is a requirement to design a

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regulated power supply so a voltage regulator is used to regulate the voltage. Thus the ideal
power supply system should contain all these blocks.

Figure 45: Ideal block diagram of power supply

The system is firstly given the power of 220V ac supply from the power socket. This supply is
then stepped down using a step down transformer and connected to a bridge rectifier which
converts the power supply from ac to dc and gives the 12 V. This 12 V supply is further
transferred to a voltage regulator to reduce the voltage level to 5V approximately. Now this
power 5V will be provided to all the components of the circuitry which includes sensors,
microcontroller, LCD display, ignition system etc. as all these components work at 5V.

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Figure 47: Transmission line

When system encounter fault (i.e. when push button is pressed to create a fault condition)
automatic tripping mechanism start but to have a detection system work system need to clarify
which nature of fault it is weather

Transient in nature or
Permanent fault.

This is the main part which is done by the following component

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Push Button
Op- Amp

If the push button is released after pressing for a while (i.e. it is released immediately) the U1 pin
of relay connected in monostable mode the output disables the U3 pin the output U3 the astable
timer the output of which charges capacitor C13 through R11 such that the output of the
comparator goes high that drives the relay to switch off three phase load. Below shown figure
show the systematic connection how the system works

Figure 48: Step by step component used

The output of Op-amp remains high indefinitely through a positive feedback provided for its
pin1 to pin3 through a forward biased diode and a resistor in series. This results in the relay
permanently switched on to disconnect the load connected at its NC contacts permanently off. In
order to maintain the flow of DC supply the star connected secondary set DCS are paralleled
through D8, D9 & D10 for uninterrupted supply to the circuit voltage of 12v DC and 5v DC
derived out of voltage regulator IC 7805

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After the completion of design phase in chapter 6, it is important to implement the system on
software and hardware. The following section will include the discussion about the software used
to implement the system, input devices used, relay unit, and led are output devices used in the
circuit. It will include the implementation of different prototype design systems on software and
hardware both.


The researcher is familiar with Multisim and Proteus software for simulation purpose.
Multisim includes all necessary tools to take a design from the beginning stage to the finishing of
the project. It is simple software in which you just need to place the components by selecting
them and dragging it to appropriate places and simulation can be seen by pressing RUN button.
This software has a database of most commonly used components (more than 16,000
components) but still some useful components which will be used in this Accident Prevention
Project are missing. So the developer has decided to use Proteus for simulation of the project due
to its following advanced features.
Justification of using Proteus in the project
Proteus has the feature to combine various components and 555 timer IC which will facilitate
the simulation of the complete automatic tripping mechanism load design.
It provides the facility to interact with the design using LED, switches and this simulation takes
place approximately with the real time parameter. So it will help to evaluate the design and its
parameters before actual hardware implementation.
Technical manual explaining the usage of software as well as hardware is attached in appendix.
Below is Proteus simulation

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Figure 49: Proteus Simulation

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Figure 50: Wave Form of Linear Load

Figure 51: Waveform of Non Linear Load

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Figure 52:5.Output voltage of the 12v dc supply

Figure 53:6.Output voltage of the 12v dc

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Power supply
Power supply to the hardware is given through three phase ac source (R, Y, and B). The
input 220V is step down with the help of 12V step down transformer. Below shown
figure shows the initial connection of hardware from three phase supply

Figure 54: Power supply from three phase source

Input Supply
The input supply to hardware is given after stepping down the voltage to 12V its
voltmeter reading is noted

Figure 55: Input Supply

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Assembly For single phase

Laying component in PCB firstly one single three phase source is used which is fed by three
transformer each transformer has (R, Y, B phase source respectively) which is then rectified
individually & & fed push button which is connected to 12v relay

Figure 56: Assembly for single phase

Assembly for all six transformer
Similarly, above step is repeated to six transformer source which has the same connection as
shown in the above figure These 3 transformers are connected in star connection of both primary
as well as secondary side of transformer. The output of that 3 transformer is given to the 3 relay
coils with rectified and filtered individually. The 3 push buttons are used to create a fault
condition and they are connected across the each relay coils. These 3 push buttons are created a
single L-G fault and LL-G fault simultaneously. The NC contact is connected in parallel and all
the common points are connected to ground. Below is the shown figure:

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Figure 57: Assembly for six transformer

Connection of 555 timer with relay
After completing the transformer connection & voltage rectification switches & relay are
connected. Relay nc contact is left open & whose output is fed to 555 timer. The parallel
connected NC output is given to the pin 2 through a resister R5 to a timer IC 555 i.e. wired in
mono stable mode. The output of that timer is given to the reset pin 4 of another timer 555 wired
it is having in actable mode. The input of op-amp LM 358 is taken from pin 3 and which is the
output of U3 timer 555 through wire 11 and d12 to the non-inverting input pin 3, the inverting
input is kept at a fixed voltage by a potential divider. Below is the shown figure

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Figure 58: Connection of 555 timer & Lm358

