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In this chapter, the writer discusses the problems in relation to the formulation
of the problems stated in the previous chapter. The discussion is presented in the order
of item research question as proposed in the earlier chapter. It stresses on Thomas
Hardys novel about: (A) Intrinsics Values, (B) Romanticism Era, and (C)
Psychological Criticism Aspects.
A. Intrinsics Values

The central character is divided into two, there are:
The central character protagonist
The novel Tess of the DUrbervilles talks about the protagonist
character, Tess DUrberfield. She is ordinary girl who always be a victim of
circumstance rather than a victim by nature. We can read this from dialogue
Tess with Mr. Alec:
Mother asked me to come, Tess continued; and, indeed, I
was in the mind to do so myself likewise. But I did not think it
would be like this. I came, sir, to tell you that we are of the
same family as you.( chapter V, page:43)
Based on the dialogue, sentences above can be identified as
characters-reaction diri sendiri technique because the main character makes

judment toward the herself. In this case, Tess described how herself look likes
always do what other people want. She never refuse that. It happens before she
mengalami kejadian terburuk dalam hidupnya.
The central character antagonists
Tess is a pure woman. She still tenagee when bad things happens in her
life. There is a person love her very much but she is not. One day in the night
she met again with Mr. Alec, and she was tricked him, until she was no more
maiden. It can be seen in a chapter when she met Mr. Alec.
Tess! said DUrberville. There was no answer. The obscurity was
now so great that he could see absolutely nothing but a pale
nebulousness at his feet, which represented the white muslin figure
he had left upon the dead leaves. Everything else was blackness
alike. DUrberville stooped; and heard a gentle regular breathing.
He knelt and bent lower, till her breath warmed his face, and in a
moment his cheek was in contact with hers. She was sleeping
soundly, and upon her eyelashes there lingered tears.(chapter XI,
The qualities of characters personalities can be seen in the dialogue
and sentences among the characters. In this novel, the writer found many
conversation and explanation techniques that can show the qualities of the
pesonalities characters like the sentences above.

There are several methods of presenting the character:
Analytical method/direct/discursive

Dramatic method/indirect
Tess selalu melakukan apapun yang diperintahkan kepadanya baik itu
dari orang tua dan orang-orang disekitarnya. Hal itu membuat dirinya harus
meninggalkan semua yang dia inginkan seperti sekolah.
Tess became humanely beneficent towards the small ones, and to
help them as much as possible she used as soon as she left school,
to lend a hand at haymaking or harvesting on neighbouring farms;
or, by preference, at milking or butter-making process, which she
had learnt when her father had owned cows; and being deftfingered it was a kind of work in which she excelled.(chapter
The Characterization above can be called indirect method. It means
that every presentation of character by the character thought, conversation, and
the character presented behave of author.

E. The Psychological Criticism Aspects in Tess of the DUrbervilles

This section is intended to analyze Tess of the DUrbervilles based on

the assumption that this literary work falls into a romantic as it is a reflection
of Tess of the DUrbervilles psychological desire to show her real identity
from her society reflected through her feelings and her individualism.
Fear. Everyone who reads the story of Tess will probably feel the fear of
her about her family name. It is happens when Tess must be admitted as
part of the family of DUrbervilles by the parents and the good name of
D'Urberfield, her fears also weighed on his life when Angel asked him to
became his wife, she admitted, was only increasing fears when she must
work with people who had raped her.
Ah..Thats different, it is fot your good, indeed my dearest! O
believe me, it is only for your sake! I dont like to give myself
the great happiness o promising to be yours in that way,
because, because I am sure I ought not to do it.(Hardy,
Thomas. Tess of the DUrbervilles, 2008 : 206)
Sadness. Tess sadness occurred when she was raped by Alec
D'urbervilles, which at that time she was only about 15 years. While
the fear of losing her beloved child really realized when she should see
with their own eyes that his son should die while still a toddler and she
baptized her own.
O merciful God have pity; have pity upon my poor
baby!..................................................Sorrow, I baptize thee in

the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
(Hardy, Thomas.Tess of the Durbervilles, 2008 : 111)
Hope. In the third phase the "The Rally" She has a life expectancy about
where she's trying to forget everything that happened in her life by
accepting to work on dairy farms. The hope is even higher when she is
married to Angel Clare is the only man she loved.
But everything went smoothly. She wondered whether he
would like her to be married in her present best white frock, or
if she ought to buy a new one. (Hardy, Thomas.Tess of the
Durbervilles,2008 : 173)
Love. She felt a love for the first time when he is on the May Day Dance
for the first time meets Angel Clare and when they were met again in
Thalbot hays.
Tesss heart ached. There was no concealing from herself the
fact that she loved Angel Clare, perhaps all the more
passionately from knowing that the others had also lost their
heart to him. (Hardy, Thomas.Tess of the Durbervilles,2008 :
Sacrifice.Tess is too often sacrificed himself so that others feel happy
but at the last phase he finally decided to sacrifice for the sake of his
second marriage to be with his loved ones again. He also volunteered for
Angel Clare is married to her sister, Liza-Lu.
She is so good and simple and pure.O..Angel. I wish you
would marry her if you lose me, as you will do shorthly.O, if
you would!. (Hardy, Thomas.Tess of the Durberville,2008 :

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