SPSA Assignments (IT-V Sem) : Parimal Sudas Assitt. Prof Cse/It Total Marks:100 Last Date: 15 May2011

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SPSA Assignments(IT-V Sem)

Total Marks:100

Parimal Sudas
Assitt. Prof
Last Date: 15 May2011

1. Discuss

and compare various components of system programming.


2. Also discuss advantage and disadvantage of various components in

context of programming environment.
3. What is Macro? Discuss the following feature of macro facility with
advantages and disadvantages:
i. Macro Instruction Arguments
ii. Conditional Macro Expansion
iii. macro calls with macro instruction defining macros
4. What is Complier ? Explain all the phase of complier in details.
5. What is software tool ? Explain all the steps to design a software?
6. Explain the Pass-II Assembler in detail with flowchart.
7. Explain the format of database of assembler in details.
8. Differentiate between 1-Pass and 2-Pass Assembler Design ?
9. Explain the various card decks of Direct linkage Loader.

10. Differentiate between Absolute Loader and Direct linkage Loader?

11. Explain the following terms:

i. symbol table
ii. Incremental compiler
iii. Reallocating loader
iv. Subroutine linkage

12. Explain the basic structure of UNIX Operating System?

13. Explain the directory structure of UNIX?
14. What is the command to change the file permission in both ways
and owner and group owner. Explain in details ?
15. Write short note on following :
i. Standard files
ii. Operation on files
16. What do you understand by test manipulation? How it is related to
the file system?
17. How the following tasks are performed in Unix environment:
i. Translating characters
ii. Rearranging files
iii. Splitting files
18. How would you perform the following task under Unix
i. Sorting file
ii. Searching for pattern
iii. Printing files
iv. Comparing files
19. Describe the following terms:

i. Block and fragments

ii. Inode table
iii. Awk utility
iv. Overlays.
20. What is shell programming? Explain its major five features
21. Differentiate between Bourne Shell and C shell.
22. Explain various Shell programming constructs.
23. Explain the Role and functions of a system Administrator.

24. Differentiate between UNIX and LINUX Operating System.

25. What do you mean by redirection and pipe operator in Unix.
26. Explain the following commands:
a. pwd
b. ls
c. mkdir dir
d. rmdir dir
e. cd
f. cp f1 f2
g. cp -r dir1 dir2
h. mv f1 f2
i. mv f1 [f2 . . .] dir
j. rm f
k. rm -rf dir
l. file f
m. more f
n. cat f
o. chmod
p. grep
q. split

r. csplit
s. lpr
t. tr
u. who
v. wc
w. Explain vi editor in details
x. Emacs editor

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