Connection of Op-amp & transistor with 555 timer & relay
Below shown figure shows the connection of Op-amp which is fed by pin 7 of 555 timer IC.
The output of Op-amp remains high indefinitely through a positive feedback provided for its
pin1 to pin3 through a forward biased diode and a resistor in series. This results in the relay
permanently switched on to disconnect the load connected at its NC contacts permanently off. In
order to maintain the flow of DC supply the star connected secondary set DCS are paralleled

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through D8, D9 & D10 for uninterrupted supply to the circuit voltage of 12v DC and 5v DC
derived out of voltage regulator IC 7805



Figure 59: Connection of Op-amp & transistor with 555 timer & relay
Completed Assembled Circuit
If the fault is off temporary in nature i.e. if the push button pressed is released immediately the
U1 monostable disables U3 the output of which goes to zero in the event of any push button kept
pressed for a longer duration the monostable output provides a longer duration active situation
for U3 the astable timer the output of which charges capacitor C13 through R11 such that the
output of the comparator goes high that drives the relay to switch off three phase load.
Below is the shown figure:

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Figure 60: Completed Assembled Circuit

Final circuit

Figure 61: Final circuit

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.Conductivity Test:
In electronics, a continuity test is the checking of an electric circuit to see if current flows (that it
is in fact a complete circuit). A continuity test is performed by placing a small voltage (wired in
series with an LED or noise-producing component such as a piezoelectric speaker) across the
chosen path. If electron flow is inhibited by broken conductors, damaged components, or
excessive resistance, the circuit is "open". Devices that can be used to perform continuity tests
include multi meters which measure current and specialized continuity testers which are cheaper,
more basic devices, generally with a simple light bulb that lights up when current flows. An
important application is the continuity test of a bundle of wires so as to find the two ends
belonging to a particular one of these wires; there will be a negligible resistance between the
"right" ends, and only between the "right" ends. This test is the performed just after the hardware
soldering and configuration has been completed. This test aims at finding any electrical open
paths in the circuit after the soldering. Many a times, the electrical continuity in the circuit is lost
due to improper soldering, wrong and rough handling of the PCB, improper usage of the
soldering iron, component failures and presence of bugs in the circuit diagram. We use a multi
meter to perform this test. We keep the multi meter in buzzer mode and connect the ground
terminal of the multi meter to the ground. We connect both the terminals across the path that
needs to be checked. If there is continuation then you will hear the beep sound
Power ON Test:
This test is performed to check whether the voltage at different terminals is according to the
requirement or not. We take a multi meter and put it in voltage mode. Remember that this test is
performed without ICs. Firstly, if we are using a transformer we check the output of the
transformer; whether we get the required 12V AC voltage (depends on the transformer used in
for the circuit). If we use a battery then we check if the battery is fully charged or not according
to the specified voltage of the battery by using multimeter. Then we apply this voltage to the
power supply circuit. Note that we do this test without ICs because if there is any excessive
voltage, this may lead to damaging the ICs. If a circuit consists of voltage regulator then we
check for the input to the voltage regulator (like 7805, 7809, 7815, 7915 etc) i.e., are we getting
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an input of 12V and a required output depending on the regulator used in the circuit. EX: if we
are using 7805 we get output of 5V and if using 7809 we get 9V at output pin and so on. This
output from the voltage regulator is given to the power supply pin of specific ICs. Hence we
check for the voltage level at those pins whether we are getting required voltage. Similarly, we
check for the other terminals for the required voltage. In this way we can assure that the voltage
at all the terminals is as per the requirement

Figure 62: Functional Circuit

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For L-G
Pbase =

V base 3

= 250 3

Vbase =

V base
I base 3

= 1.255 3

Zpu =



Z actual
Z base

= 5.52 = = 1.08
Zpu- transformer=base Transformer Mva Z /100

500 100
Base Mva
= 1.08 =11 Mva
Line to neutral voltage on the secondary of the transformer
=6.92 V
Fault KA
Fault Mva
3 VlN
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3 6.92

=1 Mva

Mva value=

1 Mva
=16.66 A

Admittance method to calculate fault current

1/Transformrer =
Utility mva
500 16.66 Mva
0.002+0.06= Mva
Mva= 0.002+ 0.06
Fault current at 230V =

=4 A

Fault current at 12V = 1.660.12 =8A

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Fault protection system has become fundamentally important due to its ability to prevent
economical losses. The main purpose of a protection system is to process the voltage and/or
current signals to determine whether a fault is present, to classify what kind of fault it may be, to
estimate the fault location, and to take action to remove the fault from the power transmissionline system. The continuity service depends heavily on the possibility of detecting, classifying,
locating, and isolating faults in the power transmission-line system.
Conventional methods for relay to protect the transmission-line system were to monitor
distortions in voltage and/or current signals in time and frequency domains.
Protection systems generally fit into three categories:
1. quantitative model-based approaches
2. qualitative model-based
3. approaches, and data-driven approaches
The quantitative model- and qualitative model-based approaches showed superior performance
in the simulation studies. However, they delivered poor performance in case of the presence of
noise in the fault voltage or current signals or led to uncertainties due to the variations of system
parameters. Therefore, measurement and system noises are key factors that can affect the
capabilities of these methods, resulting in high false positives or false negatives.
It is necessary to understand the gravity and after effects of a line failure. To overcome these, we
are proposing a GSM based transmission line fault detection System. Whenever the preset
threshold is crossed, the microcontroller instantly initiates a message to be sent to the area
lineman and the Control Station stating the exact pole to pole location. This helps us to realize a
almost real time system
The hardware will be valuable in many ways

