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Activity 1: Information about whales

By Gail Gibbons
Gibrn: Whales live in oceans. They are not fish. They are air-breathing mammals.
Yaretzi: Some are small, and others are huge! They are world's largest animals.
Liang: Their first ancestors lived more than 5O million years ago.
Zoe: Inside their flippers are bones like the bones we have on the hands.
Ximena: Whales move across the water by moving their tails up and down.
Levana: They use their flippers for balance and turning.
Armando: Whales can't stay under water like fish. They must hold their breath.
Emmanuel: They make clicking sounds to communicate.
Gibran: Some whales make similar sounds to squeals, groans and whistles like birds.
Yaretzi: Some whales travel long distances in groups. In the winter they go back to warmer waters.
This travel is called migration.
Emmanuel: The whale with the largest tooth is the Narwhal.
Armando: A Beluga is one of the most friendly whales, it lives near the North Pole.
Levana: A Sperm Whale can stay under water for a longer time than other whales.
Gibran: it`s said that the most dangerous whale is the Orca, it can be 9 meters long.
Liang: The smallest whale is the Pygmy Right Whale, it's about 6 meters long.
Zoe: The Gray Whale has the longest migration route of 12,000 kilometers!
Ximena: The Humpback Whale sings the most beautiful songs. It makes 1,OOO different sounds.
Yaretzi: The blue whale is bigger than a dinosaur. Its 30 meters long.
Levana: In the past there were millions of whales in the oceans.
Liang: For thousands of years they were hunted by whalers.
Gibran: They used different parts of the whales to make oil, soap and cosmetics.
Yaretzi: Over the years, there were fewer and fewer whales.

Levana: Some laws protect whales from being hunted.

Everyone: They are beautiful animal of the sea and we have to respect them.
Procedure: two ways to choose
1. Children are going to speak following a power point presentation
2. By the same time that children speak, they show images (the same used on the presentation) which
later placed on the wall in order to make a brief diagram.
Material: A whale puppet, drawings of different species of whales and visual aids.

Activity 2: If sentences

Activity 2: If Conditionals

Activity 3: Usage of past simple verbs (regulars and irregulars) with time expressions (first,
then, finally).

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