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AM 3696045
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Sinomvuyisi SM 3677000
Klaas Department of Information Systems


IFS 131




Group Assignment

Technology Topic Robotics (Group


Due Date:

21st April 2016

Tutor Name:

Atoofah Gierdien

Tutorial Group Number:








All group members:



Aalia Mahomed


Sinomvuyisi Klaas

Group Assignment
3676004 Mark:


Ruan Poggenpoel


Adam Sonday


1. I hereby declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use anothers
work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the
correct way. (Refer to University Calendar part 1 for definition)
2. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.
3. I understand the plagiarism policy of the Faculty of Economics and
Management Sciences of the University of the Western Cape.
4. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise in any of the assignments
for my course.
5. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my
course, will be my own, and where I have made use of anothers work, I will
attribute the source in the correct way.

Introduction.............................................................................................................. 5
2. Methods of investigation......................................................................................... 7
2.1 The internet..................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Consultation with the lecture..............................................................................7
2.3 Consultation with the tutor..................................................................................7
2.4 The procedure.................................................................................................. 7
3. Findings............................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Investigation.................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Current status................................................................................................ 11
3.3 Opportunities................................................................................................. 15
3.4. Future impact................................................................................................ 16
4. Conclusion......................................................................................................... 18

Recommendations............................................................................................ 19


References...................................................................................................... 20


Originality Report.............................................................................................. 20


Appendices...................................................................................................... 21
8.1 Appendix A.................................................................................................... 21
8.2 Appendix B.................................................................................................... 22

1. Introduction
The topic we have been selected to research is robotics. Robotics is part of computer
science, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering which deals with the
construction, design, application and operation of robots as well as computerised systems
for their control, sensory feedback and information processing. These technologies deal with
automated machines that can replace humans in unsafe environments or manufacturing
processes. Robots have the potential to resemble the appearance, behaviour and cognition
of humans. The idea of creating machines that operate automatically dates back to classical
times. However research into the functionality and potential uses of robots was not
discovered until after the 20th century. Throughout history, it has always been thought that
robots will be able to mimic human behaviour and manage human like-tasks. To this date
robotics is a sector that is growing rapidly, as technological improvements are made;
researching, designing, and building new robots serve many practical functions, whether
domestically, commercially, or militarily. Various robots are built to do jobs that are
dangerous to people such as defusing bombs, detecting survivors in unstable ruins, and
searching mines and shipwrecks. The word robotics is derived from the word robot. The
word robot is derived from the Slavic word roboto, which translates to English as labour. All
robots have three things in common: all robots have some form of mechanical construction
(a form of shape to perform a particular task), robots have electrical components which
power and control machinery and all robots have some form of computer programming
This report will include an investigation of robotics. The report will explain what robotics is,
how robotics is currently used, the composition of industrial robots and how they are utilised,
the use1s of military robots and their composition, robotics used in the exploration of space,
the composition of agricultural robots and their benefits to business and society, robots used
in the medical field and surgery and the disruptive effects of robots on business and society.
The current status of robotics varies from country to country. Our report will mention the top
three countries that utilise robotics, the density in which robotics are utilised and also explain
how density is calculated. In South Korea a lot of money is invested into the development of
robotics. Our report will discuss the reasons for these investments and also how these
developments affect the industrial sector of South Korea. Japan is the second biggest
country in terms of progression in robotics. Our report will include: the density of robots in
japan, the variations of robots in Japan and their different functions of use. We will also
explain how robots are used in the industrial sector of Japan and how effectively Japan is

