D&D 5 Homebrew Compilation

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Born from the union of mortal and vampire, dhampirs ‘come into the world infused with undead power but alive. Dhampirs typically cannot sire or bear children themselves although there are rare exceptions to this, \ypically aided by powerful magic. Although dhampirs share much in common they do vary based on the supernatural nature of their vampiric parent. One Foor IN THE GRAVE Dhampirs straddle the line between life and death. ‘There mystical relation to undeath gives them resilience against poison and necromantic energies but they still feel the blush of life as keenly as any other mortal race. Dhampirs tend to be fascinated with mortality In some ceases this compels a dampir to take up the life of an adventurer, risking her life on a nightly basis just for the thrill, In other cases it auses a dhampir to cloister himself away from the world studiously working 10 conquer his own mortality Tue Lire NOCTURNAL While the sun is not as offensive to dhampirs as it is to their vampiric parent, dhampirs nevertheless prefer the dim light and darkness of night to the harsh sunlight, Their aversion to sunlight is so typical that the highly superstitious or untrusting might assume that a dhampir isa vampire itself. Unlike their vampiric parents, dhampirs do not need to use the cover of darkness to carry out predation on the mortal population so instead ‘many dhampirs are acquaint themselves with the local nightlife and criminal organizations that operate largely in the evenings and wee hours of the morning. $y BLOODLINE BROKEN When a vampire passes down his blood to a dhampir child he passes along the curse that runs through his veins as well. Although more obscure curses certainly cexist the three main curses that afllict vampires are the Curse of Nobility the Curse of the Feral, and the Curse ‘of Dread. Amongst dhampirs these translate to the Dreadblood, Feralblood, and Nobleblood, Dreadblood dhampirs inspire terror and creeping melancholy in those around them and so tend to take up lives of study where they can hide away from others. Feralblood dhampirs connect the bestial side ‘of vampirism and are bora warriors and feel most alive when taking a life, Nobleblood dhampirs possess an ‘unnatural charisma and hypnotic presence that they ‘employ to build small communities and cults to their name and live off the hard work of others. DHAMPIR TRAITS All dhampirs share the following features. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 ‘Age. Dhampirs mature at the same rate as humans but live to be into their 300s, Alignment. Dhampirs are given to dark appetites by their nature pushing many dhampirs towards evil or neutral alignments. Dhampirs are as likely to be lawful as they are chaotic. ‘Size. Dhampirs stand between § and 6 feet tall and. ‘weigh on average 140 pouinds. Your size is Medium, ‘Speed. Your basic walking speed is 30. Darkvision. Given their aversion to sunlight and ‘comfort with the darkness, itis lucky for dhampirs they are blessed with natural darkvision, You can see in ddim light within 60 feet as if ie were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light, You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray Hard to Kill, You have advantage on death saving throws. ‘Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on. sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive isin direct sunlight ‘Unnatural Resilience. You gain advantage on poison. saving throws and have resistance against necrotic damage. Dhampir Race by Daywatker: You can use a bonus action and expend a //coolgamertaghro Hit Dice to ignore your Sunlight Sensitivity feature for 10 minutes, Art Credits in Order of Appearance Languages. You begin with Common and one other “Vampire Tower” by Faxtar language. “Vampire” by Child-of- ‘Subraces. Choose a subrace basedl on the bloodline of your vampiric parent. Dreappioop Trarrs: ‘Your vampiric parent was a mad monster who inspired mortals to unholy terror. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 Broken Mind Insight. After you make a saving throw against a charmed or frightened effect but before the DM declares whether you succeeded or failed you may ‘spend a Hit Dice to roll a die of that type and add it to the resi Friend to Fear. You gain proficiency in your choice of one of the following: Intimidation, Perception, or Stealth ‘Nopteatoop Trarrs ‘Your vampiric parent was a predator who hunted amongst socialites and nobles. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1 Inspired Compliance. You can use a bonus action to direct one of your companions or a creature charmed by you to strike or perform a simple task. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you and expend one Hit Die, That creature may make a Wisdom ‘saving throw. Ifit chooses not to make or fails the saving throw, it uses its reaction to make one weapon attack or ability check, adding the expended Hit Die to the attack roll or ability check. ‘Natural Grace. You gain proficiency in your choice of ‘one of the following: Deception, Insight, or Persuasion. FERALBLOOD TRAITS: Your vampiric parent was a creature red in tooth and. claw. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by ‘Beast Shape. You can use an action and expend a Hit Dice to turn into a bat o¢ wolf and roll adie of the same type as the Hit Dice expended. This feature follows all the rules of the druid’s Wild Shape feature save that it ends only when you choose to return to your normal form as a bonus action, a number of hours pass equal to the result of the die roll +1, or when the sun rises. Primal Nature. You gain proficiency in your choice of one ofthe following: Animal Handling, Athletics, oF Survival ieee Se Dhampirto Vampire ‘Once they meet the ability score and level requirements, cdhampirs can become level vampires. To gain additional levels in the vampire prestige class they must commit dableri Sata PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by /u/Barkalot KITSUNE “LN THE COUNTRYSIDE WHERE THE HILLS MEET THE SEABREEZE AND the dunes ive way tthe Great Pores, there isa clearing. And in that clearing, there sa stone, lat asa table and smooth asthe fake at dawn; where the moonlight hits jus so and the sussuration ofthe leaves isthe music of magic” The ld woman satin her chain her house on the hill atthe outskirts ‘of town where the dogs do no o, telling a tale fora sad litte gk. And Jong ago there sat a fox old and dying. atthe end of fifespan ten times what it should be. It sat, and it sighed. And there, wel. tered “And tat litle oe," croaked Old Mar, cupping both hands around the small teacup “is when Iwas born” The teapot lied slowly off the ‘able, bouyed atop a mass of fury tals. I tipped, and was caught at the Jas second ling the child's trembling cup carefull. "Now drink your fea)" the old woman winked. “Or else youl row tals ike Mad Old Mari, who lve in the house on the bik” Like many Feytouched creatures, Kitsune drift through their Tong tives, ‘without much regard for normaley: When imbued with the essence ofthe Feywild during a transformative event, normal fox leaves bend its ‘estial existence and begins a farstranger journey. The circumstance of their existence is rare, unusual, and totally irrelevant to the Kitsune, as they are far more concemed with ving than with thelr origins. MIscHIEvous OuTCASTS Unconcerned with most worldly matters, Kitsune focus oa those things which bring excitement and joy to their own lies. Most of them have already lived long, fll lives as lowly foxes, so their humanoid existence is simply an unexpected bonus. This apparent indifference has led toa bad reputation in the eyes ofthe more serious races, and many communities oot out any Kitsune iniltrators by fore and by cautionary fire ‘Their abiliy to blend in to other cultures makes them stubborn guests, and many Kitsune undermine efforts through pranks of varying severities and by spreading their own wondrous tales amongst the children Kitsune are nt immune to sadness and loss, however, and many of those cast out lead suecessl lives of true wickedness, Thei role i ie is as many others to ive to sufer; to strive to adventure; to learn; to teach; and odie. KITSUNE TRAITS Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. ‘Age. Kitsune begin life as otherwise ordinary foxes that may live ‘up to 100 years. Following some transformative event in that time, (or upon reaching 100 years old, the ordinary fox permanently transforms into a vulpinefeatured Kitsune and gains consciousness ‘equivalent to other humanoids. Most Kitsune consider this event their “birthday,” though they reach funetional adulthood within 5 years. Singletailed Kitsune may live 100 years from the date oftheir transformation Aligament. Kitsune are inherently mischievous, though most often thi isunderstanding of generally accepted morality. Because ofthis, Kitsune are as likely to help another as, they are to swindle them. Their vulpine ancestry makes most ‘Kitsune tend towards chaotic alignments, and they are generally neutral inthe conflict between good and evil, ‘Size. Kitsune heights range widely, rom the tallest Halling to the shortest Elf, Most stand approximately 5 feet tall and weigh 100 pounds. Your size is Medium, ‘Speed, Your base walking speed is 30 f. is due to theie Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan, Syivan i the language ofthe fe, and sounds much lke the rustle of leaves in wind and the creak of branches. Faerie Tails. Kitsine begin their humanoid lives with a single, furry, fox tail approximately 3 feet long. At 4th level, and every four levels afterwards, you grow an additional tall as you increase in age and worldly experience. Uplifting or incredible events may also result in the growth of an addtional tal, at the diseretion of the DM, up 10.4 maximum total of 9, Each tail you possess increases your lifespan by 11 years, to a maximum of an 199 year lifespan. ‘Tails which are cut off or otherwise removed do not grow back. lly, but may be restored by use of the 7th level Regenerate iscretion of the spell, or replaced by an uplifting event (at che Dap, Fox Fire. You know the dancing ights cantrip and may produce ‘an additional light for each tail you have. When you reach 3rd level, you may use ths trait to cast the faerie fire spel, illuminating ‘an area with your Fox Fire lights. The DC for this spel! saving throw equals 8+ your Charisma modifier +your proficiency bonus, ‘When you reach Sth level, you may use this trait as a bonus action to deal 1410 + (numberof tals) points of lightning damage to the closest hostile ereature within 30%. of you. An enemy who ‘succeeds on a Dexterity saving throw takes half damage. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. This traits damage increases by 1410 when you reach 1th level (2410+ number of tals) and 17th level (3410+ number of tails). Youn ay use this trait once for each effect and regain the to do so when you finish a Jong rest ‘Subrace. The nature oftheir upl the path Kitsune take in their humanoid lives. There are three primary paths a Kitsune may be born into, Tsuki (Loves), Inari (Shifter) and Yako (Trickster). Choose one of 1 event often determines these subraces, Tsuxt (Lover) Kitsune Tsuki are creatures of passion and beauty. Their forlike features are subtle, and may consist oly of slender faces, close- set eyes, and light dustings of fur in easily hidden places, They where often slip unnoticed into human or halfling setlem they can lve for years and even take up husbands and wives without ever being discovered. They retain their youth and beauty for their entire lifespan, Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score eases by 1. (Clever Disguise. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made fo pass as a Human or Halling Fox's Charm. You can cast the charm person spell as a Ist- level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spelleasting ability for this spel. 6 eee VARIANT FAERIE TAILS PROGRESSION ‘Not all DMs and Players are comfortable with having racial cm traits be at the discretion of the DM. If this is the case, simply replace the Faerie Tals trait withthe following. This will speed up the progression but is less arbitrary. Paerie Tails. Kitsune begin their humanoid lives with a single, furry, fox tail approximately 3 feet long. At 4th level, and every two levels afterwards, you grow an additional tal as you increase in age and worldly experience. Each tal you possess {increases your lifespan by 11 years, toa maximum of an 199 year lifespan. Tals which are cut off or otherwise removed do pot grow back naturally, but may be restored by use of the 7th Jee Regenerate spell or similar mais. Inari (SHIFTER) Foxes who reach age 100 without undergoing transformative event become Kitsune Inari: forever estranged from civilization, but overcome with curiosity, They transform into wise, bipedal foxes, with thick ed fur, thin snouts, and tufted ears, and gain the ability to shapeshift ino a humanoid form for log period of ine. Their appearance when in humanoid form is similar o that ofa Kitsune ‘Teuki, but they lack the social grace ofthe Tsuki, and are more easily discovered when they attempt to infiltrate a settlement. Still, their curiosity draws them tothe hustle and bustle of civilization, and they cagerly observe and emulate the tenets of cilizd ie. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 1 ‘Bite attack. Your jaws retain their needetke fox teth, You gain a 144 piercing damage bite, with which you are proficient. This damage increases by 1 for exch of your tail “Human form. You can caste disguise se spell a number of times per day equal fo the number of tails you have. Your frm while tinder the effets ofthis spell is always the same, and you must choose the physical features that represent your Human form at 1st fom is your spellastng ability fortis spel level. Yaxo (TRICKSTER) Kitsune Yako are far more likely to embrace their mischievous nature, Short, relish fur covers their bodies, their facial features are distinctly vulpine, and some even retain the hackfacing knee of ‘heir bestil origins. Ther dficuly passing as human necessitates an especialy quick wit and cleverness, and most Kitsune Yako thrive ‘in unexpected citcumstances, Their possessive nature may extend tooother people's belongings and many Yako Kitsune fllow the path ofa thief or hoarder Elderly Kitsune Yako may appear hunched and feeble, bu itis only a ruse to fool an easy mark, asthe ravages of| time have ite effect on a Yako Kitsune's wit or aii. Ability Score Increase. Your Intligence score increases ty 1 Sticky Fingers. You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to pick pockets without being noticed Valpine Luck, When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use dhe new rol You can use this feature once per tal you possess, and regain the ability to do so when you finish along rest. * 5 : S i a5 eo ree Ware DESIGN AND Layout: JufHomicidalFiotdog EDITING THANKS: /u/DnDBe, u/BornToDoStuf, jullrishBandlt,/a/Palerix, and /u/Valysian rfUnearthedArcana /r/DnDBehindTheScreen Art CREDITS: Page 1: Kano Eitoku (Cypress Trees) ‘Eva Widermann (Kitsune Adventurer) Page 2: DA user PutridusCor (Seven Tailed Kitsune) Page 3: DA user KatVanGent (Kitsune Mask) Erica Il Cane (We were living inthe woods) PIXIE “The wee folk? Never have you found a move flighty group of lle Iricksers.. downright nasty at times... ifyou can manage to befriend one of ‘em, they be by your side til dhe bloody end. I dhink 1t'sm their blood or sow ‘thin’ Tiny AND Exoric isies are supematurally small and rarely get over 1 and a alt feet tall in adulthood. Ther faces have elf-like features which bey their fey heritage “Most striking are the gossamer thin, insect like wings that sprout From their backs. These rainbow-sheened wings hardly seem ston, enough to cary even the slight frames of the pies Pixie coloration tends toward the lighter complexions of hum ‘skin tones, with some pixies having more exotic color tints to their skin, ike pinks, blues and arcens, Pixie haircolor varies wildly depending on where the pivie was bom - ranging in color from natural browns and blonds to very exotic colors lke lime green, orange and shocking blues ‘TRICKSTERS AT HEART Bei ly ageless, Pixie's crave diversions, Because of this they love nothing more than to play tricks and pull pranks on each ‘other, an on those that pas thou Usual pranks can range from pulling chairs out from under ‘someone, fo purposefully eading people into potentially dangerous juations, Pies often don’t cousider this to be spiteful, instead the see It as playfully adding excitement the lives of those around ‘thom, who otherwise would lead boring, monotonous lives. Inpixie culture, an elaborate prank is considered a compliment, and it is considered bad form to become angered at such displays, However. this playfulness rarely translates well to other races, which can cause others to see Pixies as mean spirited and nasty litle IWicksters, h thei reals, BOUND IN FRIENDSHIP Pixie magic is based on light heared pranks and langhicr. This magic is part ofthe very being ofthe Pisie, an as such it afects their relationships in profound ways, A friendship fora Pixie is often a ‘magical connection. Between two Pisies, this is mutual their inmate magis, and it fomns bonds tht last fr centuries Sometimes a Pixie wll bind with a mortal. In this case a friendship is formed that goes beyond merely mutual understanding or shared imterests. Such bound pisie will often stick by that person’s side ‘unt they pass of old age, and ifthe bond is strong enough, sucha passi use a pixie ta pass shortly after - the magic oftheir life cut shogt in fosing such a potent friendship forever ogling of PIxIE RACIAL TRAITS “Your pixie character's slight stature makes it hard to wield some Pixie Flaws ‘weapons, but wth their innate magic, they excel at more delicate 146 Flaw ‘ela 1 Yow cannot stand the sound of crying. a You cannot stand being around grumpy people : akin 5 You play pranks ot mappropriate umes a rama tas Che begga aie Dede 4 ‘When angry, you can only bring yourself to speak soores increases by 1 Syn Good music often brings you to tears You have a hard time believing the words of ‘ores, half ores or other such creatures ‘Size: Your height is usually between 6 inches and I foot tll. ‘typical pixie weights about I (04 Tbs. Your size is Tiny. ‘Age: Pixies have a unique concept of time, because they are born into their adult bodies and are essentially ageless. However, some Dixie's form supematural bonds with another creature, in which ease pixie will pass of old age along with their bound friend. Speed: Pixies havea land speed of 10 f. Languages: You can speak Common and Sylvan Fey: Pixies are creatures of magic, and are native to the feywild, You ‘are treated as fey forall spells o effects that affect fey creatures. ‘Wings: Pinies lave a pair of insect like wings, which in conjunction with their inmate magic allows them fo fly. You have a fly speed of 30 fas ong as you don’t camry heavy load, In addition, if you end ‘Your tum more than 10 f above a surface that could bear your ‘weight, you can't keep yourself aloft, and fal. Miniature Warrior: Duc to your small satu you cannot wield heavy weapons, and must wild weapons that donot have the Hight -— property in wo hands, You treat 2-handed melee weaponsas heavy, = ‘thus taking disadvantage while wielding them. aaa ese: aoe Tea ese Toe Serer oe eae BONDED CHARACTERS you want to have your character bind in friendship to another ‘character. you mus fist get permission from the DM and the ‘other player, assuming you're bonding to another player's character you do so, you should make sure to take that character as, part of your Bond personality trait. Atyour DMs discretion, you and your bonded friend may share an empathetic ink - allowing you both to communicate ‘empathetically ata range of 60M. Empathetic communication is less precise tian telepathic communication, allowing big ideas to be communicated via emotional states. You would know that ‘your friend is in danger, but not what exactly presems that ‘danger, for example ALCHEMIST Deep in the caverns of a mystic dungeon, a group of x's count their gold as an elf extracts the venom from a giant snake, pocketing it in her pouch, In a busy part of the city, a human rushes to find the right potion for the poor family. It might not stop the disease, but the child will live to fight another day. Feeling a tingle in his grow twice as large, writing down with his other the recipe for later use. Alchemists strive to learn the mysteries of nature manipulating it in ways only they know. While not technically spelleasters, they're magi right, and the effects of their concoctions provide much to any adventuring party. adventus m, an ore laughs as his. bic al in their own STUDY AND PRACTICE Alchemists are studied professionals but study is only half the battle. To unlock the true m the world, experiment ies of ion is in order. Alchemists collect ngredients which they use to practice their craft in hopes of discovering a new way to change the world, whether for better or worse, RESEARCHERS In society, alchemists are usually recluses, and even medicinal doctors aren't the most popular people, though they are found to be vital to any city. However, in an adventuring party, the intellectual n be the voice of reason, and. a valuable ally for their limitless uses in combat 2 exploration Alchemists have several sub schools of research, ives, poisons, and potions, but many mainly explo areas of study exist, as the possibilities of alchemy are limitless, Some study to become medicinal experts, while others strive to strengthen the body and mind. Whatever the case, their goals are to better every aspect of our lives. CREATING AN ALCHEMIST First, decide what your character might be studying. Is he studying to heal their village who had no way to cure diseases, or is he finding ways to make exploring dungeons safer and easier? Are you studying yourself, or did you learn from someone else? Do you spend your days perfecting your current recipes, or discovering new o: What was your first exposure to alchemy? Were you poisoned and someone made a traditional herb (0 heal you making you search for new healing ‘methods, or did you hear the sounds of explosions and wish to make your own brand of thunderous, noise? Think about this as you dex concoctions to focus on as you research the world. de what THE ALCHEMIST Proficiency Level Bonus Features Ise 2 Concoctions, Bombs, Poisons, Potions 2nd n Alchemical Seudy. Alchemical Study Feature 3rd 2 Discovery ath 22 Ability Score Improvement Sth 3 Discovery 6th 3 Alchemical Study Feature Th 3 Discovery th 3 Ability Score Improvement oth 4 Discovery orn 4 ‘Aichemical Seudy Feature He 4 Discovery 12a +4 Ability Score Improvement 13h 45 Discovery l4eh +5 Alchemical Seudy Feature 15th +5 Discovery leh +s Ability Score Improvement 17h +6 Discovery Iaeh 6 Alchemical Seudy Feature 9h +6 Ability Score Improvement Discovery 20eh +6 Master Alchemist Quick Buy Follow these guidelines when creating an alchemist Firstly, intelligence should be your highest stat followed by dexterity if you plan on being the adventurous type, or charisma if you plan on dealing with people on a regular basis. Second, choose the hermit background, CLASS FEATURES As an alchemist, you gain the following class features. HIT POINTS Hit Dice: 148 per alchemist level Hit Points at Ist Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier PROFICIENCIES Armor: Light Armor Weapons: All simple weapons, Rapier, Blowgun, Tools: Poisoner's Kit, Herbalism Kit Saving Throws: Intelligence, Const Skills: Choose two from Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Natures, Perception, Persuasion, Survival EQUIPMENT You start with the following e to the equipment granted by your background: juipment, in addition + (@) arapier, or (b) any simple weapon + (a)ascholar’s pack, or (b) an explorer's pack. + (a) apoisoner's kit, or (b) an herbalism kit + Leather Armor CONCOCTIONS Atlevel 1, you learn how to create a variety of. concoctions. Each day alter a long rest, you may prepare a number of concoctions equal to your Intelligence modifier + your class level (minimum 1). At first level, you can make a potion, poison, or a bomb as concoction. The rules for these concoctions are below. At higher levels, you learn to augment your concoctions, and create new ones, Each concoction begins with a die value of 1d4, and increases by 1 (2d4, 3d4..) at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17. Bomss You know how (o mix explosive residue into casings which detonate on impact. You can create a bomb as a concoction that deals damage in a square and each adjacent space. These bombs have a range of 30 feet. Targets in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + the alchemists Intelligence modifier +the alchemist’s profici avoid all damage. cy bonus. If they succeed, they PoIsoNs You can mix together volatile ingredients into poisons of all ypes. In addition (o being able to make typical poisons, you can create poisons as a concoction that can be applied to any of your weapons. As an action, you can apply one of these poisons to your melee weapon or three pieces of ammunition. This poison deals poison. damage if it hits and the target fails a Constitution save equal to 8 + the alchemist's Intelligence modifier + the proficiency bonus. The poison's potency lasts for one minute before it becomes inert. POTIONS You can mix together healing herbs and create liquids ‘hich cure ailments and injuries. In addition to being able to make typical potions, you can create potions as a concoction that can be ingested. These potions heal damage taken, and can be given to anyone. Potions can be ingested as an action. AC2nd Tevel, you have learned how to perfect one of your concoctions to the point that it requires no effort on your part to craft them, You choose an alchemist study, ether grenadier, doctor, or poisoner. These archetypes grant or add several features to your concoctions at higher levels. In addition, they change the die value for one of your concoctions. DISCOVERIES Your constant practice of alchemy has resulted in new knowledge unknown to you previously, known as discoveries, You gain 1 discovery at 3rd level, and you learn additional discoveries