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Mason Dean

Professor Morton
UWRT 1103-066
16 March 2016
Commonplace Book Entry
Commonplace book entry 5 was on the two articles Generation Wuss, and The
Coddling of the American Mind. These articles provided a supported standpoint of the opinion
that todays generation is, for lack of a better word, soft. This is because the current generation
seems overly sensitive in the media with almost anyone and everyone seeming to be offended by
just the thoughts and beliefs of others. This is also prevalent in schools as well because of the
removal of so called graphically explicit novels and other texts that would be deemed as too
brash for high school kids. In my honest opinion I agree with the standpoint that the authors of
these two articles took. In todays society way too many people have personal issues with other
individuals that do not have the same beliefs or have contrasting beliefs to their own. However,
instead of keeping these issues personal, individuals decide to make these conflicts public
through rallies, groups, articles, news, and most of all social media.
The current generation is in a sense terrified of things outside the norm, meaning that
people in this nation are scared of things that they arent used to. This fear of the abnormal
includes beliefs such as religion, morals, ethics, and politics. This also would include exterior
appearances and ways of carrying ones self. When people see or hear something about another
individual or group of individuals that does not coincide with their own norms, they tend to get
offended in a way or attempt to point out what they dont like about this abnormal image.
Therefore, by saying that these ways of life that arent their own offend them, these abnormal

beliefs and lifestyles are censored in a way where other citizens that do not share the same
beliefs or do not like your beliefs do not have to see them anymore. In a way this is taking away
most of the rights presented in the Bill of Rights, centered on mostly the first amendment. Then
if someone has a practice in their religion that is deemed as offensive by others of a different
faith and that practice is then censored or forced to be stopped, then the first amendment right of
freedom of religion is being hindered if not taken away from these individuals. This is just an
example of how being overly sensitive of others is a hindrance and an overdramatic act of
disrespect to others.
In a video I watched recently on an interview with the rapper Kevin Gates he discussed
this issue. He was noticed by a Black Lives Matter group of around 50 people who praised him
for his music and asked if he supported their cause. He declined to support that individual group
because he personally believes that all lives should matter and not just black lives in particular.
After stating this the group started to insult him and tell him that they were no longer fans and
that he was a traitor because he did not support his own race. In rebuttal he told them that he had
be beaten, tazed, and abused by police officers but he still supports authority because it was his
fault that he was treated that way. He then asked the crowd who actually has experienced police
brutality personally and not a single hand rose. I found this very important because individuals
enjoy rallying up against something they may not like or may not feel is needed just because
someone else has had a bad experience. This also shows that people tend to blow up small
situations or rare occurrences as if they are everyday things. For instance, the majority of police
officers arent bad at all but the rare few that are create an image for every officer out there. The
same goes for people of every race, creed, generation, religion, and gender.

Overall, in my opinion todays generation needs to grow up and show more respect for
their surroundings. This includes artwork, people, and beliefs. Not all people are going to get
along or believe in the same thing as everyone else but that doesnt mean that they are wrong and
should be ridiculed and publically embarrassed for having an abnormal belief or practice.
Everyone should be able to have their own beliefs and practices and not be disrespected and
ridiculed for not sharing the same practices with the majority of others. In closing, people need to
be more accepting of others opinions and more mature in allowing others to practice what they
feel is right rather than denying their rights by forcing some kind of a censorship on them.

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