able to utilise robots in the industrial sector. The third country our report discusses is
Germany. Germany has a robotic density of 261. Our report will discuss the crucial
involvement Germany has in robotics. Our report will discuss how a German company
created the first industrial robot and also the way in which this robot operates.
Our report will mention the major companies that make use of robotics and how they make
use of it. South Africas adaption of robotics, how robotics are used in mines, what the effect
will be if South Africa introduced robotics in schools, the effects of using robots in the
agricultural industries, how hosting robots will be beneficial to society, how robots can be
useful in the construction industry and the safety of robots in surgery will be mentioned in our
There are a number of opportunities that arise from robotics. In this report we will mention
opportunities arising from robotics such as: career opportunities, opportunities in the mining
industry and opportunities in the industrial sector.
This report discusses the various opportunities, future impact (business and society), current
status and an investigation of robotics.
There are various future impacts that robotics can have on business and society. In our
report we will discuss how robotics creates a new dimension to the business world. Robotics
is able to work faster and more efficiently than humans and can also work in environments
deemed dangerous for humans to work in. This report will discuss how robotics are able to
work faster and more efficiently than humans and also discusses how this effects society by
giving examples and also. This report will elaborate on how robotics can affect business and
society in a positive and negative manner.

2. Methods of investigation
2.1 The internet
Our first method of collecting information on this report was obtained from the internet. This
report required research on Robotics, the information was collected from various sites on the
internet. Each member were required to answer the questions of the assignment with the aid
of the information obtained to substantiate their argument and answer the question correctly.
2.2 Consultation with the lecture
Our second method to completing this report required members to consult with the lecturer
on any queries. Mr. Sarel Viljoen answered the groups questions on the requirements of this
project as well as the consequences of not performing well on this assignment. Consultation
took place at The University of the Western Cape.
2.3 Consultation with the tutor
The group was assigned with the topic Robotics and were given instructions on how to
complete the group assignment by our information systems tutor Atoofah Gierdien. The tutor
divided students into specific groups and assigned a specific technology to research. The
instructions and consultation about the report took place in the information systems tutorials
at The University of the Western Cape.
2.4 The procedure
Every member was required to read through the assignment and have an overview of what
is expected from them. The assignment tasks was divided and completed amongst the four
members as follows:
Methods of Investigation of the report
Aalia Mahomed

The investigation of Robotics

The current status of Robotics (part A)
The current status of Robotics (part B)

Sinomvuyisi Klaas

Recommendations of the report

Future Impact (business and society)

Ruan Poggenpoel

Conclusion of the report

Opportunities of Robotics

Adam Sonday
Introduction of the report
The findings of the report was collected, compiled and printed by the group leader.

3. Findings
These are the findings arising from the methods of investigation
3.1 Investigation
What is robotics?
A robot is any machine or system operates in the physical world or environment it contains
sensors, intelligence and actuation, Robotics focuses on the study of robots. In order to meet
the definition of a robot, a machine or system needs the following internal components: a
brain, sensors and input. A robot must compute the brain is the intelligence of the system; it
represents the computer within the machine that receives information from the input and
sensory components and processes them into outputs. A robot has the ability to sense and
interact with its environment and can act independently, meaning that it is preprogramed to
perform its tasks on its own. In simple terms a robot is a machine that follows an instruction
and executes that task with the use of sensors for outputs, control systems for decision
making and end effectors for outputs. A simple and practical example is a cell phone that
watches its user with its camera and can see what the user is doing, this is a robot. Robotics
involves a variation of engineering: mechanical, electrical and computer science to fully
understand the components and functionality of a robot. Robotics investigates and develops
the design, construction, procedure and application of robots.
How is robotics currently used?
Robots serve practical purposes domestically, commercially, or militarily and more. The
purpose of domestic robots is to perform day-to-day tasks and improve the standard of life
for human beings. Domestic robots are designed to perform household chores, provide
company to people, monitor the activities of people, namely children and operate kitchen
appliances. Examples of domestic robots include: smart vacuum cleaners, automated selfcleaning pet litter boxes, floor-washing robots. Domestic robots can act as a security system
and detect breakin or intruders and automatically contact the police or notify its owner.
Industrial robots are used in the manufacturing industry. They are used to execute
dangerous tasks and duties that human workers are unable to perform. Industrial robots are
error free; they are involved in manufacturing hardware and apparatus that require high
outputs. Typical applications of industrial robots include robotic welding, Dispensing such as:
painting and adhesive sealing, Robotic assembly such as fixing and deconstructing, Robotic

