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Application to start a prosecution

(s1 Magistrates Courts Act 1980)

(Code 1940)

Listed: 26 April 2016

Xxxx Yyyyy
Humberside Police

Councils exhibit NELC12

Grimsby Magistrates Court

North East Lincolnshire Council

Mr Neil Gilliatt

This is exhibit NELC12 as referred to in the

Application for Liability Order

Administrative Court Office at Leeds

Leeds Combined Court
1 Oxford Row

Your ref: CO/7281/2013

20 November 2013

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: The Queen on the application of [.................................................. .......] v GRIMSBY MAGISTRATES COURT
I'm asked to advise the court whether I will be withdrawing this judicial review claim as it deems there
to be no longer a need for further action on the part of the High Court.

Representations have been made upon the draft case though I've neither entered into a recognizance
nor since been asked to. The purpose of the judicial review claim was, I believed, to mandate the
Justices to state the case without being subject to terms of a recognizance.

I had viewed that agreeing such terms would pose risks, potentially greater than subjecting myself to
forfeiture of the proposed sum if, for example, to avoid a penalty the appeal was prosecuted
knowing that the stated case omitted the points in law I was questioning. In terms of successfully
appealing the decision I would be disadvantaged from the outset and disproportionately exposed to
the financial risks of incurring costs. It could be argued that in these circumstances, requiring
recognizance would either be denying my access to justice or unduly burdening me financially, as
presently I'm in receipt of no income.

Although the claim prompted service of the draft case, it still remains that delivery of the final signed
case has, in accordance with CrimPR Part 64, rule 64.3(7), overrun by approximately two months.
Presumably then, the agreement detailed in the acknowledgement of service was only to serve the
draft case.

I am therefore in the same position now as I was before the claim for a mandatory order as it seems
the Justices will unlikely deliver the signed case unless recognizance is entered into.

However, where my queries with the Magistrates' court went unanswered, the judicial review process
succeeded in drawing from the Clerk that if I had appeared before the court to enter into a
recognizance, its appropriateness and/or the amount could have been considered. This is exactly the
information I was seeking and would never have obtained had I not proceeded with this claim for
judicial review.

Knowing as I do now, that a possibility exists to negotiate terms which are mutually acceptable, it
seems arranging to appear before the court to enter into a recognizance is now appropriate.

In light of the Justices expressing regard for the Administrative Court's time and public money, it
would also seem appropriate, if, whilst appearing before the Magistrates' Court to agree terms of a
recognizance, I also seek agreement to terms of an order that the court consider the matter on the
papers and that there be no order as to costs, as the case involves a matter of general public

After considering the options that appear available to me now, please take this as formal notice that I
am withdrawing this judicial review claim.

HM Courts & Tribunals Service

Administrative Court Office at Leeds
Leeds Combined Court
1 Oxford Row
West Yorkshire
25 November 2013
Our ref: CO/7281/2013
Your ref:

Dear Sir/Madam
Re The Queen on the application of [.................................................. .......] versus GRIMSBY MAGISTRATES
I am writing to inform you that your letter in the above case was received by this office on 22/11/2013.

Unless you hear from us within four weeks from the date of this letter, you can assume that your letter
to withdraw has been accepted and the Court file has been closed.

Please note that all copy documents in the above matter will be destroyed immediately following the
closure of the case, unless you have already notified the court that you would like them returned.

If you require any further information, please contact the Administrative Court Office General Office on
0113 306 2578.

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