will save equation from damaging the component when the flashover is encountered in

line by tripping the line

will save the transmission line when there is fault due to overload
Will save the load side & equipment from getting damaged due to various fault such as
L- L, L-G, L-L-G fault.

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This project is designed in the form of Hardware for three single phase transformers 230v to 12V
of output for to develop an automatic tripping mechanism for the three phase supply system
while temporary fault and permanent fault occurs. Here we used 555 timer with relay for the
fault is temporary or permanent. Short duration fault returns the supply to the load immediately
called as temporary trip while long duration shall result in permanent trip
The project output resets automatically after a brief interruption in the event temporary fault
while it remains in tripped condition in case of permanent fault. The electrical substation which
supply the power to the consumers, have failures due to some faults which can be temporary or
permanent. These faults lead to substantial damage to the power system equipment. In India it is
common, the faults might be LG (Line to Ground), LL (Line to Line), 3L (Three lines) in the
supply systems and these faults in three phase supply system can affect the power system. To
overcome this problem a system is built, which can sense these faults and automatically
disconnects the supply to avoid large scale damage to the control gears in the grid sub-stations.
This system is built using three single phase transformers which are wired in star input and star
output, and 3 transformers are connected in delta connections, having input 220 volt and output
at 12 volt. This concept low voltage testing of fault conditions is followed as it is not advisable to
create on mains line. 555 timers are used for handling short duration and long duration fault
conditions. A set of switches are used to create the LL, LG and 3L fault in low voltage side, for
activating the tripping mechanism. Short duration fault returns the supply to the load
immediately called as temporary trip while long duration shall result in permanent trip.
Fault on the transmission line needs to be restored as quickly as possible. The sooner it is
restored, the less the risk of power outage, damage of equipment of grid, loss of revenue,
customer complaints and repair crew expenses. Rapid restoration of service can be achieved if
precise fault location algorithm is implemented.
Many algorithms have been developed to calculate the fault distance on the transmission line.
This paper gives the general overview of fault location calculation on transmission line using
impedance based method and traveling wave method. It discussed the transmission line model,
its sequence components, symmetrical components for fault analysis, fundamental principal of
travelling wave.
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Cost estimation plays a vital role in project management and is one of the most difficult
responsibility. The researcher must take a close view on this section. The purpose of cost
estimation is simple that is to precisely estimate required resource which would allow the
researcher to implement and develop the proposed system. Not giving importance or
underestimating the section may result in exceeding the estimated budget of the project, poor
quality & even researcher might fail to complete project on time.
Importance of Cost Estimation
Cost estimation is significant for the reason that each project has the possibility of added cost
that was not considered during the proposal such as failure of electrical device while making
hardware of short circuit would result in damaging the system forcing the researcher to make
system one more time exceeding the estimated cost.
For the proposed project i.e. G.S.M based three phase fault analysis with auto reset on transient
fault or remain tripped otherwise cost estimation is required because a project can only be
successful if it is completed in desire time & budget. So to achieve this appropriate cost
estimation is required. For this researcher has to evaluate the cost of component which will be
used in the system. Then the expenditure for the industry that will make the project for the real
time scenario & finally the expense that user has to pay will be evaluated.










(in Rupees)

(in rupees)















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Unit Total




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10. LEDS



11. Relay



12. PCB



13. 555 Timer



14. GSM module



Total Cost:



As a student researcher we get software free of cost from the college itself. By this cost be paid
by the industry.





Software that is used to make block diagram


Free- student version

for Software that is used for simulation of system & layout



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Title G.S.M based three phase fault analysis with auto-reset on temporary fault or remained
trip otherwise.
Description- fault in power system is deviation of voltage or current from its nominal value and
state which happens more often leading to the failure of many equipment or may even be life
threatening to the operating personal, so to overcome this engineers have developed a system to
analysis the fault in power system. The fault analysis of power system is required in order to
provide information to selection of safety gear.
Faults usually occur in a power system due to either insulation failure, flashover, physical
damage or human error. These faults, may either be three phase in nature involving all three
phases in a symmetrical manner, or may be asymmetrical where usually only one or two phases
may be involved.
Fault analysis usually carried out in per-unit quantities (similar to percentage quantities) as they
give solutions which are somewhat consistent over different voltage and power ratings, and

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operate on values of the order of unity. Relating to one single phase gives information related to
two or three phase as well so it is more obvious & sufficient to do calculation in one phase.
This project system will be designed to develop an automatic griping mechanism for three phase
supply system. The output will reset automatically when there is brief interruption (temporary
fault) or remain tripped otherwise in case of permeant fault.
Automatic reset in case of temporary fault
Trip when permeant fault.
Send message to the operating personal when fault encountered.
Requirement to make such systemThis system will be built using three single phase transformers which are wired in star input and
star output, and 3 transformers are connected in delta connections, having input 220 volt and
output at 12 volt. This concept low voltage testing of fault conditions is followed as it is not
advisable to create on mains line. 555 timers are used for handling short duration and long
duration fault conditions.

