April 27 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 27, 2016

What is the one profound offering that we can give to our precious Lord?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

So long as one is dominated by sense pleasure, it cannot be said that

their spiritual life has begun. Now many clamour for the experience of
spiritual bliss, but few earn it, because they find themselves too weak to
reject the clamour of the senses! A little enquiry will reveal that the
senses are bad masters; the joy they bring is transitory and fraught with
grief. Your devotion to God is best expressed by achieving control of the
senses. For, the senses rush towards the temporary and the tawdry; thus,
they foul the heart. I require from each of you, no valuable offering than
the heart I endowed you with! Give Me that heart, as pure as when I gave
it to you, filled with nectar of selfless love! Test all your actions, words,
thoughts on this touchstone: "Will this be approved by God? Will this
rebound to His renown?"
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1968.

Never get inflated when praised or deflated when blamed. Be a spiritual lion! Baba

27 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:AsIN Awpxy bySumwr kImqI Bgvwn nUM,ikhVI vDIAw cIz smrpx kr
skdy hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAr nwl smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: jd qweIN,swfy au`qy ieMdRIAW dI vwsnw pUrIAW krn dw zoS huMdw hY,AsIN
ieh nhIN kih skdy ik swfw A`iDAwqimk jIvn SurU ho igAw hY[hux,bhuq
swry lok,A`iDAwqimk AwnMd dI kwmnw krdy hn pr ies dI pRwpqI , ku`J
igxy-cuxy lokW nUM hI huMdI hY ikauN jo bhuqy lok,ieh socdy hn ik AsIN ienHW
ieMdRIAW dI vwsnwvW au`qy kwbU nhIN pw skdy[QoVy soc ivcwr qoN ieh pqw l`gy
gw ik ieMdRIAW dI vwsnw pUrI krnw,A`igAwnqw hY Aqy ienHW dI pUrqI qoN bwd
imlx vwlI KuSI ,AsQweI hY Aqy du`KW nwl BrI hoeI hY[AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW
au`qy kwbU pwaux nUM hI BgqI kihMdy hn[ikauoN jo ieMdRIAW,AsiQrqw vl
dOVdIAW hn Aqy B`dw kMm krdIAW hn,ieh ihrdy nUM,dUiSq krdIAW
hn[mYnUM,quhwfy koloN quhwfy ,aus kImqI ihrdy dI zrUrq hY ijhVw mYN
quhwnUM,pRdwn kIqw hoieAw hY[ijs piv`qr rUp iv`c,mYN quhwnUM ,insvwrQ ipAwr
vwlw ihrdy id`qw sI,mYnUM qusIN ausy qrHW dw ihrdy dau[qusIN ,Awpxy
krmW,vcnW Aqy ivcwrW nUM,ies ksOtI qy tYst kro[kI ienHW nUM,Bgvwn mnzUr
krdy hn?kI ies qrHW krn nwl qusIN,Bgvwn nwl juV sko gy?(23
nvMbr,1968 dy idvX pRvcn)
jd koeI quhwfI pRSMSw krdw hY qW bhuq KuS nw hovo Aqy jd koeI quhwfI
bdKoeI krdw hY qW kdy aus dw ksUr nw k`Fo[qusIN,iek A`iDAwqimk Syr

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