Notes From Wayne Dyer's 10 Secrets To Success and Inner Peace

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notes from Wayne Dyer s 10 Secrets To Success And Inner Peace

Posted on April 17, 2011 by David Jonsson


1. Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.

Im never looking for anything to be offended by.
Progress is impossible if you always do things the way you ve always done them.
Be attached nowhere- as if I can t have or do this or that, then somehow I m going t
o become immobilized
Open mind. detached.
2. You can t give away what you don t have.
love, kindness, peace, joy- give that away and you ll get it back
law of attraction
gimme gimme gimme vs. how can I serve?
attention from getting to giving
universe responds to what we send out
3. There are no justified resentments
snakebite doesn t kill. it s the venom
send blame out of your life for any conditions of your life.
blame has to go.
send love in response to hate
The only thing I have to give away if love- thats what all the great spiritual m
asters have taught
4. Don t die with the music still in you
5. Embrace silence. meditate.
getting quiet, peaceful
the silence between the notes makes the music
go to a place within that you cannot divide
half of silence is silence
make conscious contact with source
go to wilderness. commune with nature
nature is our source
being with spirit. healing
feel connected
6. Give up your personal history
Carlos Casteneda
thats how to give up drinking
no story. nothing to live up to.
we carry our past in a bag
embrace it then toss it
merge into the now
the wake does not drive the boat
its just a trail left behind
Give it up. let it go.
embrace it, understand it.
then move on
7. You can t solve a problem with the same mind that created it
all illusions. its all in my mind.
rewrite agreements with reality
admit I was/am wrong. it didn t work.
8. Treat yourself as if you already were what you would like to become
9. Treasure your divinity

we are all connected to source

what digests our food
what open the flowers
runs thru me
10. Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts which weaken you.
changing your thoughts
changes what manifests in your life
Treat myself like I am divine
There are no accidents. synchronicity
1. thought. act. get it yourself.
2. thought. word (delegate).
3. synchronicity= thought. someone gives it to you.
every thought is an energy you send out into the universe
4. unity consciousness= thought. manifest (like fish + loaves bible story)
we are all connected

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