Three single phase transformer ( wired star input and star output)
Three transformer ( delta connection, input 220V & output 12V)
555 ( for handling short duration and long duration fault)
Switch set to create fault
Line to line fault (LL occurring 5-10%)
Line to ground fault (LG major of all fault occurring 60-65%)
Double line to ground fault (LLG occurring 15-20%)
IV. Line to line to line fault (LLL kind of symmetrical fault occurring 2-5% but
results in damaging major equipments )
5. OP-amps
6. Resistor
7. Diode
8. Capacitor
9. LED
10. Relay
11. G.S.M technology to send SMS to operating personal
Targeted audience
this system is designed to save life of the operating personal operating the power system
moreover it can be a life saver when there is wrath of nature like thunder storm, lightning which
result in damaging the power system by uprooting the transmission line as a result of which live
wire comes in contact with the can save many important costly equipment of power
Research area
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G.S.M Based Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset

Power flow analysis

Power system fault
Power system stability
Matlab to simulate the system design
G.S.M technology

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G.S.M Based Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset

Pritesh Kumar, Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Supervisor- Vijyendra Sharama

TitleG.S.M interfaced three phase fault analysis tool with auto-reset on temporary fault or remained
trip otherwise.

To reach the aim following are the field to work on
A perfect fault analysis tool should be able to perform the following task
6. Fault detection in three phase transmission line.
7. Fault classification in three phase transmission line.
8. Fault location in three phase transmission line.
Interfacing two technology
9. Interfacing G.S.M technology with transmission line to alert the operating personal.

Explanation of the project:

Fault detection on transmission line are important task to safeguard electrical power
system. Fault detection is essential to the safe operation of electric power transmission
and distribution systems. Without some sort of fault detection, the automated removal of
short circuits from a transmission system would be impossible. As a result, these faults
might persist until essential electrical equipment is damaged or destroyed so it is a must
process for fault analysis in transmission line, result is clear protection of power system

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Transmission line protection is an important issue in power system engineering because

85~87% fault occur in transmission line. Seeing from other prospective its a must
process to save people & governments money.

Technology to be used:

Artificial neural network.
Artificial Intelligence can be used if system has more complexity.
K-Nearest Algorithm for fault calculation.
Or synchronized sampling for fault calculation.
Wavelet approach

It is important to note that K-nearest algorithm, synchronized sampling & Wavelet approach are
different technology for fault calculation.
Software to be used

Matlab/ Simulink
GSM module software depending upon GSM module used while implementation of
technology on board.
Hardware to be implemented:

555 timer
GSM module

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Block diagram of proposed device








Print no fault
SELECT Z depending
on fault


Calculate z


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How analysis will be done?

A typical fault analysis tool should be able to perform fault classification, fault detection fault
Fault detection
Various method is there for fault detection gathering information will be viable to achieve
the final output. Some of the proposed method for fault location are proposed below:
Impedance- based method
Travelling Wave based method
Detection using magnetic field sensor
Fault detection will perform the following operation:
Record the time at which fault occurred.
If some abnormality is recorded at both ends of the transmission line, then the

location of the fault is computed based on the difference in detection times.

If the abnormality is recorded at only one end of the transmission line, then the

possibility that an error might have occurred is recorded in the memory.

Fault classification
Many method are there for classification of fault such as
Wavelet method can again be used
K-nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Fault location
The current fault location methods for cables can be divided into offline and online
methods. The offline methods require special equipment, trained personnel and that the
faulted cable is out of service before the methods can be used. The online methods utilize
information in the current and voltage measured at the fault locator terminal (FLT)
between fault incipience and fault clearance
On-line method- The online fault location methods can be subdivided into two
primary categories;
Impedance method.-The





compares most often pre-known line parameters to the impedance

measured in the case of fault. Based on this comparison the fault location
can be estimated.

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Travelling wave method. When a fault occurs on a cable system, transient

voltage and current waves will travel from the fault location in both

directions towards the terminals to where the cable is connected

Of-line method- The offline methods can be divided into two categories
terminal methods and tracer methods. The terminal methods do, as the
name indicates, rely on analyzing measurements performed from one or
both ends of the cable. The tracer methods rely on the other hand on
measurements performed by a trained person walking the cable route.

