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Fiction Book of Choice Book Report

Tic-Tac-Toe for Student Choice Activities

Please choose 3 novel response activities from the chart below to make
Due Date for this project is Wednesday, September 26, 2012



Find the Top 10 web sites a

character in your book would
most frequently visit. Include 2-3
sentences for each on why your
character likes each of the sites.

Write a different ending (1 page)

to your story. This should change
what happened in the last chapter
of the book.
(12 point font, double spaced)

Use the comic strip templates to

highlight the important events in
the book. Make sure the dialogue
is realistic for the characters.


E-How to Write A New Ending

Templates are located on the
classroom bulletin board.

Develop a soundtrack to
accompany your novel. It must
include 5 songs and have a
paragraph to explain why you
chose each song.

Draw a picture and write a

paragraph describing the outdoor
setting (or settings) of your book.
How did the setting affect the
story (2 paragraphs)?



Make an illustrated time line

sequencing 10 important events
that happened in the book. Give
an explanation of each event.
(Please use computer paper only.)

Write a 1 page letter to the author

telling him why you liked the
book or why you didnt like the
book. Give valid reasons for your

Design a poster persuading others

to read the book. Include
interesting details about the book
that would make other people
want to read it. (Computer paper
only please)
How to make a poster in 60
Make an information cube about
your book with the following on
the 6 different sides of the cube:
-Title & Illustration
-Characters & Illustrations
-Setting & Illustrations
-4 rising action events

(12 point font, double spaced)

Cube outline located on
classroom bulletin board

All assignments must reflect the time and attention to details

that each box requires. Sloppy or incomplete work will not be
graded. If any box asks for an illustration, please note that all
illustrations must include color. You may use computer clip art
&/or graphics.

Scoring Rubric For Fiction Book of Choice Tic Tac Toe

Ten Websites (10) ______
Typed 2-3 sentence explanationfully detailed why character
would visit the site (30) _____

Appropriate Ending for
Characters and setting (15) ____

Events accurately portrayed
(follows plot line) (15) ______

Ending creative & possible (15)


Realistic Dialogue (15) _____

Neatness (color) (10) _____

Creativity (10) _____

Correct grammar, usage &

punctuation (10) _____

Creativity (10) _____

Typed 1 Page (10) _____

Possible Points (50) _____
Includes details about the book
(10) _____

Possible Points (50) _____

5 songs appropriate for novel (25)

Possible Points (50) _____

Picture & typed paragraph shows
natural setting (20) _____

Uses persuasive Language (20)


Typed paragraph explaining how

each song relates to the novel
(25) _____

Written & visual details of setting

(10) _____

Neatness/Creativity (10) _____

Explains (typed) ways the setting

affected the story (10) _____

Illustrations (10) _____

Correct grammar, punctuation &
spelling (10) _____
Possible Points (50) _____
Title & Illustration (5) _____
Characters & Illustration (5) ___
Setting & Illustrations (5) _____
4 Rising Action Events (10) ___
Climax (5) _____
Resolution (5) _____
Neat, legible & visually attractive
(15) _____

Possible points (50) _____

Possible Points (50) _____

10 events (10) _____

Possible Points (50) _____

Typed 1 page (5) _____

Each event contains illustration

(10) _____

Likes or dislikes clearly stated

(10) _____

Each event is described in

complete sentences (10) _____

3 or more reasons given to

support point of view (15) _____

Correct grammar, punctuation &

spelling (10) _____

Reasons supported by facts or

example (15) _____

Neat, legible & visually

appealing (10) _____

Correct, grammar, punctuation &

spelling (5) _____

Possible Points (50) _____

Possible Points (50) _____

Total points possible for this assignment= 150 points

This assignment is due in class on the specified due date. For
each day that it is late, your grade will drop by 5 points.
Student Name: ______________________________________________

Parent signature: ___________________________________________

(parent signature before Friday, September 7, 2012 results in
10 extra credit points)
The project guidelines will be found online as well.

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