every 2 levels after. These discoveries augment your concoctions and allow you to use them in new ways. In addition, you gain additional discoveries determined by your archetyp ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, "16th, and 19th level, you can increase onc ability score of your choice by 2, oryou can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't inerease an ability score above 20 using this feature. MASTER ALCHEMIST Atlevel 20, you have achieved the peak of intellectual studies, and have perfected all forms of alchemy. The die value for all your concoctions. increases by 1 step (1d4 to 1d6, 146 to 1d8). In addition, the total cost of your concoctions and discoveries is decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 1). DISCOVERIES Ifa discovery has prerequisites, you must meet them, (o learn it. You can learn the discovery at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. ANTITOXIN Prerequisite: Volatile Concoction When you create a volatile concoction, you may designate a number of allies who are immune to the effects of your poison equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). AntI Macic Potion Prerequisite: 7th level You have discovered ingredients that are devoid of any magical essence. You can use a concoction to ‘make an anti-magie potion that renders the target, immune to any magic, beneficial or otherwise. This effect lasts for 1 hour. CoNcUSSIVE BOMBS You have learned to create a loud grenade capable of disorienting opponents. You can use 1 concoction to create a grenade that explodes with a loud audible noise. Any enemies within 30 feet ofthe blast radius, ‘must succeed on a Constitution saving throw equal {o the bombs Dexterity saving throw or be deafened fora number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum 1). A creature that has advantage con perception checks based on hearing has disadvantage on this saving throw. DEADLY POISON Prerequisite: 9th level You have learned to get the most lethality from poisonous extracts, You add your intelligence modifier to the damage dealt by any poisons you use. ELEMENTAL CONCOCTION Prerequisite: 5th level You have discovered techniques used to extract the essence of rare ingredients, You can use an additional concoction to grant an elemental boost to your concoctions. If applied to a poison or bomb, the damage type of the concoction becomes fire, ice, or lightning (your choice). IF you use it on a potion, when you drink that potion, all damage from that elemental typ addition to the normal healing from a potion. reduced by 5 for 1 minute in ELEMENTAL IMMUNITY Prerequisite: 17th level, Elemental Concoction You can create a potion which has the pure essence of an element. You can use 3 additional concoction to create a potion of elemental immunity. Thi potion, in addition to healing, grants immunity to the element chosen for 1 hour. ELEMENTAL PERFECTION Prerequisite: 13th level, Elemental Concoction You have perfected the techniques used to extract the essence of rare ingredients, Whenever you create an elemental concoction, it gains additional benefits Ifitwas a poison or bomb, it deals an additional 2 dice worth of damage of the element chosen. Ifit was a potion, it increases the damage reduced by 10, toa total of 15 damage reduced, in addition tothe normal healing. EXPLOSIVE CONCOCTION Prerequisite: 7th level Your casings for your bombs have been improved so they can hold more ingredients. When you create a bomb tsing a concoction, the explosive area is each adjacent space, and each adjacent space after that. You may choose which bombs use this concoction FLASHBANGS Prerequisite: 7th level, Concussive Bombs You include bright flashing powder in your concussive bombs. You can use an additional tion (o make your concussive bombs blind " ehemies who fail another Constitution save equal to the Coneussive Bomb save. Any creature who has advantage on perception based on sight has disadvantage on this save. FRAGMENTATION BOMBS You fill your bombs with bits of glass, rocks, or other small harmful bits, When an enemy succeeds the save to resist your bomb's damage, they take half the damage instead of no damage. IRRITATING POISON Prerequisite: 5th level You create a poison which stimulates the nerves around one's body to itch uncontrollably. You ean tse one concoction to alter a poison to apply the “ritating” effect. Magic users who are under this effect are so distracted that they must make a Constitution saving throw each turn to be able to ceast spells I they fai, they may only east cantrips during that turn. This effect lasts for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier MAGEBANE POISON Prerequisite: 13th level, Iritating Poison You discover an iritant that is vastly more powerful than before, You can use three concoctions to alter a poison to apply the "Magebane” effect. Magic users who are under this effect cannot cast any magical spells for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier. NEURAL POISON Prerequisite: 5th level You discover a way to make poisons affect the mind rather than the body. Whenever you create a poison, you can make the save Wisdom based instead of Constitution based, and the damage becomes, psychic damage instead of poison. The poison works the same in all other regards, and any enemy immune to poison damage (not psychic damage) is immune to a poison augmented in this way. POISON OF VULNERABILITY ‘Prerequisite: 11th level, Elemental Concoction Your elemental poisons are so powerful that they can cause enemy's to become weaker to such elements. You ean use one additional concoction to make a poison augmented by elemental concoction into a poison of vulnerability. In addition to doing damage, if an enemy fails the Constitution save against thi elemental damage taken for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. An enemy who has resistance to that damage type resistance. An enemy with immunity to the damage type is immune to this poison. poison, it becomes vulnerable to the stead loses the POTION OF CURING You have discovered a substance that flushes the body of filth. You can use a concoction to create a healing potion that heals any disease or poison in addition to healing damage. POTION OF ENHANCEMENT Prerequisite: 11th level You have learned to enhance a person's physical or mental prowess with special ingeedients, You can uuse a concoction to create a potion that behaves like the spell Enhance Ability, the effect chosen upon creation. The effect lasts for 1 hour, but muhiple people can benefit from this potion. If someone under the effect of this potion drinks another one, the previous potion’s effect ends early. POTION OF RESISTANCE Prerequisite: 9th level You have learned to alter a person's blood flow so that injuries are not as fatal as they may be. You can use a concoction and choose one type of damage type to grant resistance to that damage type to whoever drinks that potion for 1 minute. [f someone under this effect drinks another potion of resi the new one overrides the previous one's effect. SYRINGE Prerequisite: 15th level All potions you ereare are now syringes whieh are injected rather than ingested, You and allies can use ‘your “potion” concoctions as a bonus action, VOLATILE CONCOCTION You learn how to make your poisons into bombs, By spending 2 concoctions, you can create a concoction that deals the damage and effects of a poison as a damaging enemies in an area as a bomb ‘You may augment this concoction with discoveries that affect both poisons and bombs. ALCHEMIST’S STUDY Alchemists strive to unravel the knowledge found within the world without magic. While they all learn the basics of alchemy, some try to perfect their art in certain areas, DocToR A doctor is one who uses his alchemical good, helping all who are injured or sick. Doctors are always looked upon as valuable assets. Most doctors, are good, outstanding members of society, but some tend toward the underground syndicates as private doctors. for Potion Focus At level 2, a doctor's potions use ds instead of ds {or healing injuries and wounds. HEALTHY Bopy At level 2, your practices lead your body to perfect health. You gain advantage on all saving throws to resist diseases, and you gain 1 additional hit point per level. At level 10, you are immune to all diseases, and you gain 2 additional hit points per level instead of 1. You do not gain these additional hit points for the first 10 levels, Doctor DISCOVERIES A doctor gains the following discoveries at certain levels. Some of these are only available to the doctor, while others are available to other alchemists at higher levels, REGENERATIVE POTION You have discovered a way to make your typical healing ingredients last longer. Instead of he potions, you can use {wo coneoetions to make regenerative potions When someone drinks a regenerative potion, their body functions ata higher rate, allowing them to heal 1d4 every round. This healing increases the same way your concoctions increase. This healing lasts for a number of rounds ‘equal to the doctor's intelligence modifier (minimum 1. Ifsomeone under this effect drinks another regenerative potion, the duration resets. SYRINGE You have learned that potions heal by going through our body's systems, so why not just circumvent the ingestion of them and go to the source directly? This discovery acts as the discovery listed above, except the doctor receives it at level 6 ANESTHETIC You have found substances that allow one to ignore pain ora short while, At level 10, you can use a concoction to create anestheties, which grant temporary hit points equal to the doctor's Intelligence modifier’S. These temporary ht points last for 1 hour, and can stabilize dying creatures, If another anesthetic is used on the same target within that hour, they gain apacitated. If used again, they become timconscious, After the hour is over, the target gains a level of exhaustion for each anesthetic used which ditional hit point but become. go away at the rate of 1 hour per exhaustion. POTION OF ENHANCEMENT You have found that some of your medicinal concoctions actually increase some people's capabilities. This discovery acts as the discovery listed above, except the doctor re at level 10. MUTAGENIC You have discovered a way to increase the physical and of the body. At level 14, you can spend 4 concoctions to ereate a mutagenic. Choose cone ability score, which then increases by 2 for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence ‘modifier. I someone under the effect of a mutagen tries to use a second one, the previous one’s effect ends. At level 18, you can instead use 8 concoctions to make a mutagenie that lasts for 1 hour. al abilite POTION OF LIFE You have discovered the ultimate in potions, combining the greatest healing ingredients available, At level 18, you can use 10 concoctions to create a potion of life, which acts as the spell Revivify, only after the intial resurrection, you heal the target amount equal to your potion’s healing. You cannot use a potion of life unless the body is present. If you use it on a body whose soul is Tost, the soul may return to the body at any point, but itis not forced back into it. The doctor may only ereate one Potion of Life per long rest GRENADIER A grenadier is often considered a demoltionist, and) at worst can be considered an arsonist, but in reality they are simply able to mix ingredients which become unstable within their confines, namely bomb shells. Grenadiers are the most diverse alchemists, imes serving in armies, supplying explosives for soldiers, or serving as guides for mining expeditions, blasting away debris. Bom Focus At level 2, a grenadier’s bombs use d6s instead of As for damaging enemies. FLAK JACKET At level 2, a grenadier fashions himself a flak jacket he can wear, preventing damage to himself from his bombs. This flak jacket can be fitted under any armor the grenadier can wear GRENADIER DISCOVERIES A gronadier gains the following discoveries at certain levels. Some of these are only availabe to the sgrenadicr, while others are available to other alchemists at higher levels FRAGMENTATION BOMBS You craft your bomb casings using sharp and fragile material, This discovery acts as the discovery listed above, except the grenadier receives it at level 2 NapaLM Boma, You have discovered a fiery substance that ignites upon additional concoction to create a lingering fire in the blast radius of your bombs. Ifan enemy ends its turn in the fire, the fire deals an additional fire damage. This fire Jasts an amount of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum 1). Ifyou have the elemental concoction discovery and use it, the damage increases to 146 and can be fire, ice, or lightning damage. If you have the clemental bomb’s detonation. At level 6, you can use 2 perfection discovery, this damage increases to 346 damage. BLast POWDER You have discovered a volatile substance that makes explosives all the more deadly. AvTevel 10, you add your intelligence modifier to all damage your bombs do, and enemies in the center of an explosion have disadvantage on the Dexterity saving throw to avoid damage. DISPELLING BOMB You have learned how to make a bomb that