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Jigsaw Activity

Grade level

9th Grade Biology


From the Ohio New Learning Standards:

Student should possess prior knowledge about Earths history

from the previous lesson. They should possess this information and
will be graded on it from the analysis question from the Modeling
Earths History lesson. This level is adapted to the students by doing
project learning. There will be checkpoints throughout the lesson to
guide the students on pacing. There prior knowledge should be
should allow them to complete inquiry activities and be able to teach
group members what they have learned with the new knowledge.
Students are working in groups of 4 for their original group and with a
partner in there specialist group. This plays to the strength of the
student by keeping them with at least one partner but not allowing
the groups to be too large. The specialist groups has a mix of
learning styles to complement the diverse learners in this class.
Students are weak in pacing with projects. There will be checkpoints
to accommodate this.

OLSS.SC.BIO.2.1.f The history of life on Earth

OLSS.SC.BIO.2.1 The basic idea of biological evolution is that the
Earths present-day species developed from earlier, distinctly
different species. Evolution builds on what already exists.


OLSS.SC.BIO.2.4 Molecular evidence substantiates the

anatomical evidence for evolution and provides additional detail
about the sequence in which various lines of descent branched off
from one another.
Students become science specialist to analyze data presented
on Earths history. The essential question for this lesson is how
scientist can form conclusion about Earths history based on
evidence. Students will be presented with analysis and inquiry
activities. This gears students to thinking like scientist. Students
need to understand how scientist can determine past events
because it allows for a deeper understand of what we know about

Jigsaw Activity

The students will be able to:

Evolution builds on what already exist
Multicellular organisms gave rise to the great diversity seen

on Earth today
Present species developed form common ancestors with

Become scientist in the particular field to examine change
over time



Vocabulary: Paleogeologist, Embryo, Strata, Hominid , Vestigial,

Project-based lesson
o Glass beaker with strata
o Empty glass beaker
o Strata materials
o Colored envelopes
o Video
o Instruction Sheet
Evolutionary Biologist
o Dissecting tools
o Chicken wing
o Bird wing anatomy diagram
o Bat wing anatomy diagram
o Human hand anatomy diagram
o Colored pencils
o Envelope with vestigial structures
o Instruction Sheet
Developmental Biologist
o Embryo puzzle
o DNA handout
o Instruction Sheet

Jigsaw Activity


Physical Anthropologist
o Hominid images
o Small rulers
o Protractors
o Pictures of human, chimpanzee and mystery bones
o Instruction Sheet
o Poster board
o BSCS Book
o Journal
o Writing utensil
Students must follow all safety instructions given in the
beginning of class.
Dissecting tools should only be out when they are need
Students must clean up their area each day and after each

We are going to be doing a project for the next 3 days. This project
allows you to become specific scientist in the field.
Instructional sequence:


Day 1: 55 min
Segment 1: Opener: What type of evidence can we look for
when trying to find evidence of change? (4 min attendance)
Transition 1: Turn in bell openers to the folders (1 min)
Segment 2: Assign team members roles and have them read
what they are supposed to do for the activity(pages vary by
specialist in the BSCS Book) (4 min)
Transition 2: Open journal to a new clean page and title it
Evidence of Change (1 min)

Jigsaw Activity
Segment 3: In your journal write down what specialist you are
and draw the table on page 42 (2 min)
Transition 3: Break into your specialist groups while going
over safety instructions (2 min)
Segment 4: Follow the instruction for your specialist (rest of
class period leave 5 min for clean up)
Closure: Clean up all materials (5 min)
Day 2: 45 min
Segment 1: Bell Opener: What is your specialist job? What do
they do? (4 min attendance)
Transition 1: Turn in bell opener to the folder (1 min)
Segment 2: Students should finish all of their specialist
directions from the previous day (15 min)
Transition 2: Clean up all materials (4 min) Hand out poster
paper to each person along with a rubric (1 min)
Segment 3: Student will create a poster to present to their
original groups about their finding. Be sure to follow the rubric.
(15 min)
Closure: Discuss with your specialist group what you learned
about your job and predict how it is different from your
classmates (5 min) When leaving class turn in your poster and
your prediction.
Day 3: 45 min
Segment 1: Opener: List evidence that you found about
change. (4 min attendance)
Transition 1: Turn in bell opener to the folders (1 min)

Jigsaw Activity

Segment 2: Share and Teach your findings to your group

member. Use your posters that you made. The group
members should be taking notes in there journals using the
chart from day 1 (30 min)
Transition 2: Clean up and return to your seats (5 min)
Closure: Exit ticket: What have you learned from your
research and your group members research (at least 1
statement is required for each specialist)
Closure: These are at the end of each days activities

of learning

Student will be given appropriate accommodations or modification

according to the needs of the IEP
Formative assessments: Student will have multiple checkpoints
throughout the 3 class periods to assess their learning.
Summative assessments:
Poster presentations
Post-test at the end of the unit

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