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There are 25 horses and u need to find out the minm no of races in which u can select the

three fastest....
The coditions
1. U have no timing device
2. U have 2 race 5 horses at a time...
He was basically looking for the approach.. and not the exact answer... i was not able to
crack it completely ... the conversation went for about 30 mins .... i managed
something ..he gave a lot of hints in between... that was the first round... i got a call after
say 3 hours saying that i have cleraed the 1 st round and aws told the time for the 2nd

Round 2.. Puzzle.... There are 5 guys A,B,C,D and E and they need to distribute 100
rupees among themselves..
Rules for distribution.. 1. They will get a turn to distribute in the order A-E i.e a being the
first and E being the last.
2.The distribution gets accepted if u have more no. of people accepting the distri than the
no of people rejecting it..
3. Its not necessary that u need to give something to everybody..
4. If ones distribution gets rejected than he is out of the next distribution..
Now the question is wat would be the distribution of A that it definitely gets
should be an optimum solution...optimum being A getting the
highest( obviously one who distributes would want the highest).....

Round 3-No puzzles ..... He asked me how would u find out the total of no cars in a city???? he
asked me to assume some nos and come up with a logical formula ...he asked me to relate
iet with population......
He asked me a lot of hr kinda questions... why do u want to join us? how would u add
value to the organisation and stuff.....

For those who haven't yet worked out the problem, here is what i think should be the
answers TO THE ABOVE PUZZLES (Post No. 12)
1. Horces and Races: minimum 7 races ar required.
2. A keeps 98 Rs. himself gives and gives Re. 1 each to C and E.

Detailed Solution for Horse Puzzle:

Divide the set of 25 horses into 5 non-overlapping sets of 5 horses each. Have a race each
for all the horses in each set. This makes it a total of 5 races, one for each set.
Now, have a race for the winners of each of the previous 5 races. This makes it a total of
6 races.
Observe the position of each horse in the 6th race and correspondingly number the sets.
i.e. the set of the winner of 6th race will be said to be set no. 1 while the set of the loser of
the 6th race will be said to be set no. 5.
Now, possible candidates for the first three positions exclude the followings:
1. Any horse from set 4 or set 5.
2. Any horse except the winner from set 3,.
3. Any horse except the winner and the 2nd position from set 2.
4. Any horse except the winner, 2nd position and 3rd position from set 1.
So now we have 6 candidates for top 3 positions. However, we know that the winner of
set 1 is the fastest horse in the whole group of 25 sets.
So now we have 5 candidates for the second and third position. What better way to find
out who's who than to have a race of these 5 horses. Race them and this will solve our
problem in just 7 races.

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