Literature review
Inspiration for working on this project come when observing a transmission line (long) which
almost resemble like a clan carrying wire with bended hand through which a quest was
developed how whole system work, later while searching this topic a fact appeared which shows
major ~80-85% of fault in transmission line occur in transmission line. While searching for
previous research fault analysis in transmission line several interesting fact was known such as:
(Yadav 2014)Fault analysis in three phase transmission line using K-Nearest
neighbor algorithm discusses in K-NN algorithm method K-NN uses the
nearest neighbor to calculate the fault. This method compares the value from
nominal value and henceforth decision is taken, it is important to mention that
detection time is within half to one cycle and of the proposed method is 99%.
(Singh & Pnaighari, 2011)Transmission line fault detection classification by
discusses proposed method uses the sample of current & voltage extracted from
the fault point. Wavelet transform is used to extract transient energy from the
sample moreover it is free from tradition

neural network approach such as

(Jung,Choi ,Cho & chung,2012) Analysis of the unbalanced fault in transmission
line in Three-Phase Flux coupling type SFCL using the symmetrical coordinate
method discusses in unsymmetrical or unbalanced fault in power system when
flux coupling type SFCL was applied , use of SFCL limit the fault current using
the symmetrical co-ordinate method in case of fault state by changing the primary
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secondary turn ratio of the flux coupling type SFCL(superconducting fault current
(Hagh,Razi,Taghizadeh ,2007) Fault classification & location of power
transmission line using Artificial Neural Network discusses the present method
is not dependent on fault inception angel. Modular ANNs are considered with
three hidden layer and then those are tested with various distance & resistance of
fault for each type of fault. Line to ground, double line to ground & line to line
fault are considered. Maximum absolute error for line to ground fault was
0.3324%, for double line to ground it was 0.4926% & for line to line 0.348% for
three phase fault.
(Dutta,Kezunovic,2014)Transmission line fault analysis using synchronized
sampling discusses synchronized sampling of both voltage and current is one
of the simple yet most efficient fault analysis method by using prevent & post
event sample to detect fault moreover it does not require elaborated parameter
setting for detecting threshold, since method depends on accurate representation
of a transmission line model &, therefore produce very accurate fault location
method because of modern circuit breaker fault is detected within two cycle.
(Yadav, Swerpadama,2015)Improved fault location algorithm for multi-location
fault , transforming fault & shunt fault in Thyristor controlled series capacitor
compensated transmission line discusses combining two method discreet WT &
ANN fault method reduces the fault classification( fault type & faulty phase(s)
information for fault location estimation most important significance is that it not
only locate shunt fault but also find location of multi-location fault &
transforming fault that too using single terminal data.
(Singh,Tripathi,Vekataramana,2013)Recent techniques used in transmission line
protection: a review discusses The ANN, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, SVM
and wavelet based techniques have been quite successful but are not adequate for
the present time varying network configurations, power system operating
conditions and events. Therefore, it seems that there is a significant scope of
research in AI techniques which can simplify the complex nonlinear systems,
realize the cost effective hardware with proper modification in the learning
methodology and preprocessing of input data and which are computationally

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much simpler. Also development of reliable software and communication system

will pave the way
(0. Dag & Ucak, 2003) A Combined Wavelet-ANN based fault classifier has
been investigated for electrical distribution systems discusses Some fault
condition wore taken to identify by this the proposed approach. It is shown that
the technique correctly recognizes and discriminates the fault type and faulted
phases with a high degree of accuracy.
Methodology most probably to be used






Faulted transmission line

Fault analysis is carried out in per unit quantity. Since information related to single phase gives
the information related to three or two phase as well so it more than sufficient to do calculation
in one phase only as it will give information related to other two phase as well.
The proposed system will be built using three single phase transformers which will be wired in
star input and star output, and 3 transformers are connected in delta connections, having input
220 volt and output at 12 volt. The concept of low voltage testing on fault conditions is followed
as it is not advisable to create on mains line. 555 timers shall be used for handling short duration
and long duration fault conditions.
A set of switches will be used to create the fault stress will be more on LL, LG and 3L fault in
as LG fault has maximum fault condition nearly 65% of overall fault in transmission line
followed LL, 3L.( more symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault condition can be implanted on the
device if it is not followed by time constrain. Low voltage side, for activating the tripping
mechanism. Short duration fault will returns the supply to the load immediately called as
temporary trip while long duration shall result in permanent trip.

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GSM technology will be used to send message to the authorities via SMS by interfacing a GSM
Earlier work done on the topic:
Traditional way of analyzing fault in transmission line was based on change on voltage current
1and impudence with respect to present value to identify the fault. Many technology has
overtaken the traditional approach such as
ANN (artificial neural network) which would be used in the project for calculating fault.
This ANN technology need huge amount of training cases to achieve good performance.
Synchronized sampling-method depends on accurate representation of transmission line
model & therefore produces a very accurate fault location result.
ANFIS network- adaptive neuro fuzzy interface system
Wavelet transform- this method utilizes sample of current & voltage extracted from the
fault point. This technology is free from tradition neural network approach such as
Symmetrical coordinate method- this technology uses a device called SFCL
(superconducting fault current limiter). SFCL uses symmetrical coordinate method in
case of unbalanced fault
Possible enhancement to be done in the existing topic
A deep research will be done by the researcher for understanding the fault analysis perfectly, a
perfect fault analysis tool perform the following important function
Fault detection
Fault classification
Fault location
All the above described method need huge amount of calculation so, Artificial intelligence
technique can be used to solve the complex non linear system for ease of the calculation.
Interfacing the viable GSM technology with the fault analysis tool would be helpful in
many ways such as in case of fault occur the GSM technology will automatically inform
the operating personal via sort message service (SMS), moreover interfacing this
technology could be life savior to many for humans & animals too.
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G.S.M Based Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset

Target audience:
this system is designed to save life of the operating personal operating the power system
moreover it can be a life saver when there is wrath of nature like thunder storm, lightning which
result in damaging the power system by uprooting the transmission line as a result of which live
wire comes in contact with the can save many important costly equipment of power

Cost feasibility:
To complete the project various electrical component such as transformer and electronics
component such as diode will be used, so the final cost cannot be accurately predicted at this
stage but an average cost of the component to make hardware can be predicted which is
described below




Equipment cost



GSM module
555 Timer
555 timer
Minimum cost will be ~ Rs.3100.


of Average cost in

Time feasibility:
After background research, literature review will be done which is basis of any research
& then technical research.
Questionnaire & interview will be done.
And will be followed by implementation on hardware.
At last documentation will be done.
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Gant chart

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For this project, the researcher has used activity on arrow pert chart to evaluate the time
management of the project. The Earliest Completion Time (ECT) i.e. the minimum amount of
time needed to complete all the activities that precedes every event is mention in the upper part
of the circle and the Latest Completion Time (LCT) which is the latest time needed at which the
event can occur without delaying the overall project is mention in the lower part of the circle.
The critical path is the path of the tasks which cannot be delayed and project will not move
forward without completing these tasks. In the pert chart drawn below, black lined tasks which
are from task 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 indicates the critical path and these task
cannot be delayed. Task 4 is dependent upon task 2 and 3 and task 8 depends upon 6 and 7. It
means task 8 cannot be starting before task 6 and 7 is not completed. Critical path is that when
the earliest completion time and the latest completion time is same for a particular task.
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S. No


Starting Date


Conduct background
research work
Literature review
from 10 research
paper , journal ,etc.
related to project
Read concept of
basics of fault
analysis in three
phase transmission
Preparing project
proposal form.
Go through Reach of
Circuit breaker &
read the concept of
Concept of
Calculation of fault
Read basics of GSM
module & go through
some research paper
related to it.
Finding of Secondary
for implementing
proposed topic.
Preparation &
distribution of
questioner for
primary research.
Analysis of data
Interview for primary
Focused group
research for primary






























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G.S.M Based Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset


Documentation of
mid-point submission


This questionnaire is regarding the transmission lines fault analysis and tool used in doing
so. The answers are expected for an academic project on G.S.M based three phase fault
analysis with auto-reset on temporary fault or remained trip otherwise. The answers shall
only be used for academic purpose and the identity of the interviewee shall be disclosed
only by his/her consent.
If any question is unanswerable by the participant, he/she may skip it.
Name: .
Working Place: ...
Designation: ....
E mail: .
1. The highest transmission voltage used by this substation?
a) 220Kv
b) 400Kv
c) 765Kv
ANALYSIS: highest transmission voltage used by the substation is 400Kv. In fact major of the
substation in India voltage transmission is 400Kv.
2. Which of the following factor is major concern for the substation.
a) Over-load
b) Lightning
c) Faulty equipment
d) Insulation failure
e) Short circuit current

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1st Qtr


2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr



Analysis: from the above figure it is clear that major of the fault in transmission line occur due to
overload & short-circuit 58% to be exact.
23% time fault is due to Lightning causing many type of fault like earth to ground fault and line
to line or triple line to line fault.
19% of the fault in the substation was due to faulty equipment.
3. Which fault limiting device is used in system?
a) Relay
b) Circuit breaker
c) Fuse
d) Lightning power protection device
e) If any other please specify.
Analysis: when asked about which fault limiting device is used in system the answer was relay
and circuit breaker.
4. Dose the system has any device installed to detect fault?
a) Yes
b) No
Analysis: yes, system had automatic device to detect fault in this case when the fault is
encountered in the system there is a buzzer sound so that it can be restored properly.
5. Dose the system has any device installed to classify fault?
a) Yes
b) No
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Analysis: yes, the system was installed with device to classify fault automatically like which
type of fault it is, where it occurred, nature of fault etc.
6. Dose the system has installed any automation device to detect and classify fault
a) Yes
b) No
Analysis: yes the system was installed with automated device to detect and classify fault.
(If answer to question 6th is yes then please proceed.)
7. In which year the automation device was installed in the system?

