Astm E-45-97

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Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Stee!" ‘hari ht ep ot aco Dern De ~ 1. Scope = Lr These tt methods cover 4 number of rsogiand rmciods for dtermoing the nore Inclsion content = STvought sel Meconopi metods include macroeteh, Faster tp dow, abd magnetic price fe: Mirosoy aiimetiote ncade fie general accepted stems af ‘ramination In these microropal metas inlsions ae Seige es euegory tas on sates ie mpholoy. nd not necnatiy on their cherie Set” Met + Tegante tccnigec hat sow ‘ipo dierentaon be: © ethot the metho wl be esr treo the on acct — OE Ths et methods ae stable for manual ting of inclosion conten Other ASTM sanarde cover avon * Iethes for obtaining JK rags (Practice E1122) and Incion comet using image anys (Practice E1283) ~ NIE Depending onthe pe of sel and the properties -_felied eer macescopral or & micascopal method fer determining the inclusion content, or combiaaons of the two methods, ny be ound ost saisactoy 1. These fest methods eal only with eommended test wmeitods and nothing in them shold be contd etaing or exabinhng Limits aceptbity for any ede ot ee ISThi sundard doesnot purport to advert al of he safey cance if emp, eotted ih ue Ti the ‘expos ofthe sar of tht standard 10 eth apr ‘ine safety and health practices and determine the applic. bit af reedatory lations prio tose 2 Referenced Document 2 ASTM Standards 18295 "Specieaion for High Carbon Ant-Fricion Fearing Se tia ha in Ro aoa ar ‘A485 Speiation fo High Hardeoabity Ant Fieion ‘Searing Ses ‘A334 Speciation for Curburzing tees for Ante Friction Bearings? [A535 Speifeation for Speak Quay all and Roller Bearing ea? ASE Speiteton for Stiles AateFriction Bearing See [NAGE Speciation for Medion Carbon for Ant Friction Bearing Ste? 'D96 Test Met for Water and Setiment a Crude ‘by Centifige Method (Fei Procedure 3 Pract fr Preparation of Mtallopapic Specimens 7 Terminology Relating to E381 Method of Macrocich Teng See! Bars, Biles, Blooms and Forgings" 109 Guile for Magnetic Particle Examination’ 768 Practice for Preparing and Enluating Spiess 1, Cations Ratog of Steels bythe Magnetic Particle Method 1422, Reconmended Practice for Determination of acts ‘oat Sel 222 dergace Mater! Speifcaton: 2300, ‘Preaium Aira Quality Se! Cleanoess Mag: netic Pare Ispetion Proved 200, Air Quay Sel Clans: Magaeic Pari Inspection Procedure 2903, Aiea Quality Steel Cleanlinese Martesie Cox- 2004, Specal Aiea Quality Stel Claalines: Magnetic Pratl Ipecton Procedure 23150 Standard a se tec nn 8 Commer Gh eas 180.3763, Wroubhseee—Macrozople methods for ing the sontet of sone nelsons 10 sete Detennintion contest of wonmetac CchslontMicrepapie methods wing standard da Fans: Teetosane in Stel Plates Ex and 1° Fur Praomiregapts of Low Carbon St" 2 Teominlony 3 Defntions: BL eee etidons of terme asd In this rate, ee “reminoloy 67. STF Ternmology 7 facades the term incon count, since some metho of thoe test meade Inve iSterements or conveio to numer reesattons [Tice or cous or Bote ter Inchon rating ‘eles. SF Benton of Tem Spc Ti ender 32D pes rl—the lento width ratio of 8 micr- sant to BSF ascinou srsge-—thee oF more Type 8 or C cis agro x pans faal to the hot working as ad ofet ty more than 13pm, wr a separation of ess hn dpa (@GO16 Ta) between ny Two nearest eehbor lui tyer—for definitions of slide, alumi and sist ypeInhons, se Termoloey ET, Globular ‘ide in some. metnode refers to olted, atively tomcat ncsons wih a aspect io ot in ete of Site other methods, ules wre divided ato deformable td nondeformable pes 24 JR nelson rating ret of messing no0- seule WlgionT- bse Ge the Swedish Frasier (edures; Method A aod D of these test roethods re the osobalKtng methods, aod Met E ao wes the JK “Ses an ioctasion that ise SS urine oda inlsion that is highly eon nied ive Bomation direction or ee or more Type 8 ‘rCincsions iged fn lae pare! te ot working ‘hsand offet by no more than 15pm, with aseparston of fg than #0 pin (00016 in) Between any Teo nearest Pipe inchtons Te ort fid ratng—a cating im which the specimen i raed orc pet iota by tgning eae re Finest svey rating Obverved