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1 Grade 60 Minutes
By: Nicole Stanley


Context for Learning Attention to students backgrounds, interests, and needs

In the class, there are 16 students. They are from many difference backgrounds and
The time of day, noise, demographics, class absences, and classroom community all may
impact the planning and delivery of the lesson.

Lesson Rationale
The acquisition of basic health concepts and functional health knowledge provides a
foundation for promoting health-enhancing behaviors among youth. This standard includes
essential concepts that are based on established health behavior theories and models. Concepts
that focus on both health promotion and risk reduction are included in the performance
Research confirms that practicing health-enhancing behaviors can contribute to a
positive quality of life. In addition, many diseases and injuries can be prevented by reducing
harmful and risk-taking behaviors. This standard promotes the acceptance of personal
responsibility for health and encourages the practice of healthy behaviors.

Content Standard(s)
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health.

P.I. 1.2.2: Recognize that there are multiple dimensions of health.

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.

P.I. 7.2.1: Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal

Learning Objectives (Established Goals):
Given the Unique Me activity, the learners will describe how recognizing special things
about each other makes them feel, and how feeling good contributes to health in order
to show recognition that there are multiple dimensions of health.

Given the Unique Me activity, the learners will practice verbalizing two nice, unique
features about one of their peers that enhances mental health in order to demonstrate
the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Formative Assessment (Process)
Title: Unique Me
Description of assessment activity: Students will find peer whose index card they are given.
They will then determine 2 unique features about that person. Last, they will then individually
demonstrate to the teacher that they are able to say 2 nice and unique features about that
Evaluative criteria: Students verbalize 2 unique special features of their peer.

Designed to assess: Students will have to show their ability to recognize and formulate a
sentence describing two features about another person.
Feedback to students: Teacher will praise and reinforce the nice features each student
compliments about one another.

Academic Language (Vocabulary)

This lesson will be integrated into a Social Studies lesson while learning about people,
how they are each different, and contribute different things to our world.

This Is Me activity page
Ink Pad
Colored Pencils
Index cards

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks to Support Learning
Time &
Learning Activities (Procedure)
Purpose (Objective)
3 minutes
Hook: Teacher will read the book Only One You by Linda Kranz.
Anticipatory Set, Getting
Kids Exciting
5 minutes
Introducing Vocabulary
Teacher: Now, if we look at this picture of fish, can anyone find
two that look exactly the same?
Students: No, theyre all different!
Teacher: Youre correct. Thats because every fish is unique.
Unique means different. These differences make us special! Just
like the mama fish said, there is only one you!
1 minutes
Enforcing Vocabulary Use
Teacher: Lets all repeat: I am unique. It makes me special!
Students: I am unique. It makes me special!
1 minutes
Teacher: Today, we are going to find what is unique about each
of us!
5 minutes
Giving Directions (Step 1):
Describing activity and
Teacher: I will hand out an index card to each of you. When
establishing expectations
you get it, you will draw a picture of your body. Make sure to
add details about what makes you special. They may look a
little funny at first, because were not going to draw our heads!
Who can tell me some of my features?
Teacher will model with drawing on sheet.
10 minutes Activity: Students will draw on index cards a picture of their
Opportunity for students
Index Cards bodies, detailing their special features.
to discover unique
features about

5 minutes
Ink Pad

15 minutes

10 minutes
This is Me
5 minutes
Index Cards

15 minutes

5 minutes

Giving Directions (Part2):

Teacher: When you are done with your drawing, please bring
up your index card to me.
Teacher will then assist students in stamping thumbprint in
area where head belongs.
Have students who are done early help tape cards up on board.
Instructional Time:
Teacher: From your seats, all of the heads may look the same.
But when we come closer to the board, are all of the heads the
Students will observe the differences in fingerprints.
Teacher: What did you find out? Are they all the same?
Students will describe how each fingerprint is different.
Teacher will lead discussion about how differences make us
unique and special.
Independent Practice:
Students will be given This Is Me worksheet to fill out.
Teacher will randomly distribute the index cards, making sure
each student receives one that is not their own. Students will
then find the person and determine two unique features about
Formative Assessment:
Students will then go with their partner to the teacher and
verbalize two features that make their partner special.
Teacher will praise the kind words spoken and reinforce how
this makes us happy, which in turn makes us healthy.

Teacher: Who can share with me how they felt when a friend
said special things about them?

1 minutes
Home/Family Involvement:
Teacher: Tonight, go home and tell each of your family
members something unique about them that makes them
special. We will share tomorrow special things we found about
our family members.
1 minute
Closing Statement:
Teacher: Remember, when we are kind to each other, we are
healthier people!
Extension/Lesson Builder

Pick a person we are researching about and write a paper about
what features make them unique and special.

Describing activity and
establishing expectations

Helping students
understand why this is
important and how
appreciating differences
makes us healthy.

Time to reflect and

realize how they are
Students are given
opportunity to look for
special things in each
Students will show they
are able to be kind and
compliment one another.
Assessment/Checking for

Checking for

Parent Involvement



Modifications, Management, and/or Safety Issues Repeat as needed
Issue: Odd number of students.
Modification: Create a group of three.

Content Information (Resources)

Kranz, L. (2006). Only one you. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Rising Moon.

Meeks, L. & Heit, P. (2003). Totally awesome strategies for teaching health. New York, NT:
MCGraw Hill Companies, Inc.

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