Analysis: the fault automated device was installed in the system in the year 2012. So it can be
clearly visualized that in India almost all system must have been installed with automated device
in near 2010.
8. Was the automation device installed useful?
a) Very useful
b) Useful
c) Moderately useful
d) Less useful
e) Not useful
Analysis: yes the automated device installed in the system was found to be very useful for the
operating personal.
9. What is the reach of fault protection device used in the system?

Analysis: the reach of the device is device into zones namely: zone 1, zone 2, zone 3, depending
upon the location of fault zone is categorized and subsequently operation is performed.
10. What is the reaction time of fault protection device to detect and classify fault?

Analysis: the time taken by the fault limiting device to respond is in mille seconds and either the
buzzer is alarmed and subsequent operation is performed by the relay depending upon the fault.
11. Which method is used for calculation of fault?
a) DWT
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c) Synchronized sampling
d) Time domain using K-NN nearest neighbor algorithm
e) If any other please specify.
Analysis: the operating personal do not know the technical specification of relay how it performs
and how it takes the fault, it was being said by the recipient that all calculating is done by relay
(numerical relay).
12. Dose the installed automated device send message to the operating personal when
fault encountered?
a) Yes
b) No
Analysis: major system installed in power system does not send notification.
13. Give a brief detail about installed automated device

Analysis: fault encountering device installed in the system are basically relay some of them are
MI com P-422, P-141, P-632, P-142
Alstom- REL 670
L&T- Sem special energy T141
All of the above mentioned are numerical relay.
14. In what ways dose the installed automated device in the system has been useful?

Analysis: when asked about what ways the device was useful it was mentioned that it was
because it can encounter and automatically respond to the fault.
15. Is there any possible upgradation required in system?

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Analysis: At present operation of CBE is to be done, it is the reason why many fault are missed
by the automatic device.
(Thank you very much for sparing your precious time. The answers given are of great value
for this project. It is assured that the answers given here shall be used only for academic
purpose and following all the ethical rights of participants.)

For question number 11

SFCL-symmetrical coordinate method
DWT-discreet wavelet transform.
K-NN (nearest neighbor) algorithm

Interview question analysis:

The interview was conducted by the operating personal at BBMB Hariender Kumar Deshwal
posted in executive engineering post.
Below are the question that was asked by the interviewer along with the analysis based on
Video has been include in the C.D attached with the document.

Technical question
1. Why fault detection & classification is important in power system?
Analysis : when asked it was responded with a very simple but obvious answer
i.e. that knowing the fact that major of the fault occur in power system in
transmission line nearly 80%~ it should be a continuous running process to get
the continuous supply and keep the power system running .
2. What is the approach of operating personal find there is fault in the system?
Analysis: whenever there is any fault in the system the device gives the alarm and
the person checks the fault and trips the connection & later some person is send to
operate the faulty area or to restore it.
3. What better method could be used to improve fault detection & classification?
4. Why automated device has upper hand than manual calculation?
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Analysis: in case of automated device chances of error are less as it is done by the
computer program so computer takes the value up to decimal place living less space
for error while when human operate chances of error are more. Response time is less
for the computer case.
5. Which is the more conventional way of calculating fault?
Analysis: substation has nothing to do with the fault current they do not calculate
the fault current only prime focus is to restore the faulty equipment as soon as
6. What are your views on automated fault detection & classification installed in
Analysis: numerical relay perform an extra vital role in maintaining the power
system error free so that it can run smoothly, there are various numerical relay
7. Could you please share what are the problem faced while handling fault
Analysis: common error faced is that as it is substation there are various line and
fault may occur at any line making it difficult to classify so major problem is to
classify in which section the fault occurred as there are many relay (numerical )
installed depending upon the zone type.
8. Are you satisfied with fault detection & classification device installed in system?
Analysis: yes the operating personal was satisfied with the fault limiting device.
9. How does the operating personal (if manual) or computer detect which type of
fault it is?
Analysis: all fault are scenario are dealt by numerical relay and the substation
has nothing to do with fault current calculation.
10. In which season dose the fault occur the most?
Analysis: most fault cases are encountered in the winter season as because of corona
effect major fault occur in the system ionized by the charge particle present in the air.
11. Which was the most severe fault encountered by this substation in near past?
Analysis: recent fault encountered by the system was due to the human error as some
person taped the wire cause of short circuit it worked for a while and later it again

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burnet causing more problem had the case been dealt the very time with serious
intension serious fault could not have encountered.
12. BBMB dose provide supply to Indian railway which is traction in nature if fault
occur in that line how it is resolved?
Analysis: there is separate section for the railway line as it traction is nature had
the same line given to the public commercial line it would provide a uneven load.
13. What is the approach when multiple fault is encountered in the system?
Analysis: when multiple fault is encountered by the system numerical relay take
care of it by dealing with the zone case if the first fault is in zone 1 it clears the
fault and the remaining fault is dealt by zone 2 & zone 3.
14. In a recent report published it has been mentioned that BBMB has replaced
Porcelain insulators with Polymers insulators why it is done so?
Analysis: reason behind the replacement was because porcelain insulator
punchers to quickly while
15. After what interval of time all fault detection devices are tested?
Analysis: all fault detection device is tested once every four month and is
mandatory check.
16. Is there any auxiliary fault detection tool when the primary one fails?
Analysis: yes there is auxiliary device installed in case the primary device fails.

