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Joshua Martinez

Senior Portfolio
April 27, 2016
Best Piece Reflection Essay
The Laws of Life Essay was an assignment where students write of a value or ideal that
they hold most important in their lives. I chose this assignment for the Best Piece section as it
represents me - the me that has endured four years of high school and the me that is graduating
this year. It differs from the majority of my portfolio as it is not art oriented, but more personal
and reflective. From this assignment, readers should expect to learn about some of the biggest
influences in my life and how they have contributed to my life and perception of the world. I
hope that those who read this piece have the perception that I strive to better myself, as a
person and as a student.
From this assignment, I learned the weight that words can have. A single word can
reflect the hardships and accomplishments of a single person and can express ones dreams
and aspirations. I also learned that I think a lot. Although a lot may seem out of place in a
seniors essay, it represents my thought process, which has developed and matured but still
operates similarly to the way it did when I was six. I would question everything people told, what
is fair, what is legal, what is justice, what is the meaning of life, and what is God. All of these
things stirred in my head as I spaced out in Catechism as a little boy.
I plan to use what I have learned from this assignment to further my education and my
personal development.

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