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My name is Brianna Sullivan! I
cant wait to work with you this
year. I am in my second year at
East Stroudsburg University. I
plan to be a teacher in the
future, something Ive wanted to
be since I was a little girl! My
mom inspired me to be a
teacher. She had always wanted
to teach little kids, but her
journey had taken her down a
different path. She always told
me about how interesting it
would be
when I was
little and I
knew thats
what I
wanted to
be when I
grew up! In
my spare
time I love
to dance, listen to music, watch
movies and hang out with my
friends. Dance has been my true
passion my entire life, seeing as
I have been dancing 16 years.
Favorite Quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said
do not go where the path may
lead, go instead where there is
no path and leave a trail. This
quote reminds me that you
shouldnt follow behind other
people, you must make your life
your own by taking lead and
going in other directions than
other people havent.

Goals For Learners

At the end of our tutoring
experience, I want to see my
students really excel in what we
are doing. I hope I can bring up
their confidence in reading by
doing activities and making the
readings we do fun! If reading
makes them nervous, I want to
help them overcome that so
they can really enjoy reading.
Educational Websites
Heres a few fun, educational
websites that students can use
for all sorts of things,
particularly math and reading!
Favorite Subject
My favorite subject is math. I
like having a challenge and
math is definitely always
challenging. I know when I step
into math class, I will be testing
my knowledge. Theres so many
different ways to find the
answer to a problem. Every day
is different in math.
My advice for my students is to
always try your best. Trying your
best is when you get the best
results. More advice is to not
worry about what your peers
think of you. This is how you will
build up that confidence, in
class and outside of class.

Everyone is there to learn and

succeed, so dont worry about
Brianna Sullivan
DMET 262 Lab

what others are doing. Be your

own person!

1) Purpose
The purpose of this newsletter is to introduce myself to the
students I will be tutoring at J.M. Hill Elementary School. It will let
the students and the parents know a bit about me and who I am.
It will also show them what I want the students to get out of this
experience, also while giving some advice to the students. The
information that is provided in this will let the parents and
students have a better understanding of who is tutoring
them/their children. The advice thats given will help the
students get the most out of this experience. Overall, this
newsletter is for me to communicate with the students parents
with the information Ive provided about myself.
2) Audience
The audience includes both the students and their
parent(s)/guardian(s)/caretaker(s). The students age range from
eight to eleven-years-old.
3) Typefaces Used
For the header, I used Calibri, which is a sans serif font. For the
body, I used Cambria, which is a serif font. The heading is Word
4) DTP Design Principles

Dominant Element the dominant element is the picture of

the dancer in the Introduction paragraph in the newsletter.
Legibility the text is easy to read in the newsletter. The
headings are written in Calibri. The body is written in Cambria.
The font size is 12.
Alignment everything is aligned well in the newsletter. All
headings line up with the paragraphs. For the title I used
center alignment. For headings and body paragraphs I used
left alignment.
Grouping all features of the newsletter are grouped together
with the heading thats above it. The advice I gave to the

students is under the heading Advice, the quote I chose is

under the heading My Favorite Quote and so on.
Balance this newsletter is balanced well with the two-column
format. Both columns are the same size, which makes the
newsletter look put together. Also the picture is in a good spot
where you can still read the text that wraps around it, which
also creates good balance.
Unity all of the information is what was provided for the
criteria for this project.

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