affects, all magie in an area. At level 14, you can spend 2 concoctions to create a bomb which negates all magical offects in a 30 foot radi of the one who cast the spell was of a lower or equal level of the grenadier. At level 18, 2 additional concoctions can be used to cause the magic to instead backfire and explode within the area, causing an additional 1d6 of magic damage per level of the spell if the caster level INTERCHANGABLE CASINGS You have discovered a way to quickly put cartridges of material into different bomb casings. At level 18, instead of choosing which concoctions form which bombs after a long rest. you simply choose whether not they are bombs. At any point after that, you can immediately usc any combination or discoveries Con these bombs atthe cost of however many concoctions it would have taken to make it, Potions and poisons must still be chosen after a long rest. POISONER ‘A poisoner is typicalfound within the company of thieves and those who focus on subterfuge and trickery. A poisoner is no stranger to the black market, and even the most straight walkers will ind themselves purchasing rare ingredients from shady fellows. Poison Focus At level 2, « poisoner's poisons uscs 46's instead of 4's for damage, POISON IMMUNITY Atlevel 2, a poisoner has advantage on all saving throws that involve poison, and they have resistanci to poison damage from any source. Atlevel 10, they gain immunity to all poisons and poison damage. POISONER DISCOVERIES A poisoner gains the following discoveries at certain levels. Some of these are only available to the poisoner, while others are available to other alchemists at higher levels, DEADLY Polson None are as precise with poisons than a poisoner himself. This discovery acts as the discovery listed above, except the poisoner receives it at level 2. POISONER’S GLOVE, At level 6, the poisoner creates an apparatus that only he can use that allows him (o exerete poisons through the palm. Using this glove, the poisoner ean apply any poisons he's ereated as a bonus action on his turn, PARALYTIC PoIsON The poisoner discovers a powerful paratlytie agent. Atlevel 10, he can use 2 concoctions to create a poison that numbs a person's body. This poison does no damage, but if the enemy fails the poison save, they lose feeling in their legs or arms, poisoner’s choice upon ereation. Ifa person's arms are paralyzed, they receive disadvantage om all attack rolls and strength checks, and if they are wielding a shield they lose that shield’s bonus to AC. Ifa person's legs are paralyzed, their speed is halved, they reccive disadvantage on all dexterity checks, and all attacks against them have advantage, This poisons lasts for a number of rounds equal to the poisoner’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). If this poison is used again on the same target, it overrides the previous effect. CRIPPLING POISON ‘The poisoner discovers an agent that debititates the nerves. Atlevel 14,a poisoner can use 4 additional concoctions to create a crippling poison. When this. poison is created, the poisoner chooses one ability score. When a target fails the save against the ey in addition to taking damage their ability is reduced by 1d6 for 1 hour. Crippling poisons of the same ability score do not stack, but they can override previous ones if it’s higher than the last. Different crippling poisons can be used against the same target. At level 18, 5 additional concoctions, ‘can be used to make the ability seore penalty permanent. It can only be restored by the ‘who made the poison, a doctor of equal level, a Greater Restoration spell, or a Wish spell. This penalty is removed upon death. POISON OF DEATH The poisoner discovers the most lethal ingredients known in the worlds. At level 18, once per day at the cost of 10 concoctio ..a poisoner can create a Poison of Death. This poison can only be applied to ‘one piece of ammunition. The poison loses its poteney within 1 minute of being applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition Any creature hit by this poison must make 2 saves against your poison save, one wisdom and one constitution. Ifthey make both saves, there is no effect. If they fail the constitution save, their body is weakened severely and they are paralyzed for 1 hour. If they fail the wisdom save, their mind is destroye stunned for 1 hour. If they fail both their saves, their body stops funetioning and they immediately die. ‘The poisoner can only make 1 poison of death per Jong rest. This poison cannot be combined via Volatile Coneoetion. and they are WITCH A tattooed elf, veiled and cloaked, draws his ob- sidian dagger across the sand, calling forth from the lines a ghostly apparition to help him and his allies find their way. A trio of halfling hermits gather among candles and incense, chanting words of power to bait spirits from the shadows. The bejeweled human, dr and golden ch with the voices of an army of lost souls, a fiend. ish glint in his eyes as blood drips from his palm. Unlike shamans who pray to the spirits of nature, wit ligent beings lost betwixt the realm of the living and the beyond. As a witch, you learn to summon din exotic garb \s bellows a spell which hes trap the tormented souls of intel- these souls and bind them to your will, gaining protection from them as well as the power to de bilitate your enemies. As you attain higher levels, the circle you join grants you further abilities which extend the usefulness and power of these bonds in different ways. THE POWER OF SPIRIT Witches may or may not have a level of respect for the spirits they bind, though one could say they should. Some witches tap into the residual energies of long-departed souls, while others use extant spiritual beings as conduits for their spell- casting. Either way and whether or not they wish, witches bind part of their own soul to those that surround them. Witch spells mostly deal with manipulation of spiritual energies (both living and dead) and pro- tections against the beings with supply those en. ergies. As part of their connection to the spiritual world, they are also privy to information and se- erets normally not 1 such, witches are powerful enchanters, abjurers, and diviners. nt for mortal minds, As Tue WitcH Proficiency Level Bonus Bonds Features ist 42 © — Quickening, Spelicasting and 42 1 Witch Circle, Binding Rites 3rd 42 1 Spirit Ward Mth 42 1 Ability Score Improvement Sth 43 tos 6th 43 2 Circle feature th 43 2 Spiritual Spelicasting Bh 43 2 Ability Score Improvement sth +4 20 = 10th +4 3 Circle feature Mth 44 3. Channel Spell Vath 44 3 Ability Score Improvement 13th 45 a Vth 45 4 Circle feature 1sth 45 4 Strength of Spirit 16th 45 4 Ability Score Improvement Vth 46 405 18th +6 5 Ghostly Step 19th 46 5 Ability Score Improvement 20th +6 a —Spell Slots per Spell Level— Cantrips Known Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th 9th 2 222222225 2 ee i Be a 3040303 S49 8 eae 3004 303 2 = 30 4 3°33 1 4 4 3 3 3 2 4. 4 3°33 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 4 33 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 4 3°33 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 4 3°33 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3°33 3 4 4 3°33 3 BonpSOFTHESOUL Witches acknowledge that there is a spiritual connection between all things ~ forces that inex- plicably and randomly bind beings and happen ings together in a kind of mass, shared fate. They | see other witches as brothers and sisters, and, other classes as close cousins. As a conse- quence, witches are often fond of forming alli ances. One kind of alliance is the circle that a witch belongs to. The circle that a witch joins is the manifesta- tion of a philosophy regarding the nature of spir- its. Some, like the circle of power, believe in a su- preme energy that extends beyond the physical world, weaving together magic and the collective conscience of all living things. Others, from the circle of blood for example, believe in a more in- timate connection between the physical world, and the other side. In this philosophy, each soul is tied to something close to it in the physical world —a body, an object, or location that was important to it when it was alive, " CREATING A WITCH £ ‘When deciding on the witch class, think about what led your character to tap into the spirit” world. Maybe witchcraft is a tradition in the area, or your character comes from an area rife with a ghostly past. Superstition is also a good trigger for a fascination with spirits. What is your relationship with spirits? Is there am mutual respect? Perhaps your character feels more like a servant to the spirit th ‘way around, or maybe they possess the entitle- ment to dominate and extort spiritual beings. How did your character come to be an adven- turer? It could be that he or she was a pariah in their community due to contact with the other side, cast out and forced to fend for him or her- self. Perhaps your character is even haunted by a particular spirit, and seeks away to control or be rid of it. sure of he other : Burp |can make a witch quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution, Second, select the Hermit background, Third, select the chill touch and guidance cantrips. THE WiTcH v0.2 CLASS FEATURES As awitch, you gain the following class features. Hit Points Hit Dice: 108 per witch level Hit Points at Ist Level: 8 + your consitutuition modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your constitution modifier per witch level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armour: Light armour ‘Weapons: Simple weapons Tools: Herbalism kit Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Animal Handling, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, and Religion EQuipMeNt You start with the following equipment, in addi- tion to the equipment granted by your back- ground: (a)a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon (a). a component pouch or (6) an athame used as an arcane focus (a)a priest's pack or (b) a scholar’s pack Any simple weapon and two daggers SPELLCASTING Your contact with the spirit world and intuitive knowledge of the magic which allows it to per- sist grants you the use of spells. CanTRIPS ‘You know two cantrips of your choice from the Witch spell list. You learn additional witch cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Witch table. PREPARING AND CASTING SPELLS ‘The Witch table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of Ist level and above. To cast one of these witch spells, you must expend a spell slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a ong rest. You prepare the list of witch spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the witch spell list. When you do so, choose a number of witch spells equal to your Charisma modifier + your witch level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You can also change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of witch spells requires time spent in commu- jon and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. SPELLCASTING ABILITY Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your witch spells, since your magic comes from bar- gaining with spirits. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spelicasting abil ity. