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List of philosophers born in the 20th century

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Philosophers born in the 20th century (and others important in the history of philosophy) listed alphabetically:
For the history of philosophy in the 20th century, see 20th-century philosophy.
Note: This list has a minimal criteria for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some
individuals on the list is disputed.
Contents :
Top 09 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Nicola Abbagnano (19011990)
Peter Achinstein (1935- )
H. B. Acton (19081974)
Marilyn McCord Adams (1943)[b][c]
Robert Merrihew Adams (1937)[b][c]
Mortimer Adler (19022001)
Theodor Adorno (19031969)[a][b][c][d][e]
Sediq Afghan (1958)
Michel Aflaq (19101989)
Giorgio Agamben (1942)
Hans Albert (1921)
Rogers Albritton (19232002)
Virgil Aldrich (19031998)[b]
Gerda Alexander (19081994)
Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov (19121999)
Robert Alexy (1945- )
Diogenes Allen (1932- )
William Alston (19212009)[a][b][c]
Louis Althusser (19181990)[a][b][c][d]
Gnther Anders (19021992)
Alan Ross Anderson (19251973)[b][c]
C. Anthony Anderson (1940- )
Pamela Sue Anderson
G. E. M. Anscombe (19182001)[a][b][c][d]
Karl-Otto Apel (1922- )
Kwame Anthony Appiah (1954- )
Hannah Arendt (19061975)[a][b][c][d][e]
David Malet Armstrong (1926- )[a][b][c][d]
Zaki al-Arsuzi (1899-1968)
Raymond Aron (19051983)
Pandurang Shastri Athavale (1920-2003)
Robert Audi (1941- )

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John Langshaw Austin (19111960)[a][b][c][d]

Alfred Jules Ayer (19101989)[a][b][c][d][e]
Joxe Azurmendi (1941-)

Kent Bach (1943-)
Alain Badiou (1937-)
Archie J. Bahm (19071996)
Annette Baier (19292012)[b]
Kurt Baier (19172010)[b]
Albena Bakratcheva (1961-)
Tom Baldwin (1947-)
tienne Balibar (1942-)
Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949)
Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (19151975)
Norman P. Barry (19442008)
William Barrett (1913-1992)
Roland Barthes (19151980)[a][c][d]
Jon Barwise (19422000)
Jacques Barzun (19072012)
Jean Baudrillard (19292007)[c][d][e]
Monroe Beardsley (19151985)
Jean Beaufret (19071982)
Lewis White Beck (19131997)
Gustav Bergmann (19061987)[a][b][c]
Marshall Berman (1940-2013)
Isaiah Berlin (19091997)[a][b][c][d][e]
Alfred Bernhart (19142008)
Andrew Bernstein (1949-)
Harry Binswanger (1944-)
Max Black (19091988)[b][c]
Maurice Blanchot (19072003)[d]
Allan Bloom (19301992)
Norberto Bobbio (19092004)[b][c][d]
Jozef Maria Bochenski (19021995)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (19061945)[c][d]
George Boolos (19401996)
Pierre Bourdieu (19302002)[d]
Richard-Bevan Braithwaite (19001990)[b][c]
Richard B. Brandt (19101997)[a][b]
Michael Bratman (1945-)
Stephen E. Braude
Harry Brighouse
Berit Brogaard (1970-)
Stephen Bronner (1949-)
John Broome (1947-)
Pascal Bruckner (1948-)

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Mario Bunge (1919-)

John Burnheim (1928-)
Panayot Butchvarov (1933-)
Judith Butler (1956-)
Charles Butterworth (1938-)

Amlcar Cabral (19241973)[d]
Albert Camus (19131960)[a][b][c][d]
Georges Canguilhem (19041995)[a]
Hector-Neri Castaeda (19241991)[a]
David Castle (1967- )
Cornelius Castoriadis (19221997)
Paola Cavalieri (1950- )
Michel de Certeau (19251986)[d]
David Chalmers (1966 )
Haridas Chaudhuri (19131975)
Roderick Chisholm (19161999)[a][b][c][d]
Noam Chomsky (1928-)[a][b][c][d]
Alonzo Church (19031995)[a][b][c][d]
Frank Cioffi (19282012)
L. Jonathan Cohen (19232006)[b][c]
Lucio Colletti (19242001)[b][c]
Frederick Copleston (19071994)
Jack Copeland (1950 )
William Lane Craig (1949- )