of tha inlsion 1p any ‘thereon the specimen sri. Sinionce and Use “1 These tet metas cover four macrooical and ve craic tet meds for deivag tbe fnchon iment of sel and prvedure or expresing lest ea. "C5 Income ee characterized by tie, shape, cones tion and Gisbuton rather th chemical corposton. ‘Athough compositions we not sented, merocoical ‘ethos lace Inline Inia one of several eompostion- ‘Std eteorie eide, one, an sates tbe ast 4 SRD fay Aria hagas ee PS a ‘ype ef oxide), Paraaph 12.2.6 describes metallographic {Conigoe to fate foclion dcrmination, Only hose Icons presets the es sure canbe detected “C3 The macosopicl test methods evaluate larger ur face reas than microscopic fet methods and tetse Clanination vasa oF at low magalcatons thee (ieibods te tet ied for decting gr incon Macroscopical met ae aot rable for dctetig into in) iin ad the ‘Shcer agement. “C7 Toes eat methods are intended for use on wroseht ecaliesrctre: Whe minimum level of deerotion ‘ot apeied, fe et methods are nt flab or se 0 as ructres ot ca gh worked arvturs. MACOSCOPICAL METHODS ‘5, Macracopcl Teat Methods Overview ‘Summary i Maretch Test—The macroctch test is wed 10 indicate focon contest and dstibotin, usally ithe fro scion or tanvene to the direction of roling of forging lose instars, lentil section ar ao ‘haod: Tee are prepared by cutting aod machina 2 Section too the dened aca tad etching Mth a uae {eapent A soon of one pat hydroclone aid and one part water a a tempersture of 1 fo 82°C (160 1 1807) (Pally wed, Aa tbe name of this test pie, the etched Thrice is extmloedvaualy or a tow eaguiention or [Echos Deal of thi et are nclodd in Method F381 ‘The nature ef quetonble ndeaton should be vesifid by ‘mlcrowopicl or otber mene of tspecton ‘Sit Salsdes at reveled apie when the standard chal dered a3 1 wed SSL2 Oa lage oxides ae evel by het metho GENERELT Sy pOcUMENTO ATERNO| a eas 4 a oe wt ta 4.12 Face Tete ct ei id wo dete sith ronne eden oso stows a he acre hadened ales pyroximatcly 910 13mm (0 sin kites my ele he eae to aban edna a prose 0 ce tol fear ad et re excnne exer nennion och a ge ‘Baste Niedee tht gtrbeleth nSia ‘Seaton Spprotmaty scm te Seater of he ae Te ‘reared sores aad aly and apie, {Garey apex ten dance a he og ad ‘Stsnton ef lctecone tte et Gti o Rea ‘ices yo onde npr ISO 983 posers {har'netod fo cue sre lcisen rane Tne Snes, indetion ssa 080 a(n) og fies fled or forged steel The est sample machined Sse dace lo te suc and sree Incision under goed imaation wih the voaled yee ‘tow magieton In soae Instant mpi ae Iuchiged to emalrdlameere for further examination ther the otal ameter sre fmpecto. This tet eel ted to determin the presence of ecasons | mm (a, ‘eath aod fongs 5Mt4 Magnetic Portis Method —The magstic parce retbod 2 Vaan of he sepdown tebe fer Ferromagnetic matte ie which the tet satple me. dined, mugnetned, and. magne powder. apie. Dacontntes as sal 0.40 mm (son length crete ‘mepete leakage ele that act the ‘heey eulning the incuon, See Scion @ fore Getaled proredor specimens with tare sufoce areas. The larger intasions| Sta, which are the main concern fm mom cae a ot ‘wim distibuted sn the spaces Between them are ‘atively ts 0 thatthe 32 Seer aoe eulogy ‘uchiy prepared by machining and nding A highly Dolihes "sorice not aceary. the, mcoscopies! Methods ate eficeny sensitive to veveal the large al 353 Duadhomage 5.31 These test methods do not dsinguith among the ‘igen nctasion shapes, S32 They are pot stable for the detection of sa Hote incon or of chalns a very fine longed Incision 53.) "The magnetic parte method can led to incoret infrreation of micrestuctura! etures wich ae seals of ‘aed austen, mictousprepalion, or cartes incerta ‘loys: thie priculanly Hiely i igh moagnetzalion ca ents re employed 6 Magnetic Pate Methd—Detalls of Procedure 61 Te Specimen: (141 The specimens sal be preps in accordance with the dels given in 62. The recommented procure for ‘removal from booms, billets, and bara round ot sua ‘ean as lone SULT Grats Sections over 250 om? (36 in2)—Cot a svar scton a shown fn ig. | or 2 and prepare the ‘ecinen by machining or fopng tad euchnine ‘igh cylinder of «diameter between 60 and 130 mn (24 0d 6a). An aternaive method to forge ot rl te ‘ection 1o 150 mm (in) square or round tod machine te ‘tare econ ie acorn wih 6112 ‘GLL2 Cross Scions 100 10230 cn (16 10 36 in3) Inclue Cita quarter sation ws shown n 1 2 ad Prepar the specimen by raschiieg, or forsve and te ‘nig ton sight eye a the ret posse damter GA3 Cras Sections Lest than 100 om! (16 Ir Mochi the specimen fo a sagt ender An alee ethos to ae a te clmeter step down specionen, ch ‘inca section tng 75 ma Gia) ie length The darete,D, ofthe frst epi he stock ie loss andar aching allowance; te mcr ofthe second sep and he ameter ofthe thd sep “6.12 The specimens shall conor to the following r- ilresents une specified other in 6.1.1 tough eur 6121 The length ofthe rated srfie is nominally 125 sm (Sin). A 25 mm (ia extension for hod i ly employe ‘61.22 The minimum amount of stock moved from the surface shall allows 6123 All quater sections sal be ost overex shown {in Figs. | and 2 wo that the center ofthe eri tock wll ‘gprinately on the sure of the te specimen The lecatonof the center of the oapnal ack tl ented si jm yen of taped mak paraton of Specimen 621 afer the specimen owe tnd, bet rea it to 8 tardoes of about 300 HI by oi or water quenching fom wu but wu uw erevuuw eas "ho, 2 comer Sector Sets mn econ fe ‘usr erase Te org ta ang sel abowe the ere! tempernture and temper wihia te ‘ave 20019 650°C (0 to 1200F), depending upon the Comprtion of the steel. Take care fo avd Goearhing treks. The eat reatieat tends o develop» mor wir Sortie bard enough fo rein some redual magnet, itas hing tool the magnetic powder in place er he 1622 fer heat treatment, ind the specie, fecuding fa tre dn ere on Con ‘monreting. Avoid cracks fae gndng Chea, (ding hl be tranmverse tothe length ofthe specie. onpicialsrtces may be deep enough to resin the !magetie pone and obscure the incision determination 1223 foe magnetizing. toreuply wah he specimen with equckcyig salen order 1 move pease tad ge mar, ‘he mecimen is covered with mapacle parte suspension rng magneton, Hardened sel meceens (30 HRC or hip ay be teed ung the wet rua! method by lying the suspension aflet magnetization, Take cre oot {0dr indians before inapecton i completed For ‘eile derpion othe various wet mets of magnetic Drie nspection, see Pracee £708 1633 Its common practice to supe the ine magnetic bari in tersene or ater gt ol of abot 40 SUS Visco. Use about 7.7 WL (1 oz/a) of wonlorescet Iasi ates per ite fo. The suspension concen ‘on of nonlureceat parties stall te 1.0 to 20% by Yolune when sed by demapreting and allowing to sete 530 45 min in an ASTM 100 cove shaped paduated ratige tube. For a deseipton a «cone shaped eroiape Ube se Tet Methods B96 634 Asan aleratve oie oitbse system, an aqueous jpstem can te ved. When ing a9 aqueous tem, th ‘raperatin ae should be monitored. Add water to male ‘ae one ee 4 Examination of Specimen 41 Examine the specimen under a wel ted ight Standard wit gresceatighog i ailctry. In order to Dhttin he best dapersio, pace the legal sir ofthe ih tht angles othe longi asso the pecnen. The ager lb sly vsble wd the rately sina inclusions may abo be Seed iecsions af 04 ‘(mo alr ae of ter, wl be belt 10 Samioe ith «low powe. hand eee heer uct ch toch” ow has tether elas sa ch” ho ke cow te ua of ech incor apranog ont soe i racine. G42" The incon spring fcasins may te sored by photogs, Sagres, by tengo ‘pot medion Foretiwnsacvton of ase clog ‘Enal uy be apd by aol sie mee, thet Fenoved ‘and owned ater ying Spal prepared Artet pes sch a ye toner Gb) pape or ‘ton et flay a ad acest, The pedo ‘HC bala fo vou Ser and tay Be oie ow Pictpaphi spy hou Ordinary tapenade {ies wil ao the map power hom he pens {er mouming on card The tat mods we ‘rumination under low-power magifeton, a ee ore ‘curate than photowaphy ov carved res. Adina, the transfer methods mainte the location of nations the specimen with resect to the orig) ‘ice and ‘eerie ofthe mate 65 Bepesion of Rene: 63.1 Magnetic parc es reas are normaly expr fn erm of fequeney and severity. ‘65.2 Fequeney ithe foal suber of ndcations ia & sven area A cooimonly vee reference wea hat