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a witch spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier RITUAL CASTING You can cast a witch spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell pre- pared. ‘SPELLCASTING Focus You can use an athame as a spellcasting focus for your witch spells. Alternatively, choose a focus that you feel would suit your character. QUICKENING At Ist level, you gain the ability to enter into an induced state known as the witch's quickening, letting you see what others ¢ this state by remaining still and concentrating. If you maintain the quickening for at least 1 minute, you can see into the Ethereal Plane up to 60 feet and you gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks. Any action ends the quickening. In addition, you may add your proficiency bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) and Cha. risma (Persuasion) when dealing with spirits. WITCH CIRCLE At 2nd level you choose to join a circle of magic: the Circle of Power, the Circle of Blood, the Circle of Ruin, or the Circle of Shadows, detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level. BINDING RITES At 2nd level you can bind spirits to your service by performing certain rites. Binding a spirit is a full action. The number of spirits you may have bound at any time is limited as per the Bonds column on the witch class table. When you choose a spirit to bind from the list at the end of this class description, you “fill” one of your available spell slots with the spirit. The spell slot used is no longer available for casting spells, and it remains unavailable for as long as the spirit filling it remains bound to you. The spirit is said to be of a level equal to the spell slot filled to bind it. Thus, a Spirit of Passion occupy- ing a 6th level spell slot is a level 6 spirit. You cannot have more than one spirit with the same name bound at one time. Depending on the type of spirit, you gain cer- tain benefits while the spirit remains bound and an additional effect when you release the spirit, as detailed in the Binding Rites section. Releas- nnot. You can enter ing a spirit is a bonus action, although some spir- “ create a spirit ward as an action. The ward has a radius of 30 feet, centered on your location, and is stationary for its duration. While inside the ward, friendly creatures (yourself included) cannot be charmed, frightened, or possessed by undead and have resistance to all damage from \corporeal undead sources (inclucling the spiri- tual effects produced by other witches). Additionally, if friendly creature is reduced to Ohit points inside the ward but not killed out- right, the creature becomes stable. The ward. lasts 1 minute per level, or until you create an other ward ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can'ti using this featu se an ability score above 20 its allow release as a reaction. Once a spirithhas _/ é been released, it no longer provides its passive effect and the spell slot it occupied is considered expended, Spirit WARD One of the first abilities a witch learns is how to protect himself from spirits who may wish to harm him. At 3rd level, you gain the ability to SPIRITUAL SPELLCASTING At 7th level, you can call upon the spirits you have bound to help you cast your spells. You may dismiss a spirit or a number of spirits action to recover a single expended spell slot of a level no higher than the combined level of the spirits you dismissed. You may only use this spell slot for casting spells, and the release effects of the spirits you dismissed are not activated. a bonus CHANNEL SPELL Starting at 11th level, you can channel spells through the spirits you bind, wreaking havoc on spiritual enemies. Your spells affect enemies you are aware of who are incorporeal or on another plane of existence. STRENGTH OF SPIRIT At 15th level, you learn to sap additional forti. tude from the spirits you bind. You gain an in crease to your maximum hit points equal to the sum of the levels of each spirit you have bound. As long as these spirits remain bound, these hit points recover when you complete a long rest. GHOSTLY STEP At 18th level you gain the ability to enter the spirit realm as a bonus action by projecting part of yourself beyond the material plane, You and your belongings become invisible and incorpo- real for up 1 minute. During this time you may move your normal speed and may pass through solid objects. Ifyou choose to maintain this form until the duration expires and you are in a loca- tion occupied by a creature or solid object, you are shunted to the near occupied space and take damage equal to twice the number of feat you are moved as a result. You may otherwise choose to rematerialize at any time in your present loca- tion. You may use this ability once, after which you must complete a long rest to use it again, CIRCLES The circle that a witch joins at 2nd level has ev- erything to do with the witch's personal philoso- phy on spirits. When becoming a part of a circle, the witch joins other like-minded witches and is granted abilities which align with these core phi- losophies. Though witches of different circles may carry similar opinions of spirits and their own magic, itis important to think on how each. circle’s teachings shape your character's atti- tudes towards the binding and utiliz: its, CIRCLE OF BLOOD Witches of the Circle of Blood believe in strong connections between the physical world and the spiritual one. Spirits are connected to the physi- cal world through objects that were important to them while they were alive. This knowledge allows a witch to bind spirits to her power more easily — as long as she knows a bit about the spirit’s life, ‘Though not always, witches from the circle of blood tend to dominate the spirits under their control. They generally take care to leave spirits intact and in a state no worse than before they |, but nevertheless are capable of using a spirit’s weaknesses against them, taking advantage of their connections to the physical world in order to gain power over them. ion of spir ‘were bour SyMPaTHETIC MaGic At 2nd level, you gain the power to cast spells on targets over vast distances beyond what the spell may ordinarily allow. Provided you have an ar- ticle (blood, hair, clothing) from the target, your spells which have a single target may affect the creature in question from up to one mile away per witch level. When you cast a spell that affects a creature this way, the article you have from the targetis consumed. AWAKEN THE BLOOD Beginning at 6th level, when you release a spirit from your power, you can use the energy from. those broken spiritual bonds to repair corporeal bodies. You can heal yourself or a creature adja- cent to you for hit points equal to four times the level of the spirit when you trigger a release effect. BLoop BINDING At 10th level, ifa living creature dies within 30 feet of you, you may bind its soul as a full action on your next turn. You bind a spirit type of your choice to a spell slot of your choice. This binding expires after 24 hours or whenever you use this, ee again. The creature who provided the soul inot be resurrected during the time it remains bound. You may use this ability once, after which You must complete a long rest to use it again CALL ForTH THE BLOOD At 14th level, you gain the ability to force ethe- real and incorporeal creatures into the material plane a 1 toa corporeal form. The creature must succeed at a Constitution save or Jose its incorporeal traits and associated immu- nities and resistances for 1 minute. You may use this ability once, after which you must complete a long rest to use it again. id bind CIRCLE OF POWER ‘The Circle of Power subscribes to a philosophy that all spiritual entities are connected by a col- lective consciousness. They use this knowledge to surmount power over the spiritual realm itself. In other words, these witches gain their abilities by harnessing the secrets which govern the very basis of spiritual existence, rather than focusing on the relationships between the metaphysical and the mat The Circle of Power is perhaps a little more sympathetic to the spirits these witches bind. Witches of this circle tend to see spirits more as allies. They trust the spirits they bind enough to. allow their power to grow under their command with the purpose of sharing this power. ial world. ANCESTRAL POWER You can call upon the residual power of the indi- viduals whose souls you bind. Beginning at 2nd level, the save DC of your spells is increased by 1 for every bond you have filled. FORCEFUL PRESENCE ‘When you reach 6th level, you can force a spirit to grant its release effect, but retain control of the spirit so that it is not dismissed and contin- ues to provide its passive effect. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, minimum 1. After these uses are ex- pended, you must complete a long rest to re- cover them. POWERFUL BONDS At 10th level, your body and soul develop the ability to contain more powerful spirits, The level of spirits you bind are considered 1 higher than the spell slot you use to bind them. itudes towards the binding and utilization of spir- its. ‘SIMULACRUM As awiteh of the Circle of Power, your mind and body have become powerfully linked to spiritual existence. At 14th level, should you be reduced to O hit points but not killed outright, your body becomes possessed by a spirit you control and you may continue to act for 1 round per level of the highest level spirit you have in your power. You cannot use this ability if you do not have any spirits bound. You may perform any action you normally could except for releasing spirits. During this time, your hit points remain at 0 and you continue to make death saving throws (though a prepared witch may move to her spirit ward to become stable). Onlookers notice a strangeness in your movements, eyes, and voice while you remain possessed. When the effect expires, your body collapses if you have not been healed above 0 hit points, oth- erwise you snap out of the possessi CIRCLE OF RUIN The Circle of Ruin has less respect for spirits than the other circles. Witches who bind these spirits utilize their magic to torture and pressure spirits in order to extract power from them. Their philosophy revolves around invoking ruin and causing as much damage as possible. Though good witches of this circle are rare, they are not unknown. Good witches who share this circle’s ideology typically aim to bind evil spirits, turning these beings into weapons for good against their will (though this can hardly be considered to be completely benign). These witches often claim this is for the greater good — using evil to combat evil. ‘onscious. Sout Suarrer Beginning when you choose this circle at 2nd level, spells which you cast that cause damage deal half of their damage as psych age if you choose. DEVASTATING RELEASE At th level, spirits you release erupt with energy as their bonds are broken, causing harm to those around you. When you dismiss a spirit, enemies within 30 feet of you are dealt 1d6 points of damage per level of the spirit, Half of this damage is necrotic, and the other half psychic. Those use experience the damage hear wails and screams as the spirit is released, and feel a rush of sorrow and discomfort. Ruinous WARD Beginning at 10th level, the Spirit Wards you ed by spiritual dissonance which can strain and break the weak of spirit. In addition to the described effects above, your Spirit Ward ability deals 1d6 psychic damage each round to hostile creatures within its radius. The damage can be ignored by a successful Wisdom save as if against one of your spells. RITE OF EXORCISM At 14th level, you can attempt to exorcize a living creature's own soul, Ifa creature within 30 feet fails a Wisdom save against your spell save DC, they are dealt 10d6 damage as their soul is torn from their body. Half of this damage is psychic, the other half is necrotic. The creature is also stunned until your next turn. A successful save lets the creature avoid the damage, but still leaves the creature stunned. You may use this ability 3 times. Expended uses recover after a Jong rest. CIRCLE OF SHADOWS The Circle of Shadows subscribes to the belief that everything that exists, both physically and metaphysically, is like a shadow cast by that which came before it. Shadows are windows into worlds beyond the material plane ~ as one world becomes dimmer, others become brighter and easier to see by comparison. There is reason to be wary of the dark. Witches from this circle are more cautious dealing with spirits. They know that dangers lurk in the shad- ows, and they are careful with their dealings lest the spirits they bind show their dark side. Tue SHapows Have Eyes ‘You can use the spirits which dwell in the dark- ness to see. Beginning at 2nd level, you have darkvision 60 fi. as long as you have at least one spirit bound. If your race grants you darkvision, itis extended by 60 ft. instead. BLINDING SHACKLES At Oth level, whenever you release a spirit which lets you choose a target or affects a single target, that target is blinded for 146 rounds. This ability cannot affect creatures who do not use light to see. Spirits IN THE SHADOWS Beginning at 10th level, as long as you have at least 2 spirits bound, you may call upon nearby shadows to replace the somatic components of your spells. Additionally, the ghostly whispers of those spirits may replace the verbal components, of your spells. You may therefore cast spells with these components even if you yourself cannot motion or vocalise. Suapy ExcHANGE Beginning at 14th level, when you enter a witch's quickening in low light or darker conditions, you may exchange one of the spirits you have bound for another of a different type. The new spirit. of the same level as the one you exchanged, and no release effect is triggered during the ex- change. You may use this ability once, after which you must complete a long rest to use it again. BINDING RITES Following is a list of different spirits a witch may bind. Spirit OF AGONY In the presence of a spirit of Agony, foes’ wounds continue to bleed and fires continue to burn. ‘While Agony is bound, you may reroll any damage die that shows a 1, and use the new roll even ifitis another 1. Release. You may release Agony when you roll a critical hit. In addition to the critical damage, you may roll an extra number of dice equal to the level of the spirit. This spirit’s passive ability ap- plies to the normal and the additional dice for this attack. SPIRIT OF DESIRE Spirits of Desire impress your desires onto others and enhance their own. You have advan- tage on Charisma checks when interacting so- cially with a creature who finds your race and gender attractive Release. When you release this spirit, a single target creature within 30 feet becomes charmed if they fail a Wisdom saving throw as if against one of your spells. This effect lasts one minute per level of the spirit. The effect ends prema- turely if you or your allies damage the creature. Spirit oF EMPATHY Spirits of Empathy force your enemies to share your pain. While Empathy is bound, whenever you are dealt