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Rainbow Road High School

Choral Department Handbook


Welcome to one of Californias premier music

programs the Rainbow Road High School Choir
Program! Within this handbook you will find
everything you need to know about this years
choir events. It is a requirement that every student
and his or her parents or guardians thoroughly read
this handbook in its entirety and return the signed
acknowledgement form. I am looking forward to

working with each one of you and making beautiful

The goal for every member involved in the
RRHS choral program is to create amazing
music and form a sense of community that
strives for excellence in every way. All students
will be pushed to develop the following skills:
To develop correct vocal habits and techniques and

to sing with a beautiful sound

To develop musicianship skills in reading notation,
sight-singing and ear training.
To identify musical elements and perform
expressive qualities in varying styles of choral
To develop confidence in performing by practicing
performance etiquette and decorum at all times.
To have opportunities for enjoyment of music
through active participation.
To develop self-discipline by functioning as a
responsible member of the ensemble.
To develop a desire to continue musical
To be able to express their ideas and evaluations
about musical performances in writing.

2.Classroom Rules and Procedures

Make the best music possibly at all times!
Respect-yourself, your peers, your teacher and all
equipment. This includes all chairs, music stands,
folders and personal belongings.

No food or drinks (including gum) will be allowed in

the classroom. You may have water as long as it is in
a container with a spill-proof lid.
Each student is to arrive to class on time and be in
their seats with their folder and pencil before the bell
Talking during rehearsal is not acceptable when the
director is in front of the ensemble.
Students are responsible for their own folders and
music. Each choir member will be issued a choir
folder, and will fill out a form indicating the condition
of the folder upon receiving it. Students will pay for
new folders if they are damaged beyond normal daily
wear, or if they are misplaced during the school year.

Freshman Choir
All freshman in the choir department will be in this
ensemble. There is no audition required. This
class will meet on A days from 12-1:20.
Girls Chorus
This choir is for all women in grades 10-12 who
are not interested in auditioning for the concert or
elite choir. There is no audition required. This
class will meet on B days from 12- 1:20.
Concert Choir
This choir is for men and women in grades 10-12.
An audition is required including sight singing and
tonal memory. This class sings intermediate music
and meets on A days from 8-9:20
Elite Choir
This choir is for men and women in grades 10-12.
An audition is required including sight singing,

tonal memory, and a prepared section of music

provided. This class sings advanced music and
meets on B days from 8-9:20.

Attendance (10%)
1 point a day. The students will get that point
by being on time to class and may also if it is
an excused absence. They will receive .5 for
being tardy
Participation (50%)
5 points a day. The points are exempt if
student is missing for a school related
function. Points can be taken off for not being
prepared, not participating, or being a
disturbance to the class.
Writing Assignments (20%)
1 yearly goal, 4 concert goals, 4 concert
These assignments are done in class. If
the student misses this, they have a
chance to make up half-credit by turning it
in within the week outside of class. If they
are going to be exempt from the class
because of school related activities, they
must either complete it before it is due or
make arrangements with the teacher
Daily Reflection
2 points daily. The same rules regarding
attendance apply for students who are
exempt from the class, meaning the
points will not hurt them if their absence

is excused. For students who miss the

day, they can make up lost points by
taking a lesson.
Concert Points (20%)
Each concert is worth 50 points. If a student
must miss a performance, they can make up
half-credit by watching the performance and
writing a paper about the concert.
A: 100-90
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
D: 69-60
F: 59-0

5.Required Performances
Fall Concert
Monday, October 24, 2016 7pm
Winter Concert
Monday, December 12, 2016 7 pm
Spring Concert
Monday, March 20, 2017 7 pm
Pops Concert (both nights required)
Thursday, May 11, 2017 7 pm
Friday, May 12, 2017 7 pm

6.Concert Wear
All students will be wearing choir robes and stoles
which are provided. Students need to be dressed
appropriately underneath robes.
Men- flat t-shirt, black pants, black socks, black
Women- flat t-shirt, shorts or skirt, nylons, close-toed
black shoes


Choir T-shirt for travel and pops

Participation and accompanist fee
Students may cover expenses with fundraisers.

Bus and Travel Rules
Students should sit in seats at all times. There
will be NO sitting in the aisles or on the arms of
the seats.
IPods with headphones are permitted. The school
is not responsible for the theft, loss, or damage of
these items while on a trip. Bring them at your
own risk.
Buses will be picked up after every trip.
Always be courteous to drivers, chaperons, and
other passengers.
Inside voices will be used at all times. Singing,
talking loudly, or yelling will not be tolerated.
Students must be quiet while attendance is being
taken. Any time we reload we will take roll.
Students may not leave from an event with
anyone other than their parent or legal guardian.
Any other arrangements must be made in person
with the school principal and choir director prior to
the event.
Students who exhibit disruptive behavior or cause
disciplinary actions to be used may not be allowed
to participate in future trips/performances during
the year at the discretion on the directors and


All fundraising money can be put towards the vocal

department expenses.
This years fundraisers are:
Talent Show- All who participate get a portion of
the money
Cookie Dough and frozen foods- starting in
Magazines- starting in January

10. Contact Information

Miss Cruses contact information
Phone: (555)555-5555
RRHS Music Department
Please return to Miss Cruse by the 2nd week of

Student and Parent Acknowledgment

I have read the RRHS Choir Handbook, and understand
that I will be held responsible to the policies outlined
therein, including the fact that there are performances
outside the regular school day for which attendance is
required to fulfill class grade requirements.

Students Name (print)

Students Signature

Parents Signature

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