been 258 ‘en* (40 n>), Frequency may ao be expedite of umber of indications per wait area of urce examined, ‘The method of evaluating fncsons per mua ch fot Srequency and severity has been opted bythe Society of ‘Automotive Engineer in SAE 41, Reler to Acrompace Mattias Specitentons 2300, 201,130, and 2308 653 Seveiy is the weighed ‘vale of the, magaetc partie indeaoos in sceorasce withthe flowing he ‘ken from AMS specications 300, 2901, 2903, and 2304 gilt meta) a 653.1 The severity valves obsined by mukipyng the ‘umber of indication ofa piven length bythe weg foe ating hse rests, Severity shoul be expres as the ‘eiehted value fora given nea Severity ay alo be peed the weighted value per oni aro surface {pained xe ANS Soecieont 90, 2501, 203 ad (654 The averages of the fequency sod severity values Meas forall the specimens in meat maybe wed to expres he ‘ugpee parte rls or he Heat Hehe Reaveney and severity als fr one heat may ‘Bitte compare reas abtsned only on iets or bar of ore ia neg dawn te wed, ets howl! be rested tothe india inet. Sy "Maeneti price reas may also be exes a ine hal ego fneton for asad are, tote AMS ons eribed shove, fecsonFength per are nc ‘ermine NicROSCOPICAL METHODS | 1. Microscope Test Metbods Overview “TH Micscape methods ae sed to characte the sin dation, number, tnd pe of inclusions on & folded ese sone Tis many be done by examine {ie spesen ith aight lerscope and reporting the toe ‘tinclolns encountered, accompanied by afew represen {ve poms: This metbod, however, doce pot lend ist to a unvlorm reporting se Therefor, standard ‘Rone charts depicting see of pia nls conte: (rans (an, tpe, aed umber) wee eented for dice ‘Sapeison with he mirscopical fed of view "1d Varlous Teerence cha of this nature have bees evied such ws the TE chart and the SAE. chart founds {SAE Revommended Practice 1422 of the SAE Handbook, he mirowopicl metbods tn Tes Methods E45 use ‘elie! comparaon chars tse on tee charts. Metbod A (Worst Fedo, Method D (Low Tehsion Content) and Method (SAM Rating) woe carts tase on he JK chart tle Metod € (Osis and Silcates) ues the SA chart. {8 ‘Standard 4567 aio uss the JK chart. "73 No char can eee nl of the various types and forms of icons The we of any chart ths ted to Grermning the content of the mow common types Of telson ‘end stmurt be ep fang” that tich Cerminion fs nat a complete metllopahic sty of S14 An aleate to comparizon (chart) methods sac at Maino A, and D maybe ound ia Method 8, Method Btleng) eed fo determine faeision content based on tea On incsions 0.127 rom (0.005 in) ov fags ae “15 “Te ndantages of toe mle ethos a: 15, Indons ean be charactor a 10 he i.e, and umber 4182 Extremely sail inctsins canbe reveled 16a dadvantge of the microscopical metods is he individual ting el ae very smal (0.0 mm Ti mits the practi sn of the pecmen ws would sy take & [robbie amber of flat carcerine are specimen. ‘The rout sised by a microscopical charcterzation of theineeson ns large section i povered by ance local ‘ation te inclusion distribution ze robstatal, The duo of the product deteraoes the portance of the ‘Stsoopa rele Experience nnterpretiag the resus eecenany in order nt to cxamrate the importance Sfvllcinon in sore appletons "Tt In ddermiing the ncton conten its important to reali ta whatever metho i wae, the rsul scaly eves ony to the areata the apecieas thet were ear {Sa For pretest reatons, sch spesnens ae eatiely Sali come wih he otal mou often reprseted BY tiem. Forte tcasion determostion to ave any valve, Agate pling sat x necessary as proper method of the ictuson content of iver ecg they enust all be {olla or fed a acarty at pone fo the same se and ‘pe, and fom cant sections of out the sume. sie ‘Sperimens cot leogihwie or pall to the dretion of rolling fring stall be we iby owes ntti ay comparsbe resi, to forge copons fom leer bile. ‘These fore scons may then be sampled in the sme way ‘role betons. Exerc cae weer, op speamens {tse lenght the bls for frBng eben, thee dng ofthe shear drag ends ig neonate Inbe setioen. Such distorted meal wil gve » fae ‘eal in tbe incsion etermination. To, sv thi ti Betpu iosaw the ends of thet feng fr Trg