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End of Unit Test



1 The drawing shows a potato plant.


a The plant uses light energy to produce glucose. What is the name of this process?
[1 mark]
b The plant releases energy from glucose in respiration. Give one reason why the
plant respires.
[1 mark]
c The plant converts glucose into starch for storage in the potato. Why do humans
eat potatoes?
[1 mark]
d Describe the colour change you would expect to see if the potato was tested with
iodine solution.
[1 mark]
e The plant can convert the glucose into other important substances. Name one of
these substances.
[1 mark]

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Exploring Science for QCA

Copymaster File 9


Pearson Education Limited 2002


End of Unit Test (continued)

2 There are a number of ways to improve the yield of wheat crops.

Draw lines to match each action with the reason why it will improve the yield.
Draw five lines only.


Use insecticides

to kill weeds but not crop plants.

to kill pests.

Use general herbicides

to add mineral salts to the soil slowly.

to kill herbs but not the crop plants.

Use chemical fertilisers

to add proteins to the soil.

to add manure to the soil.

Use a selective herbicide

to add mineral salts to the soil quickly.

to take unwanted chemicals out of the soil.

Use organic fertilisers

to kill plants.
[5 marks]

3 a Crops that grow in fields with weeds often have poor yields. Explain one reason
for this.

[2 marks]
b Crop plants require a supply of mineral salts in the soil for healthy growth.
Name one important element that is contained in these mineral salts.
[1 mark]
c Explain what is meant by an insect pest.

[1 mark]

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Exploring Science for QCA

Copymaster File 9


Pearson Education Limited 2002



End of Unit Test (continued)

4 a When herbicides are sprayed they sometimes affect wild plants. One result of this
might be a drop in numbers of wild herbivores. Explain how this might happen.

[2 marks]
b Farmers sometimes use specific herbicides. Explain why using this type of
chemical is less likely to harm the surrounding environment than a general

[2 marks]
d DDT is a chemical pesticide that is banned in the UK. Explain how DDT can
become concentrated in large animals.

[3 marks]

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Exploring Science for QCA

Copymaster File 9


Pearson Education Limited 2002


End of Unit Test (continued)

5 Commercial greenhouses can be used to grow some crop plants all year round.


a Explain why each of the following features allows plants to grow in a

greenhouse during the winter, when outside conditions are not suitable.
i artificial lighting
ii controlled temperature
[2 marks]
Some growers increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in their greenhouses.
They can do this by pumping in the gas.
b How can carbon dioxide be produced.
[1 mark]
c What is the benefit of increasing the carbon dioxide concentration in the

[1 mark]

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Exploring Science for QCA

Copymaster File 9


Pearson Education Limited 2002

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