Task 4

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Table 5: Learning styles

Make notes about activities you observe in the classroom which use the learning
styles below:





-Listening to songs

-Listen to the

Listen to the


-Counting students

animal sound.

teacher while


whore absent or

- Environment

she reads a


story .

-Using math materials


The teacher

to solve the activities


use the word

-solve worksheets

animal videos

card to make a


story for her



attend the class


-Clean up

flowers and


Children choose where


Do a play, let

-Sport class

they want to play and


the teacher or

-Play in

after choosing they

like recycling,

students act


count how many

planting plants.

any story


students in each place,

to know where to play.

Answer the following questions:

Which learning styles did all the children seem to enjoy and why?
Children always enjoy in kinesthetic learning style, because in this age students like
to move around and play, they hate setting on the mat and just listening to the the
teacher. When I was teaching in the TP students where so active and they kept
moving around and making a noise while Im teaching them the activity, when I asked
the teacher she said that they like to move a lot thats why they did this.

Why do you think the teacher incorporates a variety of learning styles

for the children?
Every teacher should have more than one way of teaching, because if she
stay in one way like just standing in front and saying the word, students will
feel bored and they will lose their attention. So the teacher used these
learning styles because it makes the lesson more enjoyable and funny, so the
students will pay attention to the teacher

Notice which activities are repeated with a variety of learning styles e.g.
read a story, listen to a story, act the story, draw the story. Can you find
other examples e.g. math or science?
Math ( Counting): Counting which students in the Monkey bar, counting the
absents students, listen to a song about numbers, create a numbers with
drawing a picture with it.

How can teachers improve student learning by using a range of learning

Using learning styles can improve students knowlge and it also will make the
students love the subject, also they will feel more interested when they start
doing an experiment or activities, also when they will watch a funny video or
listen to songs.

Table 7: Scientific resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer
A List of resources that target specific scientific skills and concepts in the school:
Resources for Science
teaching classroom:

Scientific Skill(s) / Concept(s) that can be

developed with it.

Exploring on possible activities to develop

mathematical skills and concepts using these

Educational game with

This game is made from Magnets which is made of
iron or steel and can attract other pieces of iron or
steel. In this game students will attract the pieces with
using the magnet and put it in the right way.

In this game students will attract the pieces with using the
magnet and put it in the right way.

Magnifying glasses
Magnifying glasses make things look bigger.

Searching for some rocks or small things

When we look through a magnifying glass our eye

looks bigger.

Can make butterfly bigger so they ca watch her

legs or wings

-knowing what is flower part.

Creating flowers by themselves

Flower garden materials

Scientific concepts taught:

- Space
- Weather
- Plants

Using inquiry approach to teach scientific concepts:

The teacher use the 5Es when she teach her students any lesson, she always start
with engaging her students by putting a song or take them outside to see the
weather, then she use exploring by let them measuring things or do an experiment,
after that she let them explain what they did then she give them a worksheet to see if
they understood or not.

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