a8 1 taketh ecimen fom the mie ofthe forged emg 11 Several of the methocs descbed fo eset rwcthode maui that» seri ares ofthe prepared sorte ofthe spite be surveyed, ad all the sgnicant incl TRUDERBIT Sp ce oyebur ] Ges sas ure tl nd expe inf The fy et ache cin al ao epee ] ] F 4 sees mane eden i he ae nes sion ta ee Seapaerrrmum pene wet Sra menan ance m Bose sae nemesis Se i 32 og eb ren ie Nest Ce comer ah es te ve Stoo roe gt oe ee ae | Set gage teceraar teat 1 ben aera ams Sieve ete oan se Seize aie seat ee See are ork aoe a ] inclusions according to their individual lengths. The length 1] Bineemdcur goals aces ieee 8. Samotog, {1 To obtain sessonbleetimate of inclusion varia. sions within fot Atleast ocatoas, chosen to be es eee ‘By cone for sl be defined ara of mater prosat af onetime and subjected to llr procesiog |, ‘arable inno ene should move than ooe est be i the 1] Baie acca Cons es en ing itetions mig be nthe product bind fom te tp and Sotom of he fst, mide Pouring eguence. For stand cast of Bottom poor pro- ‘esing sar sampling plan pe beat shook be avo, ‘ta or uc in which debt location wie s het, ast sable Ingots the ‘intial don ingot, or other walt tts unknown, te of specimens should be ] | Si eae Sind wi ay ite or i ] ‘comet tag of prerog 9. Test Soecloen Geometry 941 The recommended polished sufce area of sec men for the mivourpical determination of tcason eon tents 160 mm (028 tn) The pobibd surace must be paral! to te togieinal ans of he prods Ts ain, DocUMENTO. eNTep.e 1 1 J J ] J 1 d J d J 1 1 1 d d d A ! Beas sheet wid to provide one semen fy gr moon ees ha 095m en roped pices fom each mepling cation al ‘poets provides ule series fr oe ‘ike Gbtpenien on mater ocknes aad pee ea, ie" meinen na bem hn 16 om reef peaaldeticsn pouning aaouD of er Briana te edo mcm ren ibe cored ‘pce Note it when wage compatson proces [TMeinods 4G, Dand Ete thicker ofthe tet specimen cae hcl ot be ethan th ied imine Simonton crt ted of view Therefor. he misma ‘bine teqted 0.11 rm for Metods AD and end Poi rth’ @ "hiner one should be rd by ‘er means 10, Preparation of Specimens 10.1 Mods of wecmen preparation must be sch hat poised mitoeopcly fit scion achieved a order {Ret he ses and shapes of nctasions are acura shown, To obtain stsfcory and consent incon ratag, The spesmen must hove 4 poll sae fe of ates uch SSplne orignal (or example, pling eda), ind seiches When poling he speimen vey Itmoriat that the incuions ot be pitt, apd, of hevred. Specimens mast te examied f the aspolhed ‘ond, rom Une elects of my peor etching i use itirecommended ta he procedures dseted in Methods ES and Pate E168 be lowed. 102 If he conditions for Socuson evahation stated in tou cannot be net Tn the arpoaed condom with the Sreccvad spl, the spl sal be eatested to the Satimom stainable ardnes before policing. Newesary precautions sal be taker to linnae te eects of beat {ratment cha sole, decavbataton, ete This practi "romped for beat rete grades xbon, low alloy, {dul els 1 Prepa and Blas | 1 Stole of JK rating made by iret iors ave shown tat there isa iret probe i incon tna, chely in dicimisation between Type A (sie) and C(t) deformable onde inclasios ene, the accuracy of tangs ca be severely nvenced ty ch pecblems The acurney af Method A, C, and ‘ine i nena by tla nctnon contents” AP the Tpchson content intense, tbe aceracy of sich ating TH? For secs that are ried to 08 Severity Lew! Namiber on Pate, mont ‘eld aes are peneraly {ecurte within fl eveiy nambe ad may be within 203 ‘tw icon tea ene, he ew ‘Strtingof ype band D ncanon rete han for Type ‘and € inline Abo, the aciracy ofthe hin see fener beter than forthe Heavy sve, east of te 1} Forel tht must erated to whole Severity Level Names wing Pate the ceracie ae generally poor, snponchng #22 athe highest severity Teel Theme Tends aply hee rearing A and C versus B and D Types fd Thin vers Heavy. Greater inaccuracies will cur {eclaons re miiesied The sry of ineon ld reat ahd Dat tle eos ad cnt eee Tha The acurcy of Method C mings is sgicaty infcncedy msieneation of Type (erm os) incoas, When such poems are tt encour, neta ‘it ow inion eoteos wl agee wie 2st we ers with high ncoon contents wil ape whia 3? 