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Ball Trap
2 4 Players. Age 12+
OBJECT: The object of Ball Trap is to
be the player with the most accumulative
points without setting off the middle
1. one board game
2. 20 balls (4 different colors)
3. 4 score sheets
SET UP: To set up the Ball Trap board
game, place it on a flat surface (e.g.
table, desk, floor.) Extend the sides of the
board flat on the surfaceDistribute balls
evenly between players. To be sure the
device is properly working, drop ball
directly above the trigger to check.

1. Begin by aiming the ball at the
desired point cup.
2. If missed, rotate player counter
clockwise. Collect fallen balls.
3. If ball landed in cup, make mark
of the point on score sheet.
4. Repeat.
5. If player sets off middle trigger,
the game is automatically over
and s/he is out.
6. Reset game and begin another
WINNING: To win Ball Trap the
remaining player must have not set off
the trigger and have the most
accumulative points.

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