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Transformers change voltage levels between their input (primary) and output (secondary)
terminals by using their electro-magnetism principles. Although the voltage levels are
different, there is no power gain from a transformer. On the contrary, there is small power
loss due to the transformer core and hysteresis losses.

Transformer Ratio:

Transformer Voltage Regulation:

The voltage regulation of the transformer is the percentage change in the

output voltage from no-load to full-load. And since power factor is a determining factor
in the secondary voltage, power factor influences the voltage regulation. This means
the voltage regulation of a transformer is a dynamic, load-dependent number.
The voltage regulation gives an indication about the stability of the secondary voltage
level under varying loads.
The % Voltage Regulation is given by:

* 100

Where is the load voltage when the maximum allowed secondary

current is drawn from the transformer and is the transformer output
voltage when there is no load connected to the output.

Transformer Efficiency:

Efficiency of a transformer can be defined as the output power divided by the input
power. i.e.
% Efficiency =

* 100%

Transformers are the most highly efficient electrical devices. Most of the transformers
have full load efficiency between 95% to 98.5% .
Efficiency of a transformer will be maximum when copper loss and iron losses are equal.

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