06 feng. aod 6 Pe bot a0 mt ono, Tis The econ of ratings made bythe use of Plate x erty apt wth te char sever neremens ted but ‘buy io eran cases te slay higher For vty low {ncuson content stra soma tmage sass methods (ch cowed by Methods E1122 and € 124) ar preferable Ath ars below the minnom catng (9) are pose Roce thathicrconel Methous and b spate in: Irom sorted lcasions ae a lor sce ‘yeoman nso tat re ene ot strate ‘chan they ae blow the minimom sae for bows Method (Worst ets"* 221 Ingaducon —This st method requires 2 suvey of 4.160 am! (025 in) plished surface are ofthe specien 100%. Toe feds all equal an area equivalent to 0.50 fmm (000779) on the peimen src ws defined by 3 are wth 0.7 arn (00271 fa) long 6s (Soe Fi. 3 Eich 080 ma? eld ts compared to the snure elds ‘spiced in Pate Uri search forte wort that i tbe tpt seventy rating ofeach inclston Type A, Band for both he Thi and. Heay sin, The severity kvl of Soe gm Sal te Year for ee facie 122 Proedve: 1221 Biber of two techniques may be emploved 10 shee 80 ma? square eld of vow. Ose method is frojet the 10x mieroxope image onto e viewing seen ‘Bare oquare mask wih 1.0 mm (279 in) es drm (08 IL Aunber option isto ose a reicle made for the ‘lcoscope which wil superimpose the required square ‘ask craly ont the field of view (See 3) 1222 To beg, ovtine the required tet are on the specimen sartoe sing either sm indelible marker of ‘bie ied srt: Plc the specimen onthe mictosope ‘Supe aed ar the examination wilh 9 Bld im ove of the ‘corer ofthe marked tert area. Compare this fs to the mages Pie ie Revd the sverty Level im whole bers fom 01930 foreach incon type (A, BC ad Dither moat roemles the field wer oscrvaton. ee "Table iad torpor sve lvels> 3.0) Do thine both he Thin and Henry seis portant o note Bee 1 fa of ichsons ls between two severity evel, {actutons or tes Toclson length than Seventy Level amber counted a 0 ait TR ~ ) DocUMENTO XTERNO ee eee cee eae ee eet eee © 25.0 yn © 375 un © 50.0 nema no i hw 050 te en ra Aromat fr en ey me Tren sored Reso rey id forbade A, a 1a. # Type ean Pt or Meena ede 12.2.3 Move the microscope stage 10 reveal an anceat fied and repeat the compatson procedure. Coatinue ths roves votl the requied. polished nrc aren of the {pecmen has een scanned. A tpi an conigtion i ‘owe in Fig. 6 The method requires ausent of the Imroscope sage to masini an ison seventy Here ‘Tom te fe of view tasted sng the micosenpe loge control, such Yat inclusions are moved ise the Sasre mask def locale the worst fll In pei, he rater i ctnlyseanning the specimen and stopping only ‘hea «potential wort fll each type and thickest 72.24 ‘The minimum iacaion lengths (or aumbers for ‘Type Donk that determin the Seventy Level Numbers are Pied on Plate and ined iTable 1. Talusion with ation ito te Thin or Henry eateanry ‘Tinto Henry long its ength sal be placed nthe category Deas 4 160 mn? poihed svc tea ofthe specimen at 100x ‘hay inclson now length 0137 mm Tong et be "Vneasied and insula, 132 Pred 321 This method wiz a pattern of pare toes ‘show spacings such thatthe distance betwen Hess Sault i 0.127 mm (0.05 0) onthe apecimen trace then viewed ai 10x. Tha sisasce stl be refered to 95 oe unt The pater may be dan om (or taped to) Sewing sen a which eae tbe phyal stance between ines would be 127 mon (0.3 tn) sce the speciale ‘muanlied 100 tien An alert technique mould be 10 hive a rele made that il sperimpese he rege Pater dey ont the mage at ea hrugh he eyepiece 5 he micrssope. Fig. 7 shows a recomended meaare: tment for oe with Meth B, Note hat the parla ies {ie cotained ma mask fo ad the indenng of las 1322 To begin, outline the required est area ‘08 the specimen sae using ether an indebe. aster ot 8 ‘tide ppd site. Place the peimen onthe mltosope Snd wart the examination witha fed none of the corer of he marked tet nea. Mearare and reson al acai In thi fil’ hat are"one- unt lowp loa Inlsions “parte by" tance poster thin one vi sell be ised ap two ‘ncusions and not be comsred 8 one stinger. The length oon incision al be round down to the en whole uit and ony whole uns ml be recoded For example