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Activity: Progressive group Drawing

Source: Diepen, M. (n.d.). Progressive Group Drawing. Retrieved July 8, 2015, from

Materials: Paper, art supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc.)

Group size: 4-12
Activity Descrpition:
Give each participant a blank sheet of paper and pass out art supplies. Have everyone take turns
being the leader, giving a directive to the rest of the group. The directive will be to draw one
picture on their sheet of paper. For example, the first participant might say draw a house and
everyone, including the leader, will draw a house. The next person might add to that draw a
purple tree next to the house. The directive can be as simple or detailed as the leader wants
(with consideration to the ability level of the group). The activity will end when each person has
had a chance to be the leader. Have everyone share their picture when complete.

Leadership Considerations:
There are several directions you can go with this activity. It can be related to leadership skills and selfesteem, communication and being assertive, creativity and self-expression, following directions and
focusing, etc. This activity can be adapted for all populations; however, I have found it to work well with
a lower functioning population or those who have difficulty staying focused.

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