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Hello, my name is Elizabeth Gail Allred. I was born October 4, 1999. I grew up in a rural
southwest Huntington County in Huntington Indian. I live in Huntington until third grade and
move to Ohio. I was only there for three years and I came back to attend Riverview middle
school. Huntington is still were I reside today.
The house I grew up in was built in 1913 by my great great great grandfather Laban Allred.
Laban was a farmer and a cattle farmer, but he was also a politician. Our house was designed the
same as the court house in Huntington. Laban would also go on cattle drives out west, but
instead of riding with the cattle he went in the Ford that Henry Ford himself delivered to what is
now our home. My great grandpa John still farms the same land and my grandpa still has cattle.
I attended Horace Mann Elementary school until thrid grade. During this time I was shy
and held back. Once I was introduce to baseball, by my grandparents, I came more and more out
of my shell. My first year of baseball I met my best friend and true love, Gage. We became best
buds until my mom made us move away to Ohio for three years. While in Ohio I lost a lot of the
growth of me coming out of my shell, so when I came back home I was very reserved. When I
came home I attended Riverview middle school where I met back with Gage and he asked me to
the sixth grade dance in a note saying he would never let me go again on October 14, 2011.
While being are Riverview I was involved in power club, track, swim and even band for all three
years(I played alto saxophone). Middle school made me cherish the moments I had with my
friends and family.
Now I attend Huntington North High School. Even with high school being stressful I love it!
I am able to be apart of the school by being in student council, being a German club officer,

Viking voice for the Viking new tech program and out side of school I play at the Warren softball
park. I keep my grades at all As while still being able to manage time for work and hanging out
with friends. Gage and I are still together and will continue to be. We are a huge part of each
other's life. My best friends Kendra and Jacque are also a huge part of my life they make me
laugh and support me trough everything. High school has been and is a great experience.
I am a very detailed oriented person. I believe my time is valuable, so I stay organized and on
schedule the best I can. I am conscious of my money, my surroundings, and where I want to go
in my life.

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