Appendix B
Transmission line in power system model in Simulink is represented by distributed parameters
line. It implements an N-phases distributed parameter line model. The R, L, and C line
parameters are specified by [N x N] matrices. Resistance presented by: resistance per unit length
(Ohms/km) with [N x N matrix] - [0.01273 0.3864].
Inductance presented by: inductance per unit length (H/km) with [N x N matrix] - [0.9337e-3
4.1264e-3]. Capacitance presented by: capacitance per unit length (F/km) with [N x N matrix] [12.74e-9 7.751e-9].

Three-phase transformer model in Simulink was built by specifying

parameters for winding 1 and winding 2, and also magnetization characteristics which are the
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Winding 1 parameters [V1 Ph-Ph(Vrms), R1(pu), L1(pu)]: [735e3, 0.15/30/2, 0.15*0.7].

Winding 2 parameters [V2 Ph-Ph(Vrms), R2(pu), L2(pu)]: [ 16e3, 0.15/30/2, 0.15*0.3].
Magnetization resistance Rm (pu): 500; magnetization inductance Lm (pu): 500.

AC voltage source model in Simulink was presented by three-phase ideal sinusoidal voltage
With amplitude.

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Risk Area: Implementation

Soldering Iron Burn
Burning of Components
Risk Area: Fabrication
Itching of PCB
Risk Area: testing
Electric Shock

There are several risks involved in the proposed project G.S.M based three phase fault analysis
with auto reset on transient fault or remain tripped otherwise which were mentioned in the risk
assessment form which is attached in the appendices section of the document along with the
level of risk involved.
Risk area: Implementation
In the implementation phase there are two types of risks involved for the researcher himself
while implementing the hardware design.
Soldering Iron Burn
Soldering process is used to connect the components on PCB on the traces provided. It is done to
make the two wires short and connect them with each other. While doing the soldering of
components on the PCB, the researcher may encounter the soldering iron burn if the soldering
iron is not handled with care or if the hot part of the soldering iron is touched with bare hands.
This process may lead to minor injury to the researcher, so it is recommended to carefully do the
soldering of the components.
Burning of Components
The component such as transformer can burn any time if proper connection is not done to the
transformer resulting in damaging the transformer and other component as well.
If two wire are connected to terminal then it might result in short circuiting and burning of

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Risk Area: Fabrication

Itching of PCB
In the fabrication process, the risk involved is in the Itching of PCB. PCB itching involves the
contact with the Ferric Chloride Acid at to draw the layout on the copper PCB, it should be kept
dipped in the solution for about 4-5 hours. When the layout is complete the PCB should be taken
out from the solution and unwanted copper should be removed from the PCB. Sometimes this
solution may burn the skin of the researcher and may lead to minor injury. This injury is caused
when the hand comes in direct contact with the chemical. It is recommended to use gloves while
inserting and removing the PCB from the chemical so that the injury can be minimized up to
some extent.
Electric Shock
All the components mainly used to in the circuit operates either at 12 V or at 5 V but the AC
which is supplied to the circuit is 230 V. it should be firstly converted to 12 volts using step
down transformer and then using voltage regulator it is converted to 5V. But there are electric
shock hazard if the ac is directly touched with bare hands or somewhere the contact is developed
with direct AC supply. The electric shock may occur sue to this direct AC supply so it is
recommended to use gloves while connecting AC and not to touch it with bare hands or feet.
But the risks involved in the project are minor risks and can be adequately controlled if necessary
measures are taken. The level of risks is described in the risk assessment form which is attached
in the appendices section. There are no serious health issues involved in the project so the
researcher is performing it as per ethical guidelines.


A user guide or user's guide, also commonly known as a manual, is a technical communication
document intended to give assistance to people using a particular system
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Since this is a three phase analysis so electrical lab is required to provide the hardware three
phase source through which analysis will be done.

The hardware has to be powered from three phase source, if given single phase or DC
input hardware will not work.

Figure 63: Powering hardware from three phase source

When push button will be pressed which is connected across relay it disconnects that
relay and in the process in common contacts moves to the NC position to provide a logic
low at trigger pin of 555 timer to develop an output that brings the U3 555 timer which is
used in astable mode for its reset pin to high such that the astable operation takes place at
its output which is also indicated by flashing D11 LED. Pushing the switch for a long
time will trip the circuit permanently

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If the fault is off temporary in nature i.e. if the push button pressed is released
immediately the U1 monostable disables U3 the output of which goes to zero in the event
of any push button kept pressed for a longer duration the monostable output provides a
longer duration active situation for U3 the astable timer the output of which charges
capacitor C13 through R11 such that the output of the comparator goes high that drives

the relay to switch off three phase load.

If system encounter any type of fault LED Will glow weather it is line to ground or line to
line depending upon the push button being pushed for longer duration.


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