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How did the Intern allow students choice in their activities and how were these choices related to
different learning styles?
During the part of the lesson where students were reading & taking notes, they were on their own
to decide what to write (read through the pages and find the vocabulary words & define them in
your own words, write down important points to remember).
Student generated questions and conjectures taken seriously buy CG during the lesson. There is
an environment where it is clear that students feel respected and safe to express their thinking &
questions. As a result, the conversation is not bounded only by the goals of the teacher but also
includes leeway to address interests and questions from students.

How did the Intern introduce the lesson, effectively manage time for students to progress through
the activities, and summarize the lesson with the students?
Began a new unit with a pretest to see what prior knowledge students had about the topics that
will be taught this week. Encouraging with student who was stressed about not knowing all of the
answers to the pre-test questions.
Circulates constantly during independent work to answer student questions, & check progress.
Uses a timer displayed on the ppt screen during bell ringer question & think-pair share so
students know how much time they have to complete the task.

How did the Intern assess individual accountability for the student work accomplished in the
Use of pre test primes student thinking about the concepts that will be in the lessons coming this
week- gives each student a chance to share their background knowledge so she knows where to
begin with the lessons.
Collects student ideas about how sound travels without giving specific feedback as to what is and
is not correct- brainstorming to identify student pre-conceptions about sound. Probes to make
thinking visible through questioning.
Uses music box demonstration to challenge student pre conceptions about how sound travels
(plays it suspended in air, asks students to think about how it sounds, how loud / easy to hear &
then places music box on a desk and plays it resting against a solid. Asks students to think about
why it was different in the air versus on the deskuses a POE chart to make thinking visible.

How does the Intern demonstrate an awareness of student diversity in their teaching (gender,
ethnicity, students who are learning the content in a second language, accommodations for
students with special needs)?
Announcements & due dates posted on the board during the duration of the period. PPT slide at
the beginning of the class displays weekly agendas, instructions for beginning class and bell ringer
question (clear start of class routine).
After bell ringer, gives students some time to do a think-pair share with a classmate to discuss
their answers. Allows students to get out of seats & stand & talk with a peer, also helps them

solidify their thinking by discussing with another student. CG circulates during this to listen in to
the conversations then uses this to begin the whole class discussion.
If you think raise your hand high, if not sure put your hand on your head.
After demonstrations and discussions, CG then has students take out textbook and read the
section on how sound travels to reinforce the ideas they have just discussed (and to have a written
documentation of the concepts, definitions, etc). Follows this with an assignment where students
work out what will happen in certain situations (wave diagrams, etc.) to apply their knowledge.

Such a high level of engagement in your students throughout the lesson. I was impressed by the
willingness of students to share their ideas, speak out and engage in the thinking process during
the lesson! Clearly you have cultivated a classroom environment where it is safe to take
intellectual risks, and students seem to truly be interested in what is happening in class!
With balloon hex bolt demo you may want to have them make predictions based on your model
then pass out balloons to students.
I love the way you just show them something without saying anything and allow students to come
to their own conclusions. One student in particular exclaimed, Wow! I was totally wrong!
Students work their way logically to the conclusion that sound travels from one place to another
through vibrations of particles transferring energy to adjacent particles. I might show a clip (or do
a demo) of dominoes falling to help illustrate this

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