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Assessment Requirements:

Mentoring School Teachers (MSTs) will be required to:

Advise and assess student teachers on aspects of their teaching and


Complete 3 formal teaching observations (See Table 12 below) in which

constructive criticism is expected. Both negative and positive
feedback is necessary for the students to grow and improve as

Collaborate with the Mentoring College Teacher (MCT) in the

completion of a final assessment for each student teacher. See Table
12 below:

Table 12:
RAKWC B Ed EPR Practicum 3b: MCT/MST Assessment Report
EPR Student Assessment Criteria:
This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation
with the Mentoring College Teacher and refers to teaching competencies in the
High School.

Date: 13/03/2016


Name of MST: Dhanya



Name of MCT: Garnel


Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths during this
teaching practicum and identify areas in which you feel further development is necessary.
Observed Strengths: /
Well planned lesson
Good class management
Teacher gave attention to all the
Teacher used techniques for
motivating the students.
Teacher used a variety of ICT
She gives appraisal and rewards
whenever needed.
She improved in completing the
lesson within the time limit

Areas in which further development is needed:

Teacher has to prepare differentiated lesson plans.

General Comments: Fatema



is a dedicated, talented and creative teacher. She is also

Has actively worked with other staff in activities that involve the
school and/or wider community

Engages in pastoral care across the school

Shows respect for the class teacher, the principal and

Shows initiative and enthusiasm in the classroom

Demonstrates an understanding of the how to use ICT to

support aspects of the school curriculum

Displays a high standard of professional behavior, which

includes punctuality, personal organization and presentation

Interacts effectively with students and staff.

Contributes to discussions and offers ideas, ICT support and
assistance when appropriate.

Planning for learning

In partnership with the MST, apply curriculum guidelines and

instructional design principles rooted in the practicum

Design and plan a sustained, integrated, thematic unit of

work that demonstrates an understanding of teaching and
learning as a progressive, developmental process.

Create a minimum of ten differentiated lesson plans for an

entire class to incorporate one connected set of four
complete teaching sessions

Include a range of activity types for the whole class, groups and
Detail how learning objectives/outcomes, which set appropriate
challenges for the learner, will be assessed

Plans in consultation with the class teacher appropriate ICT

supported activities.

Planning for learning continued

Uses a range of ICT resources and where appropriate the school

curriculum to aid planning

Produces a range of appropriate materials and resources for

teaching produced using ICT that are appropriate to the level of
the learner

Presents/ Explains lesson/activity plans in a clear, detailed and

professional way

Shows a student-centred focus in the lesson plans.

Implementing and Managing Learning

Consistently applies a range of effective questioning and

elicitation techniques
Uses accurate and appropriate language, including
pronunciation, stress and intonation

Provides clear and effective models/demonstrations of

classroom tasks
Uses clear instructions and demonstrations/ modeling to support
ICT based activities

Establishes and maintains clear classroom rules and routines to

effectively manage students behavior in lessons.

Uses a variety of explicit, positive reinforcement strategies

Manages smooth transitions between activities

Encourages the development of student independence and


Uses ICT resources and equipment effectively.


Manages lesson time effectively

Effectively motivates students to participate in activities in


Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation

Develops and use effective monitoring strategies across an

increasing range of connected teaching sessions including class,
group, pair, and individual work

Monitors students progress effectively during lessons.

Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance learning

during lessons.

Is flexible and modifies planning, in response to students' needs

and external factors during lessons.

Checks understanding via appropriate questioning during


Develops and uses formative and summative assessment

instruments such as checklists, grading scales, rubrics, tests
and projects etc. to evaluate students performance in a variety
of activity types
Critical Reflection

Discusses personal reflections and classroom observations with
class teacher to inform future action / planning.

Actively seeks, listens to and accepts guidance and responds

constructively to feedback from the class teacher.

Experiments with a range of teaching strategies and identify

their strengths and weaknesses

Identifies and accounts for the influence a range of stakeholders

e.g. Ministry of Education, Principal, parents etc. through
portfolio documentation

Relates teaching philosophy to classroom activities and artifacts

Justifies classroom-based decisions drawing on theory and


Identifies areas for development to be considered in goal setting

in the following semester

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