handling operations includes: tending and palatalizing. Other industrial robotic functions
includes: inspection of products and testing to ensure the manufacturing process was
completed with precision and accuracy. The different industrial robots include: Cartesian
robots, Scara robots, 6-axis robots, redundant robots and Dual-arm robots, these robots are
used in factories manufacturing processes.
Military robots mainly consist of systems and machinery that complete dangerous jobs that
soldiers are unable to accomplish. These robots are used operated by military organisations
and law enforcement, the robots contain peripheral equipment such as sensors and
cameras to perform that allow them to perform their activities that protect soldiers and
minimize fatalities. There are also military robots that consist of weapons that can detect and
protect themselves from any risky interference. Examples of current military robots are:
Daksh- this is a remote controlled robot that is used to destroy or handle hazardous or
dangerous objects. For example: deactivating unexploded bombs. Goalkeeper this can be
used to be deployed to safeguard airfields and protects ships from incoming missiles.
MARCbot this is used for the inspection of suspicious activities or objects. For example a
minefield can be detected and the military would be notified. Airplane robot- has the ability of
flying autonomously to do the surveillance or other tasks. They are built with the resistance
to explosion and attack.
Robotics used in the exploration of space
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) makes use of robotics. The
robotic systems and devices are used to aid, supplement or act as an alternative for
astronauts to perform time extensive and high risk tasks. For example to avoid carrying out a
dangerous expedition NASA would send a robotic airplane that can fly autonomously and
perform the required tasks.
Robotics has and is currently allowing humans to perform research on space exploration and
other celestial structures in space. Robots have the capacity and ability to travel faster and
more efficiently than missions that would include humans.
An example of a robotic device is a Robonaut, which is designed to create a humanoid robot
that has the capability to perform functions equivalent to human beings during activities such
as: space walks and exploration.
Agricultural robots
Agricultural Robots most commonly known as Agribots are robots created and installed for
agricultural purposes. These robotic autonomous devices and systems are used in bio

systems namely forestry or fisheries. These robots have facilitated the creation and
development of advancements to the agricultural industry and have enabled people and
society to save valuable resources such as money and time.
Agricultural robots are equipped with sensory devices that allow them to carry out their
various tasks autonomously.

Examples of agricultural robots are: Agribots that are

specifically programmed to collect crops and soil sample and process the accumulated data
findings on the crops. Agribots that is skilled to perform activities such as mowing, spraying
pesticides, detecting diseases or parasites, execution of mechanical weeding and drones
which help farmers with weed control. Agricultural robots increase the productivity and
efficiency of functions that would have been performed by humans that may be difficult,
dangerous or tedious tasks.
Robotics used in the medical field and surgery
Medical robot enables surgeons to better access of areas under operation which involves
robotic surgery or robot-assisted surgery. Robotics use better precision, flexibility and control
than conventional techniques and takes invasive approach. The aim of using robots in
medicine is to provide develop diagnostic abilities and establish a more comfortable
experience for the patient.
Examples of robotics in the medical fields are surgical robots: these allow surgical
operations to be carried out with greater accuracy than the capabilities of a human surgeon,
or assign remote surgery where the robot can perform surgery on a patient autonomously
without having a human surgeon present. Current robotic procedures include prostate
surgery, kidney surgeries, joint replacements and open-heart surgery.
Rehabilitation robots: this group aids and supports the lives of sick, elderly people, or those
with dysfunctional body parts which effects their movement. Robots can be used for the
rehabilitation procedures such as training and therapy.
Disinfection robots they have the capability to disinfect area by using ultraviolet light
technology. For example: they are being used to combat the Ebola virus disease.
(Christopher Mims, 12 reasons robots could be the next trillion-dollar business opportunity)
Disruptive effects of robotics on businesses and society
Disruptive robotics is technological innovations that displace conventional techniques. They
can create openings for new products and ways of conducting a business but it can
negatively affect society and businesses.

