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Unit A: Activity 2 UC Assessment

When you are working with potassium hydroxide, you need to wear safety gear. Potassium
hydroxide can irritate your eyes and burn your skin. The best way to prevent yourself and others
to get hurt is to wear safety goggles to keep it from getting in your eyes. You should wear a lab
coat and glove just incase of splattering. This chemical can be harmful to you. One other thing
you can do is when you are using it, always put the cap on, because it could spill and cause a
mess. You also need to be prepared for any possible outcome.

Unit D: Activity 58 UC Assessment

1. The sun has nuclear energy.
2. The energy transferred to earth is light energy.
3. The photosynthesis is chemical energy that is occurring to the plant.
4. The fossil fuels are chemical energy that is stored in the ground.
5. The fossil fuels are chemical potential energy that will be used later.
6. The power plant has electric current energy that is happening to make the plant work.
7. These electrical towers have electrical current energy that runs through these towers

that make them deliver energy to different places.

8. The computer in the home is electrical current because the currents from the electrical

towers run to the town and then the computer will run.
Unit E: Activity 75 UC Assessment
Teasha initially starts faster. the graph for her is a lot steeper than joshes. Since joshes slope is
not as steep, Teasha starts faster. Teasha travelled 3 miles in 6 minutes. 3 miles / 6 minutes = 0.5
Miles per minute. Multiply 0.5 x 60 = 30 MPH. I do this to match the units they used on
Teasha's and Josh's Trips to School worksheet. Josh travelled 2 miles in 5 minutes. 2 miles / 5
minutes = 0.4 Miles per minute. Multiply 0.4 x 60 = 24 MPH.

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