damage from a living or undead source, you may use your reaction to deal that source psychic damage equal to the level of this pee Release. You can release Empathy as a reac~ tion when you take damage from a creature. The creature is dealt psychic damage equal to the damage you took + the spirits level, or half that on a successful Wisdom save. ‘SPIRIT OF Envy Spirits of Envy take from others what they covet for themselves ~ life. Whenever you deal damage with an attack or spell while Envy is bound, you gain the spirits level in temporary hit points. ‘These hit points last until you release Envy. Release. When you hit an enemy with an attack or spell you may release Envy. When you do so, you gain temporary hit points equal to five times the spirit level. These temporary hit points last up to 24 hours, ‘SPIRIT OF FEAR Spirits of Fear bring nightmares to life. While Fear is bound, you may add your proficiency bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks, or double itif you already do. elease. When Fear is release from its bonds, a number of creatures equal to the spirit level within 30 feet make a Wisdom save or be fright- ened for 1 minute. Each creature affected is al lowed a Wisdom save to end the effect at the be- ginning of each turn, ase = 9 Spirit oF GENEROSITY Spirits of Generosity are always willing to make sacrifices for those who bind them with good in- tentions. Your spells that heal restore an addi- tional 146 damage per creature they affect. Release. You may release Generosity and gift the spirit to an ally within 30 feet. The spirit pro- tects the ally, granting them temporary hit points equal to 5 times the spirit’s level. These tempo- rary hit points last 10 minutes. Spirit oF GuILt Spirits of Guilt cause your enemies hesitation in acts that would wrong you. While Guilt is bound, ou may use your reaction to impose disadvan. tage on an attack roll against you. Release. When you release Guilt from your power, a single target within 30 feet has disad- vantage on attack rolls against you for 1 round per spirit level. ‘SPIRIT OF HATE Spirits of Hate inspire a ferocity in you. When you are damaged by a creature, you gain advan- tage on attack rolls against that creature on your next turn. Release. When you hit a creature with a spell or attack you may release Hate and deal necrotic damage equal to 146 per spirit level. Spirit OF HUNGER Spirits of Hunger both sustain their friends and deprive their enemies of energy. While Hunger is bound to you, you require no food or water to survive. Release. You may release Hunger to impart one level of exhaustion on a number of creatures within 30 feet equal to the spirit’ level ‘SPIRIT OF PASSION Spirits of Passion give those who bind them the ‘motivation to push themselves further in order to accomplish a task. When this spirit is bound you gain a number of bonus dice equal to the spirit level. These dice are d6s. You may choose to roll one of these dice and add the result to any d20 roll you make. You lose all remaining dice when you release Passion, Release. You may release Passion when you make any d20 roll with disadvantage. You make this roll with advantage instead, and in addition you add 146 to the result. Spirit OF SERENITY Spirits of Serenity bring peace and clarity of thought to those who bind them. You require only half the time worth of sleep or rest as long as Serenity remains bound. Release. When you release Serenity from your power, you may remove one of the following con- ditions from yourself: Blinded, Charmed, Deaf- ened, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned, and. Stunned. Spirit oF SLOTH Spirits of Sloth inspire sluggishness and lazi- ness of thought and action around you. While Sloth is bound, spaces you threaten count as dif. ficult terrain for enemies. Release. When Sloth is released, one foe per spirit level within 30 feet loses their reaction until your next turn, Spirit oF SoRROw The failures of your enemies continue to haunt them in the presence of a spirit of Sorrow. While Sorrow is bound to you, enemies within 30 ft. who fail a save against one of your spells are dealt psychic damage equal to twice the spirit’s level. Release. When Sorrow is released, choose a target creature within 30 feet. That creature has disadvantage on its next saving throw, ability check, or attack roll. Should this roll fail, they are dealt 1d6 psychic damage per spirit level. SPIRIT OF VALOR Spirits of Valor give those who bind them the power {o pull through with confidence against poor odds. While Valor is bound, you have advan- tage on saves against being frightened, Release. When you release this spirit, one creature per spirit level is no longer frightened. SPIRIT OF WONDER You radiate an aura of awe when a spirit of Wonder is bound to you. While Wonder is bound, you can use your action to impose a 5 penalty on passive Perception checks creatures within 30 feet make to notice anything other than your- You may release Wonder from your power when you hit a target with a spell or they fail a save against one of your spells. That foe is, stunned until your next turn. SPELL List Canraips (0 Levet) Blade Ward Chill Touch Friends Guidance Light Mage Hand Mending Minor Illusion Poison Spray Resistance True Strike Isr Leven Animal Friendship Charm Person ‘Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Faerie Fire Hex Longstrider Prestidigitation Protection from Evil and Good Purify Food and Drink Speak with Animals Unseen Servant Witch Bolt 2no Levet Crown of Madness Darkness Darkvision Enhance Ability Enthrall Find Traps Flame Blade Hold Person Lesser Restoration Locate Animals or Plants Locate Object Misty Step Moonbeam Protection from Poison Ray of Enfeeblement Suggestion 3rp Lever Counterspell Dispel Magic Fear Fly Gaseous Form Hypnotic Pattern Magic Circle Major image Protection From Energy Remove Curse Tongues Vampiric Toush Water Walk avy Leven Banishement Blight Confusion Dimension Door Dominate Beast Freedom of Movement Hallucinatory Terrain Locate Creature Polymorph Wall of Fire STH Levet Antilife Shell ‘Awaken ‘Commune Conjure Elemental Contact Other Plane Contagion Dominate Person Dream Geas Greater Restoration Hold Monster Insect Plague Legend Lore Mass Cure Wounds Modify Memory Planar Binding Reincarnate Serying 6TH Leven Arcane Gate Circle of Death Conjure Fey Contingency Eyebite eo Find the Path Flesh to Stone Heal Mass Suggestion Sunbeam True Seeing 71H Leven, Etherealness Finger of Death Mirage Arcane Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion Plane Shift Regenerate Sequester symbol 87H Leven Antipathy/Sympathy Dominate Monster Feeblemind Power Word Stun Sunburst Trap the Soul 9TH Leven Astral Projection Foresight Imprisonment Power Word Kill Shapechange True Polymorph True Ressurection Weird Wish CREDITS Thank you to all the folks at /r/UnearthedArcana who have helped and who continue to help im- prove this homebrew class HOMEBREW AND PHOTOSHOP BY ‘u/Zarieth (content template by /u/the_singular_anyone) (cover template by /u/Edheldui) SPECIAL THANKS TO u/Three_flower ‘u/KingofWhales fu/StriderT ARTWORK “Initiation Ritual” by Trishkell- deviantart “Haunted Forest” by Rene Aigner pathfinder sorcerer by unknown “The Crow's Dagger” by Elsa Kroese “Ritual Preparations” by Wilthi unknown title by Mingzhu Yang “Deck of Many Things” by Jere “Undead” by Arash Radkia “Ghosts of Ascalon” from Guild Wars 2 “Ghost Quarter” by Pete Mohrbacher na - deviantart McHugh. PRIMAL PaTHS Rage burns in every barbarians heart, furnace that drives him or her toward greatness, Different barbarians attribute their rage to different sources, however For some, tis an internal reseryoir where pln, rit ard cra ie forge mei eg eed eet Gite react asa spiritual Blessing agi ofa totem animal. PATH OF THE SKINCHANGER ‘You belong to a tradition of barbarians who hunt down sacred beasts, stealing their pelts and organs for grizzly rituals that unlock their own ability to take on different shapes. Skinchangers begin their path by learning to partially adopt the shape of beasts while raging, looking forall the world like a lycanthrope though they do not suffer such a curse. As these barbarians grow in power their ability to change their forms for greater power and deception only improves. Sacren Hunt A 3rd level, you learn a sacred hunting ritual that allows you to gain the power of beasts. Prior to beginning this ritual you must name a beast that might exist in the nearby wild and is listed below. This sacred hunt takes 1 hour to complete. After you perform a sacred hunt, ‘when you enter a rage you partially transform into the beast you selected and add the corresponding benefit to the normal benefits of rage. This effec lasts until you perform another sacred hunt, ‘Bat. As a bonus action you can shriek or catch the ‘wind. Ifyou shriek and are not deafened, you have blindsight up to 60 feet away until the end of your next turn, Ifyou catch the wind, you fly 10 feet and take no damage fom falling until the end of your next turn, Boar. When you move 15 fect or more directiy towards a creature on your turn you can spend your bonus action to gore them with your tusks, You have proficiency with tusk attack and add your strength ‘modifier to hit and damage. The gore attack deals 144 bludgeoning damage and the creature must make a ‘Strength saving throw or fall prone. The DC of this saving throw is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Strength modifier Rat. Gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against disease, poison and restrained effects. In addition, you can use a bonus action to use your tal to distract and threaten your enemy, giving the next attack roll they make disadvantage. ‘Shark. Gain a swim speed of 30 feet and you can. breathe underwater. As @ bonus action you can bite any creature that has less than their maximum hit points, ‘You have proficiency with the bite attack and add your strength modifier to hit and damage. The bite attack deals 1d4 piercing damage. Woll. Asa bonus action you can harry a creature next {0 you. When you harry a creature next to you the next atiack against that creature has advantage. As a reaction you can hound a creature next to you when it moves out of your reach. When you hound a creature you move half your movement speed and must move as close to the creature triggering the reaction as possible. This ‘movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. SKINCHANGING Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to turn into an ‘animal exactly as deserihed in the druid’s Wild Shape feature save that you can only use the feature once. before needing a long rest to use again. This Wild ‘Shape feature improves at 4th and Sth level, just asit does for dru. ‘Tex THousaxp Masks, Starting at 6th level, your ability to change your own form improves and you can cast alter selfand enhance ability (targeting yourself only). After casting one of these spells with this feature you must complete a long rest to use this ability again. In addition, as part of the bonus action you use to center a rage you can cast alter self or enlarge (targeting yourself only). Unlike the spell you do not need to ‘concentrate to continue the effect but the effect ends when your rage does. Primal Race Starting at 10th level, the sacred hunt reaps even. ireater rewards. Add an additional benefit based on the target of your last sacred hunt to the normal benefits of your rage Bat. You have a fly movement speed of 30 feet. Boar: Asa free action once during your turn when a ‘creature makes an opportunity attack against you you ‘can make a gore attack against it after its opportunity attack is resolved, Rat. You are immune to poison and disease. As a ‘bonus action you can spread dirt and filth across your ‘weapon. The next time you damage a creature with that weapon they must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 14) or be poisoned until the end of their next turn, ‘Shark. When you deal damage to a creature with less, than halts hit points remaining you deal an additional 14 damage. Wolé When you harry a creature all attacks against that creature gain advantage until the start of your next turn. When you hound a creature you can move your full ‘movement speed instead of half your movement speed. Ten MILLION MASKS: Starting at 14th level, you can cast alter self and. ‘enhance ability (targeting yourself only) at wil. In addition, you can naw use the Wild Shape granted by your Skinchanger feature twice before needing a long, rest, Finally, you can cast the spell polymorph once before needing a long rest to cast it again, Your spell save for this spell is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier Path of the Skinchanger by ‘/w/coolgamertaghro ‘Art Credits in Order of Appearance “Beast's Soldier” by Koutanagamori PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by /u/Barkalot COLLEGE OF HARMONY Bards are those who use the power of music to spread feeling. Feelings of sadness, feelings of joy, the whole spectrum of human emotion can be covered through song, Bards who follow the College of Harmony seck touse this music to bring all beings together in song, ‘Through their study of magical tun study of human