Currently businesses are forced adapt to changing economies as a result of disruptive

technologies. Robotics transforms businesses establishments and business competition. For
small and medium firms, technology can have a negative effect in establishing their
competitive edge and advantage towards other businesses. It reduces their chances of
establishing successful new business in an economy controlled by disruptive technologies.
Robots are not restricted to the factory floor and have the ability to interact directly with
humans. These advances are a substitution for human labour and employment; this has a
negative effect on society. There is an increase in the unemployment rate and qualifications
may not hold a great deal of importance as they did before.
The effects innovative technologies such as robotics include: economic disruption,
psychological and cultural breakdown. Society and businesses experience the pressure to
keep up with the changing technologies and if they are unable to adapt to the changing
technologies this could lead to their downfall.
In terms of military robotics if the robotic technology falls into the wrong hands this could
lead to a high risk of possible destruction and fatalities.
A disruptive innovation of robotics is an innovation that creates a new market and value
network but eventually disrupts an existing market
(Doug Bathauer Integral Technologies)
Refer to Appendix A
3.2 Current status
Major countries that use robotics
The top country that utilises robotics is South Korea with a robot density of 347. The robot
density refers to the number of multiuse industrial robots per 10,000 persons employed in
the manufacturing process.
South Koreas implementation of robotics includes high-speed broadband, widescreen
televisions, and smartphones and more.
Samsung is a Korean company. The Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has
invested $16.75 billion into Samsungs new project of developing factory robots by 2018.
Korea has progressed by building robotics that can be used in the manufacturing labour
which saves the country money and resources. Samsungs new project is an example of
Early Majority; they have followed the opinions of their leaders. The Korean government has

funded the research and development of Samsung industrial robots, thus technological
advancements can occur worldwide. The government has identified a need for change and
has taken the step to achieve technological progress and establish a political edge.
Samsung as a company are early adopters and are provided with assistance from the
The top second country in terms of their progression with robotics is Japan with a robot
density of 339. Japanese robotics contains many variations such as: humanoid
entertainment robots, guard robots and most notably their industrial robots.
The Robotics industry has a great deal of importance in the world. Japan employs over a
quarter of a million industrial robot workers, they provide job opportunities with the utilization
of robotics. In terms of progression of robotics Japans oldest robot was a mechanical doll
that was used for theatre from 1603 to 1867; this is an example of innovative adoption
according to the diffusion of innovation theory by E.M. Rogers. Japan took risks and was the
first to implement new products and ideas. By the twentieth century their technologies
progressed with the invention of a humanoid robot. In the more recent years the Japanese
company Kawasaki Robotics began the commercial production of industrial robots.
Japanese industrial robotics has hugely progressed and has a great impact on their
manufacturing sectors.
In 2012 Japan made progressive robotic advancements in terms health care and avatars.
The Japanese company Toyota has been working on helpful "partner" robots to be
implemented in the health care sector. A prototype currently being tested in Japan called the
Human Support Robot. A bedridden patient can control the robot with a tablet PC to perform
certain functions.
The avatar MH-2 was created; this is a tiny robot that people could wear on their shoulder.
The purpose of this technology is to enable people to constantly be connected with others
via an internet connection. They see the world through its cameras, hold conversations, and
even get the robot to make a move its limbs using motion capture technology. This robotic
technology is currently being developed and improved. The factors that enables Japan to
progress in technology and robotics are: funds that are provided from major firms,
organisations and their government. Resources are used in order to further the countries
research and innovation of new robotics.
The third top country for robotics is Germany with a robotic density of 261. In 1973 German
Robotics Company, KUKA created the first industrial robot; this is an example of innovators
according to the diffusion of innovation theory by E Rogers. The company KUKA were aware

