Teacher 20candidate-3

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Teacher Candidate: Amber Adams

Date: Feburary 7, 2016

Grade and Topic: Grade 2, Language


Length of Lesson: 1 Week

Mentor Teacher: Joey Weaver

School: University of Memphis- IDT


Unit Objective
This lesson plan is part of a unit covering Native American history in

Lesson Objective
Content Learning Goals and Objectives
Note: Any assessments used should be aligned to the learning goals and
objectives. Also consider aligning goals and objectives to Blooms taxonomy.
1. Given the novel, Night of the Full Moon the student will answer 10
multiple choice questions with a score of 80% accuracy
2. Given each question, the student will support the decision for selecting
each answer in written paragraphs with a score of 80% accuracy.
3. Given a computer and PowerPoint processing software, the student
must create a 5-minute PowerPoint project that demonstrates a clear
understanding of the novel, Night of the Full Moon and what it
means to her/him with a score of three out of four on the rubric.
Student Participation
The goal of this lesson is for the students to demonstrate a clear
understanding of the text. Students will provide written reflections on the
novel and a visual presentation of what they learned from the text.

State/District, Common Core Standards
TN English Language Arts CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.2

Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and
determine their central message, lesson, or moral.

ISTE Standard(s)

7. Demonstrate the safe and cooperative use of technology.

8.Independently apply digital tools and resources to address a variety
of tasks and problems.
10. Demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments such as
electronic books, simulation software, and Web sites.

Materials Used

Microsoft Power Point
Night of the Full Moon
Internet access to google images, google+ and scholastic
a.) https://images.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl
b.) http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/unit/native-americans-everythingyou-need
c.) https://plus.google.com/
Technology Integration
Students will use the websites stated above as resources for the extra knowledge
about Native American tribes and google images. Microsoft Power Point software will
be used to type, format, and add images to the power point project. Students, upon
completing the activity, will save their work to a shared Dropbox folder, and
Google+ community for their class. A sample of the product is provided on a
separate page.

Background and Rationale

Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of Night of the

Full Moon and use visual representations and written reflections
on the storys central message.

Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.

This lesson is a continuation of common core English, Language Arts standard
We will refer to the summary created here as we continue to explore Native
American culture and North America.

I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the
objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in
this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Procedures and Timeline


Begin by reading Night of the Full Moon at home and in class.

Provide some brief background information about the author and Native
American culture.
Follow this with a brief discussion about how Native Americans still are
around today, although not nearly as many and why that may be.
In order to understand the culture of Native Americans and what the book
was about they will be taking a quiz on the book and presenting a power
point on the book and tying it into what they know about Native American
Prior to the Computer (20 minutes)
Teacher Procedures:
1. After the finishing the book,
distribute the multiple-choice quiz
and ask them to finish the quiz
within 20 minutes.

Student Procedures:
1. Students will
complete their quiz
in a timely manner

At the Computer (45 minutes per day (two days in total) )

Teacher Procedures:
1. Have students open both
Microsoft PowerPoint and an
Internet browser
2. Direct students to the
Scholastic website.
3. Direct students to the Google
Images website
4. Monitor and assist as needed

Student Procedures:
1. Open MS PowerPoint and an
Internet browser
2. Go to Scholastic website and
watch videos about Native
3. Go to MS PowerPoint
4. Add the following title: Native
American Life in Accordance to
Night of the Full Moon
5. Insert six slides

6. Add the following slide names:

Night of the Full Moon, About
The Author, Native American
Life Then, Native American Life
Now, Comparing and
Contrasting NOTFM and
7. Insert slide information
8. Use key words to locate an
image for the first slide in
Google images.
9. Copy the image
10.Go to Picture cell in the Power
Point document
11.Paste the Picture
12.Save work
13.Repeat items 7-12 for the
remaining slides.
14.When all slides are finished,
correct any spelling errors
15.Save and share to Google+
Community and Dropbox

After the Computer (2 Whole Class Days)

Teacher Procedures:

Student Procedures:

1. Ask students to present their

PowerPoints to the class
2. Give students 5 to 10 minutes to
ask the presenter questions.
3. Ask students individually write down
notes for later classes.

Graphic images
Align with students content

1. A student will present their PowerPoints

from the dropbox one at a time.
2. The students will ask the presenter
questions about their project
3. The students will write down notes for
later classes.

Very few or none of Only a few of

Almost all of the
All th
the chosen
the chosen
the chosen
graphics align with thegraphics align with graphics
align with the
students power point students power point
students power point conte

The comparison and contrast ofThe rationale for

history and the novel
why the history of
Native Americans is
like or dislike the
novel isnotveryclear

The rationale for

why the history
of Native
Americans is like
or dislike the
novel somewhat

The rationale for

why the history of
Native Americans
is like or dislike the
novel is mostly
clear and
mentioned quite

The ra
the hi
very c

The presenter does The reflection

The reflection
The re
not demonstrate an demonstrates a
demonstrates a
understanding of
somewhat vague somewhat clear
the Novel and history understanding
of understanding of
the Native Americans.the Novel and history
the Novel and historyNativ
of Native Americans.
Native Americans.

Students volunteer to share their PowerPoint, present and other students ask them
questions. At the end of class, students ask their teacher final questions.

Assessment Evidence
PowerPoint Rubric

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of
this particular lesson.

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