relations, they harness the age old practice of the preforming arts to bring peace to all things. ENCOURAGING VERSE astheir When you join the College of Harmony at 3rd level, your songs encourage your allies to do their best. Whenever a creature that has a Bardic Inspiration die from you rolls a 1 on that die to improve an attack roll an ability check, or a saving throw, they may reroll the fie. TI st keep the new result, even ifit is a 1 JALMING WoRD Also at 3" level, your study of harmony allows you to better bring people to inner peace. When an ally that ‘you can see within 60R, becomes frightened, you can e your reac Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die, That ally ‘may immediately make a Wisdom saving throw against the DC of the source oftheir fright, adding the result of the Bardic Inspiration roll to their saving throw. Ifthey succeed, they are no longer frightened You may also use an action to use this ability on an ally who is already frightened, allowing them to make another save. 1 to expend one of your uses of Bardic PACIFYING SONG Starting at 6th level, you can perform a magical song to foster feelings of understanding in those around you. Asan action, you may perform a Pacifying Song, For the next hour, all creatures that can hear you and are within 30 feet gain the benefits of the comprehend Janguages spell, as well as the following personality trait: “I always try to hear someone out before doing something rash.” Once you use this feature, you must finish along rest before you ean use this again, Harmonic SONATA Starting at 14th level, ou can perform a magical song to calm all creatures. may perform a Harmonic Sonata All creatures that can hear you and are within 60 feet of you must make a Charisma saving throw against your bard spell save DC, Creatures that are immune against being charmed areimmune against the Song of Harmony. If they fail the saving throw, they can't round you. An action, you attack or take any other hostile action against any other creature as long as you play the Song of Harmony. Ifany ereature under the effects ofthe Harmonie Sonata is harmed, the effect ends for it an all creatures who can see it (Once you tse this feature, you must finish long res before you can use this agai TRAVEL Divine Doman or ee et eet re eka era tage Neg a tr pits tl Jia etapa eect te fea Rel ete on oe al Woreedg tga caliente Tel ‘al gels eral mega aren cos per TRAVEL DOMAIN SPELLS Cleric Level Spells ist expeditious retreat, longstrider Bed——_-misty step, spider climb Sth haste, phontom steed Tth dimension door, freedom of movement 9th teleportation circle, tre stride WELL TRAVELED A seve, you gain proficiency in Land and Water Vehicles. as wel as Navigator's Tools. You also learn one language of your choice QUICKENED PACE A Ist eel you are blessed with quickened travel Your base movement speed is increase by feet At 10th evel this bonus increases to 10 fee, While you are mounted, your mount sao granted this bonus. DIVINITY: TRAVELING COMPANION Steg ed lpn hyo ert Dty tote bent mage wh atvelngconpanon Wen oneal reigning ely etre, etek Gh Dri ote cy SrerreGncligyourse!) mre wih he sme pe To Dectble elim be nena of rine more han dere tthe eh CHANNEL DIVINITY: DIVINE TRANSPOSITION Sarin at thy cam Your chan dvi tlt oro swap pestion ih ales. Team acon youcom eyo Chai! ivy to tepor sp to 30 fe tam snore pac that oa Se Ahersatety yorcan ae apace wan range at 8 decays Seal or Med erestare that eet wing oa both cpr sap lace DivINE STRIKE ‘Ath level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy; Once on each of your turns when you hit Aereatire with a weapon attack, you ean eave the attack to deal nn extra 16 damage ofthe same ype dealt bythe weapon to the target. Ifyou are atleast 10 fet frm where yo began {yur tar, ad your Wisdom modifier to this bom: When you reach 1th level, the extra damage ineeases 0 240. DIVINE TELEPORTATION Starting at 17th level, You gan the abilitto prepare the releport spel. which counts asa cleric spell for you, and you may treat your famliarty withthe target as Very Familiar, unless itis a Falze Destination. Any ereatures you teleport (vin ay means, not just eleport are granted the effects of freedom af movement for ane mimite afer arviving at thie destination. CREDITS Homebrew by IrishBandit angeons and Dragons 5th Edition by Wizards ofthe Coast ‘Thanks to t/UnearthedArcana fr feedback Photoshop template by /ulthe_ singular anyone st walrock homebrewblogspoteom Arty Nikola Sinisa Drum Crrcies Moonta o Omowormm Beast etait a sing boar os we ms Te ssn eter bent sce py eg me a et ele caeorrs aie wrens Treanarmo Lone Sate Couranton Wino Sears THE JESTER ROGUISH ARCHETYPE OPTION With a rustle of the bells atop his hat and a long bow at the waist, the gnome clad in a patchwork of colors introduces himself to a noble lord before breaking into a capering dance full of gesticulation and unrelenting noise. As the lord watches the gnome scuttle by, he opens his right hand to discover a note, penned in cryptic illu sory script, informing him of the identity of a pair of assassins within his own court. The gnome issues him a knowing wink, and continues with his routine. Flourishing his cape, a human clad in gilded finery collapses to the ground with a certain clownish lack of grace, clutching a nearly fatal ‘wound in his side. By all appearances dead, the human waits, dagger drawn, for his enemy to slip up and leave themselves open to a savage injury to the ankles. ‘Spewing comical jibes and insults to dishearten her adversaries, a welkinebriated female dwarf cracks a kobold upside the head with the pommel of her rapier. Having recited a particularly bawdy limerick to utter silence from her captive audience, she wheels on the blud- geoned kobold and levels a stern glare in its di- rection. Instantly, the kobold descends into peals of mad laughter, and the dwarf juts out her chin, satisfied. Comedy is an art form that sor few study with an almost religious zeal, honing their words and their blades with endless practice and performance. Some that style themselves as jesters are simple entertainers with an adventurous bent, while others are genuine devotees of trickster deities such Galittergold, Avandra, or the Laughing God Who Has No Temples, and consider their jesting a holy calling of sorts. Regardless, a jester is a student of life, emotion, and culture, and appreciates both the highs and lows afforded to mortals by the conditions in which they live. A Jester observes and comments, always knowing the right word or phrase to get a laugh, a tear, a bellow of murderous rage, or to simply swing the opinions of others their w as Garl HARLEQUIN’S MASK When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and two of the following: Dexterity (Acrobati (Performance), or one kind of gaming set, You may, as an object interaction, either don a mask in your possession with traditional harle- quin markings, or apply facepaint from your disguise kit to achieve a similar effect. In either case, while wearing your Harlequin’s Mask you have advantage on any check to specifically cause a distraction or otherwise draw attention to yourself. ‘While wearing your mask, you may also cast the vicious mockery cantrip as a bonus action on your turn, When cast in this way, vicious mockery deals no damage. ARCANE BUFFOONERY Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to ca variety of spells as part of your jesting. You learn the cantrips vicious mockery, prestidigitation, and minor illusion. You also earn three of the following spells: Tasha’s hideous laughter, illusory script, color spray, Charisma faerie fire, feather fall, and jump. You may cast the spells that you know from. this feature once each per short or long rest, as if you had used a Ist level spell slot. Ifyou choose to know the jump spell, it may only be cast with yourself as a target when using this feature. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for any spell you receive from this archetype, and you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast with this archetype and when making an attack roll with a spell granted to you by this archetype. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier These spells may only be cast or channelled while wearing your Harlequin’s Mask CRUEL COMEDY Starting at 9th level, your aptitude with the art of Jesting gains more refinement, and your comedic barbs become ever more brutal and merciless. Whenever an enemy fails its save against your vicious mockery, the first attack you make against that enemy before the end of your next turn has advantage. In addition, while wearing your Harlequin’s Mask you are immune to being charmed. JESTING MAGICIAN At 13th level, your repertoire of inherent magical knowledge expands to include several more mischevious tricks. You learn three of the follow- ing spells: cloud of daggers, calm emotions, misty step, enthrall, mirror image, crown of madness, spider climb, feign death, and rope trick. You may cast the spells that you know from this feature once each per short or long rest, as if you had used a 2nd level spell slot. If you choose to know feign death or spider climb, they may only be cast with yourself as a target when using this feature. In addition, the spells you have received from ‘the Arcane Buffoonery feature may now be cast as if they were using 2nd level spell slots. Spells, from either of these features may only be cast or channelled while wearing your Harlequin’s Mask. Last TRICK Starting at 17th level, when you are reduced to O hit points and are not killed outright, you choose to drop to 1 hit point instead and place yourself under the effects of a false death identi cal to the feign death spell. On your turn you may end this effect as a bonus action. If you do, you have advantage on any attack targeting an enemy that believed you were dead, until the end of your next turn, Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. CREDITS: Photoshop & des ign by /ujth Jingular_anyone Visit WALRocK HOMEBREW for more! http://walrock-homebrew.blogspot.com Art by Simon Eekert, Nakai Wen, Neal lor Fischer, and Levi Hopkins Hanson, Te Thanks to the kind folks of reddit, and to iu/skybug]2 for his Photoshop guide! JESTERS & MULTICLASSING Unlike their arcane trickster brethren, the jester carries with them no spell slots, and thus not even fractional caster levels. When multiclassing as a jester, the levels you have taken as a rogue do not contribute to the spell slots you would receive from multi- classing, nor can you use spell slots to cast the spells you receive from jester archetype features. ROGUISH ARCHETYPE There are similarities among all rogues, from their ‘expertise in a wide variety of skills to their ruthless approach to combat. However, there are as many things that make rogues different as that make them similar. MISTWALKER ‘You have spent your life hiding in the mists. Swirling clouds ‘of fog are your friend, a protective covering that hides yous from prying eyes, You become wellersed in navigating ‘without relying on your sight and striking foes you cannot ‘see, while remaining hidden from vi MIsTWEAVER Beginning at 3ed level, you can summons mists at any time, ‘You gain the ability to cast fog cloud, with the target being self, Once you have used this feature a number of times. ‘equal to your Intelligence modifier, you must complete a Jong rest before you ean use it again. One WrTH SHADows Starting at 3rd level, you are comfortable when surrounded by fog. When you ate surrounded by mists, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. In addition, ‘moving through nonmagical dificult terrain costs no extra ‘movement if you are under the cover of mist. Mists NSE Starting at 9th evel, vou have learned the nuances of the mist. Once in the mist, you gain mistsense. Mistsense activates once you enter mist, allowing you fo use your bonus action to make a DC 15 perception check. On a sucessful check, you can tell the location of any ereature within 20 feet within the same mist cloud, MISTBLADE Beginning at 13th level, you ean create a weapon out of mist. While in the mist, you gain access to a mistknife, a weapon made entirely out of mist. It has all the properties of a shortsword except that it leaves no visible wounds on. the target, Instead, the damage it deals is internal and. causes the target to bleed for an addition 1d4 health at the beginning of each oftheir turns for three rounds. One Wire Mists {At 17th level, you are so familiar with the miss that you ean ‘melt into them yourself. You can east the spell Gaseous Form on yourself at will. 1 Credit RANGER ARCHETYPE Rangers have many expressions, from the iconic Hunter ‘and Beast Master to the lesser known, ARCANE ARCHER ‘Some rangers aren't satisfied with simply using spells to hinder their foes, Some want to use their magic to utterly destroy their enemies. Those who believe this inerease their knowledge of magic, expanding their skills with infused weapons. These rangers are known as Arcane Archers. fe Mawekeye By theDURRRRIAN INFUSED ATTACK You can channel your magic through your weapon, dealing elemental damage to your foes. At3" level, you can use a bonus action to infuse your next attack with elemental force. You can choose between several effects. Fire. Your next attack deals an additional 146 fire damage, and will deal an extra 1d4 fire damage on every turn until the target uses a bonus action to put the fire out, Lighening. Your next attack deals an extra 16 lightning damage, and the target can't take reactions until the start ofits next turn, Acid, Your next attack deals an additional 1d8 acid damage. Frost. Your next attack deals an additional 1d6 cold damage, and the 5 foot radius around the target becomes ficult terain until the start of your next turn, Once you tse this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, you must finish a short rest before you can use it again ARCANE ADEPT The magic you use leave a powerful effect on your mind, At 7® level, you gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. In addition, you gain resistance to psychic damage. ARCANE Boost Using your stores of magical power, you boost your abilities for a short amount of time. At 11" level, you can use a bonus action to activate one ofthe following effects, The effect lasts for Iminute. Spell Shield. You have a +2 bonus to your Armor Class Arcane Vision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as iit were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Dim light doesn't impose disadvantage (on your Wiscdom (Perception) checks, and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Spell Sniper. You have advantage on attack rolls, and your attacks deal an additional 1d8 force damage. