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Group 1: Elma Daniel, Kelsey Kicklighter, Kristan Price, Jimi Waters

FRIT 7331 Key Assessment: Strategic Management Plan

Section V: Budget Sources
Each year the Media Center is given roughly $5,000 by the county. Funds can
be spent however the Specialist sees fit with one stipulation: $1,000 must be set
aside for damaged and/or replaced textbooks. For this reason, textbooks are
doctored as much as possible before tapping into the damaged fund until the end
of each school year. While the remaining $4,000 is not designated, all purchases
are coded to track technology, books, furniture, supplies, etc. At the end of each
school year, any unused monies are returned to the county. Under certain
circumstances and with administrative permission, money can be pulled from the
principals School Improvement Fund. With the transition from a Media Center to a
Learning Commons, changes made in the facility are considered school
improvement. This helps us save some of our budget for other items.
Two other accounts under the Media Center budget are able to be saved and
rolled over from year to year. The first is the school store account that was started
by using school improvement funds many years ago and the profits have helped it
grow and self-sustain. It maintains an estimated $400 per year. The other is the
cafe account. A coffee bar has been placed in the Media Center and includes small
breakfast items. The profit from this continual fundraiser pays for ink for student
printing and allows us to no longer charge students to print from our computer lab.
This was started with donations and has grown into a lucrative fundraiser.
In conclusion, $4,400 is the total amount allocated or raised through
fundraising to cover the current media center expenditures. While the funding is
sufficient to cover expenses at this time, there is no money left over to provide for

Group 1: Elma Daniel, Kelsey Kicklighter, Kristan Price, Jimi Waters

new projects and initiatives. Funds will have to be raised through grant writing,
school and community-wide fundraisers, or otherwise acquired from administration
re-allocation for the upgrading of technology, the addition of maker spaces, and
other features to further the transition into a learning commons

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