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Alex Steinman

PLC Video
PLC Video
I video recorded my large group lesson where we were working on the letter Yy. I talked
with the class about what y words we had been working on throughout the week and then I read
some books to the class. The books that I read to the class included words in the title that had the
letter y in them. One way that I improved with my PLC characteristic of learner differences is
that I wrote the letter y on the white board so the students could see how to write a y and I also
pointed out the letter y in the title of the stories. I had students give ideas about words that started
with y that we had been working on as a part of review. Some students made the w sound when I
had them tell me what the letter y sounds like. In order to help them distinguish the difference
between the w and the y sound I had said the word water to make the sound of the w and then I
said a few words that started with y so those students who were confusing the two sounds could
start to distinguish the two sounds as being different.
My partner also recorded a large group lesson where the students were doing the
calendar, attendance, and weather. She also recorded a small lesson where the students were
working on the letter k. During the large group she worked on learner differences by having
students write the numbers on the board and also her writing them on the board. Some students
need to practice their numbers in order to learn how to write them. When the students were
working on the letter k she walked around and helped those students who were having more
difficulty writing the letter k.
One improvement that I can make is working with the students individually during center
time. During this time I could have the students work on their numbers, colors, and letters. Some
students need more practice with these things than other students and during center time would
be a great time to pull these students aside for a few minutes to work on those items. One
improvement that my partner can make is asking more questions to the students during large
group time when they are working on their numbers. These questions could be what comes next
after this number or how could we figure out what number is next. This would be a way to make
it more challenging if the students can already identify numbers really well.

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