of the need for change and the potential industrial robots possessed in terms of improving
the manufacturing processes and took risks by producing and manufacturing industrial
A current invention of a German robotics is the TORO humanoid robot. This is an example
early majority according to the diffusion of innovation theory by E Rodgers. This robot has
complete hands and a forearm that use sensors and allows this robot to respond to as it has
excellent sensitivity that provides this flexible type joint. It has the ability to carry out
sequences of movements. It has the ability to sense its environment and can move within
that environment and make decisions based on the information it senses. The goal is to
improve the TORO perceptions and intellect to be more similar to a human.
The advancement of industrial robotics in Korea, Japan and Germany is an example of early
adopters according to the diffusion of innovation theory by E M Rogers. These countries
became the top robotic companies by constantly following the current trends of technology.
They successfully identified the creation and need to improve the manufacturing by using
limited resources. They identified the need for change and the long term benefits the
industrial robotics can have on society and businesses. These countries are considered to
be early adopters because of their technological advancements in technology; this is a result
of receiving support from their government. The government provides funds to the research
and development of robotics which enables their countries to progress much faster. The
constant support from their government and country organisation are allowed each of these
countries to modify their current robotics and compete with the surrounding organisations or
(10 Countries With Most Robot Density.By Ejaz Khan)
Refer to Appendix B
Major companies and firms that use robotics
Northrop Grumman Corporation is a designer, systems creators of military aircraft and
defence electronics and weapons. They are most notably known for being the global leader
in mobile robot systems and devices for risky duty operations. An example of their mobile
robots is: ANDROS Robots, they have been proven to be having a reliable performance and
are both versatile and durable. They are supported with sensory devices such as cameras
and detectors. This system is manufactured in the USA. This is an example of early majority
according to the diffusion of innovation theory by E.M Rogers. This company relies on

people for example: leaders of the country to provide instructions of what kind of military
robotics are needed.
NASA is currently researching life and opportunities on Mars, with a six wheeled rover. The
use of robotics enable scientists to examine rocks and discover opportunities in space and
other planets. This is an example of innovators according to the diffusion of innovation
theory by E M Rogers. NASA researches its own robots, manufactures them and then
deploys the robot to perform missions and tasks.
South Africas adaption of robotics
Robotics will be a great innovation in South Africa to experience new ideas or product gains
acceptance and to adopt into new inventions to make things easier and cheaper. Since the
inflation rate is increasing caused by importing items from other countries and also importing
engineers from other countries we can rather inspire the youth to be more interested in
technologies to avoid spending more money but we can get assistance from other countries
in developing these projects and we can be more creative in creating new inventions of
robotics to assist in the production processes in different kinds of industries. Introducing
robotics in South Africa to the new generation and in an early age will bring a bring change in
our economy and is also an innovation especially in the following industries.
Robotics in the mines:
Anglo American is known as the biggest mining companies nationwide and is located in
Johannesburg South Africa. This company has signed 5 year agreement with CMU also
known as Carnegie Mellon University and are planning to design or develop robotics for
safer mining that will decrease the amount of dangers that miners face working
underground. These robots will benefit the mining industries it will make the tasks easier to
perform. The use of mining robots in the underground mines will be able to deal with unsafe
and the challenges that humans face in the daily operations in mines. Technology is a tool of
innovation in mines and a strategy to safer operations. The designed robotics will make
everything easy, fast and will improve the productivity in technologies and success in the
mining industries. (Angloamerican article)
Introducing Robotics in schools:
South Africa should introduce robotics in their educational curriculum since South Africa is
behind other countries in terms of their technological developments. This will be very helpful
and an exciting experience to the students in our country because robotics can inspire our
young youth to be interested in science and technology. This will result in more students


pursuing careers in engineering and contributing to the development of South Africas

technologies. Robotics will also bring change and success and it will encourage the youth to
be more creative and innovate in learning and the development of skills.
Robotics in agriculture:
Robot farming can have a profound impact on South Africa, due to the high rate of inflation
robotics for farming could be a great assistance in a way that it will increase the process of
food and will be helpful to humans for faster and easy way of farming at lower costs. These
robots will help in harvesting of crops, wed cleaning and pest control.
Hosting robotics in South Africa
The University Of Johannesburg will hosts classes for disadvantaged children into robotics
and also an opportunity for the kids to create their own their own robots the aim of this
project is to inspire kids to be interested in engineering and to create more future engineers,
will be officially launched in October 2016.
The uses of Robotics in construction industries
In construction companies robotics can be very useful and helpful especially in building large
buildings and it will be more faster than humans and it will lower the cost and the wastage of
materials used and even in building RDP houses, more houses would built and will not take
long and it will even reduce the dangers and challenges faced by humans.
Safety of robotics in surgery
It will be a benefit in a way that patients will no longer feel extreme amounts of pain and it is
very safe and accurate. The introduction of the da Vinci Surgery robots will be a very helpful
to doctors and to avoid mistakes in surgeries. These robots are modified and improved so
that doctors can recommend the da Vinci surgeon to the patients, it will be a really good help
since in South Africa we have a low rate of doctors.
3.3 Opportunities
In South Africa there are many companies that offer various opportunities in robotics. A
company such as Design they are an independent South African company that offers a
number of opportunities in robotic programming and robotic designing. Companies such as
Design offer a platform for innovative engineers and programmers. Robotic designing will
appeal to various engineers. Robotic innovation begins with the innovative experts. Once the
designs are produced and programmed they are used in various industries. An industry such