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use itagain SPELL WARD Your experience with magic has given you an edge when fighting against casters. At 15 level, when you are the target ofa spell or within a spell's range effect and fail ‘your saving throw, you can use your reaction to reroll ‘your saving throw. You must use the result ofthe new roll regardless of is higher or lower than your original roll. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. ANKLETS OF SWIFTNESS Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) ‘While you wear these anklets your move speed is increased by 10 feet. Speaking the command ‘word allows you to run on the wind, giving you a fly speed equal to your move speed. Each turn if ‘you do not move while in flight you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round, Once the anklets prop- erty has been used for a total of 10 minutes they cannot be used again until the next morning, ARACHNIDS BLESSING Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) ‘These leather vambraces are etched with spider web motifs, These vambraces have 5 charges. While wearing them you can expend one charge to cast the web spell (save DC 15) from them. Additionally while wearing these vambraces you are undler the effects of the spider climb spell. You can use a bonus action to launch a thin sticky strand of web up to 100 feet that you can ‘swing from, up to your move speed as a move action. The vambraces regain 1d4 charges daily at dawn, BotTLeD LiGHT Wondrous Item, uncommon As an action you can snuff out a single light source up to the size of a large bonfire or mul tiple smaller light sources. The light is then stored inside the vial for up to 8 hours. While the light i inside the vial you can cause it to shed bright or dim light up to what the original source could, CLOAK OF THE PHOENIX Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) This orange feathered cloak seems to ripple slightly with heat, Ifyou die while wearing this cloak your body turns intoa ple of fine ash. At the beginning of your next turn your reappear in the closest unoccupied spot where you died in a burst of flame and ember dealing 6d6 fire damage to all creatures within 10 feet with 20 hit points and may spend all your hit dice imme- diately. This power does not work for one week after ithas been used. Dust oF CREATION Wondrous Item, rare This small leather pouch pouch has 112 * 1 pinches of dust in it, When you toss a pinch of. this dust into the air, it settles in the form of any junidane nonmagical object with a weight of up. to 25 pounds, Once all the dust has been used it isa simple leather pouch. EYE OF AGAMON Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) This polished omate stone eye conveys its ben: efits to those willing to replace one of their own es with it The eye has 5 charges and regains 14 charges daily at dawn. While looking only through the eve of agamon the user has d sight 1208, can cast detect magic at wil, and can read deep speech. You can expend 1 charge to cast one of the following spells from it, scoreh ing ray, charm person, see invisibility. GaMBLERS GOBLET Wondrous Item, Uncommon ‘What appears to be little more then a simple stone goblet has tempted more then a few into. an early grave, as the prospects of greater reward loomed. This goblet has 2 charges and regains 1 charge daily at dawn, You can use one charge, causing the goblet to fill with a clear cxloriess liquid. After imbibing the liquid roll a 20 to determine its effects, being either a potion or a poison, 1 ~ Potion of Supreme Healing 2 Potion of Poison 3- Potion of Fire Giant Strength 4 Burnt Othur 5 Potion of Diminution 6 Essence of Ether 7 ~ Potion of Fire Breath 8~Malice 9 Potion of Gaseous Form 10 Midnight Tears 11 ~ Potion of Flying 12~Pale Tincture 13 — Potion of Water Breathing 14 ~Torpor Potion of Inv 16 — Wyvern Poison 17 Potion of Invulnerability 18 - Potion of Superior Healing 19 Potion of Growth 20 — Purple Wurm Poison bility LABYRINTH COIN Wondrous lem, uncommon i ‘This coin has the image of a labyrinth pressed into one side, and a bulls head on the other ‘Once per day you can flip the coin and on heads ‘you and every creature within 100 are teleported toa labyrinth on an extra dimensional plane. After 1 hour has passed, or you find your way out of the labyrinth you are teleported back to the same spot you were in. On a result of tails you summon a minotaur within 20 feet who immedi ately charges the closest target and makes a gore attack with advantage. The minotaur remains for 1 hour or until itis slain and has its ow tive, MISERS BANES Wondrous Item, uncommon This lead coin is plated in gold with the image of a scale stamped into one side. Every time you make a purchase, you willingly spend three times the purchases value, or all of your money ‘on the purchase except for the misers bane, con- vineing yourself it isthe right thing to do. You feel compelled to keep the misers bane and will ‘not willingly part with it. Iitis taken from you ‘you must make a Wisdom save ( save DC 15) and on a failed save you are compelled to get the coin back somehow: You can repeat the save every 24 hours. Putrip PERFUME Wondrous Item, rare ‘Spraying this perfume causes a horrible stench to linger on who or whatever Was the target. This foul odor can only be removed with a remove curse or wish spell. Creatures within 5 feet of the wearer of the perfume become poisoned for 1 minute. Creatures within 30 must make a Con- stitution save at the start of their turn, on a failed save they can take no action but to puke, READING SPECTACLES z Wondrous Item, uncommon ‘These simple spectacles always appear slightly ssmuidged. While wearing the spectacles you can. read any language. Sanps OF TIME Wondrous tem, legendary (requires attunement) This gold necklace has.a small hourglass sus- pended in a gyroscope hanging from its golden chain. Some say that the sand within the hour- ‘lass itis from the first star to ever come into being, stolen from the heavens by a daring thief. ‘The necklace has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 charges daily at dawn. Speed Up. You can expend 2 charges to cast the spell haste and do not need to maintain con- centration on the spell. ‘Slow Down. You can expend 2 charges to cast the spell slow (save DC 17) and do not need to. maintain concentration. SPIDER SHIELD Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement) This shield has been crafted to look like a large spider erawling up your arm. Once per day you can speak the command word causing the shield to transform into a giant wolf spider for up to 1 hour, all at once or in several shorter spans, using a minimum of | minute. The spider is. friendly to you and your companions and under- stands your languages obeys your commands. The shield regains all expended time at dawn. THORN BLIGHT Weapon (any whip), rare (requires attunement) This whip appears to be covered in small jagged thorns covered in yellowish sap. When you hit with an attack using this magic whip the target takes an extra 2d6 poison damage. As an action you can speak the weapons command word and cause a thick poison to coat the thorns. The poison lasts for 1 minute or until a creature is struck. The struck creature must make a DC 15 constitution save or become poisoned for 1 ute. You cannot use this property again untit the next dawn, “TRICKSTERS DooRKNOB Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) ‘When one of these doorknobs is placed against a ‘wall no more than 10 feet thick, it attaches to the wall and creates a temporary door leading to the area on the other side of the wall, allowing easy passage back and forth through it. Warp BLADE Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement) This black patterned steel dagger is said to belonged to one of the greatest thieves ever to jve, having never been caught and leaving no trace of passing. This dagger has 4 charges. While wielding the dagger you can use one of the charges to cast misty step from it, or two charges to cast gaseous form. This dagger regains 144 charges at dawn. WILDFIRE Wand, Legendary (requires attunemen)) This wand once belonged to Svin the Scorcher, an eccentric gnome wizard who suffered from. pyromania, While out trying his latest batch of highly flammable oils he set himself a ‘When the smoke settled a wand was all the re ied by mained, in his ashes, apparently unto the fire. While you hold the wand you gain a + 2 bonus to spell attack rolls. You gain a+ 2 bonus to your spell save DC when casting spells that deal fire damage and have resistance to fire. This ‘wand has 30 charges for the following proper ties. Itregains 246 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. Ifyou expand all of the wands charges it will not regain charges for 1 week from the time itwas reduced to 0 charges. Spells. While holding the wand you can use and action to expend some of the charges and cast one of the following spells form it using your spell save DC and spelicasting ability: aganazzar’ s scorcher (3rd level version, 2 charges), firestorm (7th level version, 6 charges), fire shield (4th level version, 3 charges), Immola tion (Sth level version, 4 charges), melfs minute meteors (Ath level version, 3 charges), wall offre (3rd level version, 2 charges). ACTUAL CANNIBAL SHIA LABEOUF ‘MepIuM HumaNotp, CHaoric Evit Armor Class 16 Hit Points 98 (15d8+30) Speed 30 fi. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18(+4) 16(+3) 14(+2) 10(+0) 13(+1) 19(+4) Condition Immunities Charm, Sleep Skills Stealth +7, Performance +8 Senses Passive Perception 11 Languages Common Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Shia Surprise! Ten minutes after being reduced to 0 hit points Shia returns to life and regains 45 (10d8) hit points. Shia cannot use this ability if his head is removed or his body completely destroyed. ACTIONS Death in His Eyes (Recharge 5-6). Shia stares down his prey, paralyzing them with fear. One creature within 30ft. that can see Songs tell of a creature that lives deep in the dark woods, spending its nights "killing for sport” and “eating all the bodies. Even death itself holds no fear for the Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf, as he is famed for his ability to shrug off wounds that would leave a mortal man dead and resume his attack only minutes later. ‘Shia must make a DC16 Wisdom Save or be paralyzed for one minute. A paralyzed creature may attempt this save at the end of each turn, Your Leg, It's Caught in a Beartrap. Shia sets a Hunting Trap (PHB p152) Multiattack. Shia makes _ three Sharpening an Axe, Brandishing a Knife or Actual Cannibal attacks. Sharpening an Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5fi., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8+6) slashing damage. Brandishing a Knife. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft. or range 20/60ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+3) piercing damage. Actual Cannibal. Shia attempts to take a bite out of his prey. Melee attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d4+4) Necrotic damage. Shia regains hit points equal to this damage. Bonus ACTIONS He Gets Down on All Fours... Shia drops to all fours and breaks into a sprint. Until the start of his next turn his movement speed is increased to 60ft. but he cannot use Sharpening an Axe or Brandishing a Knife attacks, "YOU'RE WALKING IN THE WOODS. ‘THERE'S NO ONE AROUND, AND YOUR PHONE IS DEAD. OUT OF THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE YOU SPOT HIM, Suita LABEOUF" - ROBERT OF CANTOR, BARD EXTRAORDINAIRE ero Aaa Sons

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