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ots THE MOORISH NATIONAL REPUBLIC FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NORTHWEST AFRICA, TH H DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD. Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America. “The North Gate’, Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos. Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the “The true and de jure Al Moroceans / Am For The Resord, To Be Read Into The Record Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal~ Notice to Principal is Not ‘ans to Agent. Date: 18 April 2016 POWER OF ATTORNEY Limited RE: CYHIEN JABA BARNES ©, DEBTOR CyhienRa Neter Bey ©, Secured Party Know All Men by These Presents: That I, CYHIEN JABA BARNES © , the Debtor, corporat ‘ens legis, the undersigned, hereby make, constitute and appoints Cyhienkta Neter Bey ©ln Propia Persona Sui Juris, Aboriginal Indigenous to this land Moorish American National; , herein, the flesh and blood man, a living soul, the Secured Party/Creditor as my true and lawful Private Attorney Gener tle 42 U.S.C wood ¥. Brier $4, F.R.D for me and in my corporate capacity (L1.C), place and ste for my personal and commercial use and benefit and 1. To ask, demand, request, file, sue, recover, register, collect and receive each and every sum of money, eredit, account legacy, bequest, interest, dividend, annuity and demand (which now is or hereafter shall become due, owing or payable or dischargeable) belonging to or accepted o claimed by me, or presented to the CYHIEN JABA BARNES ©. (a corporate entity) and to use and take ny Inwfal and/or commercial means necessary for the recovery thereof by legal or commercial process or otherwise, and power to settle, comprom claim for damages or make any necessary demands: any or all of the following powers as to all kinds of personal property. private property and any property, goods, wares and merchandise, chooses in action and other property in possession or where a security interest is established and to or in other actions; 3. To secure by private registration the interest, or the security interest in any or all property Where necessary, to accept for value and to discharge any and all debts for fine, fee, or tax where necessary, o cause the commercial adjustment of any such account held open against the DEBTOR-CYHIEN JABA BARNES® to use where necessary any Sight Hem: POAOUOO1234C3B Power of Attorney 10 Drafts / Money Orders. Bills of Exchange to finalize any of the above in my behalf, 4, To open any Checking accounts whereupon being ‘closed,’ to discharge any fines, f and debts via adjustment and set-off 5. To ervate, amend, supplement and or terminate any trust or the RES ereated by the government (Distrit of Columbia) and ratified or exercised in any manner by any other State; 27-7 -UG 6. To request, retrieve, file, submit, or otherwise, any papers in my behalf for any matter whether commercial, quasi-judicial, administrative, or otherwise and to sign my legal corporate ame as my act and deed, to execute and deliver same for any redress or remedy, claim, suit or otherwise. GIVING AND GRANTING, unto me said Private Attorney General full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite, necessary or appropriate to be done in and about all matters as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if l was personally present, and hereby ratifying all that my Private Auworney General shall lawfully do or cause to be done by Virtue of these presents. The powers and authority hereby conferred upon my said Atorey-in fact shall be applicable to all real and private property, personal property or interest therein now ‘owned or hereinafter acquired by me as the ENS LEGIS/LLC and wherever situate, and as Evidenced by a filed security interest. My said Private Attorney General: CyhienRa Neter Bey Cis empowered hereby to determine in his sole diseretion the time, purpose for and n uiner in which any power herein conferred upon him shall be exereised, and the conditions, provisions and covenants of any instrument(s) or document(s) which may’ be executed by him pursuant hereto; and in the acquisition oF distribution of real, personal or private property, my said Private Attorney General shall have exclusive power to fix the terms or amounts thereof for cash, funds, eredit andor affecting all property, g rights, ttle, interest to same and if on/for credit - with or without security ‘When the context so requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine and/or neuter, and the ingular numbers include the plural Debtor: CVEIEN JABA BARNES & Ex Relatione Secured Party IS. uRa Neter Bey © Flesh and Blood Being, In Propria Persona All Rights Reserved: U.C.C. 1-207/ 1-308; U.C.C, 1-103 Signature tom: POA00001234C3B Power of Atomney 243 df CH ee, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF LANCASTER Ol-13-2olo Seiticet ‘ial Certificate N Using a notary on this document does not constitute and adhesion, nor does it alter my status manner, the purpose for notary Is verification and iden jurisdiction inany fication only and not for entrance into any fo ‘Testimonial Clause I verify that the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct, | understand! that false statements herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904, relating to unsworn falsi to authorit Applicable to all Successors and Assigns the S\ id sworn on the Secured Party’ s unlit iunatures in accord with UCC § 3-4 1 9. CYHIEN JABA BARNES®, DEBTOR: [13] CyhienRa Neter Bey, Secured ured Party executes this Security As od liability rue, correct, and complete, and accepts all (CONNONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTARIAL SEAL eBORAN K Moor iy of Jurat FIRMED) AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME 1 vay ovfffies F 1712016 porak_K Muyods fun ‘of official before Whom affidavit was n Mstaey Title of officer etme ne wlBS01). (SWARNY onl Cla abe Rene CYHIEN a A BARNES. Ex- Relatione isi "Uasnle Hate fone CyhichRa Neter Bey © ae Representative ‘x-Relatione Cyhien J aba Bames Sr Flesh and Blood Being, In Propria Persona AL Rights Reserved: U.C.C. 1-207/ 1-308; U.C.C. 1-103 Signature Mem: POA00001234CIB, Power of Attorney Zot

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