as the car industry thrives off robotics and this creates a massive opportunity for engineers
and technicians to design better versions of this type of robotic system.
Robotics have advanced into the medical sector of South Africa. The DaVinci Robotic
surgery system has made robotic surgery available to South Africans. The urology hospital
was the first to invest in a surgical robot. The hospital bought the robot for R20 million. The
experts making use of this machine received training in Belgium to acquire the skills in order
to understand the way in which this robot functions. To this date at the urology hospital,
urologists have performed fifty radical prostatectomy cases all of which have been a
success. There have been a number of positive feedbacks regarding the use of a robot in
urology. Patients are able to spend less time in hospital because of the efficient nature of the
robot. Patients are able heal quicker because of the minimal invasive nature of the surgery.
With open surgery patients will have a much longer healing time and also the time of the
surgery itself is much longer. This helps a lot in terms of South Africas advancement in the
medical sector. This gives society a safer and quicker option to surgery because of the quick
and precise nature of this surgery.
The use of robotics in South Africas industrial sector is lagging in terms of industrial sorting,
packaging and quality control. Therefore there is an opportunity for South Africa to generally
improve in this sector. The use of robotics in the South African industrial sector will improve
as industrial systems are integrated with robotics. However in the mining industry of South
Africa advancements have been made. The mining industry uses robot excavators which
excavate the land in South Africa. These robotic devices can detect certain gases and
minerals it is programmed to detect. Once the gas or mineral is detected the robot begins to
excavate the land and collects the mineral in a built in compartment. The use of this form of
robot has increased the level of production in the mining industry and has also made mining
safer because parts of a mine that cannot be accessed easily by humans can now be
accessed by these robots. This will fast forward South Africas economy as mining is one of
South Africas biggest industry and with an improvement in this sector comes an
improvement is South Africas economy as a whole. However the amount of mining jobs that
will be lost due to the advancement in the use of robotics in South Africas mining industry
will have a negative effect on society because many South Africans depend on the their
labour jobs as miners.

3.4. Future impact

The technology robotics brings a whole new dimension for the business world. Although it is
a fairly new piece of equipment, there are major strides being made to make it as useful as

possible. These robots can do work faster than humans can and they can do the dangerous
work that humans cannot. They are also more precise and most importantly are extremely
efficient. Although they have various problems that causes businesses to be sceptical in
using it. For example, robotics is basically a machine and it will have flaws and might break
like most machines do. The technology is yet to be perfected so that it can be sold in large
scales. The more obvious reason is the price. Robotics is one of the most expensive
technologies available which makes it affordable only to certain groups. Most businesses
prefer to use employees because its cheaper and they are afraid of changing the operations
of their businesses. Lastly, there is the ethical question of whether its fair that machines
should take over jobs of people who use their salaries to support their family.
Throughout these negative perspectives of robotics, there are also undeniable good ones. It
is believed that the use of robotics will one day benefit everybody and heres how. The
introduction of robotics presents a whole new market. More people will be interested in the
technology as it grows and becomes more advanced. This will impact the society as more
students will choose to study in the robotics field which increases the employment rate of
skilled workers. Workers will also have an opportunity to become more skilled because they
have to learn how to operate the technology.
Robotics is a very accurate and precise technology and could be quite helpful in the
medicine field for that very reason. Dangerous surgeries can be done more effective and at
a higher success rate if it could be done using robotics. This could be a very good use in
society because it places less risk on people and ultimately saves lives.
As mentioned, robotics can perform dangerous tasks humans are unable to do. It would also
be effective if it could be designed to locate bombs and other dangerous equipment. In light
of the bombings happening in Europe, having robots detect potential bombs would help save
thousands of lives. This could be used in places where an event is taking place and lots of
people are known to be or just at a busy places around the world. Society will be
immediately impacted by the safety that this technology could bring. Countries using this
technology will also have its economy boosted because tourists wont be afraid to visit the
Robotics are currently being designed mainly to perform manufacturing jobs. They can
perform their tasks more efficiently and faster than humans can. This will directly impact the
business world because if a competitor starts to use this technology, they will gain a
competitive edge. The technology is efficient that there will be less defect products produced
therefore sales will increase because the business can sell more. The business will also
save more money because materials are not being wasted. Robotics can also be used for

