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Abu-Ali 1

Amal Abu-Ali
Mr. Buescher
U.S. History, Period 3
15 September 2014
The Declaration of Independence has many ideals that created the way
society is today. However there is one main ideal that overpowers the rest
and it is the most important one because without this everything would be so
much different. The most important ideal is Equality, it is more important
than Natural Rights, Consent of the Governed, and the ability to Alter or
Abolish the Government.
Equality is much better than Natural Eights in many ways. Equality is
more important than Natural Rights because without Equality people would
not be able to pursue happiness throughout their lives. Happiness is what
brings a lot of people together and without everybody being able to go
through the journey to get to happiness it wouldnt be fair for them. All
citizens need an equal opportunity to get to the end result of happiness and
for this to happen, they need Equality in the first place. Equality is also more
important than Natural Rights because without Equality, there wouldnt be
liberty. Liberty allows all people to have fairness and the chances they need
to succeed. Equality gives people Liberty so that they can strive to be their

Abu-Ali 2

best. Natural Rights would not even exist without Equality because in order
to have Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, everybody has to be
equal. Equality has to be present for citizens to have Natural Rights. All
citizens get the same Natural Rights and that is what makes a society equal.
Equality may be more important than Natural Rights but it is also more
important than Consent of the Governed.
Consent of the Governed is less important than Equality in the
Declaration of Independence. What makes Equality more important than
Consent of the Governed is the fact that everyone needs to be able to voice
their own opinion or else the governed would not give consent. All people
should have the right to say what they believe and for everyone to be able to
do this, they all need to be equal. If not everybody was equal than some
people would overpower others and they would get what they want and that
wouldnt be an equal society. With Consent of the Governed all people in that
society have the same chance to give their consent because of Equality.
Since they are able to give their consent, this is what brings an equal society
together as a whole. An Unequal society that has Consent of the Governed
would end in chaos because there would be no order and everybody would
try to get what they want instead of what would be fair for everyone.
Equality is much better than Consent of the Governed, but it is also more
important than the ability to Alter or Abolish the government.
Equality is so much more important than the ability to Alter or Abolish
the government. If only some people had the ability to alter the government,

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not all people, than that would result in a society of disorder. So therefore to
have an orderly society there needs to be equality so that everyone can
contribute. Equality is used to Alter or Abolish the Government. If the
government could never be altered or abolished than all the citizens could
come together as a whole, or as equals, and rebel against the government to
try and change it. For the government to be altered or abolished, equality
has to exist because all of the people have to give their part for what they
think should be changed. For many reasons, Equality is the most important
ideal in the Declaration of Independence.
Equality is the most important ideal compared to Natural Rights,
Consent of the Governed, and the ability to Alter or Abolish the government
in the Declaration of Independence. It shows that no matter what happens in
a society, Equality will always be there so that everyone gets treated fairly.
Equality means that no matter what is going on everyone is treated the
same. Therefore, Equality is the most important ideal in the Declaration of
Independence because of how strongly it helps societies.

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