an inlson measures 25 oni sal be 352 °2"If a achsion bes partally osteo the Fel tha pr oft eng sf what wl become eld ‘Nomber 2 move the eld sly io order Wat entire engh uy te measred. T3253 Move the micoscope stage 0 view an adacent eld Repeat te measurement procedure Take care hat ny ‘ncusion measured fa the pewout ld i bt remearied Contin ths process ut the reed poled ce aes ofthe specimen has been sane Atypical ea cons ‘ion s shown nF 135 Euprestionf Ren: 3.1 The. determination for cach specinen shal be ded ite we pa fellow TAI The eng of the longest inctuion shall be J ] I recorded Ast t shall be supplemented to doerte the lnc wh by asupencrp forum ot H for eey A thin induson is ned a bag 10m (0.0004 fo ae Ini over more than 50% of iene length Likert 8 ey inclusion must have a thicknes of 50m (OT? a) (for over the major offs length: Incline greater than 1m batts hn 30 ym wie stall act be epee seated Wy aT oF Hl auprsctip. Supers d (dicon cided (very connected), ang (ouped) ay ao Eetiodeerte ie dep of cnn canes Faria preset, maybe ted to characterize the back {Bound uppearance ofthe specie. I used, thee sal be fabled Ar'B ley in order of incesng iacasoe ‘opulaton, The specie 'photomicroeaphe ued sal be "HM Seed upge between the interested pares 15.3! The lowing am expention of eu singe specimen by this method GA, Tie liter that the longest ncusion observed was six aio, hat tre oer Intom were observed whom average eng wae wo uni and tht the beclground inloos were soar in igpeamce 10 the A fiure fom 2 bacground phot ‘mropepie sees. 134 The resus fo all pecimens fom Jt shll be tubule. If que, the predomiaant type of fcsons (Gules or ode sh be sconce. 1M. Meta € (Oxides & States! 14.1 hedusion—This method requites 2 suey of & 160 tan? plished surface area ofthe specimen at 100% och fd” on the spocmen stall be Scamaed forthe raoce of now delormabeslvmina oxide nd deformable Sate aringes and rated by comparison to Pate The loogestsringer of each incon type (CO™ for suming tides ind "9" fr sates) tall be Teprted, per the (igstins of Pate fr every pecans examined Note tha ules are at rated by Ut seo. 12 Procedure 142.1 This method wines a eect ask that ll Prescot field area of O83 evn? (0.001289 a) on the fesimes surfce. The rectangule ‘mk shall have ier ‘un 100.79 1.05 min (OO3I2S > 0.04125 in) onthe ‘Wesmes src (oe Fi 9) 14.22 Either oftwo tcheiqes maybe used to ask off ‘eld oft required sae One method iso pj the 100" ‘image fom the micracope to ewing freon eed tes rectangular mask having side 18.0°% 1080 te ‘Anaher option go ave & rae made forthe meeps ‘which ul superimpose the roqired rectangular na Fetly ono the ldo view TANOERDICTS a Sa. Docu Ne. EXTERNO ] ] i J He We Meas Designation » 4 L Designation = 4¢ mine [eta ——4 Designation «4° Sem Designation = 4° 1, # Deno of eng Welt cnn (te Lng) 1423 To bexn, ouline the roquie tet aren on the aden surface wg either a indelible marker of re lippd srt. Place he specimen onthe micourope ‘Sate examination thn eld in one ofthe cores of {he marked en aen The lonper se f the rectangle mask ee para tothe alag direction. Compare thie “Tak the images on Pate Ir and recor the pombe ofthe Fume hat mon semble the oxide or ae singe present important fo ote tat i an Sno’ {rs berween two the numbered frames on Plate Tit {hat be ronda dow to the lower whole number. Alo, Sngced Inchon all be asi sto distinct nlae ‘Sone wen they ar seared bya st 40 yom (0016 8) (he specimen eorfce or fet by more ten 15 113.4 Move the micowope sage to reveal an adiceat ‘eld and repent the comparison procedure with Fiat 1 Comin th proms unt he required poled src ares ‘fibe specimen hasbeen canned A typical sen contig: ix how in Fig 6s peri, and wl be necesiary at fines to asthe miersope stag ch at the re {Esnger nay be viewed within he mask Theatre objotive ’o'find the longest ce nd state anges i the Specimen. Thee, pace, te ater actly sa eg Be seco an nope aly when» ten Pintomicrogrh &. Th? Mediation, ch as sui numerals, may be wed fo indie the mabe f long ictaons noted o he ‘rt length of partir dacason when itis over the ‘Susimum length indented by he | 4S. Method D (Low lacuson