manual labour and can perform tasks at a better quality. An example of this would be a car
welding business. The robot will weld the car at a high quality and will not face problems like
burning or getting too hot that human welders will face. Businesses will be able to have more
customers at a time because of how fast a job can be completed.
To conclude, the introduction of robotics will impact both businesses and society for different
reasons. When the technology is eventually accepted, it brings a long list of positives such
as its efficiency, its precision and its dependability. Therefore the future looks bright for
4. Conclusion
This report has discussed the progression of Robotics and how it negatively and positively
affects society and businesses. In the findings of the report there is a clear and brief
explanation of what is classified as a robot and how this technology has become a necessity
to human lives.
The extent to which humans depend on technological devices can disrupt or benefit society.
With extensive research and developments and proper resources humans are capable of
creating powerful technologies that can change the way we live for the better.
The innovation of Robotics is important in order to progress as a country and as humans to
improve their living conditions, but this enables disruptive innovation to take place. This is an
innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing
market and value network and displaces established market leaders and alliances.
Based on the findings of the report it can be concluded that disruptive innovation has a
profound impact on businesses and societies.
Robotics may be a new technology, but its seen to be one of the most influential this
century. The investigation proves that there are many manufacturing uses and the speed at
which it can operate on makes it very useful. Robotics are being used by Japan, Germany
and Korea to name a few. These countries are leading the development of robotics in the
world whereas many other countries have not fully accepted the introduction if the
technology. South African businesses have been slow with the implementation of robotics.
As mentioned in the report, robotics have presented many opportunities in the business
world along with many challenges. The businesses have to adapt to its introduction and
have to find ways to do so especially in smaller businesses. The technology is quite
expensive and therefore most businesses wont be able to afford it at first so it becomes
important for them to find ways to be able to remain competitive. There are many discoveries


yet to be made in robotics and this will have impacts on both businesses and in society. The
business world will become more competitive and society will also be impacted when
robotics develop and can be used especially in the household. To conclude, what is seen
today in the field of robotics is only the mere beginning of what is to come. It is destined to
impact our lives at some point and therefore further increase the influence that technology
has in society.
5. Recommendations
Recommending robotics in the world will be a good innovation and success in a way that it
will save resources such as money and time. Robotics work faster than humans and also
can do all unsafe and challenging duties that humans cannot do. They are accurate and will
be beneficial in all variety of industries namely in mines, agriculture, medicine fields. These
robots may improve our economy in a way that we can use robotics in sending them in
dangerous places, they are more accurate than humans for example there will be no shaking
in an important surgery and puts every screw in fabricating a car. Robots can also guard
without being tired will be able to do the job 24/7, need no nutrients and can also lift heavy
objects but it also has it disadvantages can ruin peoples lives by taking their jobs away and
are also expensive

6. References
The following internet sources were used:
References for 3.1 Investigation


















Christopher Mims, 12 reasons robots could be the next trillion-dollar business opportunity,









References for 3.2 Current status







PARTNERSHIP. Retrieved from

EDRO, 21 January 2015, WHY SHOULD SCHOOLS TEACH ROBOTICS Retrieved from

References for 3.4 Future Impact - Alec Ross - Felicia Greene,,1920335,00.html Mark Tilden


7. Originality Report

8. Appendices

8.1 Appendix A
The disruptive effect Robotic technology can have on society and businesses




8.2 Appendix B
South Koreas progression and adaptation of Robotics




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