Mary Daly (1928-2010)
Donald Davidson (19172003)[a][b][c][d][e]
Simone de Beauvoir (19081986)[b][c][d][e]
Alain de Benoist (1943-)
Alain de Botton (1969-)
Bruno de Finetti (19061985)[b][c]
Paul de Man (19191983)[d]
Guy Debord (19311994)
Gilles Deleuze (19251995)[b][c][d][e]
Bernard Delfgaauw (19121993)
Daniel Dennett (1942-)[a][b][c][d]
Jacques Derrida (19302004)[a][b][c][d][e]
Michael Dummett (1925-2011)
Miroslaw Dzielski (19411989)

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William A. Earle (19191988)

Umberto Eco (1932-)
James M. Edie (19271998)
Paul Edwards (19232004)[b][c]
Mircea Eliade (19071986)[d]
Jacques Ellul (19121994)
Gareth Evans (19461980)[b][c][d]
Ignacio Ellacuria (19301989)

Emil Fackenheim (19162003)[d][e]*
Frantz Fanon (19251961)[b][c][d]
Austin Marsden Farrer (19041968)[d]
Herbert Feigl (19021988)
Joel Feinberg (19262004)[b][c]
Jos Ferrater Mora (19121991)[b][c]
Paul Feyerabend (19241994)[b][c][d][e]
Hartry H. Field (1946- )
Arthur Fine (1937)
Kit Fine (1946- )
Antony Flew (19232010)
Vilm Flusser (19201991)
Michel Foucault (19261984)[a][b][c][d][e]
Bas van Fraassen (1941 )
William K. Frankena (19081994)[a][b][c]
Oliver Shewell Franks (19051992)
Hans Frei (19221988)[d]
Erich Fromm (1900-1980)
Northrop Frye (19121991)
Lon L. Fuller (19021978)[d]

Hans-Georg Gadamer (19002002)[a][b][c][d][e]
Peter Geach (1916-)
Ernest Gellner (19251995)
Gerhard Gentzen (19091945)[b][c][d]
Edmund Gettier (1927-)[b][c]
Alan Gewirth (19122004)[b][c]
Rashid al-Ghannushi (1941-)
Kurt Gdel (19061978)[b][c][d]
Lucien Goldmann (19131970)
Nicols Gmez Dvila (1913-1994)
Nelson Goodman (19061998)[a][b][c][d]
Paul Goodman (1911-1972)
Allan Gotthelf (1942-2013)

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George Grant (19181988)

Herbert Paul Grice (19131988)[a][b][c][d][e]
Flix Guattari (19301992)
Gotthard Gnther (19001984)

Susan Haack (1945-)
Jrgen Habermas (1929-)
Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990)
Philip Hallie (19221994)
Stuart Hampshire (19142004)[b][c]
Norwood Russell Hanson (19221967)[d]
Michael Hardt (1960)
John E. Hare (1949)
R. M. Hare (19192002)[a][b][c][d]
Donna Haraway (1944-)
H. L. A. Hart (19071992)[a][b][c][d]
David Bentley Hart (1965-)
Sally Haslanger
John Hawthorne
Werner Heisenberg (19011976)[b][c][d]
gnes Heller (1929-)
Erich Heller (19111990)
Carl Gustav Hempel (19051997)[a][b][c][d]
Michel Henry (19222002)
Abraham Joshua Heschel (19071972)[d]
Mary Hesse (1924-)
Jaakko Hintikka (1929-)
Sidney Hook (19021989)[b][c]
Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977)
Hsu Fu-kuan (19031982)[a]
Jean Hyppolite (19071968)

Evald Vassilievich Ilyenkov (19241979)[d]
Peter van Inwagen (1942-)

