The Did Designer 4

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The DID Designer

Jamey Marksberry


This is a health science course for students who desire to enter the dental field, upon high
school graduation, as a dental assistant or wish to explore various careers in dentistry as a
possible post-secondary major.
The class consists of juniors and seniors in high school. The class has 10 CLD students and 3 TAG
The learning diversity varies with seven visual learners, seven auditory learners and seven
kinesthetic learners. The visual learners prefer video adjunctive material, while the auditory
learners also benefit from the video as well as lecture. The kinesthetic learners need the handson "lab activity".
The multiple intelligences of these students include musical, interpersonal, spatial and logical.
Most excel with their interpersonal skills which may be useful during lab activity practice time,
as well as peer evaluations.


Standard: DCI-4.2 Analyze the use of disclosing tablets or solution, flossing, brushing techniques and
auxiliary dental aids.

1. Students will describe the relationship of plaque causing caries and periodontal
2. Students will evaluate the use of disclosing tablets or solution.
3. Students will demonstrate the correct flossing and brushing techniques.
3. Students will compare and contrast various auxiliary dental aids.



Specific dental terms or phrases will be written on the board in English. Students will be given
the opportunity to write the terms or phrases on the board in their home language. These will
remain on the board throughout the course of the lesson, to be reviewed daily together at the
beginning of each class session. This allows students to share their culture with others as well as
allow the class an opportunity to learn another language. (Most TAG students would enjoy this.)
Students will be assigned to type the key terms and definitions for the appropriate chapter.
Understanding of the terms is needed for reading comprehension. The students will then need
to read the chapter prior to class to prepare for the material presentation. Read & Write Gold
Vocabulary application can assist ESL students understand the terms and definitions.
Goals will be written on the board and discussed prior to the presentation of the material. The
students write these goals on a Lesson Closure sheet for future reference.

Students will be provided an Inspiration Concept Map to guide students during the lesson.
Blank text boxes are available to note taking during the presentation of material. This Concept
map may benefit CDL students to allow them to create notes in their home language.
A short video clip will be shown to motivate the students to introduce the association of plaque
causing caries.
Presentation of the lecture material will be given in the form of Nearpod. During the
presentation, informal assessments may be made to determine if material may continue or if
time is needed to remediate information to ensure a grasp of the material. A paper Lesson
Closure sheet will then be completed and turned into me to assess if todays goals have been
met. Student questions will also be written on the Lesson Closure to allow me to address the
individual needs of the students.
EDpuzzle will then be incorporated which will allow videos of the performance skill required.
Built into the EDpuzzle, will be some added verbal information from myself to ensure pertinent
information is reviewed along with a few assessment questions to allow the students to
evaluate their own knowledge. These videos will demonstrate proper flossing and brushing
techniques. Spanish translation is available in this tool.
A hands-on lab will also be included to allow practice time, self-evaluation, peer-evaluation and
then instructor evaluation. Written flossing and brushing instructions will be provided for the
student to review and follow during lab. These instructions will also be provided to CLD
students in their native language. During lab, students will all participate in using disclosing
tablets or solution to visually see the plaque present in their own mouth. Students will also
practice and demonstrate the correct flossing and brushing technique. The mouth is divided
into quadrants. The first quadrant will be a practice, the second quadrant will be performed as a
selfvaluation of the skill, the third quadrant will be a peer-evaluation which permits the
student to make modifications, as well as allow the TAG students to assist other students. The
last quadrant will be used for instructor evaluation of the skill.
Online resource tools from the text book publisher will allow students to prepare for a written
assessment. These tools include videos (with Spanish subtitles), flashcards, practice questions
and more.
Kidspiration will be utilitzed as a review/study guide. An Oral Hygiene KWL Template will be
available in a picture format and a text format to address differently learning style options. This
activity will allow self-assessment and collaborative learning.


A/V equipment will be needed to be used on the projector to present material.
Internet access will be needed to utilize the cloud-based Nearpod, YouTube videos, EDpuzzle
and the online text student resources.
Laptops or notebooks will be used by the instructor to present the material on the projector.
The students will also use their one-on-one device to follow along with the presentation and
participate in the Nearpod activities. Read & Write Gold application on the laptops would be
available for students with special needs, vocabulary searches, translations and more.
The YouTube video shown on the projection screen will be used as a motivational tool to inspire
the students to learn the standard.
Nearpod cloud-based presentation tool will be used for presentation & assessment of
understanding. The activities will range from the basic level of understanding required but also
have more advanced activities to keep the TAG students engaged.

EDpuzzle will be used for the visual learners and also allow assessment. EDpuzzle has Spanish
translation available.
Online Text Book Resources are used as a review for written and hands-on assessments.
Spanish subtitles are also available.


Informal assessments would be made throughout the presentation and practice of material.
This would be done during the Nearpod presentation, the EDpuzzle video activity, the handson activity, as well as the online resource activities.
The Inspiration Concept Map will be reviewed to ensure notes taken throughout the lesson
contain correct information. This may also be used as an adjunctive study guide.
Prior to scoring, the above assessments allow the instructor and the student to assess the
need to remediate. In the event remediation is needed, a Review day may be incorporated
into the lesson plans. During Review days, students will be grouped according to their
comprehension level and learning style. Various learning levels and learning styles will be
incorporated into these small groups to allow for collaborative learning. The Oral Hygiene
KWL Kidspiration template will be used as the groups guide through self-assessment and
collaborative learning. During this time, TAG students will utilize their individual advanced
knowledge to assist other students. CLD students can use their native language to assist
others from the same culture or share more about their native culture with other students.
Students will take a written assessment. This will be an online design similar to the testing
style used for dental certification. (Upon completion of the high school program, certification
is available to high school students. The students will use the cloud-based learning platform
from their school to take the online written assessment. This will allow students to become
more comfortable with the testing format.)
Hands- on skills would also be assessed as a self-assessment, then a peer-assessment,
followed by an instructor assessment.
A score of 80% or above would be required to pass this standard. In the event this score was
not met, students would be permitted to retest to achieve a higher score.

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