Nos Lesson Plan - Portfolio

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Nature of Science Evolution of Science

Grade level

9th Grade Biology


Students should have prior knowledge on what science is. This will be assessed by a bell
opener asking the students what they know about science. This lesson is used as an
introduction to the course and it can be used with any subject area as a welcome back
activity to get the students thinking about science. This lesson allows students to have the
opportunity to discuss science and how it has changed over time to build off of the
students prior knowledge. Students also get the opportunity to listen to what their
classmates think and believe about science. Since this is an introduction to the class
activity, it would take place during the first couple of day of meeting my students. This
lesson gives me an opportunity to assess my students understanding of science and
determine what strengths and weaknesses they bring to the new school year.

Ohio Content Statement Science Inquiry and Application

Standards met

SIA.4 - Formulate and revise explanations and models using logic and evidence (critical
Standard found at under Ohio Revised Science Standards
and Model Curriculum High School and Cincinnati Public Schools Coded Standards




The big idea for this lesson is to teach students about the Nature of Science. This lesson
specifically addresses the concepts of Historic Knowledge and the understanding that
science is always changing. Relating this lesson back to the standard, students will
receive prior knowledge information to create a model. They must then revise this model
to incorporate new scientific knowledge. Student need to understand the nature of science
because it will be addressed throughout the year and it provides a foundation on how
science is understood in the community and the classroom.
The students will be able to:
1. Construct a model that can be used to accurately represent scientific data
2. Interpret that science is dynamic by using the different pieces to form
complete squares
3. Discuss their ideas about science with their classmates
Vocabulary: Science, Collaboration
Syntax: Students will be introduced to the idea of changing information overtime. When

Nature of Science Evolution of Science

you are adding a new idea to our prior knowledge the syntax can change. This demand is
supported by having a class discussion about allow new information to change and reform
our thoughts and prior knowledge. Using collaborative learning allows for students to listen
to how others have solved a problem or how they are thinking about this new idea.



Hands-on activity students will participate in this lesson by constructing a square from
multiple pieces ( this is a representation of many ideas to support a big idea)
Class Discussions Students will discuss with their partner and share out to the class
about questions asked
PowerPoint slide
Cut out square pieces.
Writing Utensil
Opener Sheet

Bell opener: What is science? (When students have answered this question ask if anyone
would like to share out. When this is complete introduce the activity to the class. At first
we are going to work individually to put together pieces of science. Each individual piece
represents some kind of scientific knowledge the can be combined with other knowledge
to explain a big idea (theory or law)

Nature of Science Evolution of Science

Instructional sequence:
Segment 1: Pass out envelopes with 4 pieces of the puzzle. Your role as a
scientist is to these pieces of information into a complete understanding by putting
them together in a square. Remember this is individual work at first.
Transition 1: Call class attention back. Students should now have a complete
Segment 2: Talk about how science works. PowerPoint Slide: History of Science,
Scientific Method, New Information, and Science is Changing.
Transition 2: Hand out a new piece which represents new information brought to
the scientific community.
Segment 3: Give student 5 minutes to work with their own square.

Transition 3: We need to collaborate in science to better understand this

information. Go ahead and share your ideas with your partner sitting next to you
Segment 4: Allow a couple more minutes for the students to work with their partner
to find a way to add in this new information.
Transition 4: Call class attention back
Segment 5: Talk to students about changing the way we think of many of years. It
is hard to add new information into our understanding especially if it does not
immediately fit.
Transition 5: Ask students for some ideas about what has changed over time.
Segment 6: Use this time to answer any questions about students understand.
Closure: Go back to the opener question: What is science. Look to see if students
understanding changed or if it stayed the same.


This lesson is not modified but accommodations can be provide to students who are
struggling with making the pieces fit together by small hint given by the teacher and by
working with a partner.


Formative assessments:

Nature of Science Evolution of Science

Objective 3 The students understanding of what science is from the opener of class
This will be assessed by listening to the students ideas when they share out and by
reading the students answers to the opener when the sheets are turned in. Written
feedback will be given on the students bell opener and exit sheet. Verbal feedback will be
given throughout the class period.
Objective 1 Students constructing a valid model that represents scientific knowledge
This will be assessed by observing students throughout class the class period. Also by
asking students questions on how they solved the puzzle. Feedback will be given verbally
throughout the class period

of learning

Objective 2 Students will interpret that when adding a new piece of knowledge it can
change the structure of the big idea this will be assessed when students incorporate the
new piece of information into their square. A discussion on the students ideas about what
they did to incorporate this piece of knowledge. Feedback will be given during the class
Specifically I am looking for the students ability to articulate their reasoning for
constructing the model in the way they did. Also I am looking for what students think about
science. Any answer will be accepted as long as it can be related to the class.

Summative assessments: There is no summative assessment for this lesson.

Reconstruction of meaning and understanding of science will be implement and assessed
throughout the year.

Nature of Science Evolution of Science

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