Frank Jackson (1943)[b][c]
Fredric Jameson (1934)
Christopher Janaway
Erich Jantsch (19291980)
Richard C. Jeffrey (19262002)[b][c]
Hans Jonas (19031993)

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Shelly Kagan
Jerrold Katz (19322002)
Walter Kaufmann (19211980)
David Kaplan (1933- )
David Kelley (1949-)
Ruhollah Khomeini (1902-1989)
Martin Luther King Jr. (19291968)
Jaegwon Kim (1934-)
William Calvert Kneale (19061990)[b][c]
Arthur Koestler (19051983)
Alexandre Kojve (19021968)[d]
Stephan Krner (19132000)
Peter Kreeft (1937-)
Saul Kripke (1940-)
Irving Kristol (1920-2009)
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (19091999)
Thomas Samuel Kuhn (19221996)[a][b][c][d][e]

Jacques Lacan (19011981)[a][b][c][d][e]*
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe (19402007)[d]
Imre Lakatos (19221974)[b][c][d][e]*
Henri Lefebvre (19011991)[d]
Yeshayahu Leibowitz (19031994)[d]
Isaac Levi (1930- )
Emmanuel Levinas (19061995)[a][b][c][d][e]
David Kellogg Lewis (19412001)[a][b][c][d][e]
Konrad Paul Liessmann (1953- )
Suzanne Lilar (19011992)
Gilles Lipovetsky (1944-)
Arthur Lipsett (19361986)
Knud Ejler Lgstrup (19051981)
Bernard Lonergan (19041984)[d]
Paul Lorenzen (19151995)[d]
Jean-Franois Lyotard (19241998)[a][b][c][d]

Dwight Macdonald (1906-1982)
Tibor R. Machan (1939-)
Louis Mackey (19262004)
John Leslie Mackie (19171981)[b][c]
Norman Malcolm (19111990)[a][b][c]
Claude Mangion (1961)[a]

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Merab Mamardashvili (19301990)[d]

Julin Maras (19142005)
Abul A'la Maududi (1903-1979)
George I. Mavrodes
Ron McClamrock
Terence McKenna (19462000)
Marshall McLuhan (19111980)
Maurice Merleau-Ponty (19081961)[a][b][c][d][e]
Vincent Miceli (19151991)
Ruth Millikan (1933)
C. Wright Mills (1916-1962)
Richard Montague (19301971)[c][d]
Sidney Morgenbesser (19212004)
Mou Tsung-san (19091995)[a]
Iris Murdoch (19191999)[b][c]
Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-1999)

Ernest Nagel (19011985)[a][b][c][d]
Thomas Nagel (1937 )[a][b][c][d]
Antonio Negri (1933 )
John von Neumann (19031957)[a][b][c][d]
Jay Newman (19482007)
Nishitani Keiji (19001990)[b][c][d]
Kwame Nkrumah (19091972)[b][c]
David L. Norton (19301995)
Robert Nozick (19382001)[a][b][c][d]
Martha Nussbaum (1947- )

Anthony O'Hear
Onora O'Neill (1941
Michael Oakeshott (19011990)[a][b][c][d]
Albert Outler (19081989)
Gwilyn Ellis Lane Owen (19221982)[b][c][d]

Derek Parfit (1942-)
John Arthur Passmore (19142004)[d]
Jan Patoka (19071977)[d]
Christopher Peacocke (1950)
David Pearce
Lorenzo Pea (1944-)
Leonard Peikoff (1933-)

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Gualtiero Piccinini (1970-)

D. Z. Phillips (19342006)
Alexander Piatigorsky (19292009)
Alvin Plantinga (1932-)
Thomas Pogge (1953-)
Louis P. Pojman (19352005)
Richard Popkin (19232005)
K. J. Popma (19031986)
Karl Popper (19021994)[a][b][c][d][e]
Arthur Prior (19141969)[c][d][e]
Harry Prosch (19172005)
Hilary Putnam (1926-)

W. V. O. Quine (19082000)[a][b][c][d][e]
Anthony Quinton (19252010)[b][c]
Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966)

