Centers Based Lesson Planning Template

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Centers Based Lesson Planning Template

Your Name: Heather Boykin

Grade Level: 4th
Lesson Title: Fraction Centers

Subject Area: Math

Lesson Length: 10 minutes per center

Instructional Focus

4.NF.3 Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a

sum of fractions 1/b.
d. Solve word problems involving addition and
subtraction of fractions referring to the same
whole and having like denominators, e.g., by
using visual fraction models and equations to
represent the problem.




How does a visual model help you to solve fraction word

How can you use your visual model to help you create an
equation to solve a fraction word problem?
I can solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of
fractions using a visual representation and equation.
Students will watch 2 videos on adding and subtracting fractions,
solve word problems involving adding and subtracting fraction by
using a visual representation and an equation. They will conclude
the lesson by creating a paper slide answering a word problem
with both a visual representation, equation, as well as explain
how they solved it when presenting their slide.
1. Have Paper Slide Video Available
2. Post Brain Pop and Study Jams lesson to edmodo so kids can
easily access them both in center and later at home.
3. Post word problems to QR codes and place around classroom or
school students answer with a visual model
4. Post word problems and have kids solve them by writing a
matching equation.

Instructional Sequence
Engage Activity
Introduce Paper Slide Activity
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Show Paper Slide Video
Watching Video
Go over centers and rotations
Taking Notes and Asking Clarifying

Centers Based Lesson Planning Template

Vocabulary Acquisition
Mixed Number
Improper Fraction
Number Line
Fraction Bars

Centers- Based Learning Activities

Center One Title: Brain Pop Video
Center Goals: Students will learn about adding and subtracting fractions and
compare their new learning to prior knowledge.
Students will: complete know/ new/ new t-chart and watch video and take quiz.
Resources needed: Brain Pop Video
Documents needed: Quiz
What are the students doing? Creating a know/new knowledge t-chart before
watching the video. Completing the chart as they watch the video. Taking the quiz
when they finish.
Student work product: T-chat and Quiz
Management plan: set up a rotation so that all students will have access to the
video during the given time.
How did individual student learning be evaluated? Quiz
Center Two Title: Study Jams
Center Goals: Students will learn about adding and subtracting fractions and
compare the Brain Pop video to Study Jams.
Students will: complete a know/ new/ new knowledge t-chart before watching the
video. Completing the chart as they watch the video. Taking the quiz when they
Resources needed: Study Jams Quiz
Documents needed: Quiz
What are the students doing? Creating a know/new knowledge t-chart before
watching the video. Completing the chart as they watch the video. Taking the quiz
when they finish.
Student work product: T-chat and Quiz
Management plan: set up a rotation so that all students will have access to the
video during the given time.
How did individual student learning be evaluated? Quiz

Centers Based Lesson Planning Template

Center Three Title: Word Problems on QR codes
Center Goals: Students will use visuals to answer word problems.
Students will: answer word problems using visual models.
Resources needed: Word Problems on QR Documents needed: Word Problems on
Posted QR codes
What are the students doing? Scan the QR code and then solve the word problem
using a visual representation on the Fraction Answer Sheet
Student work product: Fraction Answer Sheet
Management plan: set up a rotation so that all students will have access to QR
codes during the given time.
How did individual student learning be evaluated? Fraction Answer Sheet

Center Four Title: Word Problems with Equations

Center Goals: Students will use equations to answer word problems.
Students will: answer word problems using equations.
Resources needed: Word Problems
Documents needed: Word Problems
What are the students doing? Solving word problems by creating a matching
equation on the Fraction Answer Sheet.
Student work product: Fraction Answer Sheet
Management plan: set up a rotation so that all students will have access to QR
codes during the given time.
How did individual student learning be evaluated? Fraction Answer Sheet

Phase Three: Concluding Activity (Whole Group Instruction)

Paper Slide. Students will create a paper slide of one word problem. They will need
to show and explain the process of solving the word problem using both a visual
model and equation.
What is the teacher doing? Monitoring
What are the students doing? Creating a
work Videotaping paper slides.
paper slide of one word problem. They
will need to show and explain the
process of solving the word problem
using both a visual model and equation.

Phase Four: Assessment Activity

Adding and Subtracting Fractions Quiz

Centers Based Lesson Planning Template

Creating a Performance Task
Performance Task Title:
Content Area:
Standards to be Assessed:
Learning Targets/ Objectives:
Assessment Task Description:
Acceptable Product(s) and/or Performance:
Criteria for Success:
Student Task Instructions:
Reflection: Describe how the assessment is upgraded?

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