Content) 15.1 Introduction This tet method i intended for ap ction 10 sels wth low ochuson contents a he seventy {Eesha be reported in Yo foerements I reuies survey ‘ofa 160 mun? poled surface are of he gecimen a 100%, rey aqure 030 a? (01000779) om he poi Satse i eramiae for tnclsion Types A, B,C, and D and (02791 fn} tng se See Fig Thus wl real {tea of 030 mt onthe specimen. Ether of fo tchniayes fan be employed to achieve the quae field, Ooe method i {oproject the 100% microscope tas ont viewing sere ‘ia be nagare mask (wih 71:0 made) awn on ‘rotier option ito tave sete made for he micrscope, ‘ic wil superimpose the june mas ie GRNOERSILT wo wow a & eas TABLE «ample neon tng ted 0) etn RR oN? 3 ad : = os wom ee Fata am anes ich il superimpose the reqied sare mask dirty ont the ldo iw 1622 To tein, oullne the require tet area on the ‘peimen surface ising ether an indelible: martes ot a ‘atbidetioped serie: Place the specimen onthe mists andstan the examination wth eld in onc oft commeney {he marked est cen. Compares Bet wth the mga Pate Ls, Rate only the B and D pe lacions way ee fillowiagetena, 62.3 tating of By incon obsined by com ing cach field ofthe specimen wih the feds Pe (abe tony aso be ed) Record all The seus ered a seve evel of 13 or higher aod al tay elds oberved a each severity evel of 1.0 o higher See Table2for width and dimer paraters Clay 4 fe shiz of inclusions intermediate betwern coterie in Plt Er of Tale asthe lower incon rng he {aclson whore width varies rom This fo Heavy aloog its eegth sll be paced inthe category that best epresen fis 162.4 Chasity token B-ypes a two ditt inctsions ee they are separated by a lest $0 yr (00016 se) oh ile ty more than 15m the specimen face I ot (Bor: Byes appear in one microope filth Sunil ‘ena etrmines the nctaion rating su, 162.5 When an Ate sulge bs foroed 8 concen {acluson wit citer a Bor Die nid the incision fel be mated as Bo D-spe provided is onde volume the 50 % by are) hes type 1626 A ming of Dive indesons i obtained by ‘ending a Deny eld with x rating of 03 or bag See Tale 2 or with and diameter prams Pate 65 ‘every ar counted a one ual fds of seer te ‘ls fs OF 1.5 severity an tree omits and So te ae 4 by ts Ls =e ee See Yl dh eas ‘simu ncsion mambo for D-type are priate on Plate and ed in Table 123.7 oe te ionoe sas to eel a adn fel and vopen the comparton procedure wil Pate ‘Ts method reques adjctment of the mescope sage ln er to maximize the inclusion Seventy Level Number ‘Thai the eld of vw juste sing the wicoeope Sige conte ich that inclusions are moved ide the ‘re maa i orer to determine the maximum severity of ‘etic and Doyen Continues proce, eg cartel atic enynclotion more tam one, ul the required pal sin he ir ba br rl A ‘Spal scan coniguraton i shows Te28 I any Incasone we present Ot are loge than th ie hown fn ate ete salle cr ‘Spans, I thee wide Grete re greater tha Aiming tales sown fn Plt and Table, ey hl be ‘econded party, Note that an overs Bor fcaion ‘Si contr 10 the determination of 2 e's Severity {eye Number, Therefore iB fclsion i oversued che fe lengiho thikoes tht portion that i itn the Meld Toundues shal be Inloded the appropiate Thin oF cay sevety level measurement Likewise, Inca encountered ofl tao cade fhe ‘count hat determines the D bevy rang. 16:3 Expres of Ress: {63,1 Remit are eres in terms of two rating 0m ‘tem reetng Baye and D teary pe fchon content {63.2 The somber of B-ype fies recorded at ach seve level ines the sever ee sre ee Table 3) ‘nd normalized by ving bythe otal ted rei ae Toohey ofall spl The nearest whale sume seconded the aig. 1633 The sumer of D ual is summed (ae Table 5) ‘nd normale by diving bythe oe ated are, square inches fal sample. The nearest whole numbers recorded me intae 1634 All oversized B- and D-type inclusions ae e- pot long with thet ata! lege r wid or Bt 17, Tet Reet 1 Pea femaon parting ein te ro teen mcien houll opr! ey the Sueuienes vee abe “aon of Rent! TT seg he wig norma: 172.1 Date of test, =n 1133 Rae’, 1733 man bot, 172 Het mr and 115 spin ston cotc nay oer one sat a tse ae pe aay siti copa 18. Keyrords

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