James Rachels (19412003)
Ayn Rand (19051982)[e]
Karl Rahner (19041984)[d]
Tariq Ramadan (1962-)
Frank P. Ramsey (19031930)[a][b][c][d][e]*
Ian Thomas Ramsey (19151972)[d]
Paul Ramsey (19131988)
John Rawls (19212002)[a][b][c][d]
Joseph Raz (1939-)
George Reisman (1937-)
Radovan Richta (19241983)
Paul Ricoeur (19132005)[a][b][c][d][e]
Richard Rorty (19312007)[a][b][c][d][e]
Gillian Rose (19471995)
Gian-Carlo Rota (19321999)
Joseph Rovan (19182004)
William L. Rowe (1931-)
Gilbert Ryle (19001976)[a][b][c][d]

Nathan Salmon (1951)
Wesley Salmon (19252001)[b][c]
Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (19211990)
Jean-Paul Sartre (19051980)[a][b][c][d][e]
Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984)

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Frithjof Schuon (19071998)

Roger Scruton (1944)
John Searle (1932- )[a][b][c][d]
Wilfrid Sellars (19121989)[a][b][c][d][e]
Amartya Sen (1933- )[b][c]
Stanley Sfekas (1942- )
Stewart Shapiro (1951-)
Peter Singer (1946- )[b][c]
B. F. Skinner (19041990)[d]
Peter Sloterdijk (1947- )
Tara Smith (1961-)
Robert C. Solomon (19422007)
Joseph Soloveitchik (19031993)[d][e]
Thomas Sowell (1930-)
David Spangler (1945-)
Herbert Spiegelberg (19041990)
Edward Stachura (19371979)
Robert Stalnaker (1940-)
Charles Leslie Stevenson (19081979)[b][c][d]
Dejan Stojanovi (1959 )
David Stove (19271994)
P. F. Strawson (19192006)[a][b][c][d]
Richard Swinburne (1934- )[a][b][c]

T'ang Chun-i (19091978)[a]
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (1960-)
Alfred Tarski (19011983)[a][b][c][d][e]
Richard Taylor (19192003)[b][c]
Placide Tempels (19061977)
Irving Thalberg Jr. (19301988)
Helmut Thielicke (19081986)[d]
Judith Jarvis Thomson (1929-)
Alan Turing (19121954)[b][c][d][e]

Peter Unger (1942- )
Alasdair Urquhart (1945- )

Francisco Varela (19462001)
Gianni Vattimo (1936)
Achille Varzi (1958)
Henry Babcock Veatch (19111997)

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Michel Villey (19141988)[d]

Gregory Vlastos (19071991)[b][c][d]
Eric Voegelin (19011985)[d]
Jules Vuillemin (1920-2001)
Georg Henrik von Wright (19162003)[a][b][c][d]

Hao Wang (19211995)[b][c]
Michael Walzer (1935-)
Geoffrey J. Warnock (19231996)[b][c]
Alan Watts (19151973)
Simone Weil (19091943)[a][b][c][d]
Cornel West (1953-)
John Daniel Wild (19021972)
Bernard Williams (19292003)[a][b][c][d][e]
Timothy Williamson (1955 )
Peter Winch (19261997)[b][c]
John Wisdom (19041993)[b][c]
Richard Wollheim (19232003)[b][c]
Jerzy Wrblewski (19261990)[d]
Alison Wylie

Francis Parker Yockey (19171960)
Arthur M. Young (19051995)
Iris M. Young (19492006)

Zhai Zhenming (1957-)
Aleksandr Zinovyev (19222006)
Slavoj iek (1949-)

See also
List of philosophers born in the centuries BC
List of philosophers born in the 1st through 10th centuries
List of philosophers born in the 11th through 14th centuries
List of philosophers born in the 15th and 16th centuries
List of philosophers born in the 17th century
List of philosophers born in the 18th century
List of philosophers born in the 19th century

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a. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN
b. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press; 1995. ISBN 0-19-866132-0
c. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press; 2005. ISBN 0-19-926479-1
d. Